Lodge 75Th Anniversary Checklist
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ISCA Order of the Arrow Lodge 75th Anniversary Checklist Brought to you by the International Scouting Collectors Association (ISCA) For an electronic version of this list, go to: www.ScoutTrader.org Contact Dave Scocca with any additions or changes ([email protected]) Ref.: ISCAChecklist-75th-OALodge.doc May 1, 2014
This Order of the Arrow Lodge 75th Anniversary list will be updated as required. The latest version is always available for download from the ISCA website. If you know of any other patches not on this checklist or have additional information or corrections, please send an e-mail to Dave Scocca. Order of the Arrow Lodge 75th Anniversary
Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color Unami 1 1915–1990 Nawakwa 3 1919–1994 1 S13 SMy R M/C Blk Yel Devil’s Tea Table 3 S47 Red R Wht Grn Cardinals; No FDL 1 S16 Red R Wht Blk Red “Phila One”; issued at 3 S48 Red R Wht Grn Wht Cardinals; hidden FDL banquet 3 S49 SMy R Wht Grn Wht Cardinals 1 J8a GMy R Blk SMy “Ordeal Memory”; 3 S50 SMy R Wht Grn Wht Gry “Conclave Brn/LBr headdress Delegate” 1 J8b GMy R Blk SMy “Ordeal Memory”; 3 S51 SMy R Wht Grn Wht Yel “Conclave Brn/RBr headdress Delegate” 1 J9 SMy R DBl SMy “Challenge of the 3 S52 SMy R Wht Grn Wht “National Conference”; Brotherhood” 1994 1 J10 SMy R DGr SMy “Spirit of the 3 J8 M/C C Wht DGr Brn Round with banner; Founding” “75 Years of Service” 1 R25 SMy R LBl Red Turtle; Anniversary 3 J9 Red C Wht Grn Yel Uncut combination of Event 5 event patches 1 R26 GMy R LBl Red Turtle; Anniversary 3 eX1994-1 Red C Wht Spring Ordeal Event Staff 3 eX1994-2 Red C Wht Summer Ordeal 1 R27 Red R Blu Red Red Endowment Fund 3 eX1994-3 Red C Wht Fall Ordeal 1 R28 SMy R Blu Red Red Endowment Fund 3 eX1994-4 Red C Wht Fall Fellowship 1 R29 GMy R Blu Red Red Endowment Fund 3 eX1994-5 Red C Wht Grn Yel Winter Banquet 1 eR1990-1 Red R Tan Blk Red Spring Service Ranachqua 4 1920–1995 1 eR1990-2 Red R Blu Yel Yel Fall Fellowship; 4 F5 Red R Blk Wht SMy “75 Years of Cheerful “Where It All Began” Service”; no date 1 Conclave Blk C Grn Red NE4B 1990; turtle 4 A4 Grn Blk Small felt arrowhead shape; Blk “75”; participant Kittatinny 5 (was Minsi V) 1921–1996 1 Conclave Blk C Grn Red NE4B 1990; turtle 5 F1 Red R Yel Blk Red Rounded bottom shape; SMy “75”; staff 5 S17 Red R Yel Blk Red Rounded bottom 1 Camp Yel R Red Yel Treasure Island 1990; 5 C10 Mar Yel Wolf head; “75” on turtle with SMy “75” large “V” Sanhican 2 1919–1994 5 C11 Mar Yel Like C10, NOAC 1996 2 S18 Red R M/C Yel Yel Snake head Wagion 6 1921–1996 2 F4 Red R DBl Yel “75 Years of 6 S11 Org R Grn Red Yel “Continuing to Brotherhood”; Faithfully Serve” attendees only 6 A2/A3 Brn C Gry Yel 75 behind Wagion 2 J7 GMy R M/C Wht Yel Totem pole; “2”; Thunderbird; double snake listed 2 S19 GMy R M/C Red NOAC 1994 flap, w/X3; 6 J1 LBl R PBl Diamond-shaped “NOAC” not on flap 6 L2 Tan Round with 75 behind 2 X3 GMy R M/C Yel NOAC 1994; w/S19 Wagion Thunderbird
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 1 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color 6 L3 Tan Arrowhead with 75 16 X5.5 Red R M/C Red Diamond shaped; “75 behind Wagion Years of Service” Thunderbird 16 eX2000 SMy R M/C Wht 2000 Winter Event; Owasippe 7 1921–1996 like X5.5 7 S20 Red R Red Wht Wht “75th Anniversary Wyona 18 1925–2000 Award” 18 S18/ S16 Wht R M/C Blk Red Jumping deer; large 7 S20.5a Red R Red Wht Wht “Diamond Jubilee”; “75”; border and “75” thin stitch around are photochromatic diamond Org; double listed 7 S20.5b Red R Red Wht Wht “Diamond Jubilee”; Haudenosaunee 19 (was Sisilija 19) 1925–2000 thick stitch around 19 S3 GMy R Blu Blk Yel “75 Years of Lodge diamond 19” 2000 NOAC; lodge Narraticong 9 (was Cowaw 9) 1921–1996 name misspelled 9 F2 Wht R Red Grn Pur Anniversary and 1996 19 Chapter Red R Wht Red Wht Sisilija Chapter; design NOAC S1 like Sisilija 19 F1-F3 9 S18 DGr R Tan Grn Pur “75th Anniversary” Octoraro 22 1926–2001 9 S19 SMy R Tan Grn Pur Fundraiser [100 made] 22 S89 Gry R M/C GMy Error “1929–2001” 9 S20 GMy R Tan Grn Pur 8 of 8 events [4 22 S90 RMy R M/C Red SMy Goose over landscape; earned] SMy horseshoe; no 9 S21 Org R Tan Grn Pur “75” or date 9 S23 Pur R Tan Grn Pur 5 of 8 events [36 22 S91 Gry R M/C GMy “1926–2001” earned] 22 X19 Gry R M/C GMy Pocket to S89/S91 9 eR1996 SMy R Blk SMy Red Banquet; round 22 S96 Pnk R M/C Red SMy Goose over landscape; Susquehannock XI 1922–1997 SMy horseshoe; no “75” or date; earned 11 S19 Blk R M/C Wht Yel Night scene flap 11 S20 Blk R M/C Wht Yel Day scene 22 S97 Mar R M/C SMy GMy Goose and flag; 2001 11 R3 Blk R M/C Red Yel Thunderbird and NJ sunrise, “75” 22 S98 GMy R M/C GMy 1926–2001 11 Pin Participation pin for 22 S98.5 GMy R M/C GMy Error 1929–2001 R3; “75” 22 X20 GMy R M/C GMy Pocket to S98/S98.5 Nentico 12 1922–1997 22 S99 Mar R M/C Red SMy SMy “75”; day winter 12 S15 SMy R Blk Red Blk Anniversary flap; GMy scene; no outlines eagle around shrubs 12 J4 Blk R Blk SMy Diamond-shaped; 22 S99.5/ Mar R M/C Red SMy Like S99; Blk outlines GMy eagle, SMy “75” S111 around shrubs; double 12 N4 Gry Blk Eagle head and “75”; listed no date or text 22 S100 Mar R M/C Red SMy SMy “75”; night winter 12 X11 Gry R Blk SMy SMy “Nentico Service scene; “STAFF”; no Award”; triangle; “75” outlines around shrubs 12 eX1997-1 Gry R Blk Gry Gry Spring Fellowship; 22 S100.5/ Mar R M/C Red SMy Like S100; Blk outlines diamond S112 around shrubs; double 12 eX1997-2 Gry C Blk Gry Yel VII Lodge Picnic; odd listed shape 22 R10 Blk R M/C GMy Red “75 Years of Service” 12 eX1997-3 Gry R Blk Gry Gry Fall Fellowship; 22 N6 Blk GMy Red Emb neckerchief diamond 22 eR2001-1 Pur R M/C GMy Red Banquet; “75 Years” 12 Conclave Gry R Blk DYl NE-4C 1997; diamond 22 eR2001-2 SMy R M/C GMy GMy Ordeal; “75 Years” Tonkawampus 16 1924–1999 22 eR2001-3 Red R M/C GMy GMy Service; “75 Years” 16 S11 Gry R Blu Red Red Large “75”; Red 22 eR2001-4 Blu R M/C GMy Red Fellowship; “75 Years” “1924–1999” 22 eR2001-5 GMy R M/C GMy Red Fellowship; “75 Years” 16 S12 Gry R Blu Red Red Large “75”; Yel “NOAC 1998” 22 eR2001-6 GMy R M/C GMy GMy Service; “75 Years” 16 J4 Gry R Blu Red Red Round; like S11 22 eR2001-7 GMy R M/C GMy GMy Ordeal; “75 Years” 22 eR2001-8 GMy R M/C GMy Red Banquet; “75 Years”
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 2 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color Shu-Shu Gah 24 1925–2000 35 L10 Tan C Tan Tan Turtle; 75th; “Founder” 24 S34 SMy R M/C Red Yel Heron with wings 35 P4 Blk C Wht Red Like P1 w/dates spread 35 R5 Blk C Wht Blk Mini R1 w/dates 24 S36 SMy R Gry Wht DGy Camp Brooklyn; from 35 R6 Blk C Wht Blk Like R1 w/dates TMR set 35 X11 Blk R Wht Blk Mini of F7 24 S37 BMy R M/C Red Yel Like S34; banquet 35 X12 Blk R Wht Blk Mini of P4 [200] 35 X13 Blk R Wht Yel Mini of X14 24 N16 Wht ROr Blk SSC; heron on diamond; “75 Years of 35 X14 Blk R Wht Yel Like X1 w/dates Service” Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan 40 1929–2004 24 N17 Wht ROr Blk Like N16; “75th 40 S46 Blk R DTq Red DTq Indian aiming at moon Anniversary 40 S47 Red R DTq Red DTq NOAC 2004; Indian Committee” in Blk [20] aiming at moon Blue Ox 26 1927–2002 40 J1? Blk R Red Wht Red No 75th designation; 26 S2 Gry R Wht Blu Red “75th Anniversary” arrowhead; black sash 26 S3 SMy R Wht Blu Red “75th Anniversary” 40 X4 Blk R Blu Wht Wht Diamond; banquet 26 J1 Gry R Wht Blu Red Round; Blue Ox on issue council outline Witauchsoman 44 (was Pohopoco 44) 1929–2004 Chippewa 29 1927–2002 44 eX2004-1 Pur R M/C Chevron; Pohopoco 29 S31 SMy R M/C Yel Red Arrowhead; Wolverine; deer; Winter Banquet; “First in Michigan” “1929” 29 F4 Wht C Red Yel LGr NOAC 2002; felt; 44 eX2004-2 Pur R M/C Chevron; Ah-Pace mylar color variations wolf; Spring Weekend; in diamond “1931” 29 X15 SMy R M/C Wht Blu Clinton Valley Council 44 eX2004-3 Pur R M/C Chevron; Tunkhannock CSP; “75 Years of deer; Summer Picnic; Service” “1952” Naguonabe 31 1927–2002 44 eX2004-4 Pur R M/C Chevron; Fall Weekend; 44; “75 31 S12 SMy R Gry Blk Red Purple-trimmed Years of Service” feather and “75” Suanhacky 49 1930–2005 31 X3 SMy R Gry Blk Diamond with button loop 49 S43 Blk R M/C Blk Yel Tower of Friendship top 31 J1 Wht R M/C Yel Wht Feather and “75” over landscape and sunset 49 X23 Blk R M/C Tower of Friendship base, w/S43 Ajapeu 33 1927–2002 49 S51 Blk R Red Yel Lodge Executive 33 S37 Blk R Wht Wht Red Deer; ghosted name Board, “Home of Mr. and number Mike” 33 C7 Blk Yel Deer and arrow 49 B1 Red Wht Red Blk Seashell shaped 33 J4 Red R Blk Wht Yel Round; deer with 49 C7 Blk Diamond w/arrow [5 deformed face made] Wichita 35 1928–2003 49 P3 BBl R Pur Wht ¼ circle with leaping 35 F7 Blk R Wht Blk Like F1 w/dates deer 35 S5 Wht R Wht Wht Wht Ghost with red 75; 49 X19 Red R DBl SMy Keyhole; “1970”; 127mm design of X3 35 S6 Red R M/C Wht Grn “Oldest in the West” 49 X20 GMy R DBl SMy Yel Keyhole; “1980”; 35 S7 Grn R Grn Wht Grn Ghost; Vigil design of X7 35 S8 Yel R Yel Red Yel Ghost; Chief’s flap 49 X21 SMy R DBl SMy Yel Keyhole; “1990”; 35 S17 Wht R Wht Wht Wht Like S5; 110mm design of X9 35 J7 Yel R M/C Red Red Indian head 49 X22 SMy R LGr SMy Yel Keyhole; “2000”; design of X16 35 J8 Grn R M/C Red Red Indian head 49 X26 Org R Trq Red Trq Teardrop 35 J9 Grn R M/C Red Red Indian head; 1994 NOAC 49 X27 DYl R M/C Like X24; given to 2005 NJ contingent 35 L9 Tan C Tan Tan Turtle; 75th 49 X28 Blk R Red Blk Red Teardrop 0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 3 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color 49 X29 SMy C Wht Diamond w/arrow 66 eX2008-4 SMy R Wht Gry Gry Winter Banquet; Shawnee 51 1930–2005 diamond; photochromatic 51 S20 Wht C Blk Wht Anniversary; w/X10 66 eX2008-5 SMy C BBl Yel SMy Training Conference 51 X10 Blk C M/C Red Drummer; w/S20 66 eX2008-6 SMy C LPk Gry Gry Fellowship; diamond; 51 S21 SMy C Blk Wht Anniversary; w/X11 pinkish background 51 X11 SMy C M/C Red Drummer; w/S21 66 eX2008-7 SMy R Wht Gry Gry Winter Banquet; 51 N7 Wht P Blk Tan Emb; stylized feathers diamond; not and “75” photochromatic 51 N8 Wht P Blk Tan Emb; stylized Tali Taktaki 70 (issued by successor lodge’s 1933–2008 thunderbird Section SR-7B) 51 eX2005-1 Wht C M/C Wht Spring Conclave; R LGr R LGr SMy LGr Cardinal; lists lodge dancer numbers; button loop 51 eX2005-2 SMy C M/C Wht Spring Conclave; J LGr R LGr Wht LGr Cardinal; lists lodge dancer names; button loop 51 eX2005-3 Wht C M/C Wht Fall Reunion; dancer Tejas 72 1934–2009 51 eX2005-4 SMy C M/C Wht Fall Reunion; dancer 72 S50 Red C Blu Blu Blu Ghosted name; like Aina Topa Hutsi 60 1931–2006 F1; no anniv 60 R3 Wht R Red “San Antonio”; Alamo; designation design like R1 72 J9 M/C C M/C Red Brn Head shaped 60 R4 Yel R Wht Brn 1931–2006 72 X10 M/C C Blu Blk Red Bustle 60 S37 Yel C Blk Red Yel “2006”; “1931”; w/X5 Timmeu 74 1935–2010 60 X4 M/C C M/C w/S36 74 S19 Red R Blk Red Wht Fox looking at moon; 60 S40 Wht R Blu Yel Yel Elangomat; “75” “75 Years…” 60 J1 Yel R Wht Brn Like R4; 1931–2006 Kiskakon 75 1935–2010 60 eX2006-1 Yel C Wht Fellowship; segment 75 S31 Wht R Blk Wht Wht Arrowhead on for R4 diamond 60 eX2006-2 Yel C Wht 1st Ordeal; segment for 75 J6 Gry R Blk M/C Yel Four Flaps around R4 arrowhead and diamond 60 eX2006-3 Yel C Wht Conclave; segment for R4 75 N3 Gry P Red Wht Emb S31 design; “75” 60 eX2006-4 Yel C Wht NOAC; segment for R4 75 S32 Blk C M/C Blk Yel 2010 NJ w/X9 60 eX2006-5 Yel C Wht 2nd Ordeal; segment 75 X9 Blk C M/C Wht 2010 NJ w/S32 for R4 75 S33 SMy R Blu SMy RMy 2010 NJ; “75” 60 eX2006-6 Yel C Wht Pow Wow; segment for 75 eX2010-1 Blu R LBl Blk LBl Winter Banquet R4 75 eX2010-2 Yel R LBl Blk LBl Spring Fellowship 60 eX2006-7 Yel C Wht Banquet; segment for 75 eX2010-3 Grn R LGr Blk LGr Camp Chief Little R4 Turtle Yah-Tah-Hey-Si-Kess 66 1933–2008 75 eX2010-4 Red R Pnk Blk Red Fall Ordeal 66 S64 SMy R BBl LGy LGy Raised diamond 75 eX2010-5 Blk R M/C Blk Red Fall Fellowship outline 75 eX2010-6 Gry R M/C Blk Gry Lodge Leadership 66 C5 Blk Wht Red Red Thunderbird on Development diamond Hunnikick 76 (76th Anniversary) 1935–2011 66 X30 GMy C Wht Wht Elangomat 76 F8 Blk R Red Blk Felt; like R1/R2 “76 66 X31 SMy C Wht Blk SMy Ceremony Team Years of Service” 66 eX2008-1 SMy R Wht Gry Gry Spring Conclave; 76 X13 Blk R Wht Tan Yel CSP like F2; No BSA diamond; after council name; photochromatic 76th 66 eX2008-2 SMy R Wht Gry Gry Spring Fellowship; 76 X14 Blk R Wht Tan Tan CSP like F2; “BSA”; diamond; 76th photochromatic 76 C6 Red Red Like R1; no name; 76th 66 eX2008-3 SMy R Wht Gry Gry Fall Conclave; Kwahadi 78 1936–2011 diamond; photochromatic 78 No items issued
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 4 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color Man-A-Hattin 82 1936–2011 82 No items issued Seminole 85 (was Kiondashama 85) 1936–2011 85 S57? SMy R Wht SMy Wht Diamond-shaped rivet; totems of Seminole and Kiondashama 85 B3? Wht Grn Wht Flap shaped, lodge totems 85 eX2011-1 GyM R M/C Yel Yel Banquet 85 eX2011-2 OrM R M/C Blk Org Spring Conclave 85 eX2011-3 Blk R M/C Wht Blk Beaver Day 85 eR2011 GMy R Wht SMy Summer Camp LEC Night 85 eX2011-4 Grn R M/C DYl DYl Fall Conclave 85 eX2011-5 Olv R Wht Olv Yel Winter Fellowship Bob White 87 1936–2011 87 S52? LBr R Yel Red LGr Bobwhite and cabin, “75 Years” 87 S50? Blu R LBl Red Wht SummitCorps 2011; w/X16? 87 X16? Blu R M/C SummitCorps 2011; “75 Years”; w/S50? 87 S51? Red R LBl Red Wht SummitCorps 2011; w/X17? 87 X17? Red R M/C SummitCorps 2011; “75 Years”; w/S51? Katinonkwat 93 (issued by successor 1936–2012 Tecumseh 65) 65 S77 Blk R LGy Blk Yel LGy dates 65 S78 Blk R LGy Blk Yel Grn dates Ty Ohni 95 (issued by successor Tschipey 1936–2011 Achtu) 95 HC1? Red Wht Red GMy Like Ty-Ohni C1; GMy “75” 95 HC1? Red Chenille on N/C Tom Kita Chara 96 1936–2011 96 S25 SMy R Red Blu Red Deer in front of diamond 96 J2 Blk C YOr SMy LGr Small round; “Keeping the…” 96 P4 Red R Yel Red Red Twill pie on Wht N/C with Red edge; no anniv designation; limited to 75 96 eX2011-1 M/C C Grn SMy LGr Winter Banquet; ¼ arc segment for J2 96 eX2011-2 M/C C Grn SMy LGr Spring Work Trek; ¼ arc segment for J2 96 eX2011-3 M/C C Grn SMy LGr Fall Conference; ¼ arc segment for J2 96 eX2011-4 M/C C Grn SMy LGr Distinguished Service; ¼ arc segment for J2
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 5 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color Tonkawa 99 1937–2012 10 eA2012-7 Org C Blk Wht Blk LLDC 99 S49 Gry R M/C M/C Wht Texas flag background 1 99 eR2011-1 Wht R Wht Blu Blu Vigil Event 10 eA2012-8 Grn C Blk Wht Blk Winter Camp 1 99 X24 Pur R M/C Wht Pur Oval; “75 Years…” Monaken 103 1937–2012 Mikankawa 101 1937–2012 10 S45 Yel R Pur Wht Pur Groundhog on 10 S55 Red R Blk Red Blk Red “75” 3 arrowhead 1 10 S46 Blk R M/C Blk Yel Conclave; Olympics 10 S56 RMy R Blk Red Blk Red “75” 3 Groundhog w/torch 1 10 S47 Yel C Yel Blk Yel NOAC 2012 w/X16 10 J9 Red C Blk Wht Blk Arrowhead shape 3 1 10 X16 M/C C Yel Blk Yel NOAC 2012 w/S47 10 A9 Yel C Blk Wht Blk Conclave; like events 3 1 10 X17 Yel R Pur Red Yel CSP; Juniata Valley 10 X27 Blk R DBl Wht LYl 2012 NOAC CSP; no 3 Council 1 anniv but fits with S57/X38 10 J3 Yel R Pur Yel Pur Triangle; groundhog 3 on arrowhead 10 S57 Blk R DBl M/C DBl 2012 NOAC w/X38 1 10 Chapter Yel R Pur Wht Pur Nittany Chapter; 3 X3 keystone 10 X38 Blk R M/C Blk 2012 NOAC w/S57 1 10 Chapter Yel R Pur Wht Pur Oneida Chapter; 3 X1 keystone 10 S58 Red R Blu Wht Yel Summer Camp staff; 1 Diamond and 75 10 Chapter Yel R Pur Wht Yel Shawnee Chapter; 3 X1 keystone 10 S59 Blk R DBl M/C DBl 2012 NOAC; Owl and 1 Moon; “75” in dia. Occoneechee 104 1937–2012 10 S60 Wht R DBl M/C DBl 2012 NOAC; Owl and 10 C10 Grn Wht Red Wht Chenille diamond 1 Moon; “75” in dia. 4 10 S61 Blk R Gry M/C Gry 2012 NOAC Founders 10 S83 Pur R Blk SMy Blk Conclave 2012 trader 1 Day 4 10 S62 SMy R DBl M/C DBl 2012 NOAC; Owl and 10 S84 SMy R Blk SMy Blk Conclave 2012 1 Moon; “75” in dia. [60 4 delegate made] 10 S87 RMy R Grn Red SMy Ordeal 10 A10 Wht C Blk Wht Blk NOAC 2012; like 4 1 events 10 S88 GMy R Grn Red SMy Brotherhood 10 A11 Wht C Wht Wht Wht Wht ghost with 4 1 colored diamond; like 10 S89 SMy R Grn Red SMy Vigil events 4 10 S63 Blk R M/C Wht M/C Monochrome Gry; “75” 10 X58 Blk C Grn M/C Grinch head with 1 in diamond; Circle 10 4 snap; fits on NOAC set th 100 10 eA2012-1 Red C Wht Red Red Pow Wow; shows R8 10 F6 RMy R Blk Red Gry Winter Camp Staff; felt 4 1 10 eA2012-2 Red C Grn Red Spring Induction; 10 eA2012-1 Red C Blk Wht Blk Banquet 4 shows R1 1 10 eA2012-3 Red C Blk Red Red Fall Fellowship; shows 10 eA2012-2 Pur C Blk Wht Blk Pow Wow 4 S1 1 10 eA2012-4 Red C Tan Red Red Vigil Weekend; shows 10 eA2012-3 Pur C Blk Wht Blk Pow Wow; “Staff” 4 L1 1 10 eA2012-5 Red C Blk Red Red Winter Banquet; 10 eA2012-4 Blu C Blk Wht Blk Fall Fellowship 4 shows S87 1 Tetonwana 105 1937–2012 10 eA2012-5 Blu C Blk Wht Blk Fall Fellowship; “Staff” 10 S22 Blu R M/C SMy SMy Swimming turtle 1 5 10 eJ2012-6 Wht R M/C Wht Blk Fall Fellowship; large 10 S23 GnM R Wht SMy Wht 2012 NOAC “75th” 1 diamond 5
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 6 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color 10 X1 Blu R M/C SMy SMy Sioux Council CSP; “75 11 J10 Blu C M/C Red Grn Star Shape; Cape 5 Years…”; like S22 7 Hatteras; event flaps Wa-Hi-Nasa 111 1938–2013 fit around 11 S Blk R M/C Wht Wht Olson Lodge and eagle 11 F9 Wht BBl Blk BBl Rubber flap 1 7 11 S RMy R M/C Wht Wht Raised “75”; diamond 11 C1 Red YOr Red Jacket patch; design 1 logo on Olson Lodge 7 like A1 roof 11 S90 WMy R Yel Gry Yel 2013 Conclave 11 S SMy R M/C Wht Wht Olson Lodge; raised 7 Delegate; “Croatogas” 1 “75” and eagle [75] 11 N5 DBl P Wht Red Emb; Arrowhead patch 11 S Wht R LBl Wht LBl National Chief flap; 7 design in center 1 diamond 11 M1 Blu YOr Blu Metal flap; design like 11 eX2013 Blk R Blk Wht Blk Fall Fellowship; “0075” 7 F1 1 11 B1 Gld LBl Red Round; A1 image; Aquehongian 112 1938–2013 7 large “75” 11 S41 SMy R M/C Red Blu “1938-2013” 11 S91 Red R M/C Yel LBl Ship; 2013 NJ; “75 2 7 years” 11 S42 GMy R M/C Red Blu “1938-2013” 11 S92 SMy R M/C Wht Grn “75 Years Together”; 2 7 joint issue; with X12 11 HS1 Red R Wht DBl LGy “A Legacy of Service”; 11 X12 SMy R M/C Grn Lighthouse, deer, 2 issued by Kintecoying 7 Indian with peace 4. pipe; joint issue; with S92 Wihinipa Hinsa 113 1938–2013 11 eS2013-1 Blu C M/C Blu LGr March Ordeal; fits J10 11 S55 Org R M/C Blk Org “113” in sun; dancer 7 3 11 eS2013-2 Blu C M/C Blu LGr May Ordeal; fits J10 11 X19 Blk C M/C Blk Yel Diamond shape; hiker 7 3 11 eS2013-3 Blu C M/C Blu LBr September Ordeal; fits 11 N13 Red Red Blk Yel Emb; design of X19 7 J10 3 11 eS2013-4 Blu C M/C Blu LGr Fall Fellowship flap; Santee 116 1938–2013 7 fits J10 11 X15 Blu C Yel Blu Blu Dixie 2013; diamond 11 eX2013-5 Red R LBl Blu LGn Fall Fellowship; deer 6 shape 7 and lighthouse; “75 11 X16 Yel C Blu Yel Yel Dixie 2013; diamond Years” 6 shape 11 eX2013-6 SMy R LBl Blu LGn Fall Fellowship; deer 11 J5 Blk C Org Star shape; fits event 7 and lighthouse; “75 th 6 patches; “75 Years” Anniversary” 11 eX2013-7 Red R Wht Red Red Vigil Breakfast; small 11 eX2013-1 Wht R M/C Wht Red Winter 2013; “Est. 7 oval 6 1938”; diamond 11 eX2013-8 Red R Wht Red Red OAX; small oval shape; loop 7 11 eX2013-2 Grn R LYl Red Red Spring 2013; “Est. 11 eS2013-9 Blu C M/C Blu Gry Lodge Banquet; fits 6 1938”; diamond 7 J10 shape; loop Wahissa 118 1938–2013 11 eX2013-3 Yel R M/C Red Red Summer 2013; “Est. 6 1938”; diamond 11 W1 Wht R Red Wht Wht Flap, earlier designs shape; loop 8 11 eX2013-4 BPr R M/C Red Red OA Week 2013; “Est. 11 W2 Gry R Blk Gry Gry Square sash patch 6 1938”; inverted 8 “75”; crystal diamond; loop 11 W3 Wht R Red Wht Wht Flap; woven with emb 11 eX2013-5 Org R Blk Wht Red Fall 2013; “Est. 1938”; 8 border and peace pipe 6 diamond shape; loop 11 X40 Red R Red LGy LGy Square sash patch; Croatan 117 1938–2013 8 “75” 11 S89 WMy R BBl Blk BBl Deer head; “75 years” 11 X44 Grn R Grn Wht Wht Square sash patch; 7 8 “75”
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 7 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color 11 S35 SMy R M/C Wht Grn “75 Years Together”; 11 J2 Blk R M/C Wht GMy Heron and light house; 8 joint issue; with X45 9 oval 11 X45 SMy R M/C Grn Lighthouse, deer, 11 X9 Grn C M/C GnM Grn Dixie; leprechaun and 8 Indian with peace 9 shamrocks on clover pipe; joint issue; with shape S35 11 X10 Grn C Grn Grn Grn Dixie; clover shape; 11 S36 Yel R M/C M/C Brn Bonnet headband and 9 ghost 8 feathers; “1938 11 eX2013-1 Grn C M/C Wht DGr Spring Fellowship; 2013”; Past Lodge 9 clover Chiefs 11 eX2013-2 Grn C M/C Wht Tan Ordeal; rainbow; 11 X46 Wht C Red Wht Wht “The B Team”; SSC on 9 clover 8 felt 11 eX2013-3 Blk R M/C Wht Tan “75th Annual Meeting”; 11 N6 Red P Wht Red Wht Embroidered 9 oval 8 Egwa Tawa Dee 129 1938–2013 11 J7 Yel R M/C Blk LGn Center portion fits 12 S94 SMy R M/C Red Blu “75” in diamond; 8 flaps 9 flying hawk 11 J8 M/C C M/C M/C M/C Solid design includes 12 S95 GMy R Blk Red Man Conclave host lodge; 8 flaps 9 Fire 11 S37 Brn R Tan Red Tan Camp Lasater 12 S96 Blu R LBl Blk DRd Conclave Host; Egwa 8 9 of Steel 11 S38 Wht R M/C M/C Brn Lodge Chiefs; 12 X54 Blu R LBl Blk DRd Pocket part; “75 8 headdress 9 Years”; SR-9 Conclave 11 S39 Yel R M/C Wht Grn Camp Raven Knob; 2013 8 “CRK” 12 eX2013-1 Blk R/ M/C Red LBl Spring Ordeal & Pow- 11 S40 Red R Wht Wht GMy OA Rededication; 9 C Wow BASR 8 arrowhead logo and 12 eX2013-2 Blk R/ M/C Red LBl WSR Spring Ordeal arrows 9 C 11 S41 Blk R M/C Blk LBl Wahissa Founders; 12 eX2013-3 Blk R/ M/C Red LBl Summerfest BASR 8 lodge bulding 9 C 11 S42 Red R M/C Blu Yel Old Hickory Council; 12 eX2013-4 Blk R/ M/C Red Blu Fall Fellowship WSR 8 CP and segments 9 C 11 eX2013-2 Blk C M/C Blk Yel March Workday; 12 eX2013-5 Blk C M/C Red Blu Trailblazer Staff 8 feather shape; 9 ghosted text 12 eX2013-6 Blk R/ M/C Red Brn Fall Ordeal BASR 11 eX2013-4 Blk C M/C Blk Spring Fellowship; 9 C 8 feather shape 12 eX2013-7 Blk R/ M/C Blk Blk Lodge Winter Banquet 11 eX2013-5 Blk C M/C Blk Grn Ordeals; feather shape 9 C 8 Illinek 132 1938–2013 11 eR2013-7 Blk C/ SMy Red Blk Vigil; dangling 2013 8 R feather 13 S48 SMy R Blk SMy SMy “1938–2013”; with all- 2 event pass; w/X16 11 eX20013- Blk C M/C Blk Blk Fall Fellowship; 8 8 feather shape 13 X16 SMy R Blk SMy SMy Solid diamond; w/S48 2 11 Chapter Blk C Red Blk Sapona; SSC felt round 8 R1 13 S49 Gry R Blk Gry Gry “1938–2013”; w/X17 2 11 Chapt. Red R Trq Grn Trq Sapona; Diamond 8 X13 shape 13 X17 Gry R Blk Gry Gry Outlined diamond; 2 w/S49 11 Chapter M/C C M/C Blk Brn Zelo Zelos; peace 8 J1 pipe; Red WWW, Blk 13 eX2013-1 Wht C Red Wht Red Winter Dinner “75” 2 11 Chapter M/C C M/C Blk Brn Zelo Zelos; peace 13 eX2013-2 Wht C Blk Red Blk Spring Fellowship 8 J2 pipe; SMy WWW and 2 “75” 13 eX2013-3 Wht C M/C Red Pur Summer Fellowship Tomo Chi-Chi 119 1938–2013 2 11 S42 Blk R M/C Wht Wht Heron and light house 13 eX2013-4 Wht C M/C Red Pur Fall Fellowship 9 2
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 8 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color Ma-Nu 133 1938–2013 Colonneh 137 1938–2013 13 S116 Olv R Olv Red Blk “75th” 13 S34? SMy R LGy Red Blk Large red “75”; raven 3 7 two shades of gray 13 S117 RMy R Olv RMy Blk “75th”; sold in set 13 S36? SMy R Wht Red Blk Large red “75”; raven 3 7 black and gray 13 S118 Red R Red Red Red All event pass “75th” 13 C4 Grn C Blk Wht Jacket patch; T-bird 3 7 13 R2 GMy R M/C Red GMy “75” w/certificate [50] 13 X21? Red R M/C Red Wht CSP; Bovay Scout 3 7 Ranch S.H.A.C. 2013 13 S119 Red R Wht Wht Wht “Elangomat”; “75” 13 eX2013-1 Red C Red Blk Red Arrowman Bash 3 7 13 S120 Red R Wht Wht Wht “Ceremonalist”; “75” 13 eX2013-2 Blk C Blk Blk Blk Arrrowman Bash; 3 7 ghost 13 S121 Blk R DGy DGy Blk “Witahemui”; “75” 13 eX2013-3 Blk C M/C Blk Blk Pow Wow; cut out “75” 3 7 13 S122 Red R Olv DOl Blk Scout “Camp Staff”; 13 eR2013-4 Blk R Gry Wht SMy Vigil Weekend 3 “75th” 7 13 S123 DBl R Olv Red Blk Cub “Camp Staff”; Ta Tsu Hwa 138 1938–2013 th 3 “75 ” 13 S84? M/C C Red SMy SMy Red bird with SMy 13 S124 Yel R Olv Red DOl “High Adventure”; 8 feathers; “75th 3 “75th” Anniversary”; SMy and 13 S125 M/C C M/C M/C Blk NJ 2013; “75th” Red border 3 Ah-Tic 139 1938–2013 13 X23 DOl R Olv Red Last Frontier Council 13 S28 Red R Wht Olv Yel Elk in front of diamond 3 CSP; “75th” 9 13 eR2013-1 Blk R M/C Red GMy Annual Lodge 13 S29 SMy R Wht Olv Yel Elk in front of diamond 3 Banquet; “75” 9 13 eR2013-2 Blk R M/C Red GMy Lodge Leadership 13 X5 Red C M/C Wht Wht Triangle; fire on island; 3 Development; “75” 9 with X6, X7, X8 13 eR2013-3 Blk R M/C Red GMy Lodge Executive 13 X6 Red C M/C Wht Wht Inverted CSP; canoe; 3 Committee; “75” 9 with X5 13 eR2013-4 Blk R M/C Red GMy Ma-Nu Event Staff; 13 X7 Red C M/C Wht Wht Angled CSP; elk; with 3 “75” 9 X5 13 eR2013-5 Blk R M/C Red GMy Spring Ordeal; “75” 13 X8 Red C M/C Wht Wht Angled CSP; cabin; 3 9 with X5 13 eR2013-6 Blk R M/C Red GMy Brotherhood Night; Tatanka 141 1938–2013 3 “75” 14 S75 Gry R M/C Blk Gry Flap; raised buffalo 13 eR2013-7 Blk R M/C Red GMy Good Turn Weekend; 1 and “75th Anniversary” 3 “75” banner 13 eR2013-8 Blk R M/C Red GMy Section 8 Conclave; 14 B2 Pur M/C Blk Sil Flap-shaped bullion 3 “75” 1 13 eR2013-9 Blk R M/C Red GMy Fall Fellowship; “75” 14 C1 Wht Org Blk Blk Oval chenille; profile 3 1 buffalo 13 eR2013- Blk R M/C Red GMy Fall Ordeal; “75” 3 10 Ku-Ni-Eh 145 (was Nachenum 145) 1939–2014 13 eR2013- Yel R M/C Red Red Vigil Reunion; “75” 14 S93? SMy R Blk Wht Wht “75 Years of Lodge 3 11 5 145” [200] Tsali 134 1938–2013 14 S94? GMy R Blk Wht Wht [50] 13 S88 Red R M/C Wht Red Diamond and sunset 5 4 Tamegonit 147 1939–2014 13 J8 Red R SMy Red Yel Raised diamond 14 S66 RMy R Wht RMy RMy Design like F1; Wht 4 7 “Kaw Council”; “75”; with X14
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 9 of 10 Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments Lodg Issue Bdr Bdr Back- Name FDL/ Comments X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA X e Color Typ Grnd Color BSA # e Color Color # e Color Color 14 X14 RMy R Wht RMy RMy Image of A1 design; Marnoc 151 1939–2014 7 “75”; with S66 15 S71? Blu C M/C Blu Red “75th”; fire 14 A4 Red C Wht Red Like A1; “Arrow Pass” ; 1 7 “75” Quelqueshoe 166 1939–2014 Caddo 149 1939–2014 16 S LBl R M/C Blu Yel Eagle in flight 14 B1 Blu Blu Gld Gld Flap shape; alligator 6 9 and quiver with 16 S LGr R M/C Blu Yel Eagle in flight banner 6 14 B2 Wht Wht Red Gld Round; arrows and 16 S Red R M/C Blu Yel Eagle in flight (ORD) 9 quiver 6 14 S Blk C Wht Blk GMy SR 2/3N 2014 host; 16 S Yel R M/C Blu Yel Eagle in flight (BRO) 9 dangling feathers 6 14 X Blk C LBl LBl LBl Tipi; ghosted DJ logo; 16 S Wht R M/C Blu Yel Eagle in flight (VIG) 9 totem pole section 6 14 X Blk C Gry Gry Gry Gator; ghosted DJ 16 S Brn R M/C Blu Yel Eagle in flight banquet 9 logo; totem pole 6 section 16 S Grn R M/C Blu Yel Eagle in flight (ELG) 14 X Blk C DRd DRd DRd Tiger; ghosted DJ logo; 6 9 totem pole section 16 S Blu R M/C Blu Yel Eagle in flight; 14 X Blk C M/C Brn Brn Eagle; ghosted DJ 6 ceremonies 9 logo; totem pole Lakota 175 1940–2015 section 17 L1 Tan Brn Tan Tan Stamped into leather 14 X Blk C Wht Wht Wht Deer head & arrow; 5 9 ghosted DJ logo; totem pole section 17 J2 Blk C M/C Yel Red Arrowhead; “Est. 5 1940” 14 X Blk C Brn Wht Yel Face & headdress; DJ 9 logo; totem pole section
0855d6eb47656e82d77e224a4b16b7bf.doc May 1, 2014 Pg 10 of 10