Study Guide & Student Workbook: Unit 30: Pop Music in Practice

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Study Guide & Student Workbook: Unit 30: Pop Music in Practice

BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing)

NAME……………………………… BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performance)

Study Guide & Student Workbook: Unit 30: Pop Music in Practice

“You are to write an article for the music magazine MUSIC TIMES. The article is to be called ‘The Development of Pop Music from 1950 to the current day’….You are also working as a member of an ensemble where you will provide live entertainment at The Moonraker in Swindon for their ‘Songs through the Decades night’. You will perform your own compositions demonstrating various pop music genres, and cover versions of well-known pop songs.”

A. Indicative knowledge, skills and understanding

By the end of this unit you should:

 Know different genres of pop music

 Know how pop music developed

 Be able to perform original pop music

 Be able to perform pop music as part of an ensemble

B. Independent Notes

You should read and make notes form these textbooks & online sites:-

Books & Websites Tick when complete Textbook 1: Frith S, Straw W and Street J (editors) – The Cambridge Companion to Pop and Rock (Cambridge, 2001) ISBN 978-0521556606 Textbook 2: Larkin P (editor) – Virgin Encyclopaedia of Popular Music (Virgin Books, 2002) ISBN 978-1852279233 Textbook 3: Rawlings T – Mod: Clean Living Under Very Difficult Circumstances – a Very British Phenomenon (Omnibus, 2000) ISBN 978-0711968134 Textbook 4: Rees D and Gampton L – Rock and Pop Year by Year (Dorling Kindersley, 2003) ISBN 978-1405300711 Textbook 5: Winterson J – Pop Music: Question & Answer Book (Peters Edition, 2005) ISBN 978-1843670148 Textbook 6: Winterson J, Nickol P and Bricheno T – Pop Music: The Text Book (Peters Edition, 2003) ISBN 978-1843670070 Online music encyclopaedia Music technology info and trends BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) The definitive music weekly Newspaper’s music coverage

C. Employer engagement and vocational contexts:

It would be particularly useful to try and make links with working musicians to give a vocational insight and to allow a focus on a particular style, genre or act within pop music. Try to make links with any professional musician (performers & composers) or personnel in the music industry and invite them to an interview session in person or via Internet sent questions, ensuring these questions are well-structured to aid your study of this unit of work and/or contribute to your magazine article.

Title & Date: Brief description & critical review Vocational contact

D. Learning activities

You will use your knowledge and understanding in class to take part in a range of activities, discussions, challenges and practice sessions covering the following learning objectives:- BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing)

E. Coursework Assignments

During this unit you will complete the following two assignments. Worksheets to aid you with these assignments can be found at the end of this study guide. Once completed, these can be submitted as part of your evidence.

Assignment 1: MAGAZINE ARTICLE (P1, M1, D1, P2, M2, D2)

You have been asked to write an article entitled “The Development of Pop Music from 1950 to the current day” for the magazine MUSIC TIMES.

Your article must include definitions and descriptions of the music genres and styles and examples that best highlight the following listed aspects of development:-

● song structure ● harmony ● texture ● timbre (relate to technological developments) ● format ● production ● technological developments BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing)

Deadline date: ______Sign when complete: ______

Assignment 2: MY POP MUSIC PERFORMANCE (P3, M3, D3, P4, M4, D4)

Your ensemble has been asked to participate in an evening of live entertainment at The Moonraker in Swindon. The event is being advertised as SONGS THROUGH THE DECADES NIGHT. You will perform your own compositions demonstrating various pop music genres, and cover versions of well-known pop songs. This should include:-

 A performance of four of your own compositions (of 6 to 10 minutes), either solo, accompanied or as part of an ensemble

 A performance of four stylistically accurate cover versions (of 6 to 10 minutes), as part of an ensemble. BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing)

Deadline date: ______Sign when complete: ______

F. Study Time

 Independent instrumental/vocal practice time using school rehearsal rooms

 Complete any independent work set during lesson.

 Complete your independent notes from the books and online articles outlined in this study guide.

 Look ahead at the forthcoming assignments and begin gathering notes/research from the suggested textbooks and websites that will help you in completing the assignment.


Assignment To achieve a pass grade your To achieve a merit grade your To achieve a distinction grade evidence evidence Your evidence must show that, must show that you are able to: must show that, in in addition to the pass and addition to the pass criteria, merit criteria, you are able to: you are able to: Magazine describe, with reference to explain, with reference to comment critically, with Article examples, styles of pop music examples, styles of pop music (M1) reference to examples, styles (P1) of pop music (D1) explain, with reference to describe, with reference to examples, how pop music comment critically, with examples, how pop music developed (M2) reference to examples, on developed (P2) how pop music developed (D2) My Pop perform original pop music perform original pop music perform original pop Music with errors that do not competently and accurately (M3) music with artistic flair and Performance detract from the overall interpretation (D3) performance (P3) perform a variety of pieces as part of an ensemble perform a variety of pieces perform a variety of pieces competently and accurately (M4) as part of an ensemble with as part of an ensemble artistic flair and interpretation (D4) with errors that do not detract from the overall performance (P4) BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing)

Worksheet 1: Styles and Performers through the Decades




1980s BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing)



Worksheet 2: The Development of Pop Music through the Decades

DATE MUSICAL ELEMENTS FORMAT TECHNOLOGICAL/PRODUCTION song structure, harmony, texture, e.g. A-side/B-side singles, LPs, extended length e.g. mono/stereo formats, wall of sound (Phil Spector), studio timbre rock songs, concept albums, instrumental rock, albums, ‘garage’ music video sound (Buddy Holly, White Stripes), high production values (Quincy Jones, Brian Eno), scratching, sampling 1950s


1970s BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) 1980s



Worksheet 3: Criteria Planning for Magazine Article

describe, with reference to examples, describe, with reference to examples, how pop music styles of pop music developed P A S S

explain, with reference to examples, explain, with reference to examples, how pop music styles of pop music developed M E R I BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) T

comment critically, with reference to comment critically, with reference to examples, on how pop examples, styles of pop music music developed D I S T I N C T I O N Worksheet 4: How to write a magazine article

STAGE EVIDENCE Tick WHAT TO DO when complete 1 Learn the basics. Get the general explanation of whatever you are trying to write about. This will give you a basic framework for what to look for as you research. You can use a website like Wikipedia, read newspaper articles or a book, or talk to someone knowledgeable on the subject. It will depend what you are writing about.

You should assume, at this stage, that some or all of the information you are getting is incorrect or incomplete. Don’t stop your research here. 2 Find reliable sources. Now that you know what to look for, research your topic. You can use the internet, a library, conduct interviews, watch documentaries, or whatever you feel is appropriate to teach you everything you need to know about your topic. Be an expert!

You can do research online very easily. However, you should be wary. Draw only from reliable sources like reputable newspapers, experts on the topic, government websites, or university websites. Look for information that lists other sources, since this will help back up any claims made by your source. These materials can also be acquired in print and the same precautions should be taken there. 3 Get different types of material. During your research, look for material that isn’t text. This can be used or altered to add to your article. You can look for data to make your own charts or templates, take photographs to match your text, or anything else which you feel might help your readers understand the information better and make them care about the topic as much as you do. 4 Decide your length. Consider what type of content you’re writing about and how much space it can fill, as well as how much needs to be written in order to cover the topic adequately, before proceeding with writing your article. 5 Outline your article. Before you begin formal writing, you will want to outline your article. This outline, which will break down which information goes where, will serve as a roadmap and help you see where more information may be needed. 6 Pay attention to style, structure and voice. You will want to write with a style, structure, and voice which make sense for the type of article you are writing. Evaluate your audience to determine what the best method would be to present your information to them.

For example, a newspaper article will need to offer information in a narrative, chronological format and be written with accessible but not overly-colloquial language. An academic article will need to follow the general 5-paragraph essay format and be written with high, formal language. A how-to, like WikiHow articles, can be written in more informal language which is intended to connect with readers on a personal level and should follow a format BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) which allows for the breakdown of information into clearly visible sections and steps. 7 Be passionate. You should care about the topic you choose to write about. Your enthusiasm will show in your writing and it will be much more engaging for your readers. You may even be able to make them care about something they did not care about previously. 8 Edit your work. Before you submit your work, you will want to do some editing and revision. If time allows, wait for a day or two before editing. This will allow the information to filter out of your brain, so that you will be less likely to read the text with what you intended to write rather that what you actually wrote (skipping words, writing the wrong word, etc.). Reading aloud can also help with this. •Read over your text for spelling and grammar mistakes. •When that is done, make sure the structure makes sense and the information is broken down in a logical manner. Can someone new to the material follow and understand what you are saying? Make sure you do not include any contradictory information or information which appears to be contradictory. •Rewrite sections or the entire thing as necessary. Revisions like this are commonly needed, so don’t feel like you’ve failed or are incompetent. 9 Make it better. Add to the amazing text you’ve written with videos, pictures, charts, and any other visual or audio material which you found or made in the course of your research. This will make your information more engaging and easier to understand. 10 Respect the rights of other writers. If you are using information from an external source, be sure to cite the source at the bottom of the article. Depending on the license of the content, you may or may not need to cite the external source. However, it's always better (and certainly more polite) to ask for permission if you are unsure. & Submit your work. When you’ve finished, submit your work in the appropriate manner. finally REFERENCES:

Worksheet 5: Use this template to Outline your Magazine Article

Create a

Revision in minutes BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing)

Worksheet 6: Criteria Planning for Performing and Composing

perform original pop music with errors perform a variety of pieces as part of an ensemble that do not detract from the overall with errors that do not detract from the overall performance. performance P A S S

perform original pop music perform a variety of pieces as part of an ensemble competently and accurately competently and accurately M E R I BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) T

perform original pop music with perform a variety of pieces as part of an ensemble with artistic flair and interpretation artistic flair and interpretation D I S T I N C T I O N Worksheet 7: COMPOSITION IDEAS for DIFFERENT STYLES


BLUES Write an instrumental piece based on a 12-bar blues chord sequence. Play the chord sequence and then improvise a melody over the top. This could form the basis of some variations where each 12-bar section uses different ideas. POPULAR MUSIC of the 1. Write the chorus of a 1960s style pop song. The line-up should include guitars, drums, lead singer and 1960s backing vocals. Use a 4/4 time signature, simple melodic ideas and a repeating chord sequence based mainly on I IV and V. Include some or all of the following in your chorus: a bass line riff, strummed guitar chords, a vocal hook, drum fills, some nonsense words such as 'na na', and sing-along echoes in the backing vocals. 2. Compose a rock steady style piece in 4/4. Use strong accents on beats two and four with most of the instruments playing the accompaniment resting on beat one. Use a two-chord sequence such as C to D minor or D minor to A minor. Use a prominent bass line. R ‘n’ B/HIP HOP 1. Create a rap for two or more performers to tell a story. Divide the story between the performers. The rappers could double the last word of some lines and add answering phrases and spoken 'ad libs'. One of the performers could use a rhythm ostinato from a word or phrase in the lyrics. Experiment with rhymes and made up words. Add a backing beat which includes some sampled sound effects. 2. Create a piece which uses some of the ideas from R 'n' B as a starting point. Start with a drum-beat backing and then take one line of lyrics and experiment with different ways of singing it. You could put the emphasis on different words, elongate different syllables or sing several notes to one syllable (melisma). SAMPLING Create a piece of dance music using some of the ideas Moby uses in Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? Use a layered texture, sampling, editing and looping techniques. Base the piece on two short themes with different chord sequences. You could choose from the following chord sequences or create your own.

theme idea 1 C A minor C A minor theme idea 2 C A minor D minor G theme idea 3 C E minor F G minor

ROCK MUSIC 1. Write the chorus of a song for a rock band using a line-up of guitars and/or keyboard, drums and singer. There should be four beats in a bar. Include some word-painting - passages where the music reflects the words. You could use the following chord sequences or create your own. E minor, A minor, G, C BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) A minor, F, G, C 2. Create a verse and chorus song using a rock band line-up (such as guitars, drums, keyboard and singer). There should be four beats in a bar. You could include some or all of the following: o an introduction o a contrasting bridge passage o a climactic coda where the band improvises on three chords BRIT POP

REFERENCE: Composition Ideas taken from resource by Carisse White and BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) Worksheet 8: Try this!...A Songwriter’s Plan

For your next song, rather than simply strumming the guitar, playing the piano and stringing together chords, melodies and lyrics that you hope you remember, try the following set of steps:

1. Take a sheet of paper, turn it to landscape orientation, and draw a horizontal line along the bottom. This is a rough timeline, an indication of the start and end of your song.

2. Draw blocks from left to right above the line to represent the various sections you plan your song to have, and label them. This will take some forethought, of course, and you may find that you’ll change your initial ideas as you go. But come up with a preliminary sketch of the basic form of your song.

3. Inside the blocks that you’ve drawn, indicate anything that you know already. Write down bits of lyric where they belong, sketch out a chord progression. You might even try to indicate the basic shape of your melody by making a line drawing that reflects the contour. That line drawing can serve as a memory aid each time you return to the song to continue your work.

4. Continue to fill in the different sections of your song. You’ll find that your “architect’s drawing” may change so much as you proceed that you might want to toss it out and start a new one, and that’s completely fine.

5. Start playing your song through, and see how the different sections fit together. You may decide that your verse is too short, and you need a pre-chorus… sketch it in. Any changes you make to your music should be indicated on your plan.

6. By step 4, you’ll sense a feeling of confidence that comes from seeing your music take shape in front of your eyes. Sketching your song gives you a visual perspective that you may not have had before, and it can free up creative ideas that may have been stifled before.

Sketching your ideas is also a great way to help cure writer’s block. So much of songwriter frustration comes from a lack of vision, a lack of planning. So borrow from the architect’s BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) way of working, and see how writing and sketching your ideas can help stimulate the creative process. Use the following blank pages to sketch your own song writing ideas.

REFERENCE: BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing) Worksheet 9: FINAL FOUR COMPOSITION PLANS/NOTES




F O U R BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Music (performing)

Worksheet 10: Performance of Cover Versions



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