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Curriculum Vitae JEHAD YASIN
Permanents Contact Address Jehad Yasin, PhD 103 Buckingham Place Perry, Georgia 069 USA
Home: 001 478 987-4588 Cell 001 478 335-0472 Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Citizenship: USA
Higher Education Ph.D. Economics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 1987. M.S. Economics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 1983. M.A. Economics, St. Mary University, San Antonio, Texas, 1980. B.A. Economics. Karachi University, Pakistan, 1975
Honors and Awards Promoted to the rank of Professor of Economics, March 2005. Promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Economics, March 1994. Appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor, September 1988. Nominated for the John W. Davison Teacher of the Year 2002.
Current Position(s) 2016 Visiting Professor at An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
2012- 2015 Professor of Business and Economics, School of Business at the Australian College of Kuwait, Kuwait
2012- 2015 Head (Dean) and Professor, School of Business at the Australian College of Kuwait, Kuwait 2010- 2012 Dean and Professor, Division of Urban and Professional Studies at the University of North Texas, Dallas, Texas
2008 –2010 Dean and Professor, the College of Arts and Sciences, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia.
2003 -2010 Professor of Economics, Department of Business Administration and Economics, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia.
2002 -2010 Director of Population Studies Center, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia.
1998 - 2000 Department Head, Department of Business Administration and Economics, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia.
Previous Academic/Administrative Positions 1995 - 1998 Department Head, Department of Business Administration and Economics, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia.
1993 - 2003 Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Business Administration and Economics, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia.
1988 1992 Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Business Administration and Economics, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia.
Fields of Specialization and Research Interest Macroeconomic Theory Monetary Economics International Economics Population Economics Development Economics
Courses Taught Undergraduate Courses Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics) Principles of Economics (Microeconomic) Intermediate Macroeconomics Intermediate Microeconomics Statistics for Business and Economics Money and Banking Labor Economics Economic Development International Economics Managerial Economics Business Finance
Graduate Courses Economic Theory (MBA level course at Georgia College and State University) Managerial Economics (MBA level course at Georgia College and State University) Business Finance (MBA level course at Georgia College and State University) International Economics (MBA level course at Georgia College and State University)
Professional Memberships American Economic Association Population Association of America Middle East Economic Association Southern Demographic Association
Scholarly Activity
Publications Yasin, Khatib
Yasin, Khatib “A Comparison Between the Determinants of Profitability of Commercial Banks and Islamic Banks in Kuwait” Journal of Information Technology and Business Management (JITBM) 29th July 2015 Vol.39 No.1
Yasin, Azmat “Remittances and Savings in Developing Economies: Some Empirical Evidence Based on the Life-Cycle Model” Journal of Development Economics (Forthcomings), 2015
Yasin, Azmat “Agriculture and Growth in Oceania” Journal of Economics Development (Forthcomings), 2015
Yasin, Komanduri Murty, "Chapter 8: Characteristics of Afro- Descendents in Mexico: A Survey of the Costa Chica Area of Oxaca and Guerraro States," In: David Swanson and Nazrul Hoque (eds.) Opportunities and Challenges for Applied Demography in the 21st Century, New York: Springer, 2011. Yasin, Azmat "Demographic Structure and Private Savings in Selected Countries of OCEANIA Regions, Saving and Development”, No. 2, 2010 XXXIV Yasin, Helms." A Comparison of Health-Related Expenditures: A Multi- Country Comparison” The Academy of Health Care Management Journal (AHCMJ), 2010. Yasin, J."Demographic Structure and Private Savings: Some Evidence from Emerging Markets,” African Review of Money Finance And Banking, Supplementary issue of “Saving and Development”, 2008. Yasin, Helms."Population, Employment, and Marital Status Trends: Predicting the Number of Women in Managerial Positions," Academy of Organizational Communications Journal 2007. Yasin, Park and Pak. “An Econometrics Analysis of Ocean Freight Rates for Grain Imports in Korea,” Journal of Korean Trade, May 22, 2006. Proceedings
Jehad Yasin, Masoud Naghedolfeizi, , Nabil Yousif, and Ramana Gosukonda “A Performance Comparison between Artificial Neural Network Models and Gravity and Push-Pull Models in the Study of International Migration from South America to Untied States,” The Conference Proceedings of the 2009 Mid-Southeast Chapter of the ACM, Gatlinburg, TN, Nov. 12-13,2009.
Jehad Yasin and Park, Joon J. “Economic Impact of The September 11 Terrorist Attacks on Airline Industry Revenue and Air Passenger Traffic Forecasting between the United States and Selected Asian Countries.” The Conference Proceedings of the 2002 Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) 2002. Presentations Yasin, Khatib “A Comparison Between the Determinants of Profitability of Commercial Banks and Islamic Banks in Kuwait” Accepted for presentation at the Global Academic Network International Conference 2015 (Tokyo, Japan 2015)
Yasin, Sady, Sultanova and Hayati “ Cross Counties of Stock Markets Development-The Role of Country Risk and Credit Worthiness” Accepted for presentation at the Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference 2015 (ABSRC 2015 Venice, Italy, March 25-27, 2015 Yasin, J. and Abdoul Wane “Effects of Fiscal Policy in The Credit Market, Evidence in selected European Countries: A New Look”, Paper accepted for presentation at the 2014 International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), Winter Orlando Conference. Yasin, J. and Abdoul Wane “Effects of Fiscal Policy in The Goods Market, Evidence in selected European Countries, Paper accepted for presentation at the 2014 International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), Winter Orlando Conference. Yasin, J."Demographic Structure and Private Savings: Some Evidence from Emerging Markets,” paper presented at the annual meeting of Middle East Economic Association (MEEA) in Chicago, Illinois, January 2007. Yasin, J, Wang, Lawrence. “The Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment: A Comparison Between China and the United States”. Clute Institute for Applied Business Research, Orlando FL., Jan 2-6, 2006.
Yasin, J., Naghedolfeizi, M., Tanriver, U., & Sartawi, K. “A Model-Based Analysis of the International Migration from South America to United States Using Gravity, Push-Pull, and Computational Neural Network Techniques”. American Demographic Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March, 2006.
Park, J., Yasin, J., Pak, M. “An Econometric Analysis of Ocean Freight Rates for Grain Import in Korea”. Pyeongtaek University. Seoul, South Korea, Oct 21, 2005.
Yasin, Sartawi and Park. "Economic Determinants of Fertility in Arab Middle East Countries." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Middle East Economic Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January, 2005.
Sartawi, K., & Yasin, J. “The Person-Environment Fit Hypothesis and Creativity: A Literature Review and a Model”. International Business & Economic Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 3-7, 2005.
Sartawi, K., & Yasin, J. "The Person-Environment Fit Hypothesis and Creativity: A Literature Review and a Model." International Business & Economic Research Conference Proceedings. Vol. 341:1-15, 2005.
Yasin and Park “Economic Impact of The September 11 Terrorist Attacks on Airline Industry Revenue and Air Passenger Traffic Forecasting between the United States and Selected Asian Countries.” The Conference Proceedings of the 2002 Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR). Seattle, Washington, July 2002.
Yasin, J. "Fertility Level in Countries of the Middle East." Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America, Atlanta, GA, November 2001.
Yasin, J. "International Comparison of Fertility Levels” Third world Conference, 20th National Anniversary, Omaha, Nebraska, October 1997.
Yasin, J. "Determinants of Urbanization" Third World Studies Conference (19th national), Omaha, Nebraska, October 1996.
Yasin, J. “International Labor Migration” The 21st European Studies Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, October 1995.
Yasin, J. "Assessing the Academic and Personal Needs of Freshmen" The 8th Annual National Conference on student retention in Washington, D.C., July 1994.
Yasin and Sellers "Assessing the Academic and Personal Needs of Freshmen" The Fortieth Annual Meeting of the National Association of Personal Workers, Greensboro, North Carolina, February 1994.
Yasin, J. "Empirical Determinants of Labor Migration in Middle Eastern Countries." Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America, Durham, North Carolina, November 1993.
Yasin, J. "Economic Determinants of Fertility Level." Annual Western Economic Association International Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 1993. Yasin, J. "Economic Determinants of International Labor Migration in Western European Countries. "Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1993.
Yasin, J. "Labor Migration in Middle Eastern Countries". Annual meeting of the Eastern Economic Association, Washington, D.C., March 1993.
Yasin, J. "Economic Determinants of Fertility in Countries of the Middle East" Annual Meeting of the International Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, PA. August 1992. Research in Progress Yasin, J. “Impact of Income and Education of Total Fertility Rate among African American Population.”
Yasin, J. “Financial Development in the GCC: A Gravity Model Application
Yasin, J. “Demographic Trends and Private Savings: Recent Evidence from Emerging Markets.”
Yasin, J. "Trends of African Immigration to US 1990-2010.”
Yasin, J. “The Relationship Between Income and Fertility Level Among the EU Countries."
Yasin, J. and Masoud Feizi "Economic Determinants of International Labor Migration To US from South American Countries."
Yasin, J. "Changes in Industry and Population Growth: An International Comparison."
Workshops/Seminars/Conferences/Courses: “Teaching Economics with Computerized Experiments” at Georgia State University, June 7-8, 2006.
Eview Training in Econometrics, New York, NY, April 4-7, 2006.
Participated in the Clute Institute for Applied Business Research, Orlando FL, Jan 2-6, 2006.
Participated in a workshop dealing with “Demographic Analysis and GIS mapping workshops.” Atlanta, Georgia, March 7, 2005.
Participated in the Annual Conference of the Population Association of America (PAA) annual meeting in Philadelphia, March 31-April 3, 2005.
Participated in the Annual Conference of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA) in conjunction with the Allied Social Sciences Association (ASSA) meeting in Philadelphia, January 7-9,2005.
Participated in the Ghana Expo Trade Conference which was held in Atlanta, Georgia September 2004. Participated and led an Annual Retreat for the International Business Grant Proposal which was held in Savannah, Georgia, August 2004.
Organized a workshop on how to start an export and import business, Macon, Georgia, July 2004.
Organized a workshop on how to start an export and import business, Fort Valley, Georgia, November 2003.
Participated in annual meetings of the America Economic Association conference which was held in Washington DC on January 2003.
Organized a workshop on how to access population data from the Census of Population at FVSU on November 2002.
Completed an assessment to the agriculture sector in the Republic of Georgia for the Department of Agriculture, US, August 2002.
Participated in the Annual Conference of Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) which was held in Seattle, Washington on July 2002.
Participated in annual meetings of the America Economic Association conference which was held in Atlanta, January 2002.
Participated in meetings held at the Federal Reserve to enhance internship opportunities at FVSU in Washington D.C., April 1998.
Attended the summer workshop in International Business at the University of South Carolina, June 1997.
Participated in the conference on Economic Education at HBCUs at Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina, April 1997.
Attended the Board of Regent Workshop on "Managing the Difficult Employee" in Atlanta, GA, March 1996.
Participated in a seminar on the use of Implan Software by the Implan Group, Minneapolis, MN, June 1994.
Participated as a lecturer in a seminar on "Economic Reform and Private Sector Development" at the International Training & Management Center in Millersville, Maryland, October 25, 1993 - November 26, 1993, Presented lectures in Economics in Arabic Language for a group of International participants from Egypt. The Seminar was sponsored by the International Training and Management Center, Millersville, Maryland, October 1993.
Participated in a summer workshop on "Survey Research Methods" at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. August 1993
Attended the Summer Seminar in Social Demography, Fayetteville State University, June 1992.
Attended the Seminar on Economic Education. Georgia Council of Economic Education, September 1991.
Funded Proposals and Grants
2011. Submitted a proposal title “The Global Entrepreneurship Initiative to Strengthen International Business Education at The University of North Texas at Dallas.” The proposal budget is $187,714 for two years.
2011. Submitted a proposal title “University-Community Economic Development Partnership Initiative (UCEDPI) at The University of North Texas at Dallas.” The proposal budget is $10,500 for one year.
2009. Submitted a proposal to start the Palimpsest Journal at FVSU. The proposal was funded for $11,200.
2008. Submitted a proposal for “Establishing Economic Forecasting Center” The proposal was budgeted for $16,300 (Funding status is pending).
2008. Submitted a proposal for “Establishing a Financial Literacy Center at Fort Valley State University” The proposal was budgeted for $175,205 (Funding status is pending).
2006. Submitted a proposal for “Enhancing the Financial Literacy of the Underprivileged Population in Middle Georgia.” The proposal was budgeted for $175,205.
2003-2005. Submitted a proposal to strengthen international business education at FVSU. The proposal was funded for $140,000 for two years. 2002-2004. Submitted a proposal to establish Population Studies Center at Fort Valley State University. The proposal was funded for $48,750 for two years.
1999. Submitted a proposal to Coca-Cola Company for enhancing scholarship. The proposal was funded for $25,000.
1997. Submitted a proposal for "Intermediary Re-lending Program for the Rural Business Outreach Program at Fort Valley State University" (Co- PI). The proposal was funded for $1,000,000.
1996. Submitted a proposal entitled "Action Plan for the Rural Business Outreach Program at Fort Valley State University." The proposal was funded for $150,000.
1996. Submitted a proposal entitled, "An Enhancement of Business Computer Lab and Classroom Instruction for redirecting of State Fund." The proposal was funded for $20.000.
1996. Submitted a proposal entitled, "An Advancement of Computer Lab and Proficiency for Business Students and Faculty for Title III." The proposal was funded for $150,000.
1995. Submitted a proposal entitled "Action Plan for the Rural Business Outreach Program at Fort Valley State University." The proposal was funded for $70,000.
Select Committee Work (Institutional Committees) Chair, University Program Sub-Committee- FVSU Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee- FVSU Member, Admission Committee -FVSU Member, Educational policies Subcommittee -FVSU Member, Professional Education faculty-FVSU
Select Community Service Completed a forecasting project for Bibb County (GA) Board of Education, 2005.
Served as elected person in the parent's council at Perry High School (September 2002 –August 2004). Volunteered as a head coach for the Perry High School soccer team during the indoor soccer season and tournament, December 02, January 2003.
Completed an Economic Assessment report on the Economy of Georgia (Former Soviet Union) for the College of Agriculture Home Economics, and Allied program, July 2002.
Market Survey Study for the Robins Federal Credit Union, February 1998
Served as a head coach for kids age 12-14 for the central Georgia Soccer Association, Fall 1999-Spring 2002.
Completed a Market Survey Study for the Robins Federal Credit Union, February 1998.
Completed a study for the Peach County Board of Education on the impact of school breakfast program on students' test scores, attendance, and discipline, September 1992.
Completed an assessment study for the City of Perry on the organizational structure of the city, March 1993.
Worked on a market survey with a committee from FVSC for the Perry Area Chamber of Commerce.
Completed a statistical analysis for a school evaluation survey for Perry Elementary School, January 1993.
Assistant Coach (soccer and basketball) at the Perry Recreation Department, Perry, Georgia, (1991-1994).
Assistant soccer coach for the Central Georgia Soccer Association (CGSA), 1995 - 1997.
Head soccer coach for the Central Georgia Soccer Association (CGSA), 2000.
Soccer Coach at the Perry Recreation Department, Perry, Georgia, 1995- 1998.
Select Professional Activities Committee Work 2006 – 2008 Co-Chair, The University Curriculum Committee at FVSU.
2006-2008 Chair, University Curriculum Sub-Committee at FVSU. 2005 Institutional, Promotion, Tenure and Post Tenure Committee at FVSU.
2004 – 2008 Chair, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education Curriculum Committee
2004 - Chair, Department of Business Administration and Economics Curriculum Committee
2002 – Member, Institutional, Promotion, Tenure and Post Tenure Committee
2001- Member, Institutional, Promotion, Tenure and Post Tenure Committee
2000 - Committee for Internationalizing the Curriculum
2000 – Co-Chair, Institutional, Promotion, Tenure and Post Tenure Committee 1999 - Program Review Committee
1998 - RBOI Board of Director
1998 - Students Activity Committee
1998 – Member, Promotion and Tenure committee
1997 - Member, Curriculum Committee
1997 – Member, Promotion and Tenure committee
1996 - Task Force on Institutional Assessment
1996 - Chair, Leadership Planning Workshop Committee
1996 - Member, Task Force On Program Assessment
1995 - Search Committee for Vice President of Academic Affairs
1994 Assessment of Personnel Functions Committee.
1994 Screening and Selection Committee for the Dean of Arts and Sciences.
1993 The Screening and Selection Committee for the Project Coordinator of Title III. Project entitled "Restructuring Academic Advising at FVSC."
1993 Search Committee, Business and Economics Department.
1992 Students Development Academic Performance Committee.
1992 Advisory Committee for Enhancing Reading and Writing Instruction.
1992 Undergraduate Teacher Education: Plan for Change Design Committees (Performance Assessment Committee member).
1992 - Search Committee for Vice-president of Business and Finance.
1991 Market Survey Preparation Committee for Perry Area Chamber of Commerce.
1990 School of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee.
References: Professor Mohamad Terro President Australian College of Kuwait Hotline: +965 1828225 Ext: 4001 P.O. Box 1411 Safat-13315 Kuwait [email protected]
Marilyn M. Helms, D.B.A., CFPIM, CIRM, CSCM, CMQ/OE. Sesquicentennial Chair & Professor of Management Dalton State College 650 College Drive, Dalton, GA 30720 706-272-2600 phone 706-272-4525 fax
Gerard Rambally, PhD Professor of Mathematics Liberal Arts and Sciences University of North Texas at Dallas 7300 University Hills Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75241-4600 Direct: 972-338-1502 FAX 972-338-1614 [email protected]
Jean Keller, PhD Professor and P-16 Director University of North Texas 1155 Union Circle #1310769 Denton, TX 76203-5017 940-565-3427 [email protected]
Vann Newkirk, Ph.D.Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs/ Dean of the Graduate School Alabama A&M University Normal, Alabama 35762 (256) 372-8198 [email protected] Dr. Abdoul Wane, Associate Professor of Economics School of Business and Economics Department of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Fayetteville State University 1200 Murchison Road, Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone: 910-672-1370 Email: [email protected]
Ahmad M. Khatib, PhD Head of Management Australian College of Kuwait P.O.Box 1411 Safat, 13015 Kuwait +965 1828225 Ext: 4242 [email protected]