NESD Inclusive Alternative
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NESD Inclusive Alternative Education Program Guidelines A teacher manual
4/1/2011 NESD This manual has been created to assist you in providing quality instruction for AEP students in the regular classroom.
Table of Contents Introduction ...... 3 Rationale………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………...….3 General description of Alternate Ed...... 4 Characteristics of students...... 4 Inclusive Practices...... 6 Materials …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 8 Curriculum and Assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …… 8 Referral Process………………………………………………………………………………………….….………………….. …………………..9 Math 18 Rubrics ………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………...10 ELA 18 Rubrics…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …..24 Form A- 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …….52 Form A- 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …….55
Acknowledgments: Sharon Hankins Helen Gress Katie White Cheryl Thacker Roberta Luchinski INTRODUCTION
The North East School Division believes in a philosophy that emphasizes the right of each student to receive an education appropriate to his or her needs and abilities. For many reasons, various students have not successfully acquired the background knowledge and learning skills that are necessary for success in a regular education program at the secondary level. Requiring such students to remain at the elementary level where the academic expectations are commensurate with their academic functioning is not a viable option. Placement in a regular or modified program does not meet their needs either. These students require a learning environment, an instructional approach, and a content component very different from those typically found in secondary classrooms.
While striving to incorporate the good teaching components of the Saskatchewan curriculum, and utilizing differentiated instruction and the adaptive dimension, this program would address the needs of the type of student described above by:
Requiring qualitative and quantitative changes in content, processes and context, or any combination of these, Increasing success within the school and the workplace, and Encouraging the students to stay in school.
The aim of this alternative education program is to allow students to become independent contributing members of the community and society. They will demonstrate independent learning skills, self-management skills, healthy interpersonal relationships, and the capacity to set effective goals for life-long learning.
The courses that are included in these programs were modeled and adapted on the courses that were used in the legacy school divisions of Hudson Bay School Division, Nipawin School Division and MelfortTigerLily School Division. Material and resources from the first NESD Alternative Education Program were also used in the renewal of these programs. Please refer to the enclosed Form A-2.
General Description of Alternative Education Program (AEP)
The alternative education program (AEP) course levels 18, 28, 38 have been developed for students who are between the ages of 14 and 18 who have experienced severe learning difficulties in past grades. They are at risk of failure in the regular education program and may be at risk for leaving school early. Students being considered for this alternative education program will be selected using careful analysis of: Educational history, including teacher reports, standardized testing results, and teacher observations Ability assessments completed within the past two years Family information, such as personal goals and aspirations of the student and parents. Preparing students for the world of work and independent living is the ultimate goal of the program. Graduation from an AEP does not qualify students for the majority of post secondary opportunities including technical courses.
An Alternative Education Program should be considered for a student who: Is at least 14 years, 8 months old Has below average cognitive functioning Is significantly behind peers academically Has not experienced success in a Regular Education Program May have significant problems with attendance/motivation/work habits May be at risk for dropping out of school May require life skills and vocational training.
Students registered in this AEP are required to take 8-10 classes per year. They earn credits at the 18-28-38 level. The students are expected to complete assignments, take exams, and participate in class in order to earn marks. A minimum of 50% is required to pass a class at the 18-28-38 level. Please remember, that passing an Alternative Education Program course is not the same as getting a credit in a Regular Education Program. A student who successfully completes the grade 10, grade 11, and grade 12 Alternative Education Program will receive a certificate. However, this certificate will not allow entry into most post-secondary institutions.
Characteristics of Students Who Are Enrolled in Alternative Education Programs
Is at least 14 years, 8 months old o Parental involvement has been ongoing in placement and signed consent is in place.
Has below average cognitive functioning o Considerable assessment has been done o Ability to understand abstract concepts may be impaired o Memory skills may be very weak o Problem solving ability are commonly weak o The ability to make good decisions is often very weak o These students typically require intensive assistance with new concepts
Is significantly behind peers academically o Reading, Written Language and Math skills are typically in the Grade 4-6 level o Social skills may appear immature o Physical development is often at age level- interests and emotions are often typical to age peers o There may be significant gaps in acquired academic knowledge May have significant problems with attendance/motivation/work habits o Sometimes families are unable to give the support necessary for attendance and homework o Because these students find many things difficult it takes a lot of energy to do work others might find easy. o These students may easily become overwhelmed o Consider that attendance issues may be communicating frustration in class o These students may be at risk for dropping out of school
These students typically require life skills and vocational training. o A Personal Program Plan is in place for all AEP Students o The Diversity Education Teacher leads the team in establishing, implementing and evaluating personal goals for the student. o Students may require additional help with personal care and safety concerns. o Time, measurement and money skills that most students will have learned may be missing.
Typical Strengths o Can often follow established routines well o Often rely on visual supports o Can often work well when given patterns or steps to follow o Want to be liked and accepted by their peers and their teachers INCLUSIVE PRACTICES
Supports: 1.Collaborative Team Approach
i. Regular team meetings are held to ensure ongoing communication between members of the student’s team. The core team must include the parent, the student (where possible), Diversity Education Teacher (DET), Classroom teacher(s), Educational Associate (EA), and Learning Consultant (LC). Other possible team members should be selected according to student need :
At the school level: Differentiated Instruction Facilitators(DIFs), Outreach Workers At the division level: Counselling Consultants, Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), Occupational Therapist (OT), English as an Additional Language Consultant (EAL)
Outside Agencies: Ministry of Social Services/Community Living Division, Mental Health and Addictions, Health, Justice and others.
ii. The NESD values the use of co teaching to support classroom teachers with meeting the needs of diverse learners. For more information on co teaching, please see the Ministry of Education Literature Review on co teaching : DocID=190,211,107,81,1,Documents&MediaID=3782&Filename=Co+Teaching+Literature+Review- +Anderson+2008.pdf iii. Diversity Education Teachers work with classroom teachers to plan, implement and evaluate PPP goals. The PPP provides much information about the student and will be shared with teachers. DETs help teachers problem solve through consultation and through classroom observation and co teaching.
iv. Differentiated Instruction Facilitators are available in many schools to suggest and model teaching strategies that support inclusion.
v. Learning Consultants are available to provide support on an ongoing basis, and may play a larger role where there is no DET in a school. vi. Referrals to RtI Problem Solving Teams are made to trouble shoot individual student problems that may create barriers to school success.
Peer supports- teachers are encouraged to make use of flexible grouping for optimal inclusion of AEP students. Homogeneous groupings are preferred as this allows for modeling and for peer tutoring. It is important to make sure that group work is structured for student accountability and that all students have a meaningful role in the group work. Alternative Education Students benefit from listening to and observing their peers, and from being provided with models to follow.
Visual Supports - Visual organizers and summary pages offer scaffolding to help all students achieve success. Charts, diagrams, photos, illustrations, video and multimedia supports are some examples. Texts should be kept brief and simple as well as at the student’s independent reading level for support materials.
Auditory Supports- Amplification of the teacher’s voice where possible, improves success for all students. The use of auditory prompts and cues (such as intentional questioning) are helpful to students who require additional support. Concrete examples are also useful to help students understand concepts.
Technical Supports- The use of multimedia supports learning for all students. Computer assisted learning may be used to provide extra practice as long as it is not exclusive. Consider using voice to text and text to voice applications (such as GoQ and Dragon Speak) to support students who have difficulty accessing and producing written language.
Educational Assistant Support- AEP students sometimes have access to Educational Assistant support. Best practice involves the EA supporting the student’s inclusion in class and facilitating independence. This means that the student and the EA are not working together in isolation of other activities in the classroom. EAs may be used to help with other students allowing the classroom teacher more time for students with diverse needs.
Resources for these students should be chosen to match the context of the curriculum and to maximize inclusion, but should be as close as possible to the student’s independent level.
Resources may be drawn from lower grades, from the NESD Learning Resource Centre, from the WWW, or from local publications.
Where possible, use resources that the student will need to be able to use after school completion is recommended (e.g. magazines, newspapers, movies, posters, schedules, forms, etc.)
The DET may be involved in co planning units of study and in finding appropriate resources.
Outcomes and Indicators: Renewed curricular outcomes are often suitable for all students. Learning and understanding are not absolute, but are on a continuum. The student’s ability to achieve along that continuum is commensurate to his/her ability.
Students in an Alternative Education Program typically have difficulty with higher level thinking skills. Generally speaking higher level thinking tasks such as evaluate, analyze, interpret and apply may be minimized or removed for AEP students. In some cases alternative outcomes may be added to 18, 28, and 38 curricula. Choices may be removed or limited to allow the teacher to select strategies that will work for the student’s individual needs. Choice can sometimes be difficult for students in an Alternate Education Program. Indicators may be altered as needed by the classroom teacher to accommodate the learning needs of diverse students. There should be an understanding that the student’s level of achievement and understanding should be the determining factors in indicators.
Students on Alternate Education Programs are enrolled in 18, 28, and 38 level courses. These appear on the reporting form and on all transcripts to clearly identify that this is not a regular program. While students in this program may be very weak compared to their regular peers, it is important that assessment and reporting reflect the individual’s learning in a way that builds confidence and self esteem. Rubrics for 18, 28 and 38 courses have been developed for you. While they may appear similar in wording to the regular course rubrics, please note that the criteria has been adjusted to better reflect the skills and abilities of a typical AEP student.
Referral Process:
The referral process for admittance into an Alternative Education Program will include the following:
The Diversity Education Teacher will recommend a student for an Alternative Education Program, after discussing it with the student, parents/guardians, classroom teachers, principal and other personnel involved with the student. Cognitive and achievement assessments will be completed prior to making the final placement decision. The student and parents/guardians will be informed about the program goals and program content of the Alternative Education Program. It is very important that school personnel make it clear to the student and parents/guardians that Alternative Education Programs are not the equivalent of Regular Education Programs and do not meet admission requirements for post-secondary education programs. If the decision is made to place the student in an Alternative Education Program, the parents/guardians and the student must sign a form indicating their agreement to this placement. A Personal Program Plan should be developed for every student on an Alternative Education Program. Ideally, the Alternative Education Program will take place within the regular classroom environment whenever possible. A segregated classroom may be an option in some instances, however, it is the expectation of NESD that every effort has been made to provide the Alternative Education Program in the regular classroom. Segregated classroom environment discussions must include the school administrator, the Learning Consultant, the School Superintendent and the Coordinator of Student Support Services.
Name ______
Math 18.5 Demonstrate, using concrete and pictorial models and symbolic representations, understanding of area of 2-D shapes.
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting independently assistance expectations, even with assistance Independently With supports calculates With assistance calculates Even with much Understands calculates area of a area of some 2-D shapes area of some 2-D shapes assistance struggles to area of 2-D variety of 2-D shapes using SI and Imperial using SI and Imperial calculate area of 2-D shapes using SI and Imperial measurement systems. measurement systems. shapes using SI and measurement systems, More time needs to be Imperial measurement in various contexts. spent exploring strategies systems. Is able to use relevant for solving problems, Much more time needs to strategies to solve clarifying the concept of be spent exploring how problems area and working on dimensions inform area. computation. Use manipulatives to help you understand area. Name ______
Math 18.1 Demonstrate an awareness of the preservation of equality including solving problems that involve the manipulation and application of formulas related to: perimeter, area and income.
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Mostly meeting Not yet meeting independently expectations with expectations, even with assistance assistance Independently able to With supports able to With help, sometimes able Even with much assistance Manipulation and identify and solve questions identify and solve questions to identify and solve struggles to identify and application of involving the perimeter involving the perimeter questions involving the solve questions involving perimeter formula formula. formula. More attention perimeter formula with the perimeter formula with needs to be given to assistance. Much more assistance. Much more learning the formula and its attention needs to be given attention needs to be given origins. to computation and to computation and problem-solving skill problem-solving skill development. development. Independently able to With supports able to With assistance, sometimes Even with much assistance Manipulation and identify and solve questions identify and solve questions able to identify and solve struggles to identify and application of area involving the area formula. involving the area formula. questions involving the solve questions involving formula area formula. More the area formula, even with attention needs to be given assistance. Much more to learning the formula and attention needs to be given its origins. to computation and problem-solving skill development. Independently able to With supports able to With assistance, sometimes Even with much assistance Manipulation and identify and solve questions identify and solve questions able to identify and solve struggles to identify and application of involving income formulas. involving income formulas. questions involving income solve questions involving income formula formulas. More attention income formulas, even with needs to be given to assistance. Much more learning the formulas and attention needs to be given their origins. to computation and problem-solving skill development.
Name ______
Math 18.2 Analyze puzzles and games that involve spatial reasoning using problem solving strategies.
Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Mostly meeting Not yet meeting independently assistance expectations with expectations, even with assistance assistance Independently able to With supports able to With assistance can Even with much Analyze puzzles determine and explain determine and explain sometimes determine assistance struggles to and games strategies for solving strategies for solving and explain strategies determine and explain using problem games and/or puzzles. games and/or puzzles. for solving games and/or strategies for solving solving puzzles. More time puzzles and/or games. strategies needs to be spent on See me for some cue possible strategies. cards that can help you work through various strategies. Name ______
Math18.3 Demonstrate an understanding of efficient use of a calculator as a valuable tool for computation.
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Using a Confidently and Independently uses a With assistance uses a Even with much assistance calculator efficiently uses a calculator for one and calculator for one and two struggles to use a calculator calculator to compute two step calculations step calculations when for one and two step multiple calculations when problem solving. problem solving. calculations when problem for problem solving. solving. Name ______
Math18.3.1- Demonstrate using concrete and pictorial models, and symbolic representations, understanding of measurement systems including the SI, British Imperial and US customary systems.
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Independently Independently With assistance measures With much assistance Demonstrate using measures items in a measures items in a items in a given system struggles to measure items concrete and given system and given system and and compares to in a given system and pictorial models, and symbolic compares to compares to measurement in another compare to measurement in representations, measurement in measurement in system. (E.g. compare 1L another system, (E.g. understanding of another system, (E.g. another system, (E.g. to 1qt or 5 inch to 5 cms) compare 1L to 1qt or 5 inch measurement compare 1L to 1qt or compare 1L to 1qt or 5 and makes an accurate to 5 cms) and make an systems including 5 inch to 5 cms) and inch to 5 cms) and statement about the accurate statement about the SI, British Imperial and US makes an accurate makes an accurate comparison. the comparison. customary statement about the statement about the systems. comparison. comparison.
Know and apply Independently states Independently states With assistance states the Even with much help common uses the units of measure the units of measure for units of measure for a struggles to state the units of for various for a variety of a variety of products variety of products and measure for a variety of measurement products and and substances. substances. products and substances. systems. (Eg. substances and Boards demonstrates ability measured in to measure using feet, rain in various systems. mm)
Name ______
Math 18.4 Demonstrate an understanding of identifying and computation of the four basic operations with problem solving questions.
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Confidently develops Independently applies With assistance, applies Even with much assistance Identify and own situational word the correct math the correct math struggles to correctly solve a compute the problems and operation to solve a operation to solve a word word problem. Let’s try correct basic independently applies word problem. problem. choosing between two operation to the correct math possible solutions. solve a word operation to solve. problem Name ______
Math18.4.1- Demonstrate using concrete and pictorial models, and symbolic representations, understanding of linear measurement systems including units in the SI, and Imperial systems.
Exceeding Meeting Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, expectations expectations assistance even with assistance independently Independently Independently With help measures items With much help struggles to Demonstrate using measures items in a measures items in a variety of linear measure items in a variety of concrete and given linear system in a variety of system. linear systems. pictorial models, and compares to linear system. and symbolic linear measurement representations, in another system, understanding of (5 inch to 5 cms) and linear measurement makes an accurate systems including statement about the units in the SI, and comparison. Imperial systems.
Know and apply Independently Independently With assistance states the Even with much help common uses for states the system of states the units of units of linear measure for struggles to state the units of various linear linear measure for a linear measure a variety of products. linear measure for a variety measurement systems. variety of products for a variety of of products. (Eg. Boards measured and can compare to products. in feet) linear measurement in another system.
Name ______
Math18.6 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship of fractions to a whole number. (1/2, ¼, ¾, 1/3, 2/3)
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Independently Independently With assistance and use of Even with assistance and Understanding demonstrates how demonstrates how the manipulatives use of manipulatives the relationship the fractions ½, ¼, 1/3, fractions ½, ¼, 1/3, 2/3, ¾ demonstrates how struggles to demonstrate of fractions to a 2/3, ¾ relate to a relate to a whole fractions how fractions whole number whole number. number. ½, ¼, ¾ relate to a whole ½, ¼, ¾ relate to a whole Intuitively number. number. understands and demonstrates smaller fractions and their relationship to whole numbers.
Confidently measures Independently With assistance measures Even with assistance above amounts and measures above above amounts with struggles to measure above others with amounts with utensils. amounts with measuring measuring utensils. measuring utensils. spoons and/or cup.
Name ______
Math18.6.1 Apply understanding of triangles related to distance traveled.
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Independently Independently With assistance With much assistance Apply demonstrates and demonstrates and demonstrates the struggles to demonstrate the understanding explains the explains the difference difference between difference between traveling of triangles difference between between traveling from traveling from point a to from point a to point b related to traveling from point a point a to point b taking point b taking the long taking the long route (right distance to point b taking the the long route (right route (right angle) angle) compared to the short traveled. long route (right angle) compared to the compared to the short cut cut (hypotenuse). angle) compared to short cut (hypotenuse). (hypotenuse). the short cut (hypotenuse). Name ______
Math18.7.1 Demonstrate understanding of similarities and differences of a variety of polygons.
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Confidently names and Independently names and With assistance names and With much assistance names Demonstrate describes a variety of describes a variety of describes a variety of and describes some common understandi common polygons and common polygons and common polygons and polygons and explains some ng of explains similarities explains similarities and explains some similarities and similarities and differences similarities and differences differences between differences between them. between them. (eg. Square and between them. (eg. them. (eg. Square / (eg. Square / rectangle/ /rectangle/rhombus/trapezoid) differences Square rectangle/ rhombus/trapezoid) of a variety /rectangle/rhombus/tr rhombus/trapezoid) of polygons apezoid).
Name ______
Math18.7 Demonstrate an understanding of using and keeping track of money.
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Confidently develops Independently With assistance With much assistance and Understanding own situational demonstrates ways of demonstrates ways of situational role play various scenarios to payment for items. payment for items. demonstrates ways of methods of demonstrate - with cash - with cash payments for items. payment and knowledge and in- - by cheque - by cheque - with cash receiving depth understanding - debit card - debit card - by cheque correct change of the various ways to - debit card pay for items. Let’s practice with cash first.
Tracks bank Confidently calculates Independently, with With assistance and Even with much assistance balance and balances after a supports, calculates supports calculates struggles to calculate changes after variety of types of balances after a variety balances after a variety of balances after a variety of making deposits withdrawals and of types of withdrawals types of withdrawals and types of withdrawals and and deposits in a fictional and deposits in a deposits in a fictional bank deposits in a fictional bank withdrawals. bank account. fictional bank account. account. account. Let’s practice this together.
Name ______
Math 18.8 Demonstrate an understanding of telling time to the minute and calculating elapsed time. (Suggested strategy: Give the students time-related activities during the classes where Math 10 are completing 10.8 outcome. Ex. Be the timers for group work; collect data regarding what the class does in each 10 minute timeframe—if we did three activities in this class what amount of time did each take.)
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Telling time to Confidently and Independently can tell With assistance can tell With much assistance the minute and independently tells time to the minute and time to the minute and struggles to tell time to the calculating time to the minute calculate elapsed time calculate elapsed time minute and calculate elapsed elapsed time and calculate elapsed correctly. correctly. time correctly. Let’s work on time correctly. telling time to the half and Applies to personal quarter hours. time management.
Name ______
Math 18.9 Recognize the importance of reading a thermometer and how it relates to life skills like determining one’s health, a valuable cooking tool and determining choice of dress. Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations with Not yet meeting expectations, independently assistance even with assistance Confidently reads a Independently reads a With assistance reads a With much assistance reads Reading and thermometer and thermometer and thermometer and relates a thermometer and but understanding relates that relates that information that information to how shows limited understanding the information information to how to how they feel, they feel, cook/bake and how that information relates taken from a they feel, cook/bake cook/bake and dress. dress. to how they feel, cook/bake thermometer and dress as well as to and dress. Let’s make a other world poster with pictures to help situations/places. you visualize.
Name ______
Math 18.10 Demonstrate an understanding of consumer purchasing of groceries, clothing and personal items including calculation of applicable taxes. Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Meeting expectations Not yet meeting independently with assistance expectations even with assistance Confidently and Independently With assistance With much assistance Determine best buy accurately calculates calculates total price calculates some total struggles to calculate and calculate total total price including including taxes and price including taxes total price including price including taxes taxes and determines determines best buy in and determines best taxes and determine * best buy best buy in a variety of a variety of situations. buy. best buy. * unit price situations. * calculate and add correct tax amount * calculate % increase or decrease in price * justify solutions and explain problem- solving processes
Rubric for ELA 18A Speaking (formal) Exceeding Meeting expectations Mostly meeting Not yet meeting expectations independently expectations with expectations, even with assistance assistance Message/Meaning body andLogical coherent introductionEffective opinions justify andDevelop, explain meaning and interpret to delivery Techniques speech of purpose audienceaddress and Motivational to hook organized. and coherently message is logically The body of your message. your audience in your effective in engaging Your is introduction and justified. developed, explained Your opinions well are message. meaning to your and delivery addto techniques of speech You effectively your message. achieve the of purpose your audience to You hook effectively purpose your of message. audience achieve to the With youhelp your hook way. way. in a and logical coherent the body your of message You needto help organize audience. way that engages your introduce yourtopic in a You needto help justify your opinions. develop, explain and You needto help to your message. delivery add to meaning techniques of andspeech With youhelp use others hook you hook others into message. Examine how purpose the of your your audience achieve to muchWith help hook you organize better. planning tool help to you coherent way. your Use inmessage a and logical organize the ofbody your muchWith help you audience. way thatyour engages introduce yourtopic in a muchWith help you this. do planningtime how will you your opinions. more Spend explaindevelop, and justify muchWith help you meaning. understand yourintended helpthat will others include techniquessome planning tool help to you Use your and add to delivery meaning techniques use of speech need much You you to help a to listening message. better. tool to youhelp organize way. Use your planning a and logical coherent body of your messagein struggle organize to the Even with much help you engages youraudience. your topic in a way that struggle introduce to Even with much help you will this. do time planning youhow opinions. more Spend explain and justify your struggle develop, to Even with much help you intended meaning. others understand your techniques that will help help include you some your planning tool to to your message. Use delivery add to meaning techniques of andspeech struggle you to use Even with much help you a message. hook intolisteningyou to Examine othershow purpose your of message. audience achieve to the struggle hook to your Even with much help you Style and Language Choices Organization and Coherence audience purposeattend to and expressions, poise) to facialcontact, (pronunciation, eye elements Oral presentation effect characterization and pacing, tone, dialect) for (expression,Voice and technologies) presentation materials visualprops, aids, (e.g. speaker’s notes, all materialsof arrangementEffective Strong conclusion your audience. suit your and purpose expressions and poise eye contact, facial Your pronunciation, message. effect in your characterization and communicate effectively tone and/or dialect Expression, pacing, message. detract thefrom enhance and not do arranged sothat they Your are materials message. brings closure your to strongly up sums and Your conclusion your message. up and to brings closure conclusion strongly sums With your help your audience. suit your and purpose expressions and poise contact, facial pronunciation, eye With your help effect in your message. characterization and communicate dialect effectively pacing, tone and/or With help, expression, message. detract thefrom enhance and not do are arranged so that they With yourmaterialshelp your message. planningtime all parts of your message. more Spend conclusion sums strongly up muchWith help your video practicing with mirror or a and your audience. Try and suityourpurposepoise facialcontact, expressions your pronunciation, eye muchWith help and cuing, practicing with mirror or a in yourmessage. Try characterization and effect communicate and/or dialect effectively expression, pacing, tone muchWith help and cuing, arewhat you saying. your materials can support message. aboutThink how detract not thefrom that they enhance and do arematerials arranged so muchWith help your mirror or video recorder. Try practicingwith a expressions and poise. contact, facial your pronunciation, eye cuing, struggle you with Even with much help and recorder. with mirror or a video effectively. Try practicing tone and/or dialect use expression, pacing, cuing, struggle you to Even with much help and saying. support are what you how yourmaterials can message. Think about detract thefrom enhance and not do materials sothat they struggle arrange to Even with much help you parts your of message. more time planning all up yourmessage. Spend conclusion strongly sum struggle make to your Even with much help you Other cues and Your language choices With help you choose With much help you choose Even with much help you conventions attended to are suitable to your language that is suitable language that is suitable to struggle to choose (syntactic, semantic, message. to your message. your message. Think about language that is suitable lexical, graphophonic, how you can make choices to your message. Think etc.) for the best communication. about how you can make choices for the best communication.
Rubric for ELA 18A Speaking (Informal) Exceeding Meeting expectations Mostly meeting Not yet meeting expectations independently expectations with assistance expectations, even with assistance Message/Meaning and closureand individual summary and Independent discussion advancing responsibility for Assume Clarify own ideas indicates conclusion. statement that summarizing or a conversations by bring closure to You independently topic of conversation. upon and the extend comments that build questions and make You consistently ask clarifyyourself. confusion workandto recognizewhenthere is youare saying. You clearly understand what a thathelps way othersto You consistentlyspeak in to clarifyto yourself. thereis and confusion work saying. recognizeYou when understandwhat you are thathelps others clearlyto You speak often wayin a conclusion. statement that indicates by summarizing or a closure conversations to With youhelp bring topic of conversation. build upon and the extend and make comments that You often ask questions messages. recognizeand clarify unclear saying. needYou help to understandwhat you are waythathelps others clearlyto With assistanceyou speak in a that indicates conclusion. summarizing or a statement conversations by you to bring closure With andmuch help cuing conversation. and extend topic the of comments that build upon questions and make With youassistance ask over? conversationthat the is tosay others help know Whatconclusion. can you statement that indicates summarizing or a byconversations tobring closure strugglecuing you to much Even with andhelp helpthat will with this. questions commentsand somelearning common conversation. Work on and theextend topic of thatcomments buildupon questionsask and make youassistance struggle to much Even with saying. you’re don’tunderstand what you indicateto thatthey thatothers give messages nonverbal the verbaland Payare saying.attention to understandclearly whatyou thathelps way othersto speakto you struggle ina Even with muchassistance ChoicesStyle and Language Organization and Coherence critical) respectful and speaking, of listening and balanceharmony, discussion (develop courtesies of group Demonstrate ideas)build on clarify purpose, to (adjust roles, strategiesand interaction skills effective group Demonstrate thoughtful analysis. own ideas and your respond with well others and to others. You listen respectfuland of consistently polite discussions are you group During of others. your those ideas and youonand build yourand purpose your You know role your members. group wellinteract with You consistently purpose and you build you purpose and youryour and role members. You know with group your You often wellinteract and thoughtfuland analysis. with own ideas your to respond others and You usually listen well respectful of others. usually polite and discussions are you group During of others. those ideas andon your role and your purpose androle your and reminders your know to You need interact youryou with well promptingWith and help analysis. thoughtful ideas and responding with listening well others and to You need practice to respectfuland of others. needyou to reminders be discussions group During those of others. ideas andonto your build with your own ideas. yourwith respond others and assistance listen to you much With others. ofrespectfuland to politehelp be much discussions need you group During this. with toyou help script me See others. for a those ideas and of yourbuild to onand your and purpose role to reminders your know frequent need You with well interact your strugglecuing you to much Even with andhelp GRADE 18A ELA VIEWING Name ______
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Mostly meeting expectations Not yet meeting independently with assistance expectations, even with assistance
n Determine what is You demonstrate a deep You identify what the author You identify what the author is With much help you identify o i
t represented in the understanding of how an is representing in a text and representing in a text. With cuing, what the author is trying to a text author represents ideas discuss it with you identify some relevant details tell us through representation. m
r through a variety of texts. You understanding. You can that support your ideas. Look at all Get help with identifying o
f support your ideas with details support your ideas with aspects of the representation. details that support your n I
from this and other texts. relevant and clear details. ideas.
d Identify Audience You deeply understand how an You discuss with examples With help, you identify how an With much help you identify n a
author represents in a certain how an author represents in author represents in a certain way how an author represents in a s way so that the intended a certain way so that the so that the intended audience is certain way so that the a
e audience is reached, and are intended audience is reached. You require assistance intended audience is reached. d I able compare and contrast reached. with identifying supporting examples to other examples. representations. Identify Point of You identify the point of view You identify the point of With help, you identify the point of You need help with identifying View and discuss various ways that view and discuss how it view and how it helps with point of view. What is point it might change if the might change if the understanding the ideas and of view? How can you representation were altered. representation were altered. information in the representation. recognize it? Imagine how point of view affects the message. Identify and Analyze You explain why an author You identify aspects of text With help, you identify and explain You need help with identifying Text construction chose a given text construction construction and explain why the author chose a given text text construction. What are and discuss how the ideas and why the author chose a construction and discuss how the ways texts are structured? information might differ if an given text construction. You ideas and information are How does it differ from text to alternative structure were can discuss how the ideas enhanced by this structure. Look at text? How does how a text is used. You draw comparisons and information might differ all aspects of a text and think about constructed affect what the to other works. if an alternative structure how to support your ideas. text is communicating? were used. Respond to and analyze texts Text structures and features Infer credibility credibility Infer and for Analyze methods economic) socio-gender, (culture, values beliefs and interests, assumptions, Infer and Conventions Cues Language Apply (Verbal/nonverbal) techniques and media language Recognize author of purpose features)sensory and other placement (Argument, images, impact/emotion creating whenresponding to texts. and insightfully discuss these author areand ableto critically credibilityand ofpurpose the You independentlyinfer the inothertexts. observations similar methods they extendcreate. Youyour and emotions impactsthe or methods creating for impact You inengagerich discussions individualsof groups.other or experiences and the experiences relate those to your own andvaluesin a and visual text, inferred assumptions, interests, Youdeeplythe understand meaningand overall impact. cuesand onthe conventions analyzeto the effect ofthose areappropriate text the to and conventionsused text in the identified andlanguage cues You discuss howin depth the for giventext. the and/or “what if”to scenarios this examplesto inother texts Youtext. are extendableto enhanceto meaning ofthe the nonverbal techniques are used depth verbalhow many and You and identify discuss with text. enhancethe meaning ofthe techniquesare used to verbal nonverbaland You and identify discuss how discussthese when the andauthor are ableto credibilityand ofpurpose You independentlyinfer the orthey impacts create. and discuss what emotions methods creating for impact You independentlyidentify yourtoown experiences. visualtext, relate and those interests, valuesandin a You infer assumptions, areappropriate text. the to conventionsused text in the the andlanguage cues You and identify discuss how techniques techniques inused Whattext. the are other enhanceto used meaning ofthe some examples ofhow are they techniquesnonverbaland give help,With youidentify verbal and these these with prompting. andauthor are discussable to credibility purposeand ofthe assistanceWith theyou infer ways viewcertain whenwe them? representation can us make feel otheraspectscreate. What ofa what emotionsor they impacts creatingformethods impact and help,With you can some identify text the find to otherclues. experiences. your own Re-examine and text, relatewith help those to andinterests, values visualin a inferYou someassumptions, representation. cuesall and inthe conventions the suit exploringtext. Spendtime those cueshow and conventions and text with cuing, can discuss cues conventions andin theused help,With youidentify language representations? credibility? purpose affect their mean?Howthedoes author’s the Whatauthor. infer does the credibilityand purposeof You need help much infer to in representations. methods impact/emotioncreate ontimeunderstandingthose how representations. Spend more creating impact methods such as With help much identifyyou whensomething for withrecognizing help valuesina visual Seemetext. assumptions,interests, and You withneed inferring help representationsthanothers. better in some cuesand work conventions and understanding how some conventionsused text in the identifyinglanguage cues and You need work to on techniques. learningaboutthese Spendtext. more time enhancethe meaning ofthe verbal nonverbaland that You identifytoneed help methods for usedin Evaluate and You easily evaluate and critique You evaluate and critique With help you evaluate and With much assistance you Critique the effectiveness of persuasive the effectiveness of critique the effectiveness of evaluate and critique some techniques in a representation, persuasive persuasive techniques in a persuasive techniques in a persuasive techniques. What back up your ideas and draw representation and back up representation. How can you does it mean to be techniques comparisons to similar techniques your ideas with evidence. recognize these techniques on your persuasive? How do people in other works. own? persuade? Rubric for ELA 18A Representing Name ______Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Mostly meeting expectations Not yet meeting independently with assistance expectations, even with assistance g Central, strong Your message is clearly You independently With help your message is Even with help you struggle n i
n message on one topic with a represent a clear central mostly clear and on topic. to present a message that is a
e message that resonates message. clear and on topic. Always
M with the audience. keep your main idea in / e mind and build onto it. g a Logical points to You intuitively support You support your message With help you use logical With much help you s s
e support message your message with with logical points. points to support your support your message with
M numerous logical points. message. logical points. Think about how you can prove your point using examples and information from other sources. Style and voice The style and voice of The style and voice of your With help you create a With much help you create appropriate to your representation representation suit your representation with a style and a representation with a audience and purpose resonate with your intended audience and voice that suit your intended style and voice that mostly intended audience and purpose. audience and purpose. suit your intended audience purpose. and purpose. As you work on your representation, check with others to be sure it is making sense. Logical structures The organization of Your representation is With help you create a With much help you according to audience, your representation clearly organized in a representation that is create a representation purpose and context enhances the desired manner that is logical to organized to suit its that is organized to suit effect on your its audience, purpose and audience, purpose and its audience, purpose and audience, and clarifies context. context. context. Use a visual the purpose and organizer to help you context of your plan your representation. creation. Style and Language Choices Organization and Coherence technologies Variety of and forms Smooth transitions conclusions Logical and convincing Effective introduction Logical sequence to theto next enhancing eloquently one from part topicYour flows message. and strengths your representation together ofparts your tiesand succinctly the conclusionYour clearly the audience. hooks and captivates immediate that manner in introduced is representation Your message. effectiveness of your thethatenhancesflow a hasrepresentation sequence of yourThe representation. enhance your usedeffectively to and are technologies richvarietyA of forms representation.the overallthe enjoyment of audience. tological is that the order an in represented message Your is representation. enhance your and to technologies use You a ofvariety forms to part next. the flowssmoothly one from representationYour way.convincing your ideas logicalin a and conclusionYour wraps up topic. your in the audience engages clearly introduction Your is tologicalis the audience. way messagea in that your help sequence With you your representation. add to technologies interest to help With varyyou and forms next. your representation the to frommovement part one of help With create you smooth and way. convincing upwraps yourideas logical in a help With your conclusion audience. theengages manner that in representation a your help introduce With you topic. interest and attention a to about how variety increases representation. Think add interest your to forms technologiesand to With youmuch help vary transition in your map. next. yourplansInclude for your representation theto a from flow part one of With youmuch help create convincing. they are made and logical other seeworks to how Examine conclusions in logical and way. convincing closure yourideas to in a With youmuch help bring they captivate you. works and think about why introductions in other representation. Look at the audience in your With youmuch help engage sequence. message logicalin a on mapping your out logical manner. Let’s work sequence yourmessage in a With youmuch help Enhance appeal and A rich variety of The appeal of your With help you add techniques With much help you add accuracy through a techniques and features representation is enhanced and features to your some techniques and variety of techniques are used to create a by the use of a variety of representation that enhance features that increase the and features compelling techniques and features. its appeal. appeal of your representation. representation. Plan for these special before creating your representation. Compose & Create Rubric for ELA18 Name ______
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Mostly meeting Not yet meeting independently expectations with assistance expectations, even with assistance g Thoughtful and original Clear, straightforward With assistance mostly a clear With cuing and assistance a
n Strong, focused i message with well-defined message with a good message with basic basic, simple message with n message a central focus understanding of the subject understanding of subject some understanding of e matter. matter. subject matter. M / e Uses an insightful, engaging Uses a clear purpose and With assistance uses clear With much assistance you g Style a purpose and language for language for message, with purpose and language for struggle to use clear s appropriate to s message, with intuitive recognizable awareness of message, with recognizable purpose and language for e purpose & awareness of audience audience awareness of audience message, with only some M audience awareness of audience
e Engaging and relevant Correct, relevant and logical With assistance mostly correct, With much assistance you c Relevant, n supporting details are details to support the relevant and logical details to struggle with correct and e logical details r appropriate for the intended intended message, purpose support the intended message, relevant details to support e to support h message, purpose and and audience purpose and audience the intended message, o message, audience purpose and audience C
d purpose and n
a audience
n Logical and Clear and thoughtful opening Clear opening with logical With assistance a clear opening Even with much assistance, o i with logical supporting supporting organization with with logical supporting and use of a writing process t appropriate a organization with an effective an acceptable conclusion organization with an acceptable organizer, you struggle to z i organization
n conclusion that captures key that captures key ideas to conclusion that captures key write an opening sentence a ideas to complete text. complete text. ideas to complete text. with following sentences in g r logical order and a closing O sentence that captures the key idea. Let’s follow the steps given in the writing process organizer. Smooth Transitions used to create Transitions used clearly show With assistance transitions used Even with much assistance transitions effective connections between connections between ideas. show connections between transitions used show few ideas. ideas. connections between ideas. Let’s practice with what comes first, next and last. s -Purposefully well-chosen and -Clear, thoughtful language -assistance results in acceptable -Even with personal and e Other cues and c i conventions well-used language -Varied and effective syntax language, syntax, correct technical assistance, o -Varied and polished syntax -Good word choice for sentence patterns and correct language is immature and h attended to C
-Word choices for sentences sentences spelling, punctuation and unclear e shows style and efficiency -Spelling, punctuation and capitalization -simple, incomplete and run- g a -Spelling, punctuation and capitalization are on sentences u g capitalization adhere to substantially correct -frequent spelling, n
a accepted standard punctuation and L capitalization errors d
n Let’s practice writing good a sentences. e l Consistent effective use of Effective use of writing With assistance, some use of Even with much assistance, y Effective use of t writing techniques to enhance techniques to enhance text writing techniques, like uses a few writing S techniques text resulting in interesting resulting in interesting figurative language, enhances techniques, like adverbs and (figurative reading. reading. text to make it more adjectives to enhance text. language, interesting.. Let’s make a list of flashback, describing words. hyperbole, etc.) Rubric for Listening– Grade 18A Name ______
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Mostly meeting expectations Not yet meeting expectations, even independently with assistance with assistance
n Organize and You deeply understand what You make sense of what You make sense of some of what With much cuing, you make sense of some o i
t share ideas you hear and are able to clearly you hear and are able to you hear and with help are able to of what you hear and are beginning to be a acquired and creatively express your clearly express your express your ideas about the text. able to express your ideas about the text. m r ideas about the text. ideas about the text. Think about what good listeners do. o f n
I Ask relevant You ask insightful questions You ask questions that With support you ask questions With much support and cuing, you are
d questions that clearly pertain to the topic clearly pertain to the that pertain to the topic you beginning to ask questions that pertain to n you heard. topic you heard. heard. What else do you want/ the topic you heard. Think about the a
s need to know? questions others ask and use them to help a
e you think of your own questions. d
I Identify attitudes You easily identify the attitudes You identify the With help you identify some With much support and cuing you identify and beliefs and and beliefs of the speaker and attitudes and beliefs of attitudes and beliefs of the some of the attitudes and beliefs of the compare to other can clearly and distinctly relate the speaker and can speaker and can relate them to speaker and with help can begin to relate texts them to other passages you’ve relate them to other those in other passages you’ve them to other passages you’ve heard. How heard. passages you’ve heard. heard. does what people say tell us about them? Identify purpose You clearly and easily identify You identify the purpose With help you identify the purpose With much help and cuing, you are just explicit and implicit purpose of of the text for the the text for the speaker. beginning to identify the purpose of the the text for the speaker. You speaker. speaker for the text. Why did the speaker look beyond the obvious and choose to say what s/he said? Who were think about how their purpose they trying to reach? for speaking relates to your purpose for listening. Readiness for You demonstrate deep You demonstrate With reminders you demonstrate You are having trouble demonstrating listening concentration, intense focus adequate concentration, concentration, focus and filtering concentration, focus and filtering (concentrating, and expected filtering focus and filtering behaviours when listening. behaviours when listening. Let’s review focusing, behaviours when listening. behaviours when what good listeners do. filtering) listening. Respond to and analyze textsfeaturesText structures and and explicit and Analyze implicit conventions and cues language Apply organization Recognize logic credibility and Evaluate Analyze concepts attitudes and beliefs viewpoints, Analyze messages presented. information the has been ofa logic based text onhow credibilityevaluate the and intuitively You confidentlyand implied. biggermeaning the to concepts understandtohear and bring informationconnect the you deeply You intuitivelyand other speakers. contrast these those to of a by speakercompareand and beliefs attitudesexpressedand understandingofviewpoints, demonstrateYou deep and implicit explicitmessages. understand intentions the of deeply You intuitivelyand varietyreceive ofmessages.a cues conventions andto used applyverbaland nonverbal deeply You intuitivelyand in other situations. other speakers have organized techniquescompareto how to on the areaudience,and able message the for desired impact the speakerhow organizes the clearly You easily and recognize impact audience. on the messagethefor desired speakerorganizes the You therecognize how presented. information has been text onhow based the credibilityand oflogic a You evaluate the conceptsimplied. meaning the to bigger understandand bring information you tohear You connect the speaker. attitudesexpressed by a viewpoints,beliefs and understanding of You demonstrate and explicitmessages. the ofintentions implicit identify understandand You critically listen to messages. receivea variety of conventionsused to nonverbal cues and You applyverbaland organized. speakingis unique how and it is the audience.Thinkabouthow the speakerthefor best on impact features oforganizationused by With yourecognize help some credible? Howdoyouifknow something is information presented.has been ofa based text onhow the evaluate the credibilityand logic With guidance you somewhat are the big ideasshared? the biggerconcepts implied. What understandand meaningbring to ofthe informationyou hear to With assistanceyouconnect some discussthis with others. the againtextif you can and expressed by speaker. a Listen to viewpoints,beliefs and attitudes understanding of some With youdemonstrate help listenbeyond the obvious? explicit How can messages. you the ofintentions and implicit identify understandand someof With guidance cuingyouand oraltexts? furtherreadyyourself listento to varietyofmessages. How can you conventionsused receive to a and cuesnonverbal and With assistanceyouapplyverbal abouta text. talk aboutwhatmight us make suspicious withevaluatingcredibility logic.and Let’s and butyoulogical, need assistance much You thatnotunderstand all is text credible you can puttingthis visualon a organizerso that the biggerconcepts implied. Let’slook at information you bring tohear meaning to You need help much connect to the withthis part. moreabout speaker. the Thismay you help how these message.affect a the Learn little by speaker.a help Get with understanding viewpoints,beliefs and attitudes expressed You are trouble having identifying whatwouldbe importantparts? the you were toretellingthis else, someone speakerssometimes hintsaying.without If and explicitmessages. Let’stalk about how You are trouble having identifying implicit thathelp clarify message. the expressions,tone,inflection and other cues messages. forWatch language,body facial and used conventions conveyvarietyto a of applybasic verbalsome nonverbal and cues With muchassistanceand guidance you helpothersunderstand your message. youorganizeyour words and thoughts to impact audience. on the Thinkabouthow speakerorganizes the message the for best You recognizetoneed help the how see see the connections. the Explore You interact respectfully and You interact respectfully With help, you interact With cuing and guidance you interact understanding insightfully with others to seek with others to seek respectfully with others to seek respectfully with others to seek information, understanding of their understanding of their understanding of their expressed understanding of their expressed ideas and expressed information, ideas expressed information, information, ideas and opinions. information, ideas and opinions. Let’s opinions of and opinions. ideas and opinions. discuss some good questions to ask that others. help with this. Analyze overall You draw numerous and varied You draw conclusions With assistance you draw some With much help you can make simple effectiveness conclusions about the overall about the overall conclusions about the overall statements about the overall effectiveness effectiveness of a text and effectiveness of a text effectiveness of a text and with of a text and provide some reasons for provide insightful reasons for and provide reasons for provide some reasons for those those statements. Let’s work at expanding those conclusions. those conclusions. conclusions. Really consider what the depth of your statements. makes a text effective? ELA 18A Rubric for reading informational texts Name ______
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Mostly meeting expectations Not yet meeting expectations, even independently with assistance with assistance
n Explain the You explain connections With help you explain You need much help to Even with much help and cuing you o i t human between the message read and some connections explain the connection struggle to explain the connection a experience and human experiences and values. between the message between the message read between the message read and m r values reflected read and human and human experiences and human experiences and values. Let’s o f
n experiences and values. Let’s talk about how talk about how this text relates to you I
d values. Think more fully this text relates to you personally. n about the message and personally and how this a
s what is says about all relationship might be similar a e humans. for other people. d I Adjust reading You naturally adjust your rate of You need reminders to You need help and guidance Even with much help and cuing you rate to suit reading to suit the purpose of adjust your rate of to adjust your rate of reading struggle to adjust your rate of reading purpose the text. You know when to reading to suit the to suit the purpose of the text. to suit the purpose of the text. Let’s skim, scan and read carefully. purpose of the text. Let’s review the different rates practice the different rates and how Make sure you know and how they match various they match various purposes! what you are hoping to purposes! learn before you begin. Recognize and You recognize and understand With assistance you You need much help to Even with much help and cuing you comprehend allusions and symbols in the recognize and recognize and understand struggle to recognize and understand illusions and text. You are able to explain understand some allusions and symbols in a hints in a text. See me for help with symbols how the message is impacted by allusions and symbols text. See me for help with recognizing symbols and hints. these techniques. in the text. Review how recognizing implied ideas. aspects of texts can represent aspects of the message in a non- literal way. Analyze You think critically about the With help and cuing, You need much help to think Even with much help and cuing you meaning, ideas meaning, ideas and language of you think critically critically about the meaning, struggle to think critically about the and language a text, how they connect, and about the meaning, ideas and language of a text. meaning, ideas and language of a text. can support your ideas with ideas and language of a Work through some examples Work through some examples with me evidence from the text. text. Consider again with me to gain a better to gain a better understanding. how all aspects of a understanding. text contribute to the overall message. s
e Recognize and You recognize and analyze text With help you You need much help to Even with much help and cuing you r
u analyze text structures and elements and recognize and analyze recognize and analyze text struggle to recognize and analyze text t a structures and how these contribute to the some text structures structures and elements and structures and elements and how e f
elements intended message of the text. and elements and how how these contribute to the these contribute to the intended d
n these contribute to the intended message of the text. message of the text. Refer back to a intended message of Refer back to examples done examples done in class. s e the text. Think deeply in class. r u
t about how various c
u texts are structured to r t suit the purpose. s
t Explain how You explain how a variety of With help you explain You need much help to Even with much help and cuing you x e literary literary qualities and how some literary explain how a variety of struggle to explain how a variety of T qualities and conventions suit the topic and qualities and literary qualities and literary qualities and conventions suit conventions purpose of the writer. conventions suit the conventions suit the topic and the topic and purpose of the writer. suit topic and topic and purpose of purpose of the writer. Let’s Let’s review some examples from purpose the writer. Make sure review some examples from multiple texts and compare. you understand all multiple texts and compare possibilities for literary and contrast. qualities and conventions. Apply multiple You apply many language cues With help you apply You need much help to apply Even with much help and cuing you language cues and conventions in your reading some language cues language cues and struggle to apply language cues and and so that the intended message is and conventions in conventions in your reading so conventions in your reading so that conventions. well understood. You can your reading so that that the intended message is the intended message is acceptably explain how you thought about the intended message acceptably understood. See understood. Let’s choose one your reading. is well understood. me for more information on convention to work on and practice it. Review all the ways we selected cues and conventions (Examples: intonation, stopping at can make meaning and how they affect the periods, pausing at commas.) from texts, from words, message. to sentences, to illustrations. s t Analyze explicit You analyze explicit and implicit You need help to You require much help with Even with much help and cuing you x e and implicit messages in the text to gain a analyze explicit and identifying and analyzing struggle with identifying and analyzing t
e messages deeper understanding of what implicit messages in explicit and implicit messages explicit and implicit messages in the z y (viewpoint and you have read. the text for deeper in the text so that you have a text so that you have a clear l a concepts) understanding of what clear understanding of what understanding of what you have read. n a
you have read. How do you have read. Review Let’s work on identifying and analyzing d
n authors communicate examples from class. explicit messages. a meaning in less literal o t
ways? d
n Relate texts to You independently relate texts You need help to relate With much help and Even with much help and cuing you o self, the world, to yourself, the world, and other texts to yourself, the prompting you relate texts to struggle to relate texts to yourself, the p s and other texts texts using detail to support world, and other texts. yourself, the world, and other world, and other texts. See me for a e
R your views. How can you connect texts. See me for a visual visual organizer of questions/prompts these texts to larger organizer of that can help you with this. issues? questions/prompts that can help you with this. Identify and You independently identify and With help you identify With much help and cuing you Even with much help and cuing you analyze analyze persuasive techniques and analyze some identify and analyze some struggle to identify and analyze some persuasive used in written texts. You can persuasive techniques persuasive techniques used in persuasive techniques used in written techniques support your analysis with used in written texts. written texts. Let’s look at texts. Let’s look at some examples relevant details. Explore the many ways some examples from popular from popular media to help you authors try to convince media to help you understand understand persuasive techniques. us of their viewpoint. persuasive techniques.
Construct You independently construct With help you You need much help to Even with much help and cuing you images based images that correctly reflect the construct images that explain the connection struggle to construct images that on text description in a text. reflect the description between the message read accurately reflect the description in a descriptions in a text. There are and human experiences and text. Get help with a system to assist parts that are unclear, values. Let’s talk about how you with the tracking of your ideas. missing or inaccurate. this text relates to you Spend time “during the personally and how this reading, making notes relationship might be similar of what you’ll need to for other people. represent. Evaluate You evaluate the credibility and With help you evaluate You need help and guidance Even with much help and cuing you credibility and logic of a text citing reasons for the credibility and logic to adjust your rate of reading struggle to evaluate the credibility and logic your assessment. of a text and provide to suit the purpose of the text. logic of a text and provide few reasons some reasons for your Let’s review the different rates for your evaluation. Review examples evaluation. What other and how they match various of how writers demonstrate their evidence can you use purposes! honesty and accuracy in a text. to support your evaluation? Analyze quality You analyze the quality of a text With help you analyze You need much help to Even with much help and cuing you on a continuum from low to the quality of a text on recognize and understand struggle to state reasons why some high and state reasons for your a continuum from low allusions and symbols in a texts are better than others. What assessment. to high and state some text. See me for help with makes a high quality text? reasons for your recognizing implied ideas. assessment. ELA 18A Rubric for reading literary texts Name ______
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Mostly meeting expectations Not yet meeting expectations, even independently with assistance with assistance n Explain the You explain connections With help you explain You need much help to explain Even with much help you struggle to o i t human between the message read and some connections the connection between the explain the connection between the a experience and human experiences and values. between the message message read and human message read and human m r values reflected read and human experiences and values. Let’s experiences and values. Let’s talk o f
n experiences and values. talk about how this text relates about how this text relates to you I
d Think more fully about to you personally and how this personally. n the message and what is relationship might be similar a
s says about all humans. for other people. a e Adjust reading You naturally adjust your rate of You need reminders to You need help and guidance to Even with much help and guidance d I rate to suit reading to suit the purpose of adjust your rate of adjust your rate of reading to you struggle to adjust your rate of purpose the text. You know when to reading to suit the suit the purpose of the text. reading to suit the purpose of the skim, scan and read carefully. purpose of the text. Let’s review the different rates text. Let’s practice the different Make sure you know and how they match various rates and how they match various what you are hoping to purposes! purposes! learn before you begin. Recognize and You recognize and understand With assistance you You need much help to Even with much help and cuing you comprehend allusions and symbols in the recognize and recognize and understand struggle to recognize and allusions and text. You are able to explain understand some allusions and symbols in a text. understand when the author is symbols how the message is impacted by allusions and symbols in See me for help with hinting or suggesting at something these techniques. the text. Review how recognizing implied ideas. by using words and symbols. See aspects of texts can me for help with recognizing hints. represent aspects of the message in a non-literal way. Interpret main You are able to interpret the With help, you can You are having trouble Even with much assistance you ideas, events main ideas, events and themes; identify the main ideas, identifying the main ideas, struggle with identifying the main and themes describe how they were events and themes but events and/ or themes. What ideas, events and/ or themes. What conveyed in the text; explain need to spend some was the purpose of the text? was the purpose of the text? What how they impact the overall more time thinking What was the message? How was the message? How did the message. about how they connect did the author address these author address these through the to the purpose and through the events and events? audience for the text. themes? Make You are able to make relevant With help, you can You are having trouble making Even with much help you struggle generalizations generalizations about characters make some generalization about with making generalization about about in the text and support your generalizations about characters. Try using a graphic characters. Try using a graphic characters views with examples. characters in the text. organizer to collect your organizer to collect your thoughts Think about all aspects thoughts and impressions. and impressions. of the characters presented. Recognize and You recognize and analyze text With help you recognize You need much help to Even with much help you struggle to analyze text structures, elements and and analyze some text recognize and analyze text recognize and analyze text structures, techniques and how these structures, elements structures, elements and structures, elements and techniques elements and contribute to the intended and techniques and how techniques and how these and how these contribute to the techniques message of the text. these contribute to the contribute to the intended intended message of the text. Let’s intended message of the message of the text. Refer work on recognizing a variety of text text. Think deeply about back to examples done in class. structures. how various texts are structured to suit the purpose. Text structures and features concepts) and(viewpoint messages and implicit Analyze explicit conventions. and language cues Apply multiple purpose suit topic and conventions qualities and literary Explain how you haveread. deeper understanding what of messages text in the gain to a You analyze implicit explicit and your reading. explain how thought you about understood.well can You so that the intended message is and conventions in yourreading You apply many language cues purpose the of writer. conventions suitthe topic and literary qualities and You explain how variety a of topic and of purpose the conventions suitthe qualities and how literary some With youhelp explain ways? meaning in less literal authors communicate you haveread. How do understanding what of text for deeper implicit messages in the analyze explicit and You needto help illustrations. sentences, to texts, words, from to make meaning from all the ways we can understood.well Review intended message is reading sothat the conventions in your some cues language and With youhelp apply conventions. qualities and possibilities forliterary understand all writer. Make sureyou writer. Let’s review some the topic and ofpurpose the qualities and suit conventions how variety a of literary You need much help explainto examples class.from you haveread. Review clear understandingof what in the text sothat you havea explicit and implicit messages identifying and analyzing You require much help with affect the message. and conventions and they how information selected on cues understood. more for See me intended message is acceptably in your sothatreading the language cues and conventions You need much help applyto and compare and contrast. examples multipletextsfrom analyzing explicit messages. read. Let’s workon identifying and understanding what of have you text sothat you havea clear explicit and implicit messagesin the with identifying and analyzing Even with much help struggleyou commas, intonation.) stopping at pausing at periods, convention on. work to (Examples: understood. choose Let’s one the intended message is acceptably conventions in yourreading sothat apply language cues and Even with much help struggleyou to compare. examples multipletextsfrom and the text.Let’s review some writes suits the andtopic purpose of explain how the authorway the Even with much help struggleyou to Respond to and analyze texts logic credibility and Evaluate descriptions on text images based Construct techniques persuasive analyze Identify and textsand other world,self, the Relate textsto your assessment. logic aof text citing for reasons You evaluate credibility the and description in a text. images that correctly reflect the You independently construct relevant details. support youranalysis with used in written texts.You can analyze persuasive techniques You independently identify and your views. texts using to detail support to yourself, the andworld, other You independently texts relate these texts to larger How can you connect world, and texts. other texts to yourself, the You needto help relate evaluation? support your evidence can you to use evaluation. What other some for reasons your of text a and provide the and credibility logic With youhelp evaluate you’ll need represent. to making notes what of “during reading, the inaccurate. Spend time unclear, missingor There are thatparts are description in a text. images that reflect the With youhelp construct us theirviewpoint. of authors convince try to Explore the many ways used in written texts. persuasive techniques and analyze some With youhelp identify issues? questions/prompts that can afor organizer visual of world, and texts.See other me you texts relate to yourself, the With andmuch help prompting credibility a how writers demonstrate their evaluation. examples Review of provide for reasons your logic aof text and sometimes you evaluate credibility the and With andmuch help prompting track of your ideas somehow. this task. You’ll need to keep with system a to you assist with description in a text. Gethelp that accurately reflect the prompting construct to images You require much help and persuasive techniques. media help to understand you some examplesfrom popular written texts.Let’s look at persuasive techniques used in identify and analyze some With andmuch help cuing you help with you this. and accuracyin text.a writers demonstrate their honesty evaluation. examples Review howof provide for fewreasons your credibility logicand a of text and you to struggle evaluate the Even with much help prompting,and keeping track of your ideas. help a with system assist to withyou reflect the description text. in a Get construct images that accurately Even with much help struggleyou to techniques. help understand you persuasive examples media popular from to written texts.Let’s look at some persuasive techniques used in identify and analyze some Even with much help struggleyou to you this. with questions/prompts that can help See me fora organizer visual of yourself, the world, and texts. other you to struggle texts relate to Even with much help promptingand Analyze quality You analyze the quality of a text With help you analyze With much help you analyze Even with much help you struggle to and defend on a continuum from low to the quality of a text on a the quality of a text on a state reasons why some texts are critical high and state reasons for your continuum from low to continuum from low to high better than others. What makes a responses assessment. high and state some and state some reasons for high quality text? reasons for your your assessment. What makes assessment. a high quality text? ELA 18A Rubric for reading functional workplace documents Name ______
Exceeding expectations Meeting expectations Mostly meeting expectations Not yet meeting expectations, even independently with assistance with assistance n Explain the You explain connections With help you explain You need much help to explain Even with much help you have o i t human between the message read and some connections the connection between the difficulty explaining the connection a experience and human experiences and values. between the message message read and human between the message read and m r values reflected read and human experiences and values. Let’s human experiences and values. o f
n experiences and values. talk about how this text relates Let’s talk about how this text relates I
d Think more fully about to you personally and how this to you personally. n the message and what is relationship might be similar a
s says about all humans. for other people. a e Adjust reading You naturally adjust your rate of You need reminders to You need help and guidance to Even with much help and guidance d I rate to suit reading to suit the purpose of adjust your rate of adjust your rate of reading to you struggle to adjust your rate of purpose the text. You know when to reading to suit the suit the purpose of the text. reading to suit the purpose of the skim, scan and read carefully. purpose of the text. Let’s review the different rates text. Let’s practice the different Make sure you know and how they match various rates together! what you are hoping to purposes! learn before you begin. Analyze You think critically about the With help and cuing, You need much help to think Even with much help you struggle to meaning, ideas meaning, ideas and language of you think critically about critically about the meaning, think critically about the meaning, and language a text, how they connect, and the meaning, ideas and ideas and language of a text. ideas and language of a text. Work can support your ideas with language of a text. Work through some examples through some examples with me to evidence from the text. Consider again how all with me to gain a better gain a better understanding. aspects of a text understanding. contribute to the overall message. Text structures and features concepts) and(viewpoint messages and implicit Analyze explicit conventions. and language cues Apply multiple techniques elements and structures, text analyze Recognize and you haveread. deeper understanding what of messages text in the gain to a You analyze implicit explicit and your reading. explain how thought you about understood.well can You so that the intended message is and conventions in yourreading You apply many language cues message theof text. contribute to intended the techniques andthese how structures, elements and You recognize analyzeand text these contribute to the and techniques and how structures, elements and analyze text some With youhelp recognize ways? meaning in less literal authors communicate you haveread. How do understanding what of text for deeper implicit messages in the analyze explicit and You needto help illustrations. sentences, to texts, words, from to make meaning from all the ways we can understood.well Review intended message is reading sothat the conventions in your some cues language and With youhelp apply purpose. structured to suit the how texts various are text. deeply aboutThink intended message the of contribute to intended the techniques andthese how structures, elements and recognize and text analyze You need much help to examples class.from you haveread. Review clear understandingof what in the text sothat you havea explicit and implicit messages identifying and analyzing You require much help with affect the message. and conventions and they how information selected on cues understood. more for See me intended message is acceptably in your sothatreading the language cues and conventions You need much help applyto back to examplesdone in class. message theof text.Refer messages messages start.for a read. Let’s focuson explicit understanding what of have you text sothat you havea clear explicit and implicit messagesin the with identifying and analyzing Even with much help struggleyou message. and seethey affect how the some cues and selected conventions understood. with practice Lets the intended message is acceptably conventions in yourreading sothat apply language cues and Even with much help struggleyou to together. onwork identifying some these of intended message the of text. Let’s and how these contribute the to structures, elements and techniques recognize and text analyze Even with much help struggleyou to Respond to and analyze texts responses critical and defend Analyze quality logic credibility and Evaluate techniques persuasive analyze Identify and textsand other world,self, the Relate textsto assessment. high and yourstate for reasons on continuumfroma to low You analyze the ofquality text a your assessment. logic aof text citing for reasons You evaluate credibility the and relevant details. support youranalysis with used in written texts.You can analyze persuasive techniques You independently identify and your views. texts using to detail support to yourself, the andworld, other You independently texts relate these texts to larger How can you connect world, and texts. other texts to yourself, the You needto help relate assessment. reasons foryour high and state some continuum to low from the quality a of text a on With youhelp analyze evaluation? support your evidence can you to use evaluation. What other some for reasons your of text a and provide the and credibility logic With youhelp evaluate us theirviewpoint. of authors convince try to Explore the many ways used in written texts. persuasive techniques and analyze some With youhelp identify issues? questions/prompts that can afor organizer visual of world, and texts.See other me you texts relate to yourself, the With andmuch help prompting text? What makes a qualityhigh reasons foryourassessment. and require prompting state to continuum to low from high the quality a of text a on You need much help analyzeto credibility a how writers demonstrate their evaluation. examples Review of provide for reasons your logic aof text and sometimes you evaluate credibility the and With andmuch help prompting persuasive techniques. media help to understand you some examplesfrom popular written texts.Let’s look at persuasive techniques used in identify and analyze some With andmuch help cuing you help with you this. makes a qualityhigh text? texts are better than Whatothers. discuss and state why reasons some Even with much help struggleyou to something you is read true? evaluation. How can you if know provide for few reasons your credibility logicand a of text and you to struggle evaluate the Even with much help promptingand way. used make to you a think certain understand languagehow can be from popular media help to you Let’s workthrough some examples techniques used texts. in written identify and analyze fewpersuasive Even with much help cuing youand can help with you this. organizer of thatquestions/prompts Let help learn me you a use to visual yourself, the world, and texts. other you to struggle texts relate to Even with much help promptingand