Minnesota County Recorder S Association
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Minnesota County Recorder’s Association
Public Relations and Committee of the Future
Data and Restructure Survey November-December, 2007
1. Does your county sell or give away images of real estate documents in bulk.
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 29.3% 24 No 70.7% 58 answered question 82 skipped question 0
2. If “Yes” what file format and media are images provided in and what is the fee? (examples: TIF4 on CD $250 per month or PDF on FTP site $1200 per year)
Answer Options Response Count 24 answered question 24 skipped question 58
1. We send out current images bi-monthly to 2 customers. On CD @ 10 cents/image. Have been doing this for many years. 2. Laredo customers, contract established like other Counties using the Fidlar system. 3. CD $400 per month. Multi-page TIFF - Group 4 compression 4. CD- $400 per month 5. Douglas County Abstract gets a disc daily of our recorded documents for $350.00 a month. 6. CD $250 per month 7. $250.00 per month on CD 8. Roll Microfilm-$85.00 CD -.20 per image 9. TIF ON ZIP DRIVE TAPES, $.25 PER IMAGE 10. Just current daily images on CD @ 10 cents per image. One local abstract co and a company from CA. 11. Roll of Microfilm=$85.00 CD= .20 per image 12. create CD for $350.00 per month 13. CD-$400.00 per month 14. We only do this for one of our local abstracting companies. We charge $200.00/month for images on CD. 15. FTP $.10 per page split 60% IT - 40% Recorder 16. Yes - $600 per month. 17. Yes - $600 per month. 18. TIFF $.10 per image (an image is one page)--- Available to access from County if you purchase all images. 19. CD $250.00 monthly 20. TIF on a zip disk $120.00 per month for all docs. 21. Single image TIFs of all docs recorded for the month on a CD for $300 to one local company honoring a previous agreement for aperture cards 22. TIF format on USB 1.00 per page 23. $30.00 per CD usually 1-2 CD's per month 24. TIF4 on CD $230 per month 3. Does your county sell or give away digital grantor/grantee indexing data?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 15.2% 12 No 84.8% 67 answered question 79 skipped question 3
4. If “Yes” what file format and media is the G/G data provided in and what is the fee? (ie: dbf via email $35 per month or included with images at no extra charge)
Answer Options Response Count 13 answered question 13 skipped question 69
1. $90.00 per month or $2.00 per grantor/grantee request 2. Via internet web site (Fidlar Laredo) @ $25-$50 per month depending upon # of minutes purchased. 3. Printed report $100 4. At this time, only one mortgage co. has requested this on an occasional basis; $1.00 per indexed document; they usually order for a 3 mo. time frame 5. Currently paper format-$1,100 per year. This will change in the near future to a data format. 6. LandShark - $50 per month subscription fee 7. Report form and price depends on number of pages 8. $25 set up fee, $1 per page and postage. The format is a report from Fidlar. 9. Have not yet but if there was a request and IT had the resources to complete the request it would be handled in accordance with county policy - see #7 10. Yes, through Fidlar's LAREDO subscription service or through Fidlar's TAPESTRY credit card search. Subscription fees vary. Can e-mail you a copy of the plans available if you so wish. However, I believe all Fidlar counties in MN are using the same plans except for one county. 11. Yes, through Fidlar's LAREDO subscription service or through Fidlar's TAPESTRY credit card search. Subscription fees vary. Can e-mail you a copy of the plans available if you so wish. However, I believe all Fidlar counties in MN are using the same plans except for one county. 12. pdf's, $35 per printout, plus .02 per page 13. It can be displayed by subscribing to Laredo. We do not sell the raw data in any other format. 5. Does your county sell or give away GIS data?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 34.8% 23 No 65.2% 43 answered question 66 skipped question 16
6. If “Yes” what file format and media is GIS data provided in and what is the fee? (examples: dbf on FTP site at no charge or ArcView on CD for $25 per 1/2 hour, minimum $25)
Answer Options Response Count 29 answered question 29 skipped question 53
1. Fee schedule for Surveyor www.co.wright.mn.us/department/surveyor/feeschedule 2. Contact - [email protected] 3. Shapefile format - see county fee schedule for fees at www.co.beltrami.mn.us 4. view on-line for free 5. media - flexible, fee to be determined 6. shapefile format - Parcel maps w/o AS 400 data $0.10 parcel. Parcel maps with AS 400 data $0.20 parcel. Road Centerline dated - county-wide $200 or $0.10 mile. Address Point Data - county-wide $1,000 or $0.10 address point (all have a minimum charge of $10.00 7. View for free as link to County web site. 8. ? 9. Shopefile or Geodatabase. Depends on the number of parcels. $0.01 to $0.05 and $75 set up fee 10. GIS for entire county is currently in development 11. fee ranges - determined by time and materials available in shapefile format 12. I don't know. It is handled by another department 13. Pdf. or paper 14. County website - no charge 15. All files formats depending on user requests. JPEG, TIFF, DBF, SHP, and others. Fee varies for types of data. From 3 cents per record on up to $24,000. Labor rate is $50 per hour, ½ hour minimum. 16. Available on County Website 17. Shape Files format at $25 a megabite 18. GIS Custom Analysis ** Set up fee $ 50.00 Programming charges per hour $ 75.00 Mailing labels per sheet $ 1.00 1 – 2000 parcels per parcel $ .05 2001 – 5000 parcels per parcel $ .03 5001 – 50,000 parcels per parcel $ .02 50,001 and up parcels per parcel $ .01 ** Washington County political subdivisions and nonprofit organizations have a reduction of 50% associated with the cost per parcel. There is no reduction associated with set up fees, mailing labels, and programming charges. Dial-Up Service Custom installation and support (includes travel time) per hour $ 75.00 Quick Access – Parcel Data Updates Monthly update $ 1,200.00 Quarterly update $ 900.00 Annual update $ 600.00 Application updates Free Custom installation and support (includes travel time) per hour $ 75.00 Maps Community Address Maps per map $ 30.00 Plotter $.25 per inch Calculated Custom maps In-house per hour $ 75.00 Contracted services Market Rate Add $2.00 postage and handling, if mailed. Larger orders are weighed to determine postage fees. Metro GIS Regional Parcel Data & Land Records Attributes The parcel data contained in the Metro GIS Regional Parcel Data Set differs from the surveyor’s parcel data in that it does not include parcel dimensions and it includes 25 parcel attributes maintained by the Department of Assessment, Taxpayer Services, and Elections. Government and Academic Institutions $ 0 Free when accessed electronically through the Metro GIS web site. Private Sector Set up fee $ 50.00 The first 1 – 2000 parcels per parcel $ .05 The second 2001 – 5000 parcels per parcel $ .03 The third 5001 – 50,000 parcels per parcel $ .02 The fourth 50,001 and up parcels per parcel $ .01 Pre-built datasets not requiring any custom extraction per parcel $ .01 Annual or quarterly updates: The fee is based on the above rates applied to an estimate of the number of parcels changing over the time period. 19. Shape Files format at $25 a megabite 20. Shape Files Format at $25 a megabite 21. Unknown - please contact our MIS Department for that information. Parcel mapping is available free of charge on the county website so I do not know if the MIS Department sells any of it in bulk. 22. Unknown - please contact our MIS Department for that information. Parcel mapping is available free of charge on the county website so I do not know if the MIS Department sells any of it in bulk. 23. Subscription to county web site 24. SDE Data Base Format and Shape FILES 25. ANY FORMAT CUSTOMER REQUESTS; DATA SETS: $100/TOWN; $1000/COUNTY; COUNTY WIDE PARCEL SETS: $250; AD HOC REQUESTS: $25/HR, $10 MINIMUM; PICTOMETRY AERIAL PHOTO: $5 PER 15 MINUTES OR WORK TO PRODUCE 8.5 X 11" PHOTO; LARGE MAPS OR AERIALS: $5/SQ FT; 26. Only to other government agencies that are not going to use if for profit, a commercial user can subscribe for $600 per year to go online 27. not sure??? 28. dbf on FTP site at no charge. paper map 17" x 20" $5, 36" x 40" $10. Digital-5 layer Hwy map $25 ($5 for each addn layer). Special products $20 (minimum) per hour of staff time + copy fees. 29. ESRI Shape File Format. CD/DVD. Fees vary. For data, depending on the layers requested, it can range from $25.00 to $1500.00. We have a subscription service which an agreement not to sell information and how information can be used has been created and is similar to the Dakota County agreement. GIS also has fees for quarterly, annual, monthly subscribers. Information is given to other governmental agencies or consultants for a governmental project.
7. Does your county sell or give away property tax data?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 74.1% 43 No 25.9% 15 answered question 58 skipped question 24 8. If “Yes” what file format and media is property tax provided in and what is the fee? (examples: view on-line for free and/or PDF via email at $15 report set up fee + $.25 per page)
Answer Options Response Count 44 answered question 44 skipped question 38
1. Shape files, CSV(comma separated values)@ $50 min & 3cents/parcel. Property tax info available on website: www.co.wright.mn.us/Property Tax Search 2. Set up fee $.25 per page faxed information. not on-line 3. On Line - Free/Excel - Custom $25.00 per megabyte /paper Print $25.00 setup + .10 per page 4. on line - free delinquent tax list $50.00 5. view on-line for free 6. Delinquent Tax List - $50.00 7. View on line for free 8. View on line for free 9. View (estimated market values and taxes) for free as link to County web site. 10. $50 set up 11. Excel - Email info or copy to CD Hardware time -$30. per hr. plus Personnel time $36. per hr 12. view on web free/via email $25 set up/ printed .25/Sheet 13. $200.00 per year or $10.00 per day 14. $200.00 per year or $10.00 per day 15. On line access to Auditor's tax parcel system-$60.00 per month. Auditor also sells Standard Real Estate tape for $704.50 16. some online for free, photocopies for $1, fax $5 17. In house viewing free public access report fees $25 set up fee & 25 cents per page 18. This office does charge for Tax certificates on Abstracts 19. digital or paper-set up fee plus fee 20. County website - linked to GIS data 21. Over the counter copies our given and the fee varies for the amount of information 22. VIEW ON LINE FOR FREE AND FOR SERVICE PROVIDED: EXCEL, EMAIL INFO OR COPY TO CD HARDWARE TIME $30.00 PER HOUR + PERSONNEL TIME $36.00 PER HOUR 23. Email format: Excel or wordpad format, $250.00 for entire county parcel dataset. US Mail format: $100.00 set up fee, plus $0.25/page. 24. Email format: Excel or wordpad format, $250.00 for entire county parcel dataset. US Mail format: $100.00 set up fee, plus $0.25/page. 25. the cost of production of information 26. On-line is free. Full data files in ASCII format can be created for a $15 set up fee. 27. Free on website 28. They use Schneider Beacon product and it is free online 29. The assessor's office will provide this service upon request. They use pdf, xls, paper, labels or whatever is requested. $80 minimum. 30. Data Files Nightly downloaded images per image $ .10 One–time download processing fee $ 75.00 Program time per hour $ 75.00 Administrative cost $ 75.00 File fee from tax system database per parcel, record, or geocode $ .02 Media type per tape or $2.00 per disk $ 20.00 Programming fee per hour $ 75.00 Add $2.00 postage and handling if mailed. Larger orders are weighed to determine postage fees. 31. The assessor's office will provide this service. They use PDF, XLS, paper, labels or whatever is requested. $80.00 minimum. 32. Again tax data information is available free of charge through the county website but I do know if all data is available through the website. 33. Again tax data information is available free of charge through the county website but I do know if all data is available through the website. 34. CD from Assessor data, $125 for CD 35. The current Fee Schedule for customized data is as follows: $200 plus 1- 10,000 -- $.060 per Parcel 10,001 - 50,000 -- $.055 per Parcel 50,001 - 100,000 - $.050 per Parcel 100,001 -200,000 - $.045 per parcel 200,001 -300,000 - $.040 per parcel 300,001 and above -$.035 per Parcel CD Rom Charge $3 Purchase all County Tax Parcel Data for the year $14,612.92 36. VIEW ON-LINE FREE OF CHARGE 37. Address labels to townships 38. paper copy charged .05 per page. If it is wanted in a digital format public needs to contact CPUI and they have there own charges 39. not sure - our IT department does this. 40. Mail out at $.25 per page 41. Data covers this area and charges as set by the county board 42. view on-line for free 43. Search and view for free on the website. DB files can be downloaded from the FTP site. $5 per search per parcel with a paper printout. 44. Excel.CSV format - charge .03/parcel (about 68,000 parcels). However, we will do them in any format that is requested at the same price. The Excel.CSV is the most requested. We also have a subscriber service available for tax information.
9. Does your county offer on-line access to real estate records?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 52.0% 39 No 48.0% 36 answered question 75 skipped question 7 10. Does your county plan to offer on-line access to real estate records in the future?
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 48.6% 18 No 21.6% 8 Maybe 29.7% 11 answered question 37 skipped question 45
11. If “Yes” to offering on-line access in the future what year do you expect this to take place?
Answer Options Response Count 18 answered question 18 skipped question 64
1. 2009 2. 2008 3. 2008 4. 2008 5. 2009 6. Don't know. 7. 2008 8. 2008 9. 2008 10. 2008 11. 2008 12. early 2008 13. WE HOPE BY THE BEG. OF 2009 14. 2009 15. 2009 16. 2008 17. 2008 18. 2008 12. If “Yes” to offering on-line access in the near future what do you expect the fee to be?
Answer Options Response Count 21 answered question 21 skipped question 61
1. not sure 2. Not yet determined. 3. $50.00 one time set up fee. $50.00 a month for up to 200 images and $100.00 a month for 200 images and above. 4. $50.00 set up and then monthly fees by levels of use: $50.00 up to 250 pages viewed, $100.00 251 - 500 pages, $200.00 501 - 1000 pages, and $400.00 for unlimited. 5. Free 6. Don't know. 7. Fidlar's standard charges for Laredo and Tapestry. 8. LANDSHARK FEES ARE SET AT $50 SET UP FEE, $50 FEE PER MONTH, AND $2 PER DOCUMENT. WE ARE THINKING ABOUT ADDING OCCASIONAL USERS AT A LATER DATE. 9. $50.00 per month $.25 per page downloaded. Sign up fee of $50.00 (2 users) 10. By subscription & per image copy charge - to be determined yet 11. ? ? ? 12. $50.00/month for 0-200 minutes; it's Fidlar's fee schedule for Laredo. 13. I AM NOT SURE AT THIS TIME, WILL HAVE TO CHECK WITH OTHER COUNTIES TO BE CONSISTENT. 14. Conservative, a substantial fee would inhibit participants in our small county and light recording frequency. I am waiting for y'all to offer more hints as to the most effective policies! I like the moderate monthly fee ($50?) with a per-document fee ($2.00) like in McLeod County. Show me the way! 15. N 16. Recorder's office sells subscription through Fidlar where they can search the recorded document data from 1987 thru present. Images from 1995 to present. No free service to the public on line. 17. We sell subscriptions through Fidlar where they can search the Recorder's document data from 1987 through present. Images from 1995 to present. No free service to the public on line. 18. We have Fidlar which you can subscribe to for a fee. Records are not available to the public for free on line. 19. YES we already offer on-line access through a subscription service and a credit card payment plan. See previous answers. 20. Not Determined at this time. 21. $50.00 setup,$50.00 for up to 250 images, $100.00 for up to 500 images, $200.00 up to 1,000 images 13. If “Yes” what is the fee for on-line access to real estate records? (examples: $50=250 minutes up to $500 unlimited access or 150 per month + $.50 per print)
Answer Options Response Count 48 answered question 48 skipped question 34
1. County website:www.co.wright.mn.us/Land Titl Search(data-no images) - Free Landshark, subscription based: $50 setup, $50/mth, & $.25/image downloaded.(searching data is free) 2. Only on line offered to Laredo customers. Fees set up by contract established by all Fidlar counties. 3. $50.00 0 - 250 minutes $100.00 251 - 1000 minutes $200.00 1001 - 3000 minutes $300.00 3001 - 6000 minutes $500.00 Unlimited minutes plus .35 per print on all plans 4. Not yet determined. 5. Not sure what Tapestry charges. 6. 0-250 minutes = $50/month 251-1000 minutes = $100/month 1001-3000 minutes = $200/month Unlimited minutes $500/month 7. Landshark...... $50.00 set up fee with $50.00 a month fee & $2.00 per document downloaded 8. 0-250 minutes = $50/month 251-1000 minutes = $100/month 1001-3000 minutes = $200/month 3001-6000 minutes = $300/month Unlimited minutes = $500/month 9. $100.00 a month for one user, unlimited copies Additional $10.00 a month for each additional users 10. NA 11. no fee 12. Level I 0-250 minutes $50.00 Level II 251-1000 minutes $100.00 Level III 1001-3000 minutes $200.00 Level IV 3001-6000 minutes $300.00 Level V unlimited minutes $500.00 13. At this time no charge. 14. Level I 0-250 Minutes $50.00 Level II 251-1000 Minutes $100.00 Level III 1001-3000 Minutes $200.00 Level IV 3001-6000 Minutes $300.00 Level V Unlimited Minutes $500.00 15. $60.00 per month by contract 16. Laredo subscription, 2 customers @ $50/mo and 1 @ $500/mo 17. $50 per month 18. 0-250 minutes per month, $50/mo. 251-1000 minutes per month, $100/mo. 19. PUT DATA IN PREVIOUS ENTRY 20. see previous answer 21. Fidlar system. monthly fees $50=250 minutes up to $500 unlimited access 22. $500.00 for unlimited other plans available also 23. Landshark customers pay $50 setup, $50/mth and $.25/image downloaded Non-Landshark customers can access our "data" free online, @ county website, but no images. 24. LandShark $50 a month $2.00 a image 25. Landshark, flat fee charged 26. by contract/$60 per month 27. ? ? ? ? 28. Conservative, a substantial fee would inhibit participants in our small county and light recording frequency. I am waiting for y'all to offer more hints as to the most effective policies! I like the moderate monthly fee ($50?) with a per-document fee ($2.00) like in McLeod County. Show me the way! 29. $50 Set up fee $50 per month $2 to see image of entire document, whether 1 or 10 pages. 30. $50.00=250 minutes $100.00=1000 minutes, etc. Copies printed from customer's site are 35 cents/copy Security deposit required 31. Laredo on the minute plan 32. 0-250 min $50 per month; 251-1000 min $100; 1001-3000 min $200; 3001-6000 min $300; unlimited $500; remote print copy .35 per page; overage fee also. 33. 0-250 minutes $50 per month; 251-1000 min $100; 1001-3000 min $200; 3001-6000 min $300; unlimited $500; remote print copy .35 per page; overage fee also. 34. $50 setup - $30/month - $1/pp fax on demand (Note: system re-write and new fee schedule planned for 2008) 35. See previous answers 36. $50 per month and $2 per document viewed. 37. $50=250 minutes up to $500 unlimited access 38. $150 per yr 39. $125 per month per user id, unlimited printing and viewing 40. No unlimited access. 41. FREE 42. $50.00 set-up Lg Company $10.00 set-up each add'l user above 1 $50.00 a month subscription (very frequent users)Tier I $25.00 a month subscription (often but not all the time)Tier II $12.50 a month subscription (infrequent users)Tier III Information for the 3 Tiers on county website, click on LandShark, click on the ABOUT button upper left corner. Printing=.25 a page, first page free. 43. $125 unlimited access + .50 per printed image 44. unknown 45. $50/250 minutes up to $500 unlimited access .35 cents for image enhancement fee 46. $50 = $250 up to $500 unlimited access per month, plus .35 per print 47. $50=250 minutes up to $500 unlimited access 48. Initial $200 sign up fee and $150.00 a month for one hook-up. If you wish additional hook-ups it is an addition $25.00 per extra hook-up. 14. What other types of real estate data is requested from your county? Please include what you know about file formats, media and fees. (If this information is on a web page in a fee schedule please include the link)
Answer Options Response Count 24 answered question 24 skipped question 58
1. Assessor provides numerous data as well, see county website @ www.co.wright.mn.us/department/assessor or call 763-682- 7367,8 2. We do tract index searches upon request. There is a $40.00 fee plus a faxing fee 3. plat copies 4. www.co.beltrami.mn.us 5. www.co.rock.mn.us 6. our website is www.co.benton.mn.us tax info is available on line 7. Copy of assessment records or survey's. Free to relative who request. See County web for all fee's. 8. Copies by mail, fax or e-mail. copies by mail or fax are $1.00 per page plus $5.00 handling fee e-mail copies are $1.00 per page 9. ~mostly copies of recorded documents; ~sometimes searches of the tract index records (our county policy is limited to a 5-yr. back search, & verbal search only) ~rarely: #s of mortgages recorded or # of deed transfers for a certain period of time 10. We get requests for pretty much anything pertaining to real estate (surface and mineral rights) Most, it not all, information will be available utilizing GIS system currently under construction. 11. Mortgage reports $15/mo 12. copies of plat maps, boundary lines, ownership of property, "last deed of record" (which is not necessarily the current owner . . .) 13. CRV's, Delinquent taxes, current taxes, assessed values, recording data, etc. 14. copies of plats and surveys - can email or fax - minimum $1.00 15. Mostly just copies 16. WE ARE NOT ON LINE YET 17. None 18. You may want to contact individual offices for complete information 19. The Recorder's office occasionally is asked for reports on how many mortgages or deeds were recorded. The charge is $30 per month printed. It is a paper report. 20. The Recorder's office is occasionally asked for reports on how many mortgages or deeds were recorded. We charge $30 per month. It is a paper report 21. Survey Info Digital Parcel Data (minimum order of $100) 125 parcels plus $.80 per additional parcel $ 100.00 1,000 parcels plus $.30 per additional parcel $ 800.00 5,000 parcels plus $.20 per additional parcel $ 2,000.00 10,000 parcels plus $.10 per additional parcel $ 3,000.00 20,000 parcels plus $.08 per additional parcel $ 4,000.00 Washington County political subdivisions and non-profit organizations are charged at 50% of the above fees after purchasing the first 1,000 parcels at the regular fee. Subsequent Purchase of Updates per parcel $ .80 (Provided only for areas covered under original purchase. Government agencies are charged $.40 per parcel, minimum charge of $100.) All other nonparcel specific data $ 300.00 (minimum charge of $100 per megabyte) Two-foot Contours (minimum order of $200) 20 acres plus $5 for each additional acre $ 200.00 40 acres plus $5 for each additional acre $ 300.00 80 acres plus $4 for each additional acre $ 500.00 320 acres plus $2 for each additional acre $ 1,400.00 Section of land for the first section through 36 sections $ 2,000.00 37 through 72 sections per section $ 500.00 73 or more sections are based on a negotiated price Special request: data cost, plus $50 per hour Data Pricing for Digital Orthometric Photograph Minimum purchase - fewer than 40 acres $ 40.00 40 acres $ 50.00 80 acres $ 70.00 320 acres $ 150.00 Section of land for the first section through 36 sections $ 200.00 37 through 72 sections per section $ 100.00 73 or more sections based on a negotiated price Special request: data cost, plus $50 per hour Hard Copy Products Special request for two-foot contour map: data cost, plus $50 per hour Government Pricing Certain products produced by the Survey and Land Management Division are provided to local government agencies at a 50% discount. ALL DIGITAL DATA SALES ARE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF A SIGNED LICENSE AGREEMENT. 22. All facets of real estate information. We either make copies at $1.00 per page and mail out or fax at $5.00 up to five pages and $1.00 per page after the first five. 23. Assessor Information such as comparable searches, field cards, etc Treasurer's Office copy of tax statement, evaluation data 24. Unsure.
15. What years of real estate records are in a electronic image format? (examples: 1987-present or none)
Answer Options Response Count 64 answered question 64 skipped question 18
1. 1995-present 2. 1992 to present, plus all years of plat images are available on website. 3. Grantor/Grantee-1987 Document Images-1990 forward 4. 1/1/1998 to present 5. 1984-Present 6. 2002 - present 7. 1980 to present 8. 2002 - present 9. Land records in Landshark start January 1, 1999 Images with no tract search vary depending on what type of a document. 10. June 1996 to present 11. 1988 to present 12. 1992-present 13. 1997 - Present 14. 1997 to present 15. 1993 to present 16. August 1999 to present 17. 1988 to present 18. Aug 1999 - present 19. 1998 > present (indexing & image) 20. Abstract and Torrens document images back to 1987. All Torrens certificates of title are converted to data/image format. 21. 1990 to present 22. 07/2005 to present 23. 2004 - present 24. 2003 to present 25. 1997 to present 26. March 2003 - present 27. 2000-2007, AND HAVE QUITE A FEW DOCUMENTS BACK SCANNED TO 1983 28. 1995-present 29. shortly 1989 to present 30. 92 - current 31. 1997 forward 32. 1994 - present 33. 1992 to present, plus all years of plat images are available also. 34. 1974 - present 35. 1987 36. 1986 to present 37. 2002 to present 38. 2000 to present 39. 2000-present 40. 2000-present 41. 1988 to present 42. 1993 to present. 43. 1892-present 44. 1972 - present (abstract) 1999 - present (torrens) 45. 1985 to present 46. 1987 to present 47. 1987 to present. 48. Torrens June 1978-Present Abstract January 1981-Present 49. 1991 to present 50. 1965 to present for abstract property, as well as most abstract deed books; all tract index books, all torrens documents; all plats; 51. 1991 to present 52. 1996 to present 53. Abstract Docs. from 1994 to present Torrens Docs. from 1987 to present 54. NOVEMBER 2001 TO PRESENT 55. All images are in system, indexed from 1992 to present 56. Deed from 1859; misc from 1859 and mortgage for last 40 years. 57. 1993 to present 58. November 1, 2002 to the present 59. 1983 forward 60. 1996 61. 1989 (partial) data index 1996 (optical images) 62. 1987 to present; images to match g/g recently completed 63. November 13, 1993 to present 64. 1987 to present 16. If there is a plan to convert past records to images how far back will they go and when do you expect this will be done? (examples: back to beginning by 2010 or 1970 by 2009 or none)
Answer Options Response Count 61 answered question 61 skipped question 21
1. Back to when the first doc was ever recorded, have no idea when this might be done, by 2012 hopefully 2. In the process of going back from 1992 to 1980 and maybe further. 3. We are working at indexing documents that were on a back up file from 1990 backward. Our goal is to use office staff to go back 40 years. We are going at a calendar year at a time. Do not have an actual finishing date 4. plan to go back 20 years (to 1978) within the next year. 5. Back to beginning. No project end date determined. 6. back to 1987 - possible by 2009 7. Yes, depending upon budget constraints 8. back to 1987. We are in process of this right now. Unsure just when it will be completed. 9. I am starting to image all the records. We are working on mid 80's now. I have no idea when this process will be complete. 10. Currently working on microfilm cards which date back to l973 11. back to 1974 by mid 2008 Then ongoing Back to beginning by end 2010 12. A desire to do so-but no plan in place at the present time. Depends upon budget constraints. 13. 1982 hopefully 2009 14. from back to 1992 by 2010 15. We have had the beginning documents converted and we are working on doing what we can. Hope to be done by end of 2008. 16. Yes We hope to start in the early part of 2008 and convert records back to Jan 1988 and then continue back as money permits. 17. Plan is to back scan all real estate records starting in 2008 and finish 2010 18. Yes we plan to do it back to Jan 1988. We hope to have this done by June 2008 19. images are in the electronic indexing system for filings from late 60's to present date; at this time, those images can be accessed by document # or book/page only; eventually, within the next 2 years, I hope to have indexing data for each of those images 20. Yes, back to 1970. Project completion is sometime in 2009. 21. back to beginning within 3 years available for retrieval by document number (complete indexing to be done as time permits) 22. looking into but finding out the price is costly. 23. back to beginning by sometime in 2008 24. 1995 to 2003 25. Yes, they will go back to 1987 26. 1991 - March 2003, in 2008; prior to 1991 is currently in microfilm and will be converted to images, but I don't know when at this time. 27. WOULD LIKE DOCUMENTS FROM 1902 TO PRESENT SCANNED. IT WILL TAKE POSSIBLY 3 YEARS OR SO AS WE DECIDED TO DO IT OURSELVES AND NOT HIRE A VENDOR TO SCAN DOCUMENTS. 28. all records are in process of being converted. 29. future back to 1971 30. phase one in 08 - strip film back to 89 phase two in 09 - aperture cards back to 64 31. 1878 and will be completed sometime in 2008 32. Will go back to 1980 to begin with. We are in the process now and are just beginning with 1991 backwards. May take 1 year to complete. 33. As budget allows 34. 1970 complete by the end of 2009 35. 1972 to 1986 in process 36. possible 1987 - 2001 by 2009 37. We are in the process of getting estimates 38. in process for 1990 - 2000 from book/page. 39. in process, going back to 1990 now with limited indexing 40. We do plan to get our records imaged soon, maybe by 2010 and we will go back to the 1800's . 41. January 2008 - 1857 to present. 42. Just completed back to 1972 for the present 43. Data entry on 1974 to 1985 is being done now to connect to the image. All previous books are in the process of being converted now and will be online. Completion on both projects should be in 2008. 44. Yes. We will go back to 1964 and scan micro film to 1995. Eventually we want all micro film records to be converted. We are hoping to start in 2008. 45. Yes. We will go back to 1964 and scan micro film to 1987. Eventually we want all micro film records to be converted. We are hoping for 2008. 46. Torrens back to beginning by 2009 Abstract most records back to 1966 by 2008 - others further back Abstract back to beginning by 2011 47. Images go back to 1970 Will image the complete tract index in 2008 48. We will be imaging past records in-house as we have time. 49. going back to the beginning (1852 are our earliest. Plan is to have them done by 2009 50. back to 1960 by spring of 2008 51. Torrens Docs. will go back to 1901 --the beginning of Torrens by end of 2008 Abstract Docs. will go back to 1968 -- 2009 Other stages will proceed following these first two stages. Certs. of Title will be Imaged 52. THIS PROJECT IS IN PROGRSSS - RECORDS WILL GO BACK TO 7-1-1977 - HOPEFULLY DONE IN 2008 53. We will continue to back index as time allows to the beginning of the records 54. already done 55. NO 56. We have had our microfilm cards digitized but they are not in our present recording system. \They are kept separate because of the cost to add them in. They first started filming in November of 1967 and it goes to October 31, 2002. 57. yes, by next year 58. Back to the beginning of film and then into the index books/other data books back to the beginning this will be a several year project depending upon the vendor 59. Yes - next phase having deeds converted back to beginning 60. We are currently working on this project in house with our ITS department. We started about 4 months ago and estimate it will be 2012 before this project is completed. 61. 1970 to 1986 by 2008 17. If there is a plan to convert past records to images how far back will they go and when do you expect this will be done? examples: back to beginning by 2010 or 1970 by 2009 or none)
Answer Options Response Count 61 answered question 61 skipped question 21
1. 1997-present 2. 1992 present. 3. 1987-present 4. March 3, 1987 to present 5. 1995-present includes legal descriptions 6. 1987 - present 7. 1992 to present 8. 2005 - present 9. 1999 through present 10. Verified information from July 2005 to present. 11. 1988 present include legal descriptions. 12. 1997 - Present 13. 1987 to present- 1997 to present include legal descriptions and image 14. NONE 15. Jan 1988 to present 16. 1988 to present 17. Jan 1988 to present 18. late 1996 > present 19. Abstract back to 1987. All paper certificates of title converted to data/image format 20. 1990 to present in Laredo/ IDoc all other years on aperture cards 21. 07/2005 to present 22. 2004 - present 23. 1995 to present 24. 1989 to present 25. 1997 to present 26. 2000-2007 AND MISC DOCUMENTS 1983 ONWARD 27. 1995-present 28. 9-15-2003 to present Parcel numbers not included 29. 89 - current 30. 1992 31. 1994 - present 32. 1992 to present 33. 1974 - present 34. 1987 35. none 36. July 1, 1987 to present 37. 2000 to present 38. 8/1/2005-present 39. 2005-present 40. 1988 to present, it does not include parcel numbers. 41. 1993 to present - all information 42. 1985 - present (grantor/grantee) 1999 - present (legal descriptions) 43. G/G indexes will not have to be digitally formatted as the G/G is searchable in the system as it is now from 1985 and in 2008 from 1974. Old books will have indexes to search by legal descriptions only. 44. 1987 to present 45. 1987 to present 46. 1/1/1984-present Scanned images of paper tract books prior to 1984. 47. 1991 to present 48. 1987 to present 49. 1992 to present include legal descriptions but not parcel numbers only deeds and mortgages include parcel numbers. 50. will be back to 1960 by spring 2008 51. Abstract and Torrens Grantor/Grantee indexes are electronic going back to 1988. Torrens Certs. of Title are all electronic from April 1, 1998 forward. Tract indexes are available from 1988 to present. 52. NOVEMBER 2001 TO PRESENT 53. 1992 to present are completely indexed 54. 1994 forward 55. 1985 to present 56. We have the document images digitized but do not have a separate index for the Grantor/Grantee in digital format. We basically go by the document numbers in our tract index. They are all called up by document number only. 57. 1996 58. See above 59. 1987 to present 60. November 13, 1993 to present with legal descriptions. We are in the process of going back and entering parcel numbers on documents from the November date to about 2003 when we actually started using then on every document. 61. 1987-present (99-present include legal descriptions & parcel numbers) 18. Some counties use data entry rules or abbreviations when entering party names to make the process more efficient or to make the information consistent and easily searchable. Some counties enter party names as they appear on the document. How does your county enter party names? (check all that apply)(We understand there are exceptions to rules so please answer what is done in general)
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Consistent 27.9% 17 abbreviations. Consistent names used for 23.0% 14 common repeat party names. Use a comma after the last 50.8% 31 name. Avoid other punctuation in 39.3% 24 party names. More extensive data entry 9.8% 6 rules. As shown on 60.7% 37 the document. Other (please specify) 11 answered question 61 skipped question 21
1. Usually data enter what is on the document, when possible. 2. Last name first followed by a / 3. no comma between last and first names 4. typo's on documents are data entered exactly as given to us 5. last name, first name, middle name/initial without commas 6. No punctuation 7. spell everything out as it appears on the document 8. entered as on document even if typos are present 9. last name, first name sur name if any etc follows first name after a dbl space 10. Inconsistent rules I am currently working on a policy and procedures manual for this issue 11. Have rules, using language basically on document - no abbreviations 19. What county office accomplishes the task?
Answer Determine Collect Determine Collect Collect Process Response Options MRT MRT SDT SDT Transfers CRVs CRVs Count Auditor 8 6 9 6 22 20 14 27 Aud/Treas 23 30 23 29 30 22 19 36 Treasurer 14 18 13 17 4 2 2 21 Recorder 24 11 23 11 8 17 1 31 Assessor 0 0 0 0 3 8 36 37 GIS 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Land Use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zoning Other 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 specify 6 answere d question 61 skipped question 21
1. We are one stop service, Aud, Tres & Recorder & assessing together 2. Recorder collects all docs, mrt, sdt, crvs take docs & mrt, sdt, crvs to Aud/trea for transfers then back to recorder for recording. 3. MRT & SDS are verified in Rec. ofc. with intake of docmt.; then sent on to Aud/Treas. ofc. for final determination & payment/receipting 4. Auditor/Treasurer 5. Other = customer service 6. Recorder's Office dbl cks all of the above 20, What county office accomplishes the task?
Collect Answer Determine Process Assign parcel Collect homestead Response Options splits splits numbers recording fees applications Count Auditor 19 20 21 0 1 23 Aud/Treas 24 27 25 2 4 31 Treasurer 5 2 2 2 1 9 Recorder 14 4 3 57 7 58 Assessor 7 16 13 0 55 56 GIS 0 0 1 0 0 1 Land Use 0 1 0 0 0 1 Planning 7 4 0 0 0 9 Zoning Other 0 0 0 1 1 1 specify 3 answered question 61 skipped question 21
1. data processing assigns parcel numbers 2. Auditor/Treasurer or Environmental Services Dept. 3. other = customer service 21. Please tell us how, if your county has restructured the deed and mortgage process.
Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Transfer of duties by the 30.0% 3 County Board. Auditor or A/T deputize 40.0% 4 recording staff. Deputy Auditor or Deputy A/T now located in the recording 10.0% 1 office. Other 30.0% 3 (please specify) 20 answered question 10
1. No change at this time. 2. No current plan to do so. 3. none of the above 4. n/a 5. Aud/Treas. handles both processes. 6. na 7. Not applicable. It has not been restructured. 8. No restructuring 9. NA 10. It will eventually occur that we have the board transfer duties for MRT collection to Recorder. 11. Have not done anything yet. In the future I hope it would be a transfer of duties by county board. Our office has Delinquent Tax checks on documents that the county board transferred to our office. 12. NA 13. Has not restructured the process. 14. Combined Auditor/Treasurer/Recorder to Property Records and Taxpayer Services - employees deputized in as A/T and Recorder 15. No we have not. 16. none 17. Staff in Recorders Office all deputized as Deputy Recorder/Registrar, Deputy Auditor, and Deputy Treasurer. 18. N/A 19. Mail & over the counter start at the Recorder's Office except for walk in Abstract Offices and Lenders, they walk the transfer and SDT & MRT walk to the Treasurer 20. Split determination/process has been moved to Recorder; continues under Auditor-Treasurer direction 22. If your county is considering restructure, which tasks will be moved and to whom?
Answer Determine Collect Determine Collect Collect Process Response Options MRT MRT SDT SDT Transfers CRVs CRVs Count Auditor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aud/Treas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Treasurer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Recorder 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 3 Assessor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Land Use 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zoning Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 specify 19 answere d question 3 skipped question 79
1. n/a 2. will need to address these as we begin model 2 e-recording for deeds and mortgages 3. No current plan to do so. 4. I don't know of any thoughts on restructuring. 5. NO 6. n/a 7. restructuring of duties not planned at this time 8. na 9. Not considering restructure, to my knowledge. 10. Not at this time. 11. No talk at this time. 12. NA 13. Unknown. 14. Unknown at this time although we would like the process to remain as it is. In the electronic world, we should be able to transmit the document from department to department for processing. 15. not considering at present time 16. Model II e-recording may cause some changes - nothing planned to date 17. have already restructured 18. N/A 19. Unknown at this time 23. If your considering restructure, which tasks will be moved and to whom?
Assign Collect Answer Determine Process parcel recording Collect homestead Options splits splits numbers fees applications Response Count Auditor 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aud/Treas 0 0 0 0 0 0 Treasurer 0 0 0 0 0 0 Recorder 1 1 1 1 0 1 Assessor 0 0 0 0 1 1 GIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 Land Use 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning & 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zoning Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 specify 14 answered question 1 skipped question 81
1. n/a 2. BNo current plan to do so. 3. No 4. n/a 5. N/A 6. na 7. Not applicable. 8. Not at this time. 9. No talk at this time. 10. NA 11. Unknown. 12. Unknown 13. N/A 14. Unknown at this time 24. Please list three pros you foresee, or if restructuring has been completed, have experienced by relocating duties.
Answer Options Response Count 16 answered question 16 skipped question 66
1. So far we don't foresee any changes, it has been the same for so many years and we are satisfied with the way it is, as I said before, my office collects all the documents, the sdt, mrt, crv, then we take the mtgs/mrt to the Treas. office; and the deeds, crv,sdt to the Aud. office, after they do the transfer they take it to the Treas office to pay the sdt, then all the docs come back to my office for recording. 2. ~I assume that the recording process could be done in a more timely manner, not having to wait for the return of the docmts. from the A/T ofc. ~~but, then there would be time used by the Rec. ofc in doing those transfers & receipts, so I'm not sure that the Rec. ofc. would be able to process more quickly, or not. 3. Although our treasurer processes MRT and SDT, some pros I can see would be: 1. No delay in getting the documents recorded, although our treasurer is very quick about getting the mortgages/deeds back to us when we bring them over to her. 2. We would not interrupt the treasurer to do our transfers. 4. No 5. Transfer of duties to Recorders has cut processing time by as much as a day/month Research is handled easier in-office Communication is better without the Recorder "checking" on the progress 6. The county board has transferred the delinquent tax checks on documents to the Recorder's office. This has saved us a great deal of time. In the future I will request to do MRT and SDT. If we would be able to do these it would all be done when the document is accepted. We would not have to wait for any other office to complete their part, we could just continue these documents through the recording process. It would save a great deal of time. I don't want a deputy from another office to come and do this in our office, I would want to be responsible for it so that I would hear about all changes taking place, etc. rather than relying on another department to care about the process. If the Recorder did MRT, SDT, Splits and Delinquent Tax checks we would not have to have extra costs and training when it comes to e-recording. 7. eRecording process improved Less confusion to the customer by not having to go to all the offices Better tracking of rejections 8. NA 9. No opinion. Have not discussed possibility. 10. Better customer service (no them vs. us with customer in middle - one reject for all). More streamlined processing. Improved turnaround time. 11. eliminate duplication of duties. Speed up recording process. 12. 1. Better customer service. 2. One Stop shop 3. Staff able to determine all recording functions and Auditor/Treasurer functions in one system. 4. More people understand all functions gives better back up. 13. LENGTH OF TIME TO PROCESS DEEDS, MTGS. WAS SHORTENED; CLOSER TO "ONE STOP RECORDING" QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN 2 OFFICES RATHER THAN 3 14. N/A 15. Reduce repetiveness; Allow for consistency between offices 16. 1. One stop shopping. Taxpayer comes to one window to process documents, complete homestead applications, pay taxes, (anything to do with real estate). Great customer satisfaction. 2. Documents reviewed by all areas performing different functions prior to rejecting. 3. Staff is more comfortable being able to answer questions from each area (recording, A/T, Assessment Services). Broader knowledge base. 25. Please list three negatives you foresee, or if restructuring has been completed, have experienced by relocating duties.
Answer Options Response Count 14 answered question 14 skipped question 68
1. NONE 2. ~more functions & responsibilities for Rec. ofc., which would not result in any add'l. staffing or add'l. salary for added duties ~add'. liability for Rec. ofc. ~especially during fall UCC lien filing for CCC, it would put an extra demand on time-sensitive filings for the Rec. ofc. 3. 1. Loss of checks and balances. 2. Possible lack of communication and transfers may not be reported to treasurer. 3. Splits may be missed since we don't do the tax statements. 4. None 5. None 6. Office rivalry Accounting issues 7. NA 8. na 9. Complexity of duties has increased. Turf protection by at staff level. Programming requirements for combined receipting. 10. 1. Some staff felt loss of importance because they were no longer the only ones who knew how to process certain transactions. 11. TRANSFERS ARE DONE IN ASSESSOR'S OFFICE BY A DEPUTY AUDITOR/TREASURER - THEY NEED A LOT OF HELP FROM RECORDER OFFICE SINCE THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE DOCUMENTS AND WHAT FUNCTIONS THEY PERFORM; 12. N/A 13. ?? - I'm sure there are some 14. 1. Customer pressure to record documents even if there are issues from the former A/T functions. We hear a lot of "I'll fix it later. It's a recordable document!" Because the A/T functions are located within the recording office, they feel they can ignore the A/T requirements. 2. Staff distress with reorganization. Not sure how changes will affect them and their duties. 26. Your county name is optional but could be helpful if there are additional questions.
Answer Options Response Count 47 answered question 47 skipped question 35
1. Blue Earth 2. Itasca 3. Lincoln County 4. Kandiyohi 5. Beltrami 6. Rock County 7. Benton 8. Waseca 9. Douglas County 10. Chisago 11. Wadena County 12. Meeker 13. Carver County 14. Mower 15. Yellow Medicine 16. St. Louis County 17. Koochiching 18. Traverse County 19. Redwood 20. Big Stone 21. Pine 22. Faribault 23. Brown 24. Chippewa 25. Wright 26. Becker 27. Lac qui Parle 28. McLeod - but don't print 29. Roseau 30. Steele 31. Martin 32. Itasca 33. Washington County 34. Itasca 35. Cass County 36. Le Sueur 37. Fillmore 38. Hennepin 39. DODGE 40. Hubbard 41. Wilkin 42. Scott 43. Murray county 44. Morrison 45. Pope 46. Olmsted 47. Clay
27. What departments were involved in answering these questions?
Answer Options Response Count 53 answered question 53 skipped question 29
1. Recording - Sorry I didn't get this done when requested 2. Recorder, Aud/Treas, Assessor, Surveyor, IT 3. Recorder, Treasurer 4. Recorder IT Dept 5. Recorder 6. Auditor/Treasurer, GIS & Recorder 7. Land Records (Assessor & Recorder) Auditor-Treasurer 8. Recorder, GIS, IS, Auditor-Treas, Assessor 9. Recorder's Office 10. County Recorder 11. Recorder, Auditor, Treasurer, Assessor, GIS 12. Recorder's Office 13. Assessor, Auditor, Recorder 14. Auditor, Recorder, GIS 15. Recorder's Office 16. Recorder's office 17. Recorder 18. IT, Assessor 19. Recorder 20. Recorder 21. Recorder's office 22. RECORDER 23. Recorder 24. County Recorder 25. Recorder's office. Answering to the best of my knowledge 26. Recorder's Office 27. recorder 28. A/T, Assessor, Surveyor 29. Recorders 30. recorder 31. Recorder and Auditor/Treasurer 32. Recorder's Office 33. GIS for the GIS question only. Treasurer for the selling of Property Tax data only. 34. Recorder 35. Recorder 36. Recorder 37. Recorder, Assessor, Aud/Treasurer & GIS 38. Recorder, Assessor & GIS 39. Recorder 40. Recorder 41. Recorder 42. Recorder 43. Recorder, Auditor, and Treasurer. 44. RECORDER OFFICE, FINANCE OFFICE, IT DEPT. 45. Recorder 46. Auditor and Recorder. 47. Recorder 48. Recorder & Auditor/Treasurer 49. Technology Department Recorder's Office 50. Recorder Only 51. Recorder 52. Property Records & Licensing (Recording area)& GIS 53. Recorder GIS IT A/T