A Conversation About Growing Up Black How did they define racism?

What are some examples of racism they gave?

Have you ever been singled out by an authority figure based on how you looked or dressed?

Instead of de-humanizing a victim of police brutality, how should we respond?

The one boy summarizes Martin Luther King Jr. who said “We should not judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the con- tent of his character.” What are differences between character and appearance and how can you do a better job of looking at character instead of appearance?

How can perceptions perpetuate the cycle of discrimination? Jesus Suffering Keven How did Keven define racial discrimination?

Have you ever negatively judged a person based on the color of their skin? (like the grad student did at the lunch table)

How would you feel if a police officer pulled his gun on you for obeying his commands? Why are assumptions of people dan- gerous?

Keven states that consistent discrimination can cause a person to believe that they don’t belong. What is the Biblical reality that confronts this?

The Gospel makes us all family. How would you feel if you knew someone was mistreating your brother or sister? What would you do to stand up for them? Are those feelings and actions the same for your Biblical brothers and sisters of a different color? Do you believe and live out of the reality that Jesus died for all people? The price for your salvation is the exact same price for the salvation of a black homeless man in downtown Detroit. How can we live out this truth that we are all equally in need of salvation, and we are all equally redeemed through Jesus?

The Statisticks Lottery This video is based on the realities of where you are born. What advantages and disadvantages have you experienced simply be- cause you live in your zip code?

Within the first three years Jamie (the low income child) is ex- posed to 30,000,000 fewer words. How does this impact a child’s potential for learning?

What are some of the causes of chronic school absences for low-income kids?

What is the percentage of low-income children that cannot read by the end of 3rd grade? How does not being able to read impact low-income kids?

What are the four areas of commitment that can lead to change?

A new statistic came out that states 84% of Detroit children live in concentrated poverty. What commitments can you make this summer to help kids living in this reality? What commit- ments can you make throughout the school year?

How does a lack of reading impact poverty?

Toxic Charity – Robert D. Lupton Lupton writes on page 15, “Research...suggests that service projects and mission trips do not effect lasting change. Within six to eight week after a mission trip, most short-term mis- sion-trippers return to the same assumptions and behaviors they had prior to the trip.” How can you avoid this reality? What assumptions and behaviors do you need to change before your trip? How can short-term mission trips be harmful? Why is depen- dency unhelpful and unbiblical?

“Doing for rather than doing with those in need is the norm. Add to it the combination of patronizing pity and unintended superiority, and charity becomes toxic.” Honestly evaluate; Is your pity condescending? Do you see yourself as superior to the people in Detroit?

How are mercy and justice defined? What makes that the dif- ference maker in relating to those in poverty?

Beyond Charity – Dr. John Perkins According to Perkins, what is the cost of urban ministry? Have you counted the cost of your trip this summer? Do you see that cost extending beyond your time and finances?

Why is it important to move beyond the question, “Is it safe?”

“When we approach a community primarily as givers, and not also as receivers, we miss the most of what God intends through our service.” What is your attitude towards this sum- mer? Do you think Detroit has something to give you?

Are you willing to listen and learn from the people you are serving this summer? Do you think they have something to teach you?

How can you help CDC maintain an atmosphere of holistic de- velopment?