Points from Unit 2 Chemistry – Exam Preparation.

Precipitation Reactions:

 What is a precipitation reaction?

 What is produced?

 What are the defining features of a precipitation reaction?

 What is the difference between a precipitation reaction and other reactions?

 Where do you go to find out what things are soluble and insoluble?

 How do you write an ionic equation?

 What things get deleted in an ionic equation?

 Do you always get a precipitate?

 What state is a precipitate?

 Why are precipitates insoluble?


 What is the most important thing to consider when making a sandwich (chemical reaction)?

 What are the molar concentration equations?

 What are the properties of a primary standard?

 What are the correct rinsing procedures for all glassware? How does incorrect rinsing affect your results?

 What is a standard solution?

 What is an aliquot?

 What is a titre?

 What tools are used for a titration and what do they do?

 What value remains constant in a dilution?

 What is volume/volume mass/volume mass/mas stoic?

 What is the difference between actual and theoretical yield? Factors that affect yield?

 What does an indicator show?

 In an equation what represents the mole ratio?

 How do you determine what is in XS and what is LR!!!?!?!?!?

 What is stoichiometry?

 What do you use to predict the amount of product? (the LR or the XS)  What units for M? m? n? V? N?

 Can you convert from mol/L to g/L?

Acids and Bases:

 What is a Bronsted Lowry definition of an acid and a base?

 What are the properties of acids and bases?

 What safety precautions should be taken when handling acids (AAATW)

 What is the difference between strength and concentration?

 What is a polyprotic acid?

 How do you determine a conjugate acid base pair? How do they differ?

 What is an amphiprotic substance?

 What is the equation to determine pH?

 What is the equation to determine the concentration of H+? [H+]?

 What is the ionic product of water? What is its equation? What temperature is it true for?

 What are the 5 reactions of acids?

 What is pH?

 Indicators and Litmus paper for acids and bases

 What is the relationship between pH and concentration of hydronium?

 What happens to pH of acids and bases when they are diluted?

 What is the difference between the strength of organic and inorganic bases and why?

 Give an example of 2 strong acids, 2 strong bases, 2 weak acids and 2 weak bases.

 Write an equation to show how a strong acid ionises in water

 Write an equation to show how a strong base dissociates

 Write equations for weak acids and bases in water

 What are some examples of common acids/bases in everyday life

 What is the definition of neutral, acidic and basic!!!?!?!?! Can water ever be acidic/basic?

 What happens when you add an acid to a base?

 What is hydrolysis?

 When are acids acids and bases bases? Can an acid act as an acid if there is no base?

 What is ionisation?  What is dissociation?

 How do you know the formula for the salt that is formed in an acid base reaction?

 What products are formed when water reacts with itself, what do we use it explain?


 What is a redox reaction?

 What is transferred in a redox reaction?

 What is oxidation?

 What is the purpose of a salt bridge in a galvanic cell? Give an example of a suitable solution for the salt bridge and why that is a good choice.

 How do you balance both simple and complex redox reactions? (water, H+, electrons etc)

 What are the trends in oxidant and reductant strength in the periodic table and why?

 How are oxidation numbers formulated? What are the exceptions to the oxidation number rules?

 What is a reductant?

 What are the internal and external circuits in a galvanic cell?

 Why are some things better oxidants/reductants than others?

 Describe the direction of ion flow in the salt bridge

 By looking at oxidation numbers how can you tell oxidation/reduction/redox reaction has taken place?

 At the cathode/anode what reaction occurs and what charge is on the electrode?

 What electrode loses mass, which gains mass in a galvanic cell?

 By looking at the electrochemical series how can you predict if a spontaneous reaction will occur? Can you explain why/why not????

 In what direction does oxidant/reductant strength increase/decrease in the electrochemical series?

 Why won’t some reactions occur?

 Under what conditions is the electrochemical series made? (pressure for gases, temperature, concentration)

 What is a redox conjugate pair?

 Describe the direction of electron flow in the external circuit.

 An OIL RIG Cat

 What is an electrolyte? What must it contain?

 What are other types of galvanic cells? (not solid electrode types)  Can you draw a fully labelled galvanic cell? Include half reactions?

 How do you combine two half equations into an overall equation?

 What is reduced in a reduction reaction? What is oxidised in an oxidation reaction?

Gas Laws:

 What units must the pressure be in when using the general gas equation? And other units?

 What does molar volume mean?

 What is SLC and STP?

 What is the general gas equation?

 What are the properties of gases?

 What are the three gas laws?

 How do you convert units of pressure and volume and temperature?

 What temperature scale is used for calculations in the topic of gas laws?

 What is the combined gas equation and why is it called that?

 What is the kinetic molecular theory?

 Don’t forget limiting and excess questions with gas laws!

 Under what conditions can the “volume ratio” be employed?

 What is the gas constant?

 What is the difference between real and ideal gases?

 What is pressure? Explain pressure.

 Can you draw a graph of each of the gas laws?

 Can you offer an explanation for all three gas laws? Regarding the kinetic molecular theory.

 What is the molar volume formula?

 Do gases react with each other? Ok Chanuka.

 Do gases lose energy when they collide?

 Luke, Yunus, Shixin, Ben, Shern, Anthony, John, Kelly, Nisha, Shannan, Sophie, Chanuka, Dostol, Saman?