Personal Fitness Syllabus

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Personal Fitness Syllabus


Personal Fitness is a required course for graduation. It introduces the five health related components of fitness. Students will learn to recognize, evaluate, and develop these components. They include flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition. Students will also study principles of training, skill related fitness components, nutrition, the muscular and skeletal systems, and will develop their own personal fitness plan and goals.

GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS PEHS.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PEHS.2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. PEHS.3: Participates regularly in physical activity. PEHS.4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. PEHS.5: Exhibits responsible personal social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. PEHS.6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. GRADING PROCEDURES: (Percentages set by County Board Office) Classroom Grades Summative 71% Formative 29% ______100% Classroom 100 points possible Multiplied by .8 to weight 80% + Final Exam 100 points possible Multiplied by .2 to weight 20% ______Course Final Average

*Fitness gram Assessments will count 2 test grades in the informal category.

DRESSING OUT/PARTICIPATION You will earn 25 points each day Monday through Thursday. You must dress out and participate to earn full credit. If you forget your clothes, you may participate if you have tennis shoes and earn 15 points for the day. Fridays will be a Recovery or Activity Day. If you have a non- participation day from that week, you may choose to recover it on Friday. Recovery will be a 20 minute jog/walk. If you have no days to recover, you may choose to participate in an activity. If you choose not to dress out on Fridays, you will report to the Auxiliary Gym.

CLASS EXPECTATIONS: 1. Be in roll call spots when the tardy bell rings. Tardies will be counted! 2. All excused absences must be made up on Recovery days. Students have 3 days to bring in a note. Unexcused absences result in a grade of 0 for the day. 3. Respect administrators, teachers, students and equipment. 4. Bring shorts/warm-ups, t-shirt, tennis shoes daily. All attire must meet the dress code. No tank tops for boys or girls. Tennis shoes only on gym floor (no boots, flip-flops, etc) 5. Do not wear jewelry while participating, especially in the weight room. Do not bring any valuables into the locker room or gym. Locker rooms will be locked during class . The class will leave and return to locker rooms together (all classes at same time) 6. We are not responsible for items left unlocked during class time. If you have something valuable, ask the teacher to hold it for you. 7. Keep the gym neat. NO FOOD, DRINK, or GUM in gym (except water )

CLASS ACTIVITIES: Activities during the semester for Personal Fitness may include:  Jogging, walking, strength training, fitness games, and designing a personal fitness plan  State required Fitnessgram Assessment

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