(Very) Provisional Description of Plans for Larger Project and April 2008 Workshop
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Accountability and Constitutional Implementation on the African Continent
A South-South-North partnership for multidisciplinary collaboration in comparative research and teaching 2007-2010
Partner institutions
Partnership webpage http://www.publiclaw.uct.ac.za/research/partnership/
Our partnership is funded by
Centre of Criminology Seminar Room, Level 6 Department of Public Law, University of Cape Town
THURSDAY 10 April, 2008
9.00 – 9.30 Working session 1 – for Dar, Warwick, UCT partners
Welcome . Word of welcome . Introduction of participants . Partnership news . Short introduction to the workshop programme Presenters: Prof. Hugh Corder, Prof. Christina Murray and Lia Nijzink, University of Cape Town
9.30 – 10.30 Working session 2 – for Dar, Warwick, UCT partners
Collaborative research Accountable Governance and Constitutional Implementation in Developing Democracies in Africa: Framing the Analysis Presenter: Prof. Peter Burnell, University of Warwick
10.30 – 11.00 coffee break
11.00 – 12.00 Working session 3 – for Dar, Warwick, UCT partners
Curriculum development Report on Curriculum Day, followed by discussion on how to take this forward within the partnership Presenters: Prof. Christina Murray, University of Cape Town and Prof. Jwani Mwaikusa, University of Dar Es Salaam
12.00 – 13.00 lunch - prepared by Afriquezeen, served in Staff Common Room on Level 4
13.00 – 17.00 Public sessions 4 and 5 – open to all, in Oliver Tambo Moot Court on level 5
Mini-Conference See programme below for details of presentations
2 17.00 Reception for conference participants in Staff Common Room on Level 4
3 Mini-Conference Thursday 10 April, 2008
Oliver Tambo Moot Court Level 5, Kramer Law School Building University of Cape Town
13.00 – 14.30 Key Issues of Accountability in Tanzania
Key Issues of Accountability in Tanzania Presenter: Prof. Jwani Mwaikusa, University of Dar Es Salaam Discussants: Dr. Fidelis E. Kanyongolo, University of Malawi Prof. John McEldowney, University of Warwick
Asymmetrical Federal Arrangements in Sub-Saharan Africa Presenter: Prof. Christina Murray, University of Cape Town Discussants: Prof. Sifune Mchome, University of Dar Es Salaam Dr. John Akokpari, University of Cape Town
14.30 – 15.00 tea break
15.00 – 17.00 Parliaments as Institutions of Accountability
Accountability and the Public Accounts Committee: Lessons in Parliamentary Oversight Presenter: Prof. John McEldowney, University of Warwick Discussants: Prof. Christina Murray, University of Cape Town Mr. Thomas Semu, University of Dar Es Salaam
Democratic Civil-Coercive Relations: The Role of Parliaments in Overseeing the Armed Forces Presenter: Prof. Annette Seegers, University of Cape Town Discussants: *Prof. Charles Fombad, University of Botswana Prof. Peter Burnell, University of Warwick
Floor-Crossing and its Implications for Vertical Accountability: The Case of Malawi Presenter: Lia Nijzink, University of Cape Town Discussants: Dr. Augustine Magolowondo, NIMD A/Prof. Renske Doorenspleet, University of Warwick
17.00 Light refreshments for conference participants
4 FRIDAY 11 April
9.00 – 10.30 Working session 6 - for Dar, Warwick, UCT partners
Capacity building Key Methodological Tools and Pitfalls in Comparative Research Presenter/facilitator: A/Prof. Renske Doorenspleet, University of Warwick
10.30 – 11.00 coffee break
11.00 – 12.30 Working session 7 - for Dar, Warwick, UCT partners
Curriculum development The Use of African Material in Constitutional Law and Comparative Politics Presenters: Dr. Colin Darch, African Studies Library, University of Cape Town and Tererai Mafukidze, Southern African Legal Information Institute - SAFLII
12.30 – 13.30 lunch - prepared by Afriquezeen, served in Staff Common Room on Level 4
13.30 – 15.00 Working session 8 - for Dar, Warwick, UCT partners
The way forward Our Research Programme and Activities for 2008-2009, including discussion on how to extend our partnership and funding sources Facilitator: Prof. Christina Murray Invited participants: Kerry Anderson, Southern African Legal Information Institute – SAFLII, * Charles Fombad, University of Botswana, Fidelis Kanyongolo, University of Malawi, Augustine Magolowondo, representative of the Dutch Institute for Multi-party Democracy - NIMD, Paulos Tesfagiorgis, representative of International IDEA, Pumlani Xaba, representative of the British Council, South Africa, Representatives of UCT’s Politics Department
15.00 – 15.30 tea break
15.30 – 17.00 Working session 9 - for core partners only
The way forward Internal Session on Planning and Funding Matters Facilitators: Prof. Christina Murray and Lia Nijzink, University of Cape Town
19.00 Workshop dinner for participants
University of Dar Es Salaam Sifuni Mchome Jwani Mwaikusa Semu Thomas
University of Warwick Peter Burnell Renske Doorenspleet John McEldowney
University of Cape Town, Public Law Danwood Chirwa, Meryl Du Plessis, Christina Murray, Lia Nijzink, Aifheli Tshivhase
University of Cape Town, Political Studies John Akokpari Anthony Butler *Zwele Jolobe *Andrew Nash *Thiven Reddy *Robert Schrire Annette Seegers
University of Malawi Fidelis Kanyongolo
Netherlands Institute for Multi-Party Democracy - NIMD Augustine Magolowondo
British Council Pumlani Xaba
International IDEA Paulos Tesfagiorgis
Southern African Legal Information Institute - SAFLII Tererai Mafukidze Kerry Anderson
University of Botswana * Charles Fombad
* to be confirmed