PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: · Thank you for the gifts for teacher appreciation week. · Greene-Hills School hosted a Mini-Relay for Life on Wednesday May 6th during the day for the students and at night for the families of Greene-Hills School. Made approx $500.00 · On May 15th we will have a Day of Caring and we will plant flowers outside. · If you need to register your child for kindergarten, please call the office. · The Golf Tournament is scheduled for May 16th. · Moms and Munchkins- May 13th & 14th. · Dates to remember- Spring Concert- May 13th, Great Beginnings- May 19th, Helping Hand Banquet- June 3rd, 3-5 Field Day-June 3rd, K-2 Field Day-June 4th, BBQ-June 4th, Fun Fair-June 6th, Awards Assembly-June 18th, 5th Grade Graduation-June 18th, Last Day of School- June 19th.

SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Minutes from April 2009 meeting were accepted.  Thank you notes from the teachers for the gifts during teacher appreciation week were circulated.

TREASURERS REPORT: · Review and approved monthly Account Transactions and Budget Report.

OLD BUSINESS: · The nominating committee presented their nominations for 2009-2010 term for the executive board and committee chairpersons. A vote was taken and all were accepted. · End of Year Dinner will be held on June 11th at J Timothy’s. · We only received 2 applications for the scholarship. The committee will choose a winner. · The Bylaws that were presented in April were voted on and accepted. · Teacher Appreciation week went very well. The teachers and staff of Greene-Hills School received Greene-Hills School golf shirts from the PTA. The PTA also donated lunch for the teachers and staff and took over lunch and recess duty for the teachers. Thank you to everyone that helped make it a successful week.

NEW BUSINESS: · Field Day- Grades 3-5 will be held all day on Wednesday, June 3rd, Grades K-2 will be held for ½ day on Thursday, June 4th. We will work on getting watermelons for the kids for the field days. · Mrs. Jehnings will be leaving Greene-Hills School at the end of this school year. She will be missed by staff, students and parents. Good luck Mrs. Jehnings!  The PTA will be in charge of getting the folders ready for the first day of school. We will purchase the folders and a committee will help get them ready in August.  The PTA decided that we will charge $1.00 per person for the Back to School picnic in September.  Bristol PTA Council membership- We will do research and discuss in September to decide if we would like to join for the school year 2009-2010. Page 1 of 2

COMMITTEE REPORTS/EVENTS:  Fundraising- We will be having a clothing drive on Saturday June 13th. Flyers will be sent home. Donations of clothes, shoes, small toys; we will get paid 18 cents a pound.  The Fun Fair is scheduled for Saturday June 6th, rain date, Saturday June 13th. We are looking for volunteers. We can not run this event if we do not have enough volunteers to help. Please donate a few hours of your time; the kids have a great time. If you can volunteer, please contact Kim Lindroth at 582-9694 or Tammy Plourd at 585-8931.  5th Grade Committee- made $99.75 on the flower sale, $234.00 on McDonald’s night. The committee donated their portion of money made from the Jeff Conlon concert to Odyssey of the Mind.  Playground- We will be purchasing basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, jump ropes, basket ball hoop and games for indoor recess for the school. The balls and jump ropes will be kept in a designated spot, and will be available for use at recess.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Thank you to all that attended the meeting. The Executive Board will meet in June. We hope to see you at the End of the Year Social at J Timothy’s on June 11th. Our next scheduled meeting will be held in September.

NOTE: Any questions regarding the minutes or info…..please contact Kim Lindroth at [email protected] or 582-9694.

In attendance: Theresa Suarez Audra Larson Scott Gaudet Kim Lindroth Tammy Plourd Jill Hasemann Cheryl Krompegal Ken Archambault Tina Murphy Donna Sicotte Phyllis Washington Alison Savino Ann Capezzone Michelle Passamano Alissa Ciarleglio

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