Kent County Council s3

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Kent County Council s3




Caroline Highwood CH (C) Judy Edwards JE Dave Cox DC Sandra Town ST Caroline Dodge CD Niel Caddick NC Paula Banks PB Michelle Hunt MH Elizabeth Barber EB Andrew Swan AS Charlie Beaumont CB Tony Cordina TC Alan Day AD Anita Hughes AH (mins)

Apologies Oliver Mills Richard Hallett Angela Slaven Nicola Lodemore Debra Exall Joanna Wainwright

Welcome and Introductions Action Introductions were made around the table.

Caroline gave a brief background to why this group has been formed confirming that CMT signed this off with Katherine Kerswell, who raised a high risk around non deleted emails (as per previous experience).

CH is undertaking this on behalf of the Resource Managers and is currently the KASS Caldicott Guardian.

Post April will change and this will sit with the Corporate Director of Business, Strategy & Support, so we will need to work through the transition period.

1 The Story So Far… There was a meeting held in June to establish what each directorate was doing well and what’s missing. It was agreed that CMT need a Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO) and Oliver Mills has agreed to undertake this until April. This will then be owned by the Corporate Director of Business, Strategy & Support post April.

2 Draft Terms of Reference Circulated prior to the meeting with agenda.

Agreed the SIRO will need the support of this group.

Agreed to include client data and employee data.

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Alan circulated Local Government guidelines on data handling service for information, sourced from the LGA website and will circulate this with the minutes. All agreed it would be useful to use this but will need to be personalised to reflect Kent.

Add to attendance:  Other directorate representatives  Business strategy representative  Information Governance Coordinator representative  Leave open the choice to include external partners for when the permanent SIRO is in place. At present, the IGPB chair will link with partners.  Need to ensure we have representatives attend who have delegated authority, and now CMT have agreed a CMT SIRO this will help.  Include future risks and future solutions.

Suggestion that this group should set up and manage an information risk register.

Agreed the need for this group to log incident monitoring in information risks.

CH will personalise the Local Government Guidelines including CH suggestions raised and noted here for circulation. 3 Information Sharing Charlie introduced this item.

Charlie chairs the Information Governance Partnership Board consisting of public services across both Kent and Medway, following the work Penny Payne started in revamping the 3 tier approach.

Standard Operating Procedures  Oliver has been leading on the Public Service Board and commissioned this project, and work has been done to make these clearer with version 1 of the agreement going out across all agencies. It is designed to simplify the arrangements around reaching agreements and will offer staff clarity as to their responsibilities on sharing and collating information.  The next task will be getting agencies to sign up to this.  An annual review will be instigated to assess how well this is working.

The Board has received solid representation from KCC, Police, Health Service the District Councils and Kent Fire & Rescue.

Caroline acknowledged that this has been an excellent piece of work so far and praise was also given to the Partnership team for their efforts.

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The Information Sharing Agreement will be circulated with the minutes. AH

4 Outline Action Plan and Priorities 1. Need to propose a list of accountabitlies for the SIRO. Alan circulated the Local Government guidelines for information. 2. Need to consider how best to engage Members; information governance statement is included in the Member handbook annually. 3. CH referred to the CMT report; a. item 6.3 – need to confirm an operational steering group b. Elizabeth will work with Information Coordinators on EB/ST/ developing a programme on potential high risks on CD/PB information audits using a 2 tiered approach, then once the restructure settles explore further detail. c. Information Sharing – Charlie Beaumont d. Data classification; this group to decide collectively and make a proposal. Agreed this should be post April. e. Post April need to identify environment risks 4. Concerns around transitional risks with losing electronic data, which needs to be high on the agenda. Directorates need to be thinking about how they store data to monitor what’s moved, what’s stored and what can be deleted. Caroline asked Elizabeth to provide A4 EB guidance note on this. 5. Work is being undertaken to produce a report identifying data which hasn’t been used within a specific timescale. Caroline is keen for this to be shared with managers to help them through transition. 6. Agreed to ensure that any communication include links to the Information Security Policy and Good House Keeping guidance. 7. Contractors and Consultants should already be held accountable; Dave is linking with Chris Luke on this. 8. Need to develop a risk register which will come out of the risk assessment and link to the work the IG Coordinators and Elizabeth Barber agreed to undertake above. Alan will provide the risk register template.

Caroline will draft an action plan based on this discussion to share for comment. CH 5 NIGB Spring Symposium This is a Health and Social Care joint event inviting Chairs to form a planning committee. Event provisionally planned for May 2011 which was sent to Caroline by SHA. Highly recommended event. Charlie agreed to monitor future information.

6 Any Other Business Thanks given to Caroline for her perseverance in achieving a CMT SIRO.

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7 Date of Next Meeting Arrange meeting for early-mid March to discuss action plan with both Oliver AH and the new Chair.

As actions need to be set in hand as soon as possible, if necessary consulting via email.

Anita agreed to circulate any information to the group for continuity.

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