Coos Bay Public Schools
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The Board of Directors of Coos Bay Public Schools met on December 10, 2007, in the Community Room at Milner Crest Education Center, 1255 Hemlock Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon, for their Regular School Board Meeting. Chairman Kathy Murray called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and led in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board members present: Don Blom Kathy Murray David Ford Donna Opitz Wally Hazen Andy Post Randy Miles
Board members absent: None
Others present included: Superintendent Bob De La Vergne, Attorney David Dorsey, Rod Danielson, Mary Bjornerud, Duella Scott Hull, Lisa DeSalvio, Joel Smallwood, Fred Baker, Travis Howard, Bruce Bryant, Jon Mishra, Dale Inskeep, Arlene Roblan, Jennifer Haliski, Gael Berhow, Julie Entz, Linda Vickrey, Greg Mulkey, Lynda Sanders, Greg Stambaugh, Linda Smith, Trevor Edd, Debbie Holcomb, Sid Hall, Kelly Thompson- Poore, Ron Opitz, Bob Huggins, Ellen Fields, Brenna Vickrey, Tom Hibbert, Gordon Young and Mark Files of Channel 14, and Alexander Rich of The World.
There were no corrections to the Consent Agenda, and the following Consent Agenda items were approved:
Minutes of the November 14, 2007 Board Workshop. Minutes of the November 19, 2007 Executive Session. Minutes of November 19, 2007 Regular Board Meeting. New Hire for 2007-08 Janet Morden, Special Education teacher at Bunker. The retirement request submitted by teacher Vicki Whitty, who has taught 30 years in Coos Bay Schools, effective July 1, 2008.
MHS Activities Report: Marshfield’s representative Ellen Fields updated the Board on activities at the high school including Knowledge Bowl, the Christmas concerts, Drama, athletics, their canned/non-perishable food drive.
Highlighted Program – Technology Department: Fred Baker presented a video of technology around the district, talking to teachers and students. He talked about the current server/data center, technology, its uses and future uses. For REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING December 10, 2007 Page 2
the last several years, our Tech Department has given technology support to the City of Coos Bay. Fred announced they are now self-reliant. He reviewed noteworthy accomplishments/upgrades over the past 18 months and talked about projects they will be doing. Fred added that they appreciate the Board’s support of technology in our district.
Donna Opitz asked what they should look for in support of future buildings, considering the potential bond measure. Fred said they need to accommodate wireless in every classroom and have plenty of connectivity. Kathy thanked Fred for his presentation, especially for incorporating the students in the pictures.
CBEA Business; Lynda Sanders advised the Board that OEA with AFT have filed another suit against Bill Sizemore for not paying what he should have already paid. She added that he has money, but it is being filtered through many venues. Lynda announced that their union offices have officially moved to their new location in the Broadway Plaza in North Bend.
OSEA Business: Greg Stambaugh said that several of them had attended statewide committee meetings and that he participated in their all-Presidents day. The OSEA is moving forward with the process of considering legal partnership with AFT.
Schools for the Future: Co-chairs Bob Huggins and Ron Opitz were present to make the Schools for the Future committee recommendation to the Board. Ron read the committee report, giving the background of their work, information gained from the community survey, and two bond scenarios – one totaling $59,619,100, and one totaling $76,500,000. The committee recommended to the Board that they propose a $59,619,100 bond measure to the citizens of Coos Bay. The bonding would include amortizing $33 million over 20 years and the remaining $27 million over 30 years, yielding an estimated tax levy rate of $2.30 per $1,000 of assessed value for 20 years and $0.88 per $1,000 of assessed value the last 10 years.
Chairman Kathy Murray thanked Ron and Bob as well as everyone who worked on the committee, saying it was important for our community and students that they move ahead on this issue. Donna Opitz suggested that the Board take time to think about the recommendation before making a decision. Kathy suggested holding a special meeting to address this and to seek community input. David Ford added his comments about the work done over the past two years to get to this point, starting with the ad hoc facilities committee followed by the formation of the Schools for the Future committee about a year ago. He said that most of the schools are about 50 years old, and they all need work. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING December 10, 2007 Page 3
Kathy Murray read the names of those community members who had participated on this committee, saying they did a lot of work, and the Board appreciates it.
Tom Hibbert: Tom urged the Board to write a letter of opposition to the 50/50 waiver being sought by North Bend School District for a K-12 online charter schools. The waiver would mean they would not be required to have 50% enrollment from within their district; in fact, most all the students could come from out-of-district. The Board was encouraged to write a letter of opposition to granting the waiver and to send it to the State Board of Education before their January meeting. Tom said he’s talked to reporters, as has the superintendent. The issue with virtual charter schools is that they are taking public taxes for education and giving them to the software companies offering the programs, wherever they are.
Board Activity/Committee Reports: Board members reported they participated in School Advisory Committees, Book Talks at Marshfield, participated in the Schools for the Future meetings, visited schools and classrooms, attended Site Council meetings, participated in the Breakfast of Champions at Sunset, enjoyed elementary students caroling at Shore Acres and high school choir performing at their winter concert, etc.
OSBA Leadership Institute Award Workshop: Kathy Murray had provided a list of the available workshops that OSBA offered as their “free” workshop – part of the Board’s Leadership Institute Award. Kathy will work with Betsy Miller-Jones at OSBA to provide a mix of their “Leadership Even When You Aren’t in Charge” and “Board Leadership Unpackaged” workshops. The Board agreed to hold the workshop 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 in the Community Room.
OSBA Bonds & Ballots Workshop: The Board considered attending OSBA’s Bonds & Ballots Workshop being held in Salem January 24 and 25. Donna said she and Don Blom attended last year and found it very informative; she highly recommended that other Board members attend, especially in light of the upcoming bond measure.
Set date for Special Board Meeting: Wally said he would like to see an article in The World before the meeting to discuss the recommendation from the Schools for the Future regarding a future bond measure, hoping for a lot more Public Input. The Board decided to hold a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, January 9, 2008, at 5:00 p.m. in the Community Room. Public notice will be made. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING December 10, 2007 Page 4
NSBA Convention: The NSBA Convention is to be held in Orland, Florida March 27-April 1, 2008. No discussion took place.
Review of Board Policies in Section B: OSBA has updated policies to review, and Kathy proposed first readings at their January meeting.
Accept 2006-07 Audit Report: Rob Wall presented the Board with an audit report for the District as well as one for Resource Link charter School. He gave a “clean, unmodified report” in the district’s financial audit. Rob reviewed the contents of the audit reports and said there were no deficiencies, but there is always room for enhancing control/improvement. The one comment he made in the audit report was that there was “inadequate documentation of the design of internal controls over the School District’s student body funds.” Don Blom asked the dollar amount of that fund. Rod responded that it was approximately $1,000,000 and that about $700,000 of that is at the high school. Rob added that there are controls in place, but there is room for improvement. Rob thanked Rod and his staff, who were great to work with during the audit.
Donna Opitz made a motion to accept the 2006-07 Annual Financial Report as prepared by Wall & Wall auditing firm. Wally seconded the motion and, with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
Policy EBBC and EBBC-AR: This new policy was presented for second reading. There being no questions, Donna Opitz made a motion to adopt new Policy EBBC and EBBC-AR, Use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and its Administrative Regulations. Wally Hazen seconded the motion. Millicoma principal Bryan Trendell said our head nurse arranged to have the Red Cross come in to train appropriate teachers on the use of the AED. Randy Miles said he is a qualified trainer as well and would be happy to do that training if it saved money. He also suggested that each building have an AED, and Kathy suggested they look into that with budget coming up. A vote on the motion was taken, and the Board voted unanimously to adopt the new policy and its AR.
Policy JFCH: Revised Policy JFCH, Substance Abuse Testing Procedures for CE2 Students, was presented for second reading. It was revised to reflect the current use of oral testing before urinalysis. Wally Hazen made a motion to adopt revised Policy JFCH, and Andy Post seconded the motion. The vote passed with unanimous favor. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING December 10, 2007 Page 5
Duella Scott-Hull – Director of School Improvement:
District and School Report Cards: Duella provided copies of the District and School Report Cards as well as a “cheat sheet” on how to read them. She talked about how the data was collected, the cumbersome paper-and- pencil testing that was required last year, and the anomalies that went into the rating. Blossom Gulch went from Exceptional last year to Satisfactory this year; Bunker Hill went from Strong to Exceptional; and Madison received a Satisfactory rating this year. Millicoma was given a Satisfactory rating, and Sunset received a Strong rating for the second year. Marshfield was given a Satisfactory rating for 2006-07. Duella said it is difficult to maintain high ratings from year to year. The ratings should go back up next year with the 2007-08 assessments being back on-line. Duella said we will consider that another “base line” year for comparison. She also explained that, if any one school – even one sub-population in one school -- does not meet Adequate Yearly Progress, the District does not meet AYP. The Report Card indicates our District did not meet AYP in 2006-07 and therefore did not meet AYP. She encouraged Board members to contact her if they had any questions about the reports.
Lisa DeSalvio – Director of Special Programs:
SPR&I Update: Lisa provided a handout of the System Performance Review & Improvements Summary Report from the Oregon Department of Education based on 2005-06 data. ODE used data from numerous places when they collected the data reported. They reviewed our Child Count data, checked student files for compliance, reviewed report cards, etc., and determined that Coos Bay School District “Needs Assistance.” She reviewed the report and talked about what they are doing to correct any areas of need. Lots of changes and corrections have already been made and added that they are looking at how they are delivering special education to students in our schools differently to help meet or exceed the target.
Bob DeLaVergne – Superintendent:
2007-08 District Assurance and Compliance Report: Supt. De La Vergne said that, by January 15 each year, districts are required to report to their communities the district’s standing regarding Division 581 Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools. He reported that Coos Bay School District is in compliance and that he would be signing the Assurance Form and submitting it to Oregon Department of Education as required by law. REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING December 10, 2007 Page 6
Financial Exhibit: The superintendent brought attention to the General Fund Balance report as of November 30, 2007. Property taxes have been coming in, and we have now received about 77% of those revenues from local sources. Fund Equity as of the end of November was just under $6 million.
There was no further business. Chair Kathy Murray declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
______Kathy Murray Mary Bjornerud Board Chair Board/Superintendent Secretary