Career Pathways Student Report Year 3 (2013-2014)
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Career Pathways Student Report Year 3 (2013-2014) Please send completed electronic forms to KayLynn Hamilton at [email protected].
Agency Name:
Student Identifier:
Hours Enrolled: EFL Gains: Pre: Post:
How was this student referred to your program? (e.g., PA CareerLink®, CTC, employer, CAP)
Career Pathway Goal (employment/postsecondary):
Focus Sector first identified Choose a Focus Sector **Please Specify Target Occupation:
Did student change to a different Focus Sector or Target Occupation during the course of Career Pathways instruction, guidance, exploration, or support?
If yes, please identify new Focus Sector: Choose a Focus Sector OR new Target Occupation:
If yes, explain why change was made (e.g., student realized wages for target occupation at entry level was insufficient)
Did student achieve Career Pathways goal?
Postsecondary YES (note name of school and program)
NO (note progress toward goal completion)
Employment YES (note type of employment)
NO (note progress toward goal completion)
1 Career Pathways Student Report Year 3 (2013-2014) Please send completed electronic forms to KayLynn Hamilton at [email protected]. Did student achieve NRS Goals? Obtain GED Gain Employment Retain Employment Enter Postsecondary
Career Awareness Activities
O*NET: Frequency: PA Career Guide: Frequency: PA CareerLink®: Frequency:
WIN: Frequency: Integrating Career Awareness: Frequency: Other (Please identify)
Additional Career Awareness Activities (e.g., curriculum, job-shadowing, internships, college-for-a-day)
Activity Facilitator Follow-up Activity Frequency of Activity (e.g., teacher, case manager)
Credentials Earned
Adult Secondary Diploma Work Readiness Certificate (specify level)
Other (describe)
Partner & Referral Information
Was student referred to PA CareerLink® by you or your agency? YES NO
Please describe services and collaboration with PA CareerLink® regarding student:
Please identify additional referrals made for student? (Check all that apply)
Department of Public Welfare Veteran’s Administration Employment Agency
Housing Authority Community Action Agency Health Services
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Faith-based Organization Trade Adjustment
2 Career Pathways Student Report Year 3 (2013-2014) Please send completed electronic forms to KayLynn Hamilton at [email protected]. Legal Services Counseling Services Social Security Administration
Family Services Refugee Services Energy Services
United Way Neighborhood Center Other
What types of supports and resources were provided to student to encourage or facilitate a transition to postsecondary educational programs (e.g., technical programs, local colleges):
Student postsecondary funding source:
Individual Training Account (ITA): Special WIA Funding (e.g., OJT, TANF Youth Work Experience) EARN Individual Training Account (ITA): Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Dislocated Workers Veterans OVR Individual Training Account (ITA): Other Adults
Please describe any other information highlighting career pathways-specific interventions and outcomes provided for student: