Instructor: Dr. Kuen-Hee Ju-Pak Office: CP 460-14

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Instructor: Dr. Kuen-Hee Ju-Pak Office: CP 460-14

ADVERTISING MEDIA PLANNING COM 352-2—Spring 2009 T & Th 10:00 am - 11:15 am, CP127

Instructor: Dr. Kuen-Hee Ju-Pak Office: CP 460-14 Office Hours: T & Th 12:45 – 2:15 pm Phone: 714-278-7006 Course site: E-mail: [email protected]

Catalog Description: Planning, execution and control of advertising media programs. Basic data and characteristics of the media. Buying and selling process, techniques, and methods in media planning process. Audience measurement and media analysis. Prerequisites: Comm 350 with "C" or better and junior standing.

Course Objectives In a broad sense, the course is designed to enlarge your knowledge of the mass media in the United States and to acquaint you with how advertisers plan, evaluate, and use these media. More specifically, the objectives of the course are:

. to give you a basic understanding of the problems involved in making media decisions and how such decisions relate to the overall advertising and marketing process; . to familiarize you with information sources available for media decision-making, to evaluate the data provided by those sources, and to provide an opportunity for you to develop skills in using a number of those resources; . to develop an understanding of various media and audience concepts as they are applied in practice to planning and evaluating an advertising media plan; . to provide a case in which you will evaluate a media plan developed for an actual brand, applying your knowledge obtained from this course.

Required Texts and Notes Sissors & Bumba (SB), Advertising Media Planning, 6th Edition, NTC Business Books. Ju-Pak, Course Notes Packet, Comm 352, Available at the course Web site, (under Course, Comm 352, Course Notes).

Course Requirements and Grading . You may earn up to 1000 points in this course. The grades are assigned as follows:

Points Grade GPA Points Grade GPA_ 965-1000 A+ 4.0 865-899 B+ 3.3 935-964 A 4.0 835-864 B 3.0 900-934 A- 3.7 800-834 B- 2.7__ 765-799 C+ 2.3 665-699 D+ 1.3 735-764 C 2.0 635-664 D 1.0 700-734 C- 1.7 600-634 D- 0.7__ <600 F 0.0

. Due dates are enforced and no late work will be accepted. No e-mailed assignment will be accepted unless it is approved and submitted at least a week in advance.

Exams--Bring Calculator & 882-ES Form 400 Points Mid-Term, March 26 200 Final, May 19, 9:30-11:20 am 200 Note: Students may cash-in their points (relevant questions, comments, answers to be written on flash cards – up to 3 points per class session) and use these points to upgrade their exam score by up to one letter grade

Media Plan Critiques 350 Points Situation Analysis (Part 1) Critique & Peer Eval., March 24 150 Media Recommendations (Part 2) Critique & Peer Eval., May 12 200 Critique Discussion (March 24 & May 12) Note: you may receive one letter grade lower than the group if missed for the discussion

Pearls of Wisdom Presentation 150 Points POW Presentation (You need to schedule this no later than Feb. 5; see POW memo and POW Topics List in “Assignments” of course site,

Attendance/Participation in Class Discussion 100 Points One letter course grade drops for every eight sessions missed (Attendance is checked at the beginning of each class)

. Two exams (mid-term and final, non-cumulative) will be given in this course as scheduled. In general, the exams will consist of multiple choice, true/false questions and problems, and cover material presented in lecture, readings, and assignments. Further details on the exam, such as study guide and examples of exam questions, will be provided in class or in my Web site. No make- up exam will be given, except for documented illness or documented family emergency. A make-up exam, if given, should be scheduled immediately after the missed exam.

. Students will be asked to critique a brand’s media plan done by a “student agency”. Applying the knowledge obtained via class lecture, POW presentations, and in-class workshops, you should write a four-to-five page critique (bullet-pointed format, single space) of I) situation analysis report part of the plan (Due March 24) and II) media recommendation report (Due May 12) prepared by the student agency. You may do this either individually or as a two- to four-person group. For specific requirements and instruction, see the memo under Assignment section of my course Web site. Note: Each group will share their thoughts or critiques in the discussion session and is advised to bring an additional copy of the critique to refer to in the session).

. In addition, you will be asked to prepare and conduct “peals of wisdom (POW)” topic presentation either individually or as a (no more than) two-person team. A list of topics from which you can choose will be distributed in class for you to sign up. See “POW Topics List” under Assignment in the course Web site,; review the topics and the relevant textbook pages before you sign up for one. Only one group can sign up for the same topic. First come, first serve. If you have any questions about pages, chapters, etc. Please see me immediately. More about this later. The POW presentation should be in 10 to 15 minutes and in Power-point format. You need to prepare and distribute the handout (32 copies) to class (the outline of your presentation with relevant details in MS Word format – see the example in the course site). This (a hard copy and the Word file for the handout) and the presentation material (the Power-point file) should be submitted on the date of presentation. Make sure your presentation is ready on the date designated. Try it out with the classroom computer to check for compatibility and projector before the date of presentation to make sure your material will be free of technological glitches.

. In some of the class sessions, there will be group discussions of media issues and/or the critique work. Such in-class group discussion or other activities cannot be made up, except for documented illness or documented family emergency. In this case, you should inform me of your absence prior to the date missed.

. In your professional life, missing work could mean losing your job. As such, in this class, attendance is critical and expected. Should you miss eight classes, your overall grade will drop by one letter. Please be on time. Frequent tardiness and/or early departure of classes may affect the class participation grade. Please inform me if you have to leave class early.

Page2 2 How You Can Make the Course More Useful

In order to get the most from the course, you should do assigned readings and complete assignments before coming to class. You will then be prepared to ask questions, answer questions, and discuss materials; the class will be more beneficial and fun for all involved. It is also very useful to become informed about current issues, controversies, and practices in advertising more generally, and in media planning in particular. You can do this by observing current advertising campaigns and their use of media vehicles, and by reading the advertising trade press such as Advertising Age, Adweek, and Mediaweek (and many other Web advertising resources such as

Course Policies

. As a matter of courtesy and professionalism, set your beepers and cell phones to silent alerts during class time . You are responsible for all notes, in-class handouts or materials. If you must miss a class, it is up to you to get notes and materials from fellow students. . You must turn in all out-of-class assignments on time, at the beginning of class, including your in- class presentation materials in an envelope with proper name/label on every material turned in. No late assignments are accepted, regardless of reason. Computer problems and crashed disks are not valid reasons for late work. It is a good idea to complete your work in plenty of time in advance and make frequent back-ups for your work. . Only documented severe medical problems or documented family (not work-related) emergency are acceptable reasons for missing exams, assignments, or class activities, and it is your responsibility to make immediate arrangements with me for make-up work. If a medical emergency arises, you must notify me in advance of the class and provide verification in order to be excused and scheduled for make-up work. . Any proven case of plagiarism or violation of ethical conduct will result in immediate failure of the class. In COMM 352, plagiarism includes but is not limited to: copying from any source and presenting the work as your own; downloading and using as your own any sentences, paragraphs, or entire documents off the Internet to fulfill course requirements. . Students with disabilities should inform the instructor during the first week of classes about any disability or special needs that may require specific arrangements/accommodations related to attending class sessions, completing course assignments, writing papers or quizzes/tests/examinations. University policy also requires students with disabilities to register with the Office of Disabled Student Services (UH-101) in order to receive prescribed accommodations appropriate to their disability.

A final Comment

Please always feel free to ask questions in class. The kind of work you will be doing in this class is often unlike work you have done in other courses. But don't get discouraged! I once struggled through my first media course too, so I know the frustration. Don’t hesitate to call, email, or stop by during office hours (they are all yours!) if you have additional questions, or make an appointment if office hours aren’t convenient. See me immediately if you have any difficulties in this course.

Course Outline and Readings

The tentative course outline following next indicates the approximate dates when selected topic will be discussed. You are required to bring course packet and calculator to each class. Check the course site frequently for announcements or reminders.

Page3 3 Date Topic Readings Activity/ Assignment Due 1/27 Intro to course Course site review 1/29 - 2/3 Basics, Decision-Making Process Print/bring course notes & POW 2/5 Media Planning in Changing Times SB 1 Sign up for POW topic Print/bring Situation Analysis Critique information (guidelines, report to critique & critique sampler) 2/10-12 Marketing/Promo Mix Strategy SB 3, 6(117-131) Form critique group/Choose leader 2/17-19 Consumer/Market/Environment SB 7 (172-189) POW #1 presentation (2/19) Critique group info on a flash card (names/phone/email/work assigned) 2/19 Consumer/Market/Environment (continued) SB 7(159-167) MRI Discussion 2/24-26 Consumer/Market/Environment (continued) SB 7(159-167) POW #2 & #3 (9/23) 3/3-5 Competitive Analysis SB 6(132-142) LNA Discussion 3/5-10 Marketing/advertising Objectives & Ad Strategy 3/12 Group meeting for Critique: in my office (15min) Group may meet anywhere Leader email report due after session after/before the meeting 3/17-19 Target Markets SB 7 (167-172) 3/19 Exam Review Bring Exam Guide & Sample Qs 3/24 Critique Discussion Situation Analysis Critique Due 3/24 Media Goals: Reach and Frequency SB 8 (206-222) 3/26 Mid-Term Exam (Intro to Situation Analysis) Bring calculator and 882-ES form 3/31/4/2 Spring Break (No Class) 4/7-9 Media Goals: Reach and Frequency (continued) SB 5, SB 7 (189-192) POW #5, #6, & #7 4/14 Reach and Frequency (continued) SB 5, SB 7 (189-192) POW #8, #9 & #10 4/16 Media Strategy: Media Mix SB 9, SB 10(skim) 4/21-23 Assigning Media Weights and Scheduling 4/23-25 Media Tactics: Evaluating/Selecting Media Vehicles SB 11 POW #11-14 (4/25) 4/30, 5/5-7 Major Quantitative Criteria SB 4 POW #15, #16, & #17 (5/7) 5/12 Exam Review 5/12 Critique Discussion Recommendation Critique Due 5/14 Other Media Quality/Values & Media Flight Plan 5/19 Final Exam (9:30-11:20 am) Bring calculator and 882-ES form

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