9. Visual Foxpro Developer Conference 2002

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9. Visual Foxpro Developer Conference 2002

9th Microsoft Visual FoxPro 5.- 8.11.2002 Developer Conference 2002 Frankfurt / Main in Germany Germany

The European developer conference for MS Visual FoxPro 8.0 Lindner Congress Hotel Frankfurt (Höchst)

4 days action-packed programme with new session-tracks on all days!

The Speakers The Sessions

(English only) Visual FoxPro 8.0 Visual FoxPro 8.0 Reportdesigner Marcia Akins Is the hottest update of Visual FoxPro we ever Collection-Class Steven Black had. As we never had so many new features in Event-Binding Jim Booth one single updated we extended the conference Exception-Handling Mike Feltman from 3 to 4 days to cover all new topics Grid-enhancements Toni M. Feltman IDE-enhancements Dan Jurden About a dozen english Speakers present in 44 Leaf-Classes (Col./Page) Andy Kramek different Sessions the new world of Visual Toolbox Ken Levy FoxPro 8.0. We garantue at least two english Xcursor-Class Kevin McNeish sessions in each row. Drew Speedie Rick Strahl If you are interested in .NET we have a two days Special Tracks track with Kevin McNeish about .NET for VFP- .NET for VFP-developers developers! MS SQL-Server And for Client/Server-developers we recommend the one day track about MS SQL-Server. R e g i s t r a t i o n

d e a d l i n e

2 5 t h

O c t o b e r

2 0 0 1 Registration Address eMail [email protected] Internet http://www.dfpug.de

New Features for new offers result in new contracts and orders ! Anti-cyclical investment in knowledge – the best thing you could do right now! For those attending more than one day, there will The 9th again be late night sessions after the evening MS Visual buffet. We generally want to recommend to participate in all four conference days; dFPUG FoxPro- members are of course nevertheless being Developer offered other choices of booking. As in the last years, half of the programme will conferenc consist of sessions in English. But the e international speakers use a truly comprehensible English and are among the world's best lecturers of the on Visual FoxPro. Vendor sessions and an German exhibition are also being offered. If you are interested in .NET we offer an FoxPro integrated two days track on the first two days of User the conference. If you are interested in SQL- Server we offer an integrated one day track on Group the last day of the conference. These tracks are (dFPUG) escpecially designed for VFP-developers.

The German-speaking All participiants have to book hotel rooms on their FoxPro User Group own - best in the conference hotel: (dFPUG) cordially invites Lindner Congress Hotel Phone ++49 69-33002-00 you to the 9th European Frankfurt Fax ++49-69-33002-999 Visual FoxPro Developers Bolongarostraße 90-100 eMail Conference in Frankfurt D-65929 Frankfurt/M. (Höchst) URL am Main. The highest number ever of practice- You can book your hotel room online at  oriented lectures www.lindner.de  Onlinebooking  Frankfurt demonstrate how room reservation  booking  Group code powerful applications can „VFP2002“ or by phone ++49-69-33002-00, Fax be realized even better ++49-69-33002–999 or eMail [email protected] with the with Visual FoxPro 8.0 keyword "VFP-Conference". and that the world of Visual FoxPro has once again advanced in every respect. Visual FoxPro 8.0 will be available in early spring 2003. Learn at our conference all you need - fast and most complete.

The sessions You find a list of the most important session subjects on the title page. Attached the English conference programme with descriptions of the sessions and speakers. The complete programme including German speakers / sessions could be found on our Web server http://www.dfpug.de/ devcon2002. Session E-GRD2 Drew Speedie E-TALK Jim Booth Techniques To Get More Out Of Grids Speakers overview E-COLL Steven Black VFP 8.0 Speaker Session Collections (Tuesday) Here is the list of offered E-SENS Andy Kramek E-LEVY Ken Levy Sessions in English IntelliSense Inside and Out VFP 8.0 in language. For complete programme with all sessions E-LIST Marcia Akins Action please download the Understanding Combos and Lists in VFP German version of the E-LEAF Mike Feltman (Wednesday) conference programme. Introducing the VFP 8.0 Leaf Classes E-KIT Ken Levy Vendor sessions are marked E-TOOL Mike Feltman Visual as “(Vendor)”. For some Introducing the VFP 8.0 Toolbox FoxPro Toolkit for .NET sessions we already know the day of presentation and FWK class libraries/frameworks (Thursday) mark it in brackets. E-MERE Kevin McNeish Mere The session codes below Mortals .NET and VFP KEY Keynote will be used at the whole (Vendor) conference, e.g. for session E-KEY Ken Levy E-MAXF Drew Speedie Visual plan, room plans, session Microsoft evaluations and files on the MaxFrame Professional Framework Technical KeyNote companion CD. (Vendor) E-EXPR Mike Feltman Building (Wednesday) Applications with Visual FoxExpress OOP objectoriented (Vendor) programming E-HELP Rick Strahl West E-OOP1 Jim Booth Wind HTML Help Builder Introduction (Vendor) Track Overwiew to OOP Here the list of sessions in (Thursday) TIER Multi tier architecture our special Tracks: For each E-OOP2 Jim Booth track a wellknown speaker E-ARCH Jim Booth presents a set of session in Introduction Application Architecture to OOP the given order. All sessions are given only once and no (Thursday) COM COM / OLE-Automation session notes except slides E-HOOK Steven are provided. Black Hooks and E-COM Rick Strahl COM Anchors: A solution Interoperability between Visual FoxPro and The session codes below will framework for VFP .NET (Wednesday) be used at the whole E-WORK Andy E-ACTI Marcia Akins Using conference, e.g. for session plan, room plans, session Kramek Working ActiveX Controls in VFP E-AUTO Marcia Akins evaluations and files on the with Objects in VFP companion CD. E-TEAR Andy Automation with VFP Kramek OOPs WEB Internet Without Tears .NET Track .NET E-XML Toni M. Feltman für Visual FoxPro DATA database Introduction to XML for Visual FoxPro Entwickler Developers E-REUS Toni M. E-NET1 Kevin E-WRAP Toni M. Feltman I wish I Feltman Reusable McNeish The .NET had a Web Service Data Classes Framework for VFP E-FATX Rick Strahl Internet Developers enabling Fat Client applications with XML PROG software (Tuesday) E-WEST Rick Strahl West development E-NET2 Kevin Wind Web Connection McNeish C# and E-TIPP Drew (Vendor) Visual Basic .NET side-by- Speedie VFP Tips E-VODO Dan Jurden side comparison(Tuesday) and Tricks Introduction to Voodoo E-NET3 Kevin E-GRD1 Drew (Vendor) Speedie VFP 8.0 McNeish Data Access Enhancements To The Grid with ADO.NET (Tuesday) Control LATE Late Night Sessions E-NET4 Kevin McNeish NET Business Objects

(Tuesday) E-NET5 Kevin McNeish Creating Windows Desktop Applications with .NET (Wednesday) E-NET6 Kevin McNeish Creating Web Form Applications with .NET (Wednesday) E-NET7 Kevin McNeish .NET XML Web Services

(Wednesday) E-COM Rick Strahl COM Interoperability between Visual FoxPro and .NET (Wednesday)

SQL Track Microsoft SQL- Server E-SQL1 Dan Jurden New SQL Server 2000 Features for VFP Developers (Friday) E-SQL2 Dan Jurden User-Defined Functions and Computed Columns (Friday) E-SQL3 Dan Jurden Using COM in T- SQL

(Friday) E-SQL4 Dan Jurden XML Services in SQL Server 2000

(Friday) The Special ADO.NET data access model, and provides E-COM COM information that helps you decide the best way to Interoperability between Tracks implement data access in your .NET Visual FoxPro and .NET applications. It also demonstrates the strong data Rick Strahl access tool set available in Visual Studio .NET, The eigth session of the Track .NET including the Server Explorer, XML Designer .NET-track is presented by Track .NET and the XML Schema Designer. Rick Strahl –see his session description in the COM- für Visual E-NET4 NET Business Objects section of the regular FoxPro- Kevin conference program. This Entwickler McNeish might be a double session Business objects are the key to building covering even more material. applications that can scale from the desktop to E-NET1 The .NET the Internet as well as provide flexible data Framework for VFP access. This session demonstrates how you can Track SQL Developers create high-performance, flexible business Microsoft Kevin objects in .NET that can be used from Windows McNeish SQL-Server Forms, Web Forms or Web Services Microsoft has created world- applications. It addresses the unique challenges class development tools on E-SQL1 New SQL of building flexible components in strongly typed two fronts--Visual FoxPro Server 2000 Features for languages such as C# and Visual Basic .NET. and .NET. Although you can VFP Developers "do it all" in VFP, it would Dan Jurden E-NET5 Creating Windows Desktop be a mistake to ignore the There are several new Applications with .NET Kevin .NET initiative. This features in SQL Server 2000 McNeish sessions gives you solid that can be of great benefit Many developers are surprised to learn that you answers to questions such as for VFP Developers. This can create regular Windows desktop applications "What is the .NET session will cover User- with .NET. This session shows you many of the Framework", "How do you Defined Functions, advancements available in the .NET Framework create and distribute .NET Computed Columns, Getting and Visual Studio .NET for building world-class applications?" and "What XML Data from SQL Server Windows desktop application (also known as does .NET mean for VFP and other new features. "WinForm" applications). It also demonstrates developers?" UDFs allow developers to how you can incorporate business components put more logic and do some into WinForm applications. E-NET2 C# and additional server side Visual Basic .NET side-by- computing than using only E-NET6 Creating Web Form side comparison stored procedures. Computed Applications with .NET Kevin McNeish columns allow developers to Kevin McNeish One of the hottest topics for have a field defined in the You would expect that a technology named developers using .NET is structure of the table that is a ".NET" would provide some great tools for which language to choose. result of an expression; developing Web applications. Visual Studio For Visual FoxPro including a UDF. XML .NET delivers on this expectation. This session developers the choice will services are one of the shows you the new event-driven model for most likely be C# or Visual biggest new features of SQL building .NET Web Forms applications, and Basic .NET. This session Server. All of these and more shows the many similarities between building provides a side-by-side will be covered in this desktop and Web applications with .NET. comparison of the language session. syntax, capabilities and E-NET7 .NET XML Web Services object-orientated features to E-SQL2 User- Kevin help you make a more Defined Functions and McNeish informed decision. Computed Columns Although Web Services have been slow to catch Dan Jurden on, they still represent a huge advancement in E-NET3 Data Access One of the new features in how software applications interoperate. This with ADO.NET SQL Server 2000 is the session shows you different ways you can ability to create User- implementing XML Web Services in your Kevin McNeish Defined Functions. This applications, and demonstrates the tools provided One of the most important session will show how to by Visual Studio .NET that make it easy to issues with Visual FoxPro create UDFs. Also the create, publish, and consume Web Services. developers is data access. differences between UDFs This session teaches you the and Stored Procedures, the many uses of UDFs E-OOP2 Introduction to OOP the implications of the (including Computed Jim Booth different techniques that are Columns), and the A double session of introduction to Object available. In this session limitations of what can and Oriented Programming. This session presetns the Andy reviews and explains cannot be done within the concepts of OOP for programmers that are new the basics of Object Oriented body of the UDF will be to the paradigm. It takes a practical approach to Programming and illustrates discussed. learning OOP that focuses on the benefits of the the basic techniques OO approach to the developer and the project. including Inheritance, E-SQL3 Using COM Seeing examples of each concept assists the Delegation, Polymorphism, in T-SQL developer to understand the reasons as well as Coupling, Aggregation, the rules. Composition and Messaging. Dan Jurden Attendees will learn: how to The T-SQL programming E-HOOK Hooks and Anchors: A solution define the responsibilities of language is very powerful framework for VFP Steven classes and sub-classes, how for accessing and Black to use Inheritance, manipulating data stored in A variety of common problems can be Delegation and a SQL Server database. segmented and solved by what I call the Hooks Polymorphism, how to However, it does not and Anchors Design Pattern. In this session we'll recognize, and avoid, Tight provide a rich set of built in develop and explore this composite Design Coupling , how to create functions for performing Pattern, and show how VFP is a great platform complex classes using advanced calculations and for its implementation Aggregation and other types of operations. Composition. This capability can be E-WORK Working with Objects in VFP accessed via COM. COM Andy objects can be created in any Kramek DATA language (that supports Beginning with VFP 7.0, and continuing in VFP Datenbanken COM) and these objects can 8.0, the VFP base classes have been considerably be used in T-SQL Code. extended and VFP objects have some new and E-REUS Reusable This session will show how exciting capabilities. In this session Andy will Data Classes and discuss the advantages shed light on some of the darker corners and disadvantages of using associated with working with Objects in VFP. He Toni M. this feature. shows how some of the new (and not so new) Feltman features of VFP's object oriented language can be The one thing that Visual E-SQL4 XML used to extend the power and functionality of FoxPro has been missing for Services in SQL Server objects in your applications. This session covers years is reusable data classes. 2000 the topic from designing classes for maximum Data environments, Cursor Dan Jurden re-usability, to specific implementation and Relations could be sub One of the new features of techniques including dealing with garbage classed in code, but the SQL Server 2000 is the collection, using Access and Assign methods, classes could not be used in a ability to retrieve XML data. implementing "collections", "events" and "error native Visual FoxPro form. This session will show how handling". Attendees will learn: how to design This session will cover the to set up XML support in classes for maximum re-usability, how to create reasons why it is beneficial SQL server as well as the and Release objects safely, how (and when) to to have reusable data different techniques of use Access and Assign methods efficiently, how environment classes as well accessing the XML data. to implement some of the key new features in as how to create and VFP 8.0. implement them in your Visual FoxPro applications. The Regular E-TEAR OOPs Without Tears Andy PROG Sessions Kramek OOP is all about good planning and design. One of the hardest lessons to learn when you begin Programmier OOP Object working with objects is to resist the temptation to oriented start writing code - especially in classes - until ung programming you know exactly what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and where the code is E-TIPP VFP Tips actually going to go. In order to do this and Tricks E-OOP1 Introduction efficiently you need to be comfortable with the to OOP different elements that make up Visual FoxPro's Drew Jim object oriented environment and to understand Speedie Booth In this session, Drew Even though the VFP grid is a very powerful set of values. Used properly, presents as many VFP control, some developers refuse to use the VFP they provide a valuable application development tips grid for data-entry. Others refuse to use grids at means of ensuring data and tricks as he can fit in the all, because of various shortcomings. This validity. Used improperly, allotted time. The items session demonstrates numerous specific they can be your worst cover a broad spectrum of techniques to help you get more out of your nightmare. If you use a VFP development, from grids. The techniques apply to both data-entry combo box to present the improving productivity to grids and those used as readonly lists. Attendees user with thousands of items, managing classes to working should know how to create a VFP form and add you are asking for trouble! In around VFP controls. The more grids they have created, the this session, I present some limitations/anomalies. You more they are likely to appreciate this handy combo and list classes should be able to put the information. that can be used to provide a majority of these techniques polished, professional to work right away, since E-COLL VFP 8.0 Collections interface while significantly they are drawn from Steven reducing your development everyday application Black time. Attendees will learn development experiences. VFP 8.0 introduces a new Collection base class, how to manipulate the List Many items apply to all which until now has been our improvised and ListItem collections, versions of VFP, but many prerogative. VFP 8.0 collections change (and create a quick fill combo are specific to VFP 8.0. challenge) our old coding ways, and this has class, create a list box class Attendees do not need any implications not just for bringing existing code that allows the user to add VFP experience, although forward, but also how we design and work in our new items and edit existing the more experience you applications. This session is all about how the items, use lookup tables to have, the more you will Collection base class changes things for the effectively data-drive their likely appreciate this better, and how a variety of abstractions now combo boxes, create a information. have a clean and standard interface. We'll generic lookup combo box explore this new base class, its abstractions, with class. E-GRD1 VFP 8.0 a eye to application and solution architectures, Enhancements To The Grid performance, and making the most of this new E-LEAF Introducing Control construct. the VFP 8.0 Leaf Classes Drew Speedie VFP 8.0 adds many new E-SENS IntelliSense Inside and Out Mike features to the grid control, Andy Feltman making it even more Kramek A long time complaint of powerful. Some of the In this session Andy explores how IntelliSense is Visual FoxPro developers enhancements are items we implemented in VFP and shows you how to has been that the visual class developers have been asking customize and extend that implementation. He designer could only use the for since we first started starts by explaining the content and roles of the base classes for contained using grids in VFP 3.0. FoxCode Table, the FoxCode Object and Scripts. items such as pages, grid Other features add native Then he shows you how to customize columns, grid headers, support for features that IntelliSense for your working environment option buttons and command eliminate the need for before moving on to show how to create and buttons in a command group. workaround code. Come and implement generic scripts for generating pop-up Finally, Visual FoxPro 8.0 see features like row lists and replacing text. In the last part of the allows the developer to highlighting, custom session he looks at the Intellisense script handler define the member class for Column and Header class and shows how it can be sub classed to hook into each of these items, allowing implementations, automatic the IntelliSense engine and add entirely new you to make use of your column sizing, and much functionality in the middle of a line of code as custom classes in the visual more. Attendees should well as at the beginning. Attendees will learn class designer. The Fox know how to create a VFP how to use the FoxCode table to customize Team refers to these classes form and add controls. The IntelliSense , how to work with the FoxCode as “Leaf Classes.” This more grids they have Object, how to create custom and generic scripts, session will discuss the new created, the more they are how to hook into the IntelliSense Event Handler leaf classes and how to best likely to appreciate this and Default Script. make use of them. information. E-LIST Understanding Combos and E-TOOL Introducing E-GRD2 Techniques Lists in VFP Marcia the VFP 8.0 Toolbox To Get More Out Of Grids Akins Combos and lists are two very powerful control Mike Feltman Drew that allow the user to select from a predetermined Speedie Visual FoxPro 8.0 includes a Internet. Although Mere Mortals .NET is still in ability to import VFP new RAD feature, modeled beta, we'll be showing off its advanced features classes, COM objects, Web after its Visual Studio .NET for building .NET applications in C# or Visual Services and .Net types. The counterpart, called the Basic .NET, and how it greatly reduces your tool also integrates with Toolbox. Of course - since .NET learning curve. Both versions of our Visual FoxPro to allow you we’re talking about Visual popular Framework access VFP or client-server to easily attach help topics to FoxPro - the VFP toolbox is data, are multi-lingual, have robust security, solid UI controls and can be written in FoxPro, comes object-oriented design, flexibility and stability! invoked context sensitvely with full source and is both from the designers as infinitely extensible. The E-MAXF Visual MaxFrame Professional well as from running Toolbox is where tool sets Framework (Vendor) Drew applications. For more info (class libraries, builders, text Speedie and a fully functional scraps) are kept by category. The Visual MaxFrame Professional (VMP) shareware version of HTML The items in the tool sets vendor presentation will consist of a Help Builder please visit: can be used like the current demonstration of creating both a 1-Tier and and http://www.west- Form Controls and Class n-Tier data-entry form, both of which will be wind.com/wwhelp/ Toolbars by drag-dropping. added to an existing VMP application. As many However, they can also be VMP development techniques and features will common resources like text, be demonstrated as possible, including the fact TIER Mehr- images, files, reports, tables that 1-Tier and n-Tier can be mixed in the same Ebenen- or other items like ActiveX application. Time permitting, the same middle- Architektur controls, builders, wizards, tier objects will be used to create a web page. XML web services and E-ARCH Application applications that can be E-EXPR Building Applications with Architecture dragged onto the workspace Visual FoxExpress (Vendor) or clicked to perform other Mike Feltman Jim Booth actions. The types of tools Visual FoxExpress is a business application Multitier Application and categories the toolbox framework like no other. It’s the only Visual Architecture for Web Based supports is fully extensible FoxPro Framework to combine a solid OOP Applications. This session as well as the behaviors of foundation, n-tier architecture, an active data covers the issues of multiple all the tools. The Toolbox dictionary and RAD tool into a turbo charged layers in the architecture of will soon have you application development system. In this session, web base applications. The forgetting all about the Form Mike and Toni Feltman of F1 Technologies will session is not limited to the Controls toolbar you’ve demonstrate using the Visual FoxExpress data issues usually covered is grown to love through the framework to build a Client-Server application such a session. The concepts years. This session will that would take months to develop without the of multilayed design as well show you how to get the framework in about an hour. Mike and Toni will as the implementation of most out of this great new also discuss localizing the application with the those designs are discussed. feature. Visual FoxExpress INTL Toolkit and if time permits, demonstrate creating a web front-end for FWK the application with the Visual FoxExpress COM COM / Voodoo Toolkit. OLE- Klassenbibliot E-HELP West Wind HTML Help Builder Automation (Vendor) Rick heken/Frame Strahl E-COM COM works Find out how to build HTML Help files for your Interoperability between applications quickly and easily by focusing on Visual FoxPro and .NET Rick Strahl E-MERE Mere content rather than layout and design. Help This session presents the Mortals .NET and VFP Builder's unique developer oriented format different mechanisms for (Vendor) makes it easier than other tools to quickly create help content by separating the content from Visual FoxPro and .NET to communicate using COM. Kevin McNeish HTML layout. you can simply type topic Find out how to invoke Learn how both Mere contents as text, while allowing you to customize Visual FoxPro COM Mortals .NET and Mere HTML templates for formatting of each topic components from .Net Mortals VFP allow you to type.Help Builder ships with several template applications and how to create solid, highly schemes and has the ability to create custom utilize .Net components in optimized, desktop schemes which are easily customizable HTML Visual FoxPro applications. applications that easily scale files. Help Builder is especially useful for This sessions talks about the from the desktop to the building developer documentation with the basics and then discusses specifc scenarios such as use Office Automation in your VFP application Find out how you can use using COM components in and how to do so as painlessly as possible. West Wind Web Connection ASP.Net and how to pass Attendees will learn how to use the Object to quickly build Visual complex and .Net integral browser and IntelliSense to learn about the FoxPro based Web types between .Net and interfaces of an automation server, easily obtain applications. Web Visual FoxPro. the values for named constants, send and receive Connection is a powerful and e-mail using Outlook automation, create graphs extensible Web application E-ACTI Using using Excel automation, automate Word to framework built in Visual ActiveX Controls in VFP produce form letters. FoxPro for Visual FoxPro developers. The framework Marcia covers HTML Web Akins WEB Internetanbindung development, distributed ActiveX controls have been application development and around for quite a while E-XML Introduction to XML for Visual client side Internet tools now, and are quite widely FoxPro Developers Toni M. (including HTTP, FTP, used by developers working Feltman SMTP and TCP/IP access) in other languages. XML, DTD, Schema, XSL, XSLT, DOM...etc. all in a single package. With However, they have never All of these are terms frequently used when Web Connection high level been really popular among talking about XML. The basics of XML can be and low level tools you can FoxPro developers. This is a an entire week long course in itself. This session focus on building your shame because there are will introduce you to the concepts necessary to applications today rather some very good ActiveX begin taking advantage of XML in Visual than trying to figure out Web controls available, FoxPro applications. Such topics as well-formed technologies. For more info completely free, that provide documents, Schema, CSS and XSL will be and a free shareware useful functionality with covered. download of Web little or no effort. In this Connection please visit: session, Marcia shows you E-WRAP I wish I had a Web Service. http://www.west- how you can leverage some Toni M. wind.com/webconnection/. of these standard controls to Feltman extend your Visual FoxPro While Web Services are the latest and greatest E-VODO Introduction applications. Attendees will way to publish and consume information using to Voodoo (Vendor) learn how to use the Object the internet, not every web site has a web service Browser and IntelliSense to that can be used to gather information. In this Dan Jurden learn about the public session we'll learn how to create and use an IE Voodoo is a new WEB interface of an ActiveX Wrapper class that emulates a web service. This application development tool control, avoid some of the class will allow your applications to gather data for VFP developers. Voodoo common pitfalls associated today and be ready to take advantage of a real is basically a set of classes, with the use of ActiveX service should one become available. created in VFP, for building controls, use the TreeView Web applications. The main control, use the ListView E-FATX Internet enabling Fat Client idea (which is inspired by control, use the applications with XML Rick ASP.NET) is to provide a set ImageCombo control. Strahl of classes for use in Web Find out how to build or extend existing applications that behave very E-AUTO Automation applications with Internet functionality with similar to the Visual FoxPro with VFP minimal amounts of code. Session presents a base classes used to build number of free tools that can be used to easily Windows® applications. Marcia update existing Web applications to serve data to This session shows you how Akins Fat Client applications. Presented issues include to create web applications As we know, VFP is an basic usage of Visual FoxPro XML features as using this new tool. extremely powerful well as extended examples that demonstrate how development tool, but it to share data via the Web between Web server cannot do everything on its and client application. Specific topics LATE Late own. Our application may demonstrate sharing file data via XML over the Night Sessions need to send e-mail, display Web, creating an XML based remote data query graphs, send form letters, or service with VFP client and server, and sharing E-TALK Speakers perform complex objects over the Web all using XML as the Speaker Session(Tuesday) calculations. In these cases, underlying transfer protocol. we can use Office Jim Booth Automation to get results E-WEST West Wind Web Connection Traditional general session efficiently. In this session, (Vendor) for (potential) speakers from Marcia shows you how to Rick Strahl Jim Booth. demonstrate the power and reach of Visual E-LEVY VFP 8.0 in FoxPro 8.0 including how Visual FoxPro can be Action (Wednesday) integrated with .NET technologies. Most of the details of the keynote session cannot be disclosed Ken Levy before the DevCon conference but it is planned Extended presentation about to be one of the most exciting keynotes in new features of Visual Frankfurt ever. To be updated with more details FoxPro 8.0 from Ken Levy after the DevCon.

E-KIT Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET (Thursday)

Ken Levy This session introduces the VFP Toolkit for .NET library that provides Visual FoxPro developers the ability to leverage their knowledge and skills of VFP and use them in any .NET compatible language. The VFP Toolkit for .NET is a free public domain utility for anyone to use in any .NET application. Available in Visual Basic .NET as well as C# .NET, the library contains over 225 Visual FoxPro functions. This session demonstrate the functions available in this managed .NET DLL and explain how to use them to develop ASP.NET and WinForms applications. This session of for evaluation, learning, and using .NET leveraging existing knowledge of VFP. There will also be demos showing how Visual FoxPro 8.0 can integrate with .NET technologies such ASP.NET and ADO.NET.

KEY Keynotes

E-KEY Microsoft Technical KeyNote (Mi) Ken Levy Visual FoxPro Product Manager, Microsoft: This year's DevCon keynote will include many exciting new announcements, surprises, and great demos. Ken will The Speakers and continues to refine. He has been a featured Hentzenwerke Publishing's speaker at nearly forty FoxPro Devcons and book, "Building Visual regional conferences, and his contributions FoxPro Applications with Marcia Akins occasionally darken the pages of VFP books and Visual FoxExpress". Marcia is an independent magazines. Steven is also the creator and Here is the list of offered consultant and software webmaster of the Visual FoxPro Wiki, an Sessions E-LEAF, E-TOOL, developer who for the past innovative VFP community knowledgebase, E-EXPR few years has worked which is found at http://fox.wikis.com. His primarily with Visual company, SBC, is based in Kingston Ontario, Toni M. Feltman FoxPro. She is a Microsoft and operates worldwide. He specializes in multi- Toni is a partner in F1 Most Valuable Professional lingual, multi-site, and other challenging FoxPro Technologies and one of the and also has Microsoft projects, including out-of-control project turn- principal developers in the Certified Professional arounds and cleanups. He consults with small FoxExpress product line. qualifications for both developers as well as Fortune 500 companies, Toni has spoken at all of the Distributed and Desktop national and international government agencies, FoxExpress Developers Applications in Visual and software development companies to elevate Conferences as well as FoxPro. Marcia has written their development teams. Visual FoxPro DevCon, VFP articles for both FoxPro Here is the list of offered Sessions E-HOOK, E- DevConnections, The Advisor and FoxTalk COLL German FoxPro Developers Magazine and has been Conference, FoxTeach, Great writing the monthly Kitbox Jim Booth Lakes Great Database column in FoxTalk with her Jim is an employee of eMedicine.com an Workshop, The Prague husband and colleague, electronic publisher of medical information. In FoxPro Developers Andy Kramek since his previous life he was an independent Conference in the Czech December 2001. Her other consultant for over 20 years specializing in Republic and various user published works include the database applications. Jim also was an instructor groups throughout North very successful 1001 Things teaching FoxPro as well as a speaker at America. Toni was also a You Wanted to Know About conferences in the US, Canada, and Europe. He judge of the 1998 and 1999 VFP and MegaFox: 1002 has co-authored two books "Visual FoxPro 3.0 Visual FoxPro Excellence Things You Wanted to Know Unleashed" and "Effective Techniques for Awards. Prior to F1 About Extending VFP. Application Development with Visual FoxPro" Technologies, Toni worked Speaking engagements and has served as a technical editor for a number for Fox Software, the include VFP Devcon of other database and FoxPro related books. Jim company that originated (Germany, 2001), VFP has received the Microsoft MVP award every FoxPro. Toni is also an Devcon (Czech Republic, year since 1993 when the award was first instructor at the University of 2002), Conference to the introduced. He can be reached at Toledo where she teaches a Max (Holland, 2000, 2002), [email protected]. wide variety of computer Essential Fox (Kansas City Here is the list of offered Sessions E-OOP1, E- related courses, primarily in 2002), Great Lakes Great OOP2, E-ARCH, E-TALK the areas of database and Database Workshop Internet development. You (Milwaukee, 2000, 2001, Mike Feltman can reach her at 2002), Advisor DevCon Mike Feltman founded F1 Technologies as Neon [email protected]. (San Diego, 2001, 2002), as Software in 1990. Mike is the chief architect and Here is the list of offered well as user group meetings lead developer of the Visual FoxExpress Sessions E-REUS, E-XML, E- in Europe and the U.S.. She framework and is also very involved with F1 WRAP can be reached at Technologies' consulting and training practices. MarciaGAkins@Compuserv Mike got his start in computers at the age of 15 Dan Jurden e.com. as an assistant instructor at the University of Dan Jurden is a Senior Here is the list of offered Toledo and became an instructor at the Application Developer for Sessions E-LIST, E-ACTI, E- University of Toledo at the age of 17. Mike also EPS-Software Corp located AUTO is a former employee of Fox Software, the in Houston, Texas. He is a original creators of FoxPro. At Fox Software Microsoft Certified Steven Black Mike worked in technical support and marketing, Professional. He co-authored Steven has been a Fox developed in-house systems and performed the book Creating Visual developer since 1986. He product maintenance on the FoxCentral module FoxPro Applications using markets Steven Black's in FoxBase+. Mike has spoken at FoxPro and Visual FoxExpress with Bob INTL Toolkit, a multi- database conferences and user groups throughout Archer, published by lingual framework for North America and in Europe. He has also Hentzenwerke Publishing. FoxPro and Visual FoxPro, written articles for FoxPro Advisor and FoxTalk He has presented topics at which he created in 1993 magazines and served as technical editor on the Visual FoxExpress, SQL Server Live! and Essential Magazine, first with his friend and colleague Here is the list of offered Fox conferences. He has Paul Maskens, and since the beginning of the Sessions E-NET1, E-NET2, E- also written several articles year with his wife Marcia Akins. Most recently NET3, E-NET4, E-NET5, E- published in CoDe the Kilofox team reassembled to write the follow NET6, E-NET7, E-MERE Magazine and Universal up "MegaFox: 1002 Things You Wanted to Thread Magazine dealing Know About Extending VFP", edited by Steve Drew Speedie with SQL Server and other Dingle and published by Hentzenwerke. Drew Speedie develops topics. He has been Here is the list of offered Sessions E-WORK, E- Visual FoxPro applications developing Client-Server TEAR, E-SENS and provides technical applications using SQL direction on FoxPro projects Server for over 5 years. Dan Ken Levy at Vision Data Solutions, Inc. can be reached via email at Ken Levy is the Microsoft Visual FoxPro He is the chief architect of [email protected]. Product Manager. He has developed many high- the Visual MaxFrame Here is the list of offered profile applications and tools in all versions of Professional application Sessions E-VODO, E-SQL1, FoxPro since 1986. He is the author of many framework and is also E-SQL2, E-SQL3, E-SQL4 components of VFP including the Class Browser responsible for creating and Component Gallery. Ken is also the author VDSI's VFP and VMP Andy Kramek of GenScrnX. He was previously the director of training classes. For the past Andy is an independent technology at XMLFund, LLC where he led a several years, Drew has been consultant and long-standing team of technologists in identifying and a Contributing Editor to FoxPro developer. After evaluating investment prospects while assisting FOXPRO ADVISOR many years working in portfolio companies in technology and Magazine. He has been a England and Europe Andy marketing. Ken has contributed as a technical judge for the Visual FoxPro moved to Akron, Ohio at the editor and writer to many software magazines Excellence Awards each of beginning of 2001. As well and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences. the years they have been as being a Microsoft Most Here is the list of offered Sessions E-KEY, E- awarded. Drew is a frequent Valuable Professional he is LEVY, E-KIT speaker at various also a Microsoft Certified international FoxPro events. Professional for Visual Kevin McNeish Contact Drew at FoxPro in both Desktop and Kevin is President of Oak Leaf Enterprises - a mailto:[email protected] Distributed applications. He company that specializes in object-oriented m, or visit has been active for many custom software, training and developer tools. http://www.visualmaxframe. years on the FoxPro support He uses Visual FoxPro and the new C# .NET com. forums on Compuserve, language as his primary development tools. He is Here is the list of offered where he is also a SysOp, author of the book ".NET for Visual FoxPro Sessions E-TIPP, E-GRD1, E- the Universal Thread and Developers", co-author of the book "What's New GRD2, E-MAXF the Virtual FoxPro Users in Visual FoxPro 7". He has also written articles Group. He has spoken at for CoDe, FoxPro Advisor and FoxTalk Rick Strahl User Groups and magazines. Kevin is the creator of The Mere Rick Strahl is president of conferences all over the Mortals Framework for .NET and for Visual West Wind Technologies on world, most recently at the FoxPro, which won the Universal Thread's Maui, Hawaii. The company Advisor DevCons (San Members Choice award for "Best Framework". specializes in Web and Diego, 2001 and Fort He has spoken at many software developer distributed application Lauderdale, 2002), GLGDW conferences and user groups throughout North development and tools with (Milwaukee, 2000 and America and Europe. Kevin mentors and trains focus on Windows Servers, 2001), Frankfurt (2001) and software companies to build flexible, Visual FoxPro, .Net and Amsterdam (2002). Andy's component-based applications that scale from the Visual Studio. Rick is author published work includes desktop to the Internet. He has developed a of West Wind Web "The Revolutionary Guide ".NET for Visual FoxPro Developers" training Connection, a powerful and to Visual FoxPro OOP", class specifically designed to help developers widely used Web application Wrox Press, 1996; and, leverage what they know about Visual FoxPro framework for Visual together with Marcia Akins when learning about .NET. He is a Microsoft- FoxPro and West Wind and Rick Schummer, the Certified Developer and has created many HTML Help Builder, a rich 2001 UT Members Choice enterprise-wide applications for a wide variety of Windows HTML Help Book of the Year "1001 vertical markets. Kevin resides in Charlottesville, creation tool geared at Things You Wanted to VA with his wife Nicole and three sons. e-mail: developers. He's also a Know About VFP" more [email protected], Web: Microsoft Most Valuable widely known as 'KiloFox'. http://www.oakleafsd.com. Phone: 434-979- Professional, and a frequent For more than four years he 2417. contributor to magazines and has written the monthly books. He is co-publisher "Kitbox" column in FoxTalk and co-editor of Code magazine, and his book, full conference price will be charged. I "Internet Applications with Visual FoxPro 6.0", is h published by Hentzenwerke e Publishing. For more r e information please visit: w http://www.west-wind.com/. i Here is the list of offered t Sessions E-HELP, E-COM, h E-FATX, E-WEST r e g i s t e Visual r

FoxPro o n Konferenz e

2002 a t t e Registrati n d on e 5.- 8.11.2002, e Frankfurt am Main f Fax: +49-6173- o 950904 r


Apart from the lectures, the conference fee covers C the large comprehensive o conference folder with n many accompanying files, f e a daily lunch, and coffee r breaks. For those e attending more than one n day the fee includes - evening buffets and late F e night sessions. e On receipt of the registration until September 30th, t participants get an early bird h price (only valid on receipt of e payment until October 15th , 1998). The final registration V deadline is November 5th (payment must have been F received until November 11th at P the latest). Processing fees in case of cancellation until d September 30th amount to 15% e and 50% for cancellations until v November 5th, afterwards the e l (Fr)  Buffet/Late-Night-Sessions (Di- Please send one form per attendee o Do) (with name and company for badge) please add 16% value added tax – p VAT identy numbers can not be used! e Adress © dFPUG c/o ISYS GmbH • r Frankfurter Str. 21 b • D-61476 Kronberg • phone +49-6173-950903 • fax +49-6173-950904 c eMail mailto:[email protected] • o Attendee last name, first name Website http://www.dfpug.de (for name tag only) n f e company (for name tag only) r e n c company e department 2 0 street 0 2 country, zip-code, town : phone (needed in case of questions)

fax (needed for fast confirmation) r e g eMail i s WebSite t r a different billing address t i o n t i l l

2 Payment 5 . I will pay as following: 1 (in any case you will receive a bill but due to changes 0 over here we can not use your credit card ) .  via cheque 0  via direct payment to account (Frankfurter 2 Volksbank, BLZ 501 900 00, Konto 680 885, Kontoinh. "ISYS (please add 16% V.A.T.) GmbH", comment "conference"; please mention attendee- number)  by direct deduction from my bank account (only within Germany): payment till 02.11.02

bank code  for all four days (incl.3 buffets) EUR Bank name 1199  Tuesday – Thursday account (incl. 2 buffets) EUR 999 name  Wednesday – Friday (incl. 2 buffets) EUR 999 date signature Please choose track:  .NET for VFP (Tue- Wed)  SQL-Server

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