Constitutional Underpinnings

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Constitutional Underpinnings

Constitutional Underpinnings

The beginnings of the United States are deeply rooted in lessons learned by the Founding Fathers in response to their ties to England. Following the independence of the United States, the young country went through a period of growth and internal turmoil as it sought to find its path to success. Unfortunately, in today’s world, the humble, yet amazing beginnings of this great nation have largely been forgotten. It is up to the youth of today to remember the birth of the United States and make sure that future generations are educated as well.

Essential Question: How does the political system of today reflect the ideological and philosophical traditions inspired by the Framers of the Constitution?

Driving Question: How can we educate others about the foundational principles upon which this country was started?

This essential question will be answered on a daily basis in your Moodle Journal. This is a building block that should guide your project. Please date all entries. It is suggested that you copy all work that you do in a word document as Moodle sometimes is down or does not save properly. For this project, you will have at least eight entries. (This will ultimately be determined by the number of days that the project lasts.)

1. Create basic questions about the Constitutional Underpinnings of the United States to survey a. Teachers b. Students representing each grade c. Parents/guardians d. The general public e. Non-U.S. citizens

 Your survey should consist of a minimum of twenty questions.  Each of you must survey two people from each category.  You may choose to format your survey any way that you like.  Use any of the following to create your survey: a. Google Form --- this will grade it for you b. c.

2. Create a documentary that shows the development of the United States’ government and its founding.  What are the principles upon which this country was founded and what is the structure of the Constitution?  Focus on those areas in which your survey participants were lacking in general knowledge.  You may use i-Movie to create your documentary.  Please be sure to use copyright appropriate material.  The final movie will be exported to QuickTime and uploaded to Studio4Learning.

3. Show your finished product to at least one individual from each category that you originally surveyed.  Have that individual take the same survey and analyze the change in the results.  In what areas did they improve?  Use a chart or graph to show the changes.  You may use Inspiration, Excel, or any other web application with which you are familiar.  Include a written analysis to explain the changes or lack of changes. In other words, in which areas is your documentary lacking and which areas were explained well?

4. Topics to Cover:

a. Power –what is it? How does it apply to the legitimate right to govern? b. 4 Theories of Who Governs Marx, Weber, Mills, pluralists c. European Philosophers and documents: Magna Carta Petition of Rights and Montesquieu John Locke and Contract Theory d. Declaration of Independence e. Articles of Confederation f. Federalists vs. Anti-federalists g. Constitutional Convention h. Federalist 10 and factions i. Modern Federalism (9/11 and Hurricane Katrina) j. Supreme Court and Federalism: McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S. (1964) U.S. v. Lopez (1995) Printz v. U.S. (1997) U.S. v. Morrison (2000) k. Amending the Constitution l. Basic Principles of the Constitution Articles 1-6 Amendments 1-27 Rough Timeline for the project: (Small Group topics are announced 3x a week)

Days 1 and 2 – Research topics, create either a delicious account to track your used sites or create a word document that lists your works cited. (Google Scholar required)

Day 3 – Create survey questions

Day 4 – Conduct survey during class and or homework – Begin storyboard for documentary.

Days 5 and 6 – Create documentary and export for uploading.

Day 7 – Show documentaries to surveyed people and re-survey original participants (and homework)

Day 8 – Create charts and analysis of survey results

Day 9 – Share documentaries and results with class – Reflect on documentary deficiencies

Day 10 – Online discussion in groups on chosen outside reading/reaction paper --- Please determine this in advance. The other readings will be completed as reaction papers. These must be typed and are due on this day!

Day 11 – Quizlet and class discussion/review of unit

Day 12 – Unit test Constitutional Underpinnings Rubric

1 2 3 4 Research Very little Minimal Multiple Extensive evidence of research sources were research research. conducted. used. conducted. Survey Superficial Questions Questions Questions were questions that basically tested were well well crafted did not focus the general crafted, but and covered all on the needed knowledge of missed at needed areas content. those surveyed. least two for testing. areas needed for testing. Analysis Little analysis Basic analysis of Detailed Detailed of the survey the survey analysis of analysis that results. results. the survey reflects insight results. on the survey results. Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student and student uncomfortable and student is demonstrates does not have with the at ease with remarkable Content a grasp of the information. the content, insight and full information. but fails to content elaborate. knowledge. Documentary Documentary Documentary Documentary Documentary was missing at was missing at was missing covered all least three least two at least one needed elements. elements. element. elements. Creativity Lack of Creativity was Creativity Creativity was creativity. average. was above above and average. beyond all expectations. Professionalism Video lacked Video had Video was Video was any professional generally exceptionally professional elements. professional. professional. qualities. Spelling and Documentary Documentary Documentary Documentary Grammar and analysis and analysis had and analysis and analysis had too many five to ten errors. had at least were virtually errors to count. five errors. error free. Knowledge It is evident It is evident that It is evident It is evident Gained that very little some that much that an information information was information extensive was learned learned was learned amount of throughout this throughout this throughout information project. project. this project. was learned throughout this project process.

Total Points: ______x 2 = ______/ 72 Journal Entry Rubric

1 2 3 4 Entries Completed less Completed Completed Completed 90% Completed than 50% of the between 50% between 50% or more of the entries. and 75% of the and 75% of the entries. entries. entries. Quality of Entries were of Entries were of Entries were of Entries were of Entries poor quality. satisfactory good quality. excellent quality. quality. Use of Journal No evidence of Little evidence Many entries All entries as a Building entries building of entries built upon show evidence Block upon one building upon previous that the student another. one another. information. is building upon knowledge gained throughout this unit. Grammar and Poor spelling Several spelling Few spelling Virtually error Spelling and many and and free. grammatical grammatical grammatical errors. errors. errors. Relation to Entries do not Entries touched Entries Entries related Essential relate to the upon the predominantly solely to the Question essential essential related to the essential question. question. essential question. question.

TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/20 Recorded Discussion Rubric

2 3 4 5 Analysis Little analysis Basic analysis Detailed Detailed of the reading. of the reading. analysis of the analysis of the reading. reading that shows insight. Personal Very little Some evidence Evidence of a Extensive Reaction personal of a personal personal evidence of a reaction to the reaction to the reaction to the personal reading. reading. reading. reaction to the reading. Discussion Very few Comments Comments Comments comments were made and made and made and made and few questions asked questions asked questions asked questions were were basic. were generally were thought asked. Did not insightful. provoking. contribute much to the discussion.

Total Points: ______/15

Reaction Paper Rubric

2 3 4 5 Analysis Little analysis Basic analysis Detailed Detailed of the reading. of the reading. analysis of the analysis of the reading. reading that shows insight. Personal Very little Some evidence Evidence of a Extensive Reaction personal of a personal personal personal reaction to the reaction to the reaction to the reaction to the reading. reading. reading. reading. Understanding Little evidence Evidence that Evidence that Evidence that of Reading that the reading the reading was the reading was the reading was was generally understood. understood and understood. understood. knowledge was gained by its completion.

TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/15 Reaction Paper Rubric

2 3 4 5 Analysis Little analysis Basic analysis Detailed Detailed of the reading. of the reading. analysis of the analysis of the reading. reading that shows insight. Personal Very little Some evidence Evidence of a Extensive Reaction personal of a personal personal personal reaction to the reaction to the reaction to the reaction to the reading. reading. reading. reading. Understanding Little evidence Evidence that Evidence that Evidence that of Reading that the reading the reading was the reading was the reading was was generally understood. understood and understood. understood. knowledge was gained by its completion.


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