Student Performance Data Document
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1. Assessment Quality
(School name), as part of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, participates in mandatory standardized testing, utilizing the (test name) for grades ( ). These tests are psychometric normed tests that are vetted for validity, reliability, and bias.
Within the Rigor and Relevance Framework, (Name of school) reviews test requirements and data as part of the continuous school improvement process. Specific areas of the curriculum are addressed by faculty through (whole faculty meetings, team meetings, department meetings). Furthermore, feedback on the level of rigor is part of the Diocesan Window Walk Supervision Program.
2. Test Administration
(Name of school) follows all directions and protocol as established by the testing company and diocese in the administration of standardized tests. A testing window is specified by the Diocese of Baton Rouge for grades 2-8, and each high school determines testing dates in accordance with ACT. Some schools are involved in State Assessments for specific students who are enrolled through the Louisiana State Scholarship Program. While the diocese supports schools in administration of those tests, all testing guidelines are state-regulated and are not part of the diocesan testing requirement.
Testing week is currently organized at the school site as follows. (For example, How many days, how it is proctored…)
Students who are part of the Individual Needs Program receive appropriate accommodations as specified by the School Building Level Committee in accordance with test guidelines of (name of Test Company).
3. Quality of Learning
*Insert tables from Profile Section on summative assessment (TerraNova, Explore, PLAN, ACT) with longitudinal results
5 year trend description of the data. Possible topics: percent in quartiles, increase/ decreasing scores, matched cohort effect size, comparison to national norms (NCE scores)
*Use class of 2014
What has been the trend over the last 5 years for each grade in Math, Reading, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies (April 2010-April 2014)?
*Sentence on each one
Third Grade: The Normal Cure Equivalent (NCE) scores in reading, language arts, and science have been consistently above 50 for the last five years. Third grade reading NCE scores have shown a gradual increase over the last five years, and in 2014, 36% of the third grade students scored in the upper quartile in reading. For the matched cohort of 2013 Grade 2 and 2014 Grade 3 students, effect size for the reading NCE score is 0.57, according to the Visible Learning effect size formula.
Math NCE scores have declined from 65 to 52 NCE, while science, language arts, and social studies scores have shown a gradual increase.
Students in Grade (5, 8, 11) participate in Assessment for Catechesis and Religious Education (ACRE), which is a standardized test provided by the National Catholic Education Association from Computerized Assessments and Learning, LLC. ACRE provides faith knowledge questions (cognitive domain) and questions related to religious beliefs, attitudes, practices, and perceptions (affective domain). Results of the ACRE for the past 5 years in each grade level at (School Name) tested are as follows:
Results of Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (ACRE) Test
Faith Knowledge – Diocese of Baton Rouge
Longitudinal Report: Two Year Period (2013-14 and 2014-15) Average Percent Correct School National Level Domain 14-15 *13-14 Average 2015 Number Tested Knowledge of the 75% Faith Liturgical Life 72% Grade 5 Moral Formation 81% Prayer 69% Communal Life 75% Missionary Spirit 59% Level Domain 14-15 *13-14 Number Tested Knowledge of the 83% Faith Liturgical Life 82% Grade 8 Moral Formation 88% Prayer 82% Communal Life 76% Missionary Spirit 84% Level Domain Level 14-15 *13-14 Grade 11 Number Tested
Knowledge of the 68% Faith Liturgical Life 72% Moral Formation 74% Prayer 79% Communal Life 74% Missionary Spirit 73% *Schools elected to administer one of the two available versions of the test in 2013-14.
In 2013-2014, the ACRE was updated and some schools in the diocese adopted the updated version at that time. Beginning in 2014-2015, all schools will utilize the updated ACRE.
(Name of School) adopted the updated ACRE test in (year). Domains cannot be compared across tests; for that reason, percent correct trends on the ACRE test can be considered for (xxx) years.
Results of Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (ACRE) Test Faith Knowledge – Diocese of Baton Rouge Longitudinal Report: Five Year Period (2010 – 2015) Percent of Students at Each Proficiency Level 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne eds eds eds eds eds Popu Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Le Pro Im Pro Im Pro Im Pro Im Pro Im latio va va va va va vel fici pro fici pro fici pro fici pro fici pro n nc nc nc nc nc ent ve ent ve ent ve ent ve ent ve ed ed ed ed ed me me me me me nt nt nt nt nt All Students
Grade Catholic 5
Non- Catholic
Grade All 8 Students Catholic
Non- Catholic
All Students Grade 11 Catholic
Non- Catholic
What has been the student trend over the last 5 years of ACRE (April 2011-April 2015)?
*Sentence(s) on each grade level tested.
Equity of Learning
*Insert charts of five years of summative assessment data (TerraNova, ACT, Explore, PLAN) for subgroups. Consider gender, ethnicity, and Scholarship/non-Scholarship. Look for gaps and trends in the size of the gaps.
*Insert charts of five years of ACRE data for Catholic/non-Catholic subgroups. Look for gaps and trends in the size of the gaps.