By Shona Tinch

 School presentations on home safety have been given at all primary schools within Stallingborough and Immingham.  Home safety visit have been offered to households in within Immingham and Stallingborough as identified by Humberside Fire and Rescue Service.  Bonfire/Fireworks packages have been sent out to all primary schools. Presentations will be given to the primary schools at their request.  One to one presentations, to educate and inform youngsters who have been “playing with fire”.  Humberside Fire and Rescue Service are working with troubled families and Oasis Immingham to provide a 7 week activity programme for 6-8 11-15 year olds who are vulnerable or at risk of becoming involved in ASB. The programme aims to increase confidence and self-esteem, leadership and team working skills whilst helping children to understand the consequences of their choices.

Immingham Children Centre by Allison Jollands

Local Information and good news/success stories:

The centre is now offering the following training opportunities to local parents: o Maths – Entry, Level 1 and Level 2 o English – Entry, Level 1 and Level 2 o Children’s Development Level 3 o Helping in Schools – Level 2 o Let’s Get Cooking – non accredited course o Christmas Crafts / Story Bags – non accredited course o ITQ – Level 1 o Parenting Course – non accredited course o Bumps to Baby – non accredited antenatal classes o Happy Healthy Families – non accredited course o Your Health, Your Happiness – non accredited course o Home Safety Sessions o Practical Weaning Session

The following activities are available for parents and children to attend together: o Let’s Get Messy o Learning Through Play o Toddler Rhyme Time o Baby Rhyme Time o Heuristic Play o Stay and Play o New Mums Support Group o Creeping Crawlers o Sticky Kids o Baby Massage o Baby Yoga o Once Upon A Time

Upcoming Events and New Initiatives

The centre is planning to run a 20 week Level 1 Childcare Course starting in January; anyone interested in the course can contact the centre for details. We will also be starting a Helping in Schools with Special Educational Needs Level 2 course which runs for 10 weeks; again anyone interested should call the centre for details.

Local Priorities or Issues

The Centre has been set the following targets by the Local Authority for the current year, 2013-14:  To reach 85% of smoking mothers (pregnant or with a child<1) with support to stop smoking  To reach 90% of registered mothers with breast feeding support  To reach 85% of children with support or activity that supports the reduction of childhood obesity  To reach 85% of children with support or activity to support them to achieve a good level of development at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Last year the centre registered 94% of the children resident in its catchment area and reached 91% of these over the year. This year we have been set a target to reach 93% with 94% reached in the most disadvantaged areas.

Therefore, our priorities will be to provide support and activities to support development to reach Early Learning Goals, promote and support families with breast feeding and to provide support and activities around healthy lifestyles in order to address childhood obesity. by Rachel Addison

 Long Strip conservation project

- Work is progressing on the long strip project with hedge laying and ground level clearance. Pruning of mature trees will take place when the appropriate consents are in place.

 Dock Tower Poetry Reading

- At the beginning of October a group of poetry enthusiasts from The Culture House in Grimsby started a poetry relay from the top of Grimsby Dock Tower to mark National Poetry Day. The readers kicked off a recital of ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge by reading through a megaphone at over 300ft. Over 70 individual readers each took a line of the poem.

 Beanstalk

- A group of volunteers from ABP will soon be working as reading mentors with Coomb Briggs Primary, as well as other schools in Grimsby. This scheme is run by the national charity Beanstalk, which works with schools to identify children who may need extra support with their reading and trains and places volunteers with these schools in order to provide this assistance.

 Community engagement

- The remit of ABP Humber’s new Communications Coordinator is not only to manage PR and media relations, but also to look at ways we can engage with the community more effectively. To this end, over the coming months the Comms Coordinator will be formalising ABP activities in relation to the following areas:

 Volunteering

 Community sponsorship / support

 Engaging with education

Vacancies In the New Year recruitment will begin for the next cohort of mechanical and electrical apprentices. Advertisements will be placed between January and March, with ability and functional skills assessments taking place between February and April.

Local Priorities & Action Taken

Update on previous priorities.


Following on from the recent spate of shed and garage burglaries in the town, since the last report there has been one reported incident 24th October on Beechwood Avenue.

ASB on Roval Drive - Patrols have been carried out at the relevant times resulting in no further calls for service in that area

ASB on Hadleigh Road - Patrols will continue around this area for the foreseeable future to give reassurance to residents and prevent further incidents of ASB


There has been nothing of note in Stallingborough village or the Industrial Estate.

Habrough Following reports of suspicious vehicles and lamping in the area, FarmWatch have been made aware of these incidents. Patrols will continue, with the situation will be monitored by the Neighbourhood Policing Team

Priorities for November will be:

ASB - Homestead Park, Immingham

Criminal Damage - Clyfton Crescent area

Local Street Briefings

November 2013 Wednesday 13th November 8.30am - 9am at Eastfield School, Margaret Street, Immingham Thursday 14th November 8pm - 8.30pm in the Hinkley Drive area, Immingham Tuesday 19th November 9am - 9.30am at Immingham Civic Centre Sunday 24th November 3.30pm - 5.30pm around Habrough

December 2013 Sunday 1st December 8pm - 8.30pm at Homestead Park, Immingham Thursday 5th December 2pm - 3pm at Immingham Police Station, Stallingborough Industrial Estate (STING) meeting Friday 6th December 4pm - 4.30pm at Immingham Library Monday 9th December 8.30am - 9am at Eastfield School, Margaret Street, Immingham Tuesday 10th December 3pm - 4.30pm around Habrough

By Shane Linford

Upcoming Initiate: Immingham detached youth work update: a £10000 funding bid to awards for all has been applied working with partners YMCA, NELC & OCI, pre training planned for Fri 1st Nov at Oasis for those interested in the new project Hopefully we will know the outcome of the bid Dec-Jan We are continuing to accept food donations following the harvest Festival to support the work of Care. If you would like to make a food donation it would be greatly appreciated. ………………………….NO OTHER REPORTS RECEIVED…………………….