Parent Teacher Committee
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Parent Teacher Committee St. Patrick School
November 11, 2013 Meeting
Adriana Hughes, Nancy Zerbonia, Nicole Campomanes, Marla Kunka, Mrs. Shipman, Becky Nau, Miss Schalck, Trish Crull, Meg Hatton, Julie Johannsen, Susan Newton, Nicole Nolte
The meeting was opened with the Our Father and the PTC Mission Statement.
Treasurer’s Report Trish Crull provided the treasurer’s report. All of the golf outing money has been finalized, with a total over $11,000. The Sam Harris order has not been finalized yet. We have not paid them as all orders have not been fulfilled. One hundred dollars was donated to red ribbon week. Five hundred dollars was donated to the church door fund. The license plate covers have been paid for. Upcoming expenses will be the Secret Santa Shop and Santa Breakfast.
Fundraising Spirit items – License plate covers and Tervis Tumblers have arrived and will be available after masses this Sunday.
Family Night Out We have scheduled a fundraiser night at Kep’s on Tuesday, 11/12/13. Ten percent of the entire day’s income will come back to the PTC. Dine in and carry out apply. Hours are 11AM to 1AM. Julie will be taking a donation bucket to the bar.
Thanksgiving Treats The popcorn has been donated by the Sunnyland theatre. We will not be doing M&M’s as we are having difficulty finding enough. We need volunteers to prep and deliver the treat. Please bring a large box.
Women’s Candlelight Mass/Dinner An invitation has been mailed and included in the bulletin. Mass begins at 6:30PM with dinner following. A motion was passed to allot $250 for the dinner. The Knights of Columbus have volunteered to serve dinner. We need 3-4 volunteers to help with setup, identifying final dinner count during mass and collecting the donated items.
Teacher Appreciation At least five dollars from each student in 3rd-6th grade will be collect to help underwrite the teachers’ Christmas dinner. The dinner will be provided by Basta O’Neils.
Santa Breakfast/Secret Santa Shop The breakfast is 12/8 from after 8:30 mass until 11AM. The Santa Shop will be open during the breakfast and during school on Friday. Santa and Mrs. Claus are booked. Nancy will be working to get 7th grade volunteers to be “elf” helpers. We are not scheduling a photographer, but will be asking people to bring their own camera and provide a donation that will be given to the charity of Father Steve’s choice.
Carnival Theme – Catholic schools light the way through faith, knowledge and service. Each class will be asked to prepare a poster based on what the theme means to them. These will be displayed at the carnival. Misty will be running the prize table. A motion was approved to allot $750 for the prize table. Nicole has made significant progress securing raffle items. Recruiting for volunteers will begin towards the end of November beginning of December. We will need about 20 volunteers for setup.
Miscellaneous December Meeting – We will be meeting at Basta O’Neils at the regular date and time for a short meeting and a Christmas social hour.
Document Camera – The school currently owns a few document cameras which act like a projector onto the smart board. Mrs. Shipman has requested 13 additional document cameras at $80 per camera. Susan will be meeting with Mrs. Shipman to research the cameras and the requirements of the teachers. We will table this until next month.
Reading Leveling System – Mrs. Nau and Miss Schalck would like $100 per year for a reading leveling system (Reading A to Z) for use in classes up to fifth grade. A motion was made and approved to give $100 now and include this in the annual PTC budget going forward.
White Boards – One of the needs identified previously is replacing/resurfacing the blackboards with white boards. The cost estimate is $4,000 to $5,000. We would like to gather more information on options and costs before moving forward on this.