Bishop Edward Gaines Catholic School Newsletter Term 1 Week 6 2017 Kia ora, Kia Orana, Maloilelai, Talofalava, Greetings to you all.

Special Character focus

Our prayer this week is one of hope – hope that our efforts & reflections during Lent will strengthen us & keep us focused on the constant love that Jesus has for each of us.

Principal’s Message:

We are celebrating two significant & well loved saints over the next few days - St Patrick & St Joseph.

The discussions at assembly were very enlightening as to how we could celebrate St Patrick’s day tomorrow. With the traditional history of Patrick’s teaching of the Trinity using the image of the shamrock & the encouragement of the “wearing of the green” we have decided on a mufti day with a green influence. To support the Ronald McDonald Family Home appeal we are asking for a gold coin donation. Thanks.

On Sunday we celebrate St Joseph – family man of justice action & simplicity. Next Wednesday March 22nd we will celebrate Joseph’s life, beginning with Mass at 9.30am. We will introduce the newly enrolled students & their families. We will also have a special blessing for our student leaders & present them with their badges. Celebrations will continue during the day.

Cwl Easter hampers Raffle The Catholic Women’s League have a very generous raffle – 2x Easter hampers. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. Tickets are available in the school office. Members will be selling tickets this week on Friday @ the post shop and next Tuesday 28th for the final day @ Tokoroa Countdown. Please support this as the funds they raise assist our school and an orphanage in Papa New Guinea.

Bikewise Next Wednesday all children with bikes are encouraged to bring them to school for an update on skills & responsibilities of cyclists. NZ Police & Sport Waikato emphasise the importance of this & will be at school for the day. Please ensure that bikes are roadworthy before this date.

Caught being good – Sponsored by DUFFY BOOKS IN HOMES Roncalli Class – Jordyn reminding others to be respectful during our National Anthem. - Michael using his initiative and cleaning up our classroom and environment.

School Lunches Wednesday’s – Subway lunches $4 Friday’s – Sausage Sizzle $1.50, Juicy Ice blocks $1.00 God Bless Maree Hickey rsj Tumuaki / Principal

Tokoroa Netball Centre AGM Just a friendly reminder that our AGM will be held on Thursday 16th March 2017 at the South Waikato Sports & Events Centre 6pm sharp. Final date to receive President nominations will be 5pm on Wednesday 15th March 2017. Please note that all trophy winners from 2016 season must return all trophies at this meeting. Light refreshments will be provided. For enquiries: 021 044 4711.

Tokoroa AFC Junior Soccer

There is a player muster and trials this Friday, 17 March, at 5:00pm at Strathmore Park for junior players that would like to play in the following teams that Tokoroa AFC intends to enter in the Rotorua Junior Football Competition this winter:  9th grade (players born in 2008)  10th grade (players born in 2007)  11th/12th grade (players born in 2005 and 2006)  13th/14th grade (players born in 2003 and 2004) This is an opportunity for players that want to take their football to a higher level. Tokoroa AFC still will still be running the school based local Junior Soccer competition in Tokoroa this winter for players that are not interested in playing in the above teams. For any question or if interested players cannot make the muster, parents can contact Adrian Lysaght - mobile 027 6153496, email [email protected]

Also, registration is still open for the Ricki Herbert Football Academy holiday program being run in Tokoroa on 17-19 April, 9am - 3pm (cost $99 for all three days). Follow the link below to register and for payment details time/