LRAA Membership Meeting
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EMS DRC Monthly Meeting 2/23/2010
EMS DRC Meeting Meeting Date: January 23, 2010 Facilitator: Rob Daughdril, DRC Vice Chair, Region 5 DRC Meeting Time: 1: 00 pm Person Recording: Karla Long Houston Meeting Place: GOHSEP, Baton Rouge, LA Present : Absent Robert Daughdril, DRC, Region 5 Kirk Coussan, Alternate DRC, Region 4 Chad Davis, DRC, Region 3 William Clark, MD, BEMS Craig Edwards, Alternate DRC, Region 7 Frank Graff III, DRC, Region 1 Marcia Fries, BEMS Thomas Hartley, Alternate DRC, Region 1 Chryal Honore, Alternate DRC, Region 2 William Hineman, BEMS Frank Jordan, Alternate DRC, Region 9 Mickey Hopkins, Region 2 DRC Karla Long Houston, Administrative DRC Stephen Kershaw, Alternate DRC, Region 5 Mark Majors, DRC, Region 6 Timothy Morrison, BEMS Shannon Mann, Alternate DRC, Region 6 Donna Newchurch, Louisiana Ambulance Alliance David Marcus, DRC, Region 9 Lane Owers, Alternate DRC, Region 5 Steve Phillipe, BEMS Gary Peters, DRC, Region 8 Ken Rousseau, Alternate DRC, Region 3 Rosanne Prats, DHH Donnie Simon, DRC, Region 4 Steve Quebedeaux, DRC, Region 4 Evon Smith, DHH Fred Weaver, DRC, Region 7
Guests: Joel Eldridge, Northeast LA Ambulance Sammy Halphen, Bossier City Fire Department Virginia Pearson, LERN
TOPIC DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION / ACTION FOLLOW-UP STEPS 1. Welcome, Introductions Rob Daughdril called the meeting to and Roll Call order at 1:00 pm.
2. Approval of Minutes. Minutes of the January 20, 2010, Motion for approval made by meeting were reviewed and approved. Frank Jordan, seconded by Shannon Mann, motion carried with all in approval. 3. Old Business The DRCs have received via email an Rob Daughdril asked if a 1-page Karla Houston will add the 1-page updated draft of the DRC Policy Manual. DRC Contact list could be added DRC Contact list to the policy a. DRC Policy Manual to the policy manual. Marcia manual.
Page 1 of 5 EMS DRC Monthly Meeting 2/23/2010 TOPIC DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION / ACTION FOLLOW-UP STEPS Approval Fries added that a laminated DRC Marcia Fries and Karla Houston contact card would be helpful. will work together to complete the laminated DRC contact cards. Craig Edwards suggested that the DRC Policy Manual be placed on Karla Houston will place the DRC the DRC laptops. Policy Manual file on DRC Laptops and forward the DRC Motion for approval of the DRC Policy Manual to Donna Policy Manual, pending Alliance Newchurch to have the Alliance legal approval, made by Mark Attorney review the entire Majors, seconded by Craig document. Edwards, motion carried with all in approval. b. HHS Grant Updates Marcia Fries shared that there are 11 providers that have not completed the documentation needed to meet the 2/26 HHS Spending Deadline.
Spending Agreements with completed Needs Assessment are due for FY 2010 on March 5, 2010.
Once PPE requirements are satisfied by Providers, they should look at what is needed for preparedness beyond PPE.
Dr. Prats stopped by the meeting to The DRCs established a introduce Federal HHS Grant Manager, committee to study purchasing Darrel Hardge, and his staff. Marcia Fries stretcher buses comprised of: mentioned the idea of a Regional HHS Rob Daughdril, Craig Edwards, Project to purchase stretcher buses to Frank Graff and Donnie Simon. the group. Rob Daughdril suggested that this project needed hospital buy-in and Donnie Simon added that Nursing Home involvement was also needed. Stephen
Page 2 of 5 EMS DRC Monthly Meeting 2/23/2010 TOPIC DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION / ACTION FOLLOW-UP STEPS Phillipe stated that there was a bus manufacturer in Hammond, LA that makes a rail system for school buses to slide out seats and put wheel chairs in the bus.
Mark Majors suggested that storage, driving, maintenance issues need to be considered with a stretcher bus purchase. Rob Daughdril added that perhaps OPH could address some of these issues and that the buses could do double duty as mobile clinics. Marcia Fries stated that involving OPHs with this purchase may bring more funding and that a $.10/day tax on nursing home patients could also help fund this purchase. c. Pan Flu Grant Marcia Fries stated that not all EMS The DRCs agreed that the Marcia Fries will send the DRCs a Update Providers have committed to receive vendor, Boundtree, should send list of the undistributed H1N1 H1N1 Grant kits. H1N1 packets to the providers packets. The DRCs will help that have agreed to participate. determine additional storage Many DRCs questioned the purchase of options in their regions for these the CPAPs in this supply but all agreed Frank Jordan suggested that all supplies. that they voted on including the CPAPs in participating providers use the the cache. H1N1 packet supplies to rotate it out and for the providers to replace what they use.
Donnie Simon suggested that all DRCs ask the providers in their Regions for input on what is needed for future grant purchases.
d. Surge Planning Marcia Fries updated the group on Surge Rob Daughdril suggested that a Update Planning discussions at the Regional HHS template can be obtained from Rounds. Federal Plan Templates.
Region 3 – has MOA’s worked out and Marcia asked that Chad Davis and Ken Rousseau present their plans at the next face-to-face EMS DRC Meeting.
Region 6 – Mark Majors asked for help with his Region’s MOAs. Mark added that his Region was lacking guidance and templates on the plans that are needed.
Region 8 – has many handshake deals but no written plans. e. Other Old Business Evon Smith asked Chief Sammy Halphen to respond to a few rumors in the EMS community. The first was that EMTs would be fined $500 for failing to recertify on time – Chief Halphen answered that this was false. The second was that EMTs riding on fire trucks would have to be State certified to operate the truck and equipment and Chief Halphen again answered that this was false.
The DRCs thanked Chief Halphen for attending the meeting and his responses. 4. New Business No additional discussion. a. Bureau of EMS Update b. Louisiana Ambulance Karla Houston shared that purchases DRC Chair, Fred Weaver, and Alliance Update were complete for HHS Reallocated DRC Vice Chair, Rob Daughdril,
Page 4 of 5 EMS DRC Monthly Meeting 2/23/2010 TOPIC DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION / ACTION FOLLOW-UP STEPS Funds. All items on the reallocation recommended that the wireless budget were purchased except the air cards not be purchased wireless air cards. because the cards are usually out of service during disasters and that there were no funds to activate the air cards or sustain them.
Stephen Phillipe added that Karla Houston will research tethering cell phones (smart tethering and report back to the phones) will also work like a DRCs. wireless air card. c. Next Meeting Date, The next DRC Meeting will be a Motion to adjourn the meeting Karla Houston will send meeting March 18, 2010 Conference Call Meeting on Thursday, made by Donnie Simon and notices to the group. March 18, 2010. seconded by Frank Jordan, motion carried with all in approval.
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