Meeting held Monday 10th November 2003 at Yarra-Melbourne Regional Library Headquarters, Langridge Street, Collingwood.


Present: Lynne Makin, Chris Payne, Jenny Ruffy, Julie Rae, Peter Carter, Patti Manolis

Apologies: Barbara Horn, Elisabeth Jackson

1. Business arising from last meeting Libraries – our staffing future workshop. This has been confirmed for 25th November and is being run as part of the Statewide Training Program who will fund it and take the bookings.

2. SWIFT SWIFT meeting will be held on the 19th November. A letter has been sent to Minister Thwaites requesting funding for the SWIFT pilot (Stage 1). John Hennessey from the M.A.V. sending letter of support. Evaluation Team will be formed to assess pilot libraries’ expressions of interest process and involvement.

3. Secretariat. A review of the position and the original brief will be undertaken by the Executive. Comments re: brief to Julie Rae. Review panel will consist of Lynne Makin, Chris Payne and Julie Rae. Review meeting to take place 17 February 2004.

4. Financial items 4.1 Bank Accounts Now have a Bendigo account in addition to the Macquarie Account. Bulk of funds to be placed in interesting earning Macquarie account. Alyson reported that the Bendigo Bank had been opened successfully, but that the Macquarie account was not able to be opened with one of the incoming cheques made out to Viclink, and would require a cheque made out especially. Alyson raised the question of which account should be used for libraries that wished to pay by EFT. It was agreed that she should provide details of the Macquarie account, once these became available Motion: Electronic Funds Transfer to be enabled to Macquarie Bank account. Moved: Chris Payne Seconded: Julie Rae

4.2 Accounts for Ratification.

Wyndham Refund amount paid to Viclink in $3,575.00 City Council error

D:\Docs\2018-04-14\0eea7ba3b191247c613ea1df8988e080.doc Upper Murray Recoup airfare for Lynne Makin $251.24 Regional Library Moores Legal Share of costs for legal advice about $440.00 limiting liability ATO GST payable $5,239.00

Moved Chris, seconded Patti: That payment of the accounts be ratified. Carried

4.3 Accounts for Payment.

Shaw & Gay Fees for audit, advice about $1,485.00 constitution and limiting liability

Moved Chris, seconded Patti That the accounts be approved for payment. Carried.

4.4 Pro Quest Invoice Alyson reported that she had contacted Annette Sneyd, from ProQuest, and faxed her a copy of the invoice in US dollars, on 23 September. The only document received since had been a statement of the amount outstanding, still in US dollars. She informed the Executive that if the invoice were to be paid in US dollars, rather than in Australian dollars at the rate previously suggested by ProQuest, Viclink would save about $1800.00. It was agreed that Alyson be provided with a Cash cheque to enable the purchase of an overseas bank draft in US dollars to pay ProQuest.

4.5 Outstanding Payments Alyson reported that she had been following up on outstanding payments of Bruce and Gulliver invoices. Julie reported that Murrindindi had decided that they would be unable to join Gulliver this year. Alyson also reported that all the libraries whose cheques had had to be returned, as they had not been correctly made out to Viclink, had now sent correctly made out payments.

4.6 Viclink Stationery: Alyson brought to the meeting two samples of possible versions and uses of a letterhead without pre-printed address details, and it was agreed that she proceed with the version that provided for the letter-writer to add the address at the bottom of the page. She had also sought quotes for printing 1,000 and 1,500 of each of the letterhead and DL envelopes, with variations depending on whether or not the envelopes were to be printed on both sides. It was agreed that the envelopes should be printed on one side only, (which will require the return address to be added on the back, either in handwriting or on pre-printed labels). Printing of new batch of 1,000 letterhead and 1,000 envelopes approved $1,270).

5. Liability

Alyson had circulated in advance the advice from Moores Legal regarding liability and good governance. She had also obtained from AON Specialty Group the requisite forms to obtain a quote for the provision of insurance to the Association and its office-bearers. It was agreed that a quote be sought, with the amount of public liability coverage set at ten million dollars.

D:\Docs\2018-04-14\0eea7ba3b191247c613ea1df8988e080.doc Alyson also discussed the risk management publication referred to in the letter from Moores, and was asked to provide Executive members with the link to the Website where this can be obtained, so that the Executive can work towards taking appropriate steps in this area.

Alyson was asked about Moores Legal's involvement with non-profit associations, and she explained that the firm has a team of people whose specialty this is. She is to also forward to Executive members the Website details for Moores. It was agreed that Alyson and Julie should seek advice from Moores in relation to Viclink's structure, Constitution and tax status, in view of Viclink's business plans.

6. Viclink Business Plan Issues requiring further investigation include income generation (eg. Gulliver) and implications for taxation purposes. Will seek advice from Moore’s regarding tax, Memorandum of Understanding and Constitution. Julie Rae and Alyson Kosina to arrange. Need to spell out relationship between Gulliver and Viclink. Jenny Ruffy to write Introduction. Peter Carter to write Public Libraries section. December meeting will include a SWOT analysis and discussion regarding the Business Plan.

7. December meeting To be held at Hume Global Learning Centre. Secretary to organise booking and catering. Agenda to include VICLINK SWOT analysis.

9. Other business 9.1 L.I.A.C. Julie Rae to contact Kathy Laster re: progress with this project.

9.2 Gulliver Looking for another venue for the Gulliver Forum due to public liability issues at the William Angliss venue.

9.3 LIANZA and CAVAL Conferences Julie Rae attended both conferences presenting papers about Gulliver/Bruce. Was received enthusiastically and has resulted in many follow up calls to Gulliver.

9.4 A.N.T.A. Career Guidance Forum. Peter Carter attended and provided feedback to ANTA regarding distribution of career guidance information from a public library service perspective.

9.5 Meetings schedule 2004.

Viclink Exec 9.30am start. 10 February (Tues) 15 March 11 May 12 July 13 September 8 November

Viclink meetings, 2pm start. 17 February 20 April 22 June

D:\Docs\2018-04-14\0eea7ba3b191247c613ea1df8988e080.doc 17 August 19 October 14 December
