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CAE-HKAES Forum On CCAE-HKAESAE-HKAES FForumorummon oonn IIntegrativentegrative DDevelopmentevelopment ooff IInnovationnnovation aandnd TTechnologyechnology inin HHongonong KoKKongongng aandndnd thetheh PearlPearlr RiverRivver DeltaDeleltata 24 May 2017 Co-organized by Supporting Central Policy Unit PTC-G18249 Organization The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Table of Contents Welcome Message from HKAES President 01 Welcome Message from HKUST President 02 Program Schedule 03 List of Project Leadership Team 04 Introduction 05 The I&T Policy Study 06 The Forum 07 List of Key Stakeholders Interviewed 08 List of Selected Research Innovations from 10 Hong Kong Universities (2017) List of Selected R&D Innovations from 12 Hong Kong Industry Acknowledgement 12 CCACAE-HKAESAEE--HKKAAAEES FoFForumorruum onon IntInIntegrativeatitivee DevelopmentDDeve ele off InnInnovationnno onna aandndd TecTechnologyecechhnolloogogy ini HoHHongonong KKongongong anaandnd tthehe PeaPearlrl RivRivererr DelDeDeltata Welcome Message from HKAES President Welcome Message from HKUST President It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to this CAE-HKAES Forum on the It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this discussion forum on the future Integrative Development of Innovation and Technology in Hong Kong and the Pearl development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong. Scientific and technological River Delta. innovation is widely recognized as the key driver of a knowledge-based economy. A The Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) is the national academy of China, high caliber R&D work force and sound government policies are both necessary to consisting the most distinguished academicians across the whole spectrum of respond effectively to the challenges brought about by rapid technological change and engineering and technology disciplines. globalization. The Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) is Hong Kong’s own As part of our mission, we have endeavored to promote dialogue on innovation and Academy founded in 1994 by Sir SY Chung, Sir Charles Kao, Professor YK Cheung and technology policy among leaders in academia, industry and government – as reflected in others, with strong support of the government and the Hong Kong Institution of the 2002 HKUST Forum for the future development of Hong Kong, and the 2011 Engineers. It is an organisation of Hong Kong’s most eminent engineers elected for their HKUST Science and Technology forum on “Innovation for the future of Hong Kong”. great achievements in engineering sciences, practice, business and public service, many Given the recent rapid developments in this arena in Mainland China, in particular in of them are also fellows of other national academies. One of the aims of HKAES is to the Pearl River Delta, and new policies in the Hong Kong SAR, this forum presents an promote the advancement of the science and practice of engineering for the benefit of the excellent opportunity for the community to engage in such a discourse. public and its mission includes the provision of independent advice on strategic issues. Public policy is the one of the five new strategic research areas identified by HKUST for In recognition that a vibrant innovation and technology industry is vital to the economic its future strategic development. The Institute for Public Policy (IPP) was founded in future of Hong Kong, and that synergy must be created with the rapid and successful 2016 with the mission to contribute to better decision-making in the public sector development in Shenzhen and elsewhere on the Mainland, the joint-Academy policy study was instigated and consists of work by CAE in Mainland China and by HKAES in through rigorous interdisciplinary policy research and quality education through our Hong Kong and beyond. Leadership and Public Policy (LAPP) executive programs. I am indeed pleased that the HKUST IPP is hosting this high level forum in collaboration with the Hong Kong It is clear that any success in shaping the relevant policy advices would require the Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering collective wisdom of the academia, the industry and the governments. Today’s Forum is (CAE). an excellent and essential opportunity for participants from all sectors to contribute and interact. The past five years has seen unprecedented developments in technological innovations and various international and regional policy measures to stay competitive in the fast We are privileged to have the Financial Secretary Mr. Paul Chan GBS as our Guest of Honour today. A special welcome to the CAE delegation led by Prof. Yong Gan and to changing landscape. I believe this forum will stimulate fruitful discussion among the the experts from Shenzhen. We are grateful for your presence. key stakeholders on the way forward for Hong Kong. I wish the Forum every success. The HKAES is delighted that the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is the joint organiser of this Forum and I would like to express our gratitude to the support and Tony F. Chan JP, US NAE, AAAS, SIAM, IEEE, HKIS, ASHK, HKAES sponsorship of the Central Policy Unit of the HKSAR Government. President, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Andrew K.C. Chan PhD (Cantab), BBS, JP, FHKEng, FREng President Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences 1 2 CCACAE-HKAESAEE--HKKAAAEES FoFForumorurum onon IntInIntegrativeatittiiveve DevelopmentDDeve ele off IInnInnovationnno onan aandndd TecTTechnologyece hnohn lologogy ini HoHHongonong KKongongoong anaandndtd tthehe PeaPearlrl RivRivererr DDelDeDeltata Program Schedule List of Project Leadership Team Date : 24 May 2017 (Wednesday) Project Study Leaders (HKAES Fellows) Time : 09:00 – 12:30 y Prof. LEE, Joseph Hun Wei (Convener) Venue : Conference Hall B, 2/F Central Government Offices, Tamar, Hong Kong y Ir. Dr. CHAN, Andrew Kar Ching y Prof. CHAN, Ching Chuen Time Schedule y Prof. CHING, Pak Chung Session 1: Opening Ceremony y Prof. KO, Jan Ming 09:00 - 09:10 Address by Dr. Andrew K.C. CHAN, President, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) y Prof. LIN, Otto Chui Chau 09:10 – 09:15 Address by Guest of Honour – Mr. Paul M.P. CHAN, Financial Secretary, Hong Kong y Ir. Dr. POON, Otto Lok To Special Administrative Region (HKSARG) 09:15 – 09:25 Address by Prof. Yong GAN, Former Vice-President, Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) y Prof. TENG, Jin Guang Session 2: Summary of Findings and Initial Recommendations y Prof. WONG, Wing Shing 09:30 – 10:00 Findings and Recommendations by HKAES y Prof. XU, Yang Sheng 10:00 – 10:30 Findings and Recommendations by CAE 10:30 – 10:45 Tea Break Project Working Group Session 3: Panel Discussion y Prof. LEE, Joseph Hun Wei 10:45 – 11:45 Panel Discussion Standing members: y Prof. CHEUNG, Paul Ying Sheung y Prof. Tony F. CHAN, President, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology y Prof. SHARIF, Naubahar (HKUST) (Chair) y Prof. Yong GAN, Former Vice-President, CAE y Dr. YING Ying (CASTED*) y Prof. Joseph H.W. LEE, CAE-HKAES Policy Study Convener • Dr. Frank F.K. TONG, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited Research Support Team y Dr. Jack YEUNG, Deputy Chairman, Federation of Hong Kong Industries y Dr. CHOI, King Wah Discussion will be chaired by Prof. Tony F. CHAN, President of HKUST, with contributions from invited guests, HKAES fellows, and CAE/Shenzhen representatives. y Dr. NIU, Jun Main topics for discussion: y Mr. CHENG, Ken Kin Man i) Development of innovation & technology in HK ii) University-industry-government collaboration iii) Mainland-Hong Kong Collaboration * Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Beijing 11:45 – 12:15 Open discussion 12:15 – 12:30 Wrap up by HKAES President and CAE Former Vice-President 3 4 CCACAE-HKAESAEE--HKKAAAEES FoFForumorurum onon IntInIntegrativeatittiivee DevelopmentDDeve ele off InnInnovationnno onna aandndd TecTeTechnologyecechhnolloogogy ini HoHHongonong KKongongoonng anaandnd tthehe PeaPearlrl RivRivererr DelDeDeltata Introduction The I&T Policy Study Since the establishment of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) in 1991 and the The study embodies an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the I&T eco-system in Hong Kong, Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) in 1999, Hong Kong’s universities have made impressive and a synthesis of views and insights of leaders across industry, academia and government. We began strides and their intellectual strengths are recognized internationally. And yet our World City is still with a review of the progress in I&T in Hong Kong since the setting of the original vision by the far from “an innovation-led knowledge based economy” as originally envisioned. What are the Commission on Innovation and Technology in 1998, and in the context of the recommendations barriers to achieving this vision? made in the 1997 “Made by Hong Kong” study by MIT. Essentially we wanted to document the status of I&T in Hong Kong and posed the question: Never before has there been a more critical need to collectively reflect on our progress on innovation and technology. The convergence of accelerating disruptive technologies, globalization, and fast What does it take for Hong Kong to transform to developing neighboring economies all threaten the competitive advantage Hong Kong used to enjoy, another level of performance in innovation and technology – including our role as a “super-connector” and in the imminent development of the Guangdong-Hong and how best to collaborate
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