School of Computing and Information Sciences

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School of Computing and Information Sciences

INDUSTRY ADVISORY BOARD Florida International University School of Computing and Information Sciences

Board Meeting Actions and Summary

December 5th, 2008

Lennar Corporation Miami, FL

Board Member Attendance:

 Pete Martinez, Board Chair, V. P. Chief Technology & Innovations Officer, The Quantum Group, Boca Raton, Fl.  Jaime Borras, Founder and CEO, Wireless Silicon Group, Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, FL  Ruben Bravo, Latin America Public Sector Managing Director, Microsoft, Ft. Lauderdale, FL  Harald Braun, President and CEO, Harris Stratex Networks, Morrisville, NC  Michael Buchenhorner, P. A., Patent Law, Miami, FL  Christopher Fleck, V.P., Platform Development, Citrix Systems, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, FL  Dr. Roy Gerber, CTO, Ultimate Software Group, Weston, FL  John Nygard III, CIO, Lennar Corp., Miami, FL  Michael Shen, MD, MS, FACC, FASNC, Head of the Section of Cardiac Imaging and a staff physician, Department of Cardiology, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FL

FIU Representation:

 Dr. Yi Deng, Dean and Professor, FIU School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS)  Kip Irvine, Instructor, SCIS  Dr. Christine Lisetti, Asst. Professor, SCIS  Steven Luis, Dir. For IT and Business Relations, SCIS  Dr. Raju Rangaswami, Asst. Professor, SCIS

1 Summary of Board Actions

1. Board Chair: 9/12/08: Pete Martinez nominated and with a unanimous vote of the Board is elected as Board Chair. Dr. Meleis steps down as Board Vice-Chair. Mr. Martinez to nominate a Vice-Chair. 12/5/08: Dr. Roy Gerber is appointed Board Vice Chair. Closed 2. Committees: 9/12/08: Mr. Martinez proposes and the Boards passes the creation of two committees: Research and Talent Development. The Research Committee will help the school align its resources with Federal, State and local strategic investments and funding opportunities from the private and public sector. The Talent Development Committee will assist the school to develop programs to enhance student research and education experiences, further driving the competitiveness of our students. 12/5/08: Committees to meet via conf. call to formulate goals and actions. Pending 3. Student Mentoring: 9/12/08: Mr. Martinez proposes and the Board members agree to support a Student Mentoring program whereby each Board members would become a mentor of a student of the school. Mr. Martinez asks that a list of potential student candidates be drawn up. 12/5/08: Mr. Luis provides Board with resumes of students interested in the Mentoring program via web location of Board Materials. Pending 4. Board Membership: 8/19/05: The Board has identified 8 companies to pursue for Board membership. The Board has set as a goal to have 15 total members. FIU will work with Mr. Braun to further communicate (via letter/phone) with non- active board members and potential members we would ask to join. Board members are encouraged to participate in the recruitment process. 12/9/05: Nick Bowen/IBM and Armando Garcia/IBM withdraw from the Board. Pete Martinez is added. Board members agree to pursue 4 additional members. Dr. Meleis will contact Citrix. Pete Martinez will contact Telefonica. Mr. Braun has made initial contact with Global Crossing, requires follow-up. FIU will continue discussions with PBS&J. 5/26/06: Dr. Meleis invited Mr. Cristinziano, Citrix VP, who accepted invitation. Also, Board members agreed that the Board should become larger before developing sub-committees. 12/15/06: Mr. Cristinziano steps down due to relocation. 2/26/07: Conf. Call, two new Board members are introduced, Mr. Pallin and Mr. Buchenhorner, three additional members are begin sought by April Meeting. Membership stands at 12. 4/07: Board affirms that 15 members are sought by next meeting. Dr. Meleis suggested that the Board review the objectives of the Board to assist in identifying additional members to recruit. 9/07: Three new Board members are introduced, Mr. Bravo/Microsoft, Mr. Fleck/Citrix and Mr. Ugale/Crossbow Ventures. Dr. Meleis proposed that the Board finalize objectives and create committees to work on Board objectives. 12/07: Mr. Braun requests further information about the objectives of the school going forward to better align with Board committee development. Item deferred to next meeting. Board Action: 12/9/05 Open, pending updates

2 Board Meeting Summary

1. Board meeting is called to order at 5:27pm by Mr. Martinez. 2. Mr. Martinez begins his opening remarks. a. He welcomes the attending Board members and thanks the host for today’s meeing John Nygard/Lennar. b. Mr. Martinez states that he is looking forward to a dynamic session. He states that it is the Boards role to provide a level of direction for the school in two key areas: Research and Student initiatives. 3. Mr. Martinez calls on Mr. Nygard to present the Host Introduction. a. Mr. Nygard discusses Lennar’s Corp strategy to attract new families into new homes that are built using the latest in “green technologies”. He discusses market surveys showing high interest in such homes by new families just starting out after college. b. Mr. Nygard describes how Lennar is using “New Media” like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter to reach these college graduates. The company ran a YouTube contest and other promotions to create and build interested communities on these sites. He shows samples of their efforts on Youtube and Facebook. c. He describes how Lennar is very interested in how they brand their company in the Internet space and that they are further studying trends to better utilize the technology to reach their market effectively. 4. Mr. Martinez thanks Mr. Nygard for his presentation and asks Dr. Deng to give his report (see Board Materials for slide presentation). a. Dr. Deng opens by stating his report is a mid-year update since his last annual report at last meeting. He further states that the school has experienced many fundamental improvements over the last six years. b. Dr. Deng presents various statistics showing the increase in research funding awards, faculty publications, and many others. He states that the School’s research funding for the NSF is in the top 50 when compared to other CS programs. c. With these metrics he feels that the school is having a major impact in the State and Nation. For instance, the school generates 20% of all CS/IT degrees in the State of Florida, also, ranked number 8 in total degrees awarded by engineering colleges. d. Mr. Borras asks what did the school do different to achieve these results? e. Dr. Deng responds that there is more cohesiveness in the school, people working together. He stated that the school has placed a lot of effort in building up the PhD program and attracting research funding. Also, efforts to improve retention and graduation rates were pursued. Helping faculty to learn strategies to successfully win grants by understanding what agency want. Many things were done that were not so obvious including work to improve the school’s support system in infrastructure and grant support. f. Dr. Deng states that the school is pursuing more high risk large scale funding opportunities. That the school has been successful as making

3 smaller proposals more competitive. He describes activities of the recent NSF CREST award of $5 million for 5 years. How the school will pursue supplements and engage industry. g. Dr. Deng describes the school’s partnership strategy, working with industry and leveraging existing grants and relationships. He describes the NSF PIRE award which trains 20 or more students in collaborations with international partners. He describes the I/UCRC program started in the School and the potential for collaboration. h. Board members comment on the programs. Dr. Deng explains how he will pursue 2nd phase funding to continue the programs. i. Dr. Deng discusses the outlook for funding nationally. He describes the America Competes act which passed Congress but was not funded. That for the most part nationally, research funding is flat or declining a little. However, the amount of completion for this funding has tripled and is now even more competitive. 5. Dr. Deng concludes his remarks and asks Mr. Braun to join him for the presentation of the Board Service Award. a. Dr. Deng thanks Mr. Braun for his five years of service to the School as Industry Advisory Board Chair and presents him with the Service Award reading the words inscribed on the plaque. b. Mr. Braun thanks the Board for the award. Mr. Braun thanks Dr. Deng and Mr. Luis for their work and assistance on behalf of the Board. Mr. Braun congratulates Mr. Martinez as the new Board Chair. He further discusses the activities like lecturing at the school as being an important part of the service to the school and asks Board members to participate in that activity. 6. Mr. Martinez calls for the Research Highlight presentation by Dr. Raju (see Board Materials for slides.) a. Dr. Raju describes his research activities in the area of storage systems to Board members. He describes the challenges in storage today and the impact of storage in the Cloud. He explains the evolution of the work. The impact of self managed systems, raid reliability, b. Dr. Raju describes the deterministic patterns of storage read and write and how they can be observed and adapted to improve efficiency. He discusses power consumption issues as a major motivator. c. Dr. Raju decribes his work on a testbed to show how to achieve such efficiencies. He describes a Linux based system modified by drivers that implement such schemes. d. Mr. Braun provides feedback and asks about how such results can be applied in a cloud storage scenario. e. Dr. Raju discusses metrics that are used to describe results. f. Board members and Dr. Raju engage in discussion about the intelligence of storage systems and what is needed to make them better. g. Dr. Raju discusses different storage algorithm strategies. h. Board members ask that Dr. Raju consider industry use scenarios as he continues his research work.

4 i. Dr. Raju discusses his papers published in these areas. j. Dr. Raju describes his work with Solid State Drives (SSD) and the challenges they present. k. He describes the next steps for his work. 7. Mr. Martinez thanks Dr. Raju for his presentation and calls for the Student Activities by Dr. Lisetti (see Board Materials for slides). a. Dr. Lisetti describes her work with the Women in Computer Science (WICS) student club. b. She is focused on promoting the profession and is learn more about why it is challenging to engage women in IT. c. She describes issues ranging from self image, confidence and other barriers. She describes activities WICS has held to give members a way to improve their abilities. d. She discusses the need for role models and how learning with a group of peers is important. e. WICS has invited speakers from industry to share career experiences. She invites the Board members to participate. f. She describes how for many students this is the first time a family member has obtain college education and that it is difficult to convince students to continue to the PhD. Pressure to enter the workforce to address family financial issues is common. g. She is working on developing activities to keep students engaged and interested in continuing their studies. h. Mr. Braun discusses statistics of women participation in IT at national level and within the school. i. Dr. Lisetti and Board members discuss how innovation comes from diversity j. Board members discuss the careers of woman in their companies. There are many more women that make it to CFO than CTO. k. Board members discuss the talent pipeline needed to create success for women and issues surround the supply and demand effects. l. Dr. Lisetti presents more statistics showing women participation in academics as faculty members. m. Mr. Bravo discusses how it is important for companies to connect their programs for recruitment to what the School is doing with WICS. n. Board members discuss how to engage female students and discuss how STEM is not enough. Students want to be more focused on how they can have an impact in areas like Healthcare, Bio, etc. The world is interdisciplinary. Students want to connect with people concerns and needs. 8. Mr. Martinez thanks Dr. Lisetti for her presentation and calls for the second presentation on Student Activities by Kip Irvine (see Board Materials for his slides.) a. Mr. Irvine describes the activities of the Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery.

5 b. Mr. Irvine discussed how the students have built a very dynamic and thriving community. They have development many activities that have kept them engaged. c. Mr. Irvine discusses the Student High School Competition and the participation from 100 students in the south florida area. How the event has been consider one of the best by the participating high schools. The event raises awareness of CS/IT. d. Mr. Irvine provides some additional examples of student activities including the Engineering Gala and the robotics SIG using Lego Mindstorms. e. Mr. Irvine discusses how companies like Ultimate Software are building relationships with students by holding technology seminars, share open source software, and other activities. f. He commented how companies have a very high opinion about our student’s knowledge and ability. g. He stated how he is working in encouraging student to pursue graduate degree. h. Mr. Irvine discusses the activities of the different special interest groups. How the group is lead by a small group of dedicated officers. He discusses the challenges of maintaining the group and financial pressures on students to be working. i. Mr. Braun discusses the challenges to recruit interns when the distance of the position is far from university. Need to show the value proposition to student. j. Board members discuss ways in which they are engaging students. k. Dr. Deng describes way the school has assisted companies find talent. l. Board member exchange comments why it is important for students to pursue internships. m. Mr. Martinez thanks Mr. Irvine to for his presentation. 9. Mr. Martinez calls for Mr. Luis to review Board Actions. a. Mr. Luis informs Mr. Martinez that he should appoint a Vice-Chair for the Board. After some discussion with the Board, Mr. Martinez asks and Mr. Gerber accepts the appointment of Vice Chair. b. Mr. Martinez suggests that Board members that have signed up for the Research and Talent committees hold conf. call to begin formulating plans. c. Mr. Luis points out that several students have provided resumes and are interested in the Mentoring program. The resumes are in the Board Meeting Materials directory available on the web. 10. Mr. Martinez discusses with Board members when the next Board meeting should occur. a. Mr. Luis suggests the last Fri. in April 24th. Board members concur. b. Mr. Martinez asks members for a volunteer to host the meeting. Dr. Gerber volunteers to host the meeting. 11. Mr. Braun asks Board members to consider eliminating the distribution of paper materials in an effort to support “green” energy savings. Mr. Martinez concurs.

6 Board members agree. Mr. Luis is advised to distribute materials electronically and present them electronically at all meetings to follow. 12. In Mr. Martinez’s closing remarks he thanks board members for their participation and looks forward to helping the school reach the next level. 13. Mr. Martinez closes the meeting at 7:59pm.

Summary of Closed/Tabled Actions

1. FL Governor Discussion: 8/19/05: Mr. Braun has requested Dr. Deng investigate the cost of a study to better understand IT employment attraction and retention issues in South Florida. The study will be used as a basis for a discussion with Florida’s Governor, Mr. Braun, Board members and Dr. Maidique/FIU. 12/9/05: The cost for the IT employment study request by Mr. Braun is $60K. The Board defers this item to Mr. Braun for further discussion. 5/26/06: Board members expressed concern regarding the $60K needed to conduct the survey. Board members agreed to postpone discussion on action until next Governor takes office. Board Action: 12/09/05 Tabled, till 2007.

2. Industry Center: 8/19/05: The Board supports the new direction for boot- strapping funding for an industry center by creating an “umbrella” of research projects that members can fund and/or pursue funding joint funding from Federal agencies. The Board requests to be informed with progress in this area. 12/9/05: The school and Board members are having ongoing discussions regarding joint projects and funding opportunities. The LA Grid Program is the outcome of conversations with IBM. The school will update Board members going forward. Board Action: 12/09/05 Closed

3. Marketing: 8/19/05: The Board requests that the school develop marketing materials to promote FIU, the school and its accomplishments. The Board suggests that this effort occur jointly with member companies with the goal of producing joint press releases. Mr. Braun offers the assistance of his staff for developing marketing and communications strategy. Mr. Braun felt that the marketing materials would be useful for recruiting new board members as well. Mr. Borras has also offered marketing assistance. Dr. Prasad is hiring a publications/publicity staff member. Mr. Braun suggests that the three of these staff members meet to coordinate marketing efforts. The timing for this effort will depend on the resolution of the reorganization. 12/09/05: Ms. Santana offers assistance with marketing effort. School is working on new marketing materials and will follow-up with companies reporting progress as requested. Board Action: 12/09/05 Closed

4. NSF Award: 8/19/05: Mr. Braun requests that if NSF awards the School with the BPC grant, the school should prepare joint press releases to promote the award to the community. 12/9/05: Grant was denied. Reviewer’s comments were positive. School to reapply in Spring ’06. School will update Board on progress.

7 Board Action: 12/09/05 Closed

5. LA Grid: 8/19/05: The Board expresses approval of the LA Grid initiative, a partnership between IBM, FIU and other universities. The Board asks to be kept informed of the activity. 12/9/05: Pete Martinez provides Board with overview of the LA Grid Program. School will update Board on progress. Board Action: 12/09/05 Closed

6. Board Action Procedures: 12/9/05: The Board discussed several procedural mechanisms to process action items with the goal of closing action items out expeditiously. These procedures are: a. Once attending Board members, those present at the current meeting, decide to close an item it no longer needs to be discussed. b. If an action plan is put in place for a Board action item, the item should be closed. The party taking responsibility for the action plan should report to the Board periodically on the outcomes of the plan. c. It is sufficient for action to be taken on any agenda item by the attending Board members. d. Actions items accepted by the Board should establish a time limit with the understanding that action should be taken within that time or should be closed. e. The school will implement these procedures at upcoming meetings. Board Action: 12/09/05 Closed

7. IT Industry Scholarship Fund: 12/9/06: The Board agreed to review a proposal by Dr. Deng to develop an industry-based funding mechanism for student scholarships to attract high quality students. Dr. Deng will develop the proposal and distribute to Board members as soon as possible. A conference call should be scheduled thereafter to discuss the proposal. 5/25/06: Board members agreed to pursue the Scholarship Fund Campaign. Mr. Luis prepared and distributed materials for Board members to discuss with their colleagues. 04/07: Tabled to obtain more Board member feedback and direction. Board Action: 12/09/05 Open, pending review

8. Business Continuity Information Network: 12/07: Mr Braun suggests to Board members to reach out to their peers and networks to facilitate support. Board interested in sending letter of support on behalf of Centers of Excellence to lobby Gov. Board. Not pursued due to lobby rule limitations.


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