Rusk County Department of Health & Human Services Board
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Rusk County Department of Health & Human Services Board Minutes January 8, 2009
The Rusk County Department of Health & Human Services Board meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair Phil Schneider.
Board members present: Sandy Roth, Henry Golat, Tom Costello, Marge Spangberg, Kathy Mai, Gene DuSell, Randy Tatur and Charles Frafjord (9 A.M.). Staff present: Gary Rivers with appearances by Ted East, Erika Robinson, Sue Hendricks and Ron Moser. Excused absence: Ron Grzeszkowiak;
Motion made by Gene DuSell and seconded by Henry Golat to approve the January meeting agenda. Motion carried.
Motion made by Sandy Roth and seconded by Marge Spangberg to approve the December meeting minutes. Motion carried.
Chair Schneider announced the resignation of Bill Ellmann from the Health & Human Services Board.
Motion made by Gene DuSell and seconded by Randy Tatur to approve the vouchers and out of county travel request. Motion carried.
No Members of the public were in attendance.
Gary Rivers informed the Board of the resignation of Shirley Van Dam, Home Care Supervisor. Shirley has accepted a position with NorthernBridges. A concern for potential additional staff vacancies in the Home Care Program was expressed.
Dave Willingham presented an update on MCO development. NorthernBridges received notification from the Department of Health that due to restraints in the upcoming budget, roll out of Family Care in Northwest Wisconsin will be delayed by two months. The good news is that the two month delay is better than other areas of the state where expansion of Family Care may be delayed for one to two years. The Milwaukee Family Care expansion plans of including additional target groups to the elderly target group already being served has also been delayed for a year. The delay affects other areas as well, such as ADRC start ups, personnel transitions and 2009 provider contracts. The State has indicated they will be issuing a press release regarding the delayed roll out. Perhaps the most unfortunate negative impact of the delay is for the individuals on the wait list who will have to wait a couple of more months before receiving services. NorthernBridges will continue to move aggressively towards implementation and pre- enrollment activities. A mission & vision statement is being developed for the organization that includes being a leader in standard of excellence of membership care supporting the best life outcomes possible for its members. Quality assurance plans are being developed. NorthernBridges is ahead of schedule on its CMO certification policies & processes. A draft of the member handbook has been completed. A request was made that NorthernBridges provide wage information to prospective employees to enable employees to make employment decision and enable HHS to address potential staff vacancies. A provider network data base has been developed as has a draft contract.
The Board was provided with a brief history of the HHS Department’s Medical Assistance Personal Care provider status. The Board was also informed that with the transition to Family Care the Department’s purpose and capacity for providing MAPC will be significantly reduced. Staff recommendations were for the Department in conjunction with Family Care transition to begin reducing the provision of MAPC under the Department’s provider number. Subcontract agencies for MAPC would be notified on the Department’s plan and hopefully one or more of the contract agencies would be willing and able to continue to offer MAPC services to eligible recipients through their own provider number. Not all current subcontract agencies however, may be able to obtain their own provider number. A motion was made by Charles Frafjord and seconded by Tom Costello that the Department reduce the level of MAPC provided through their provider number, in a manner that supports a smooth transition of eligible participants to managed care and/or alternate MAPC providers. Motion carried.
Ted East provided an overview of the revised Guardianship and Protective Placement Policy. The revised policy attempts to clarify when the county will assist with Guardianship and how client financial liability for the Guardianship services if any, will be determined. A motion was made by Henry Golat and seconded by Marge Spangberg to approve the revised policy. Motion carried.
Erika Robinson informed the Board of Senior Services inability to financially continue the Care Call Program after the Family Care transition. Should Senior Services discontinue the program, the Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative will continue to provide personal emergency response telephone services to Rusk County residence. Terminating the Care Call Program will cause a reduction in the work hours of a current full time employee. A motion was made by Charles Frafjord and seconded by Tom Costello to discontinue the Care Call Program effective with the roll out of Rusk County participants into managed care. Motion carried.
Erika updated the Board regarding ADRC development. Time studies are being started and software issues are getting resolved. Referrals are now being processed through the ADRC. The telephone system is in place and an 800 number is being developed. The Board was informed that due to the delay in Family Care roll out, transition funds that had been set aside in the 2009 HHS budget may have to be used to address ADRC related costs for the first two months of this year.
Sue Hendricks reviewed the Children & Family Services Program report. A summary of children in out of home placements was provided. The board was also informed of the 24% reduction in IV-E funds and how the budget and program was adjusted to account for this decrease in funding. The Board was reminded that IV-E funding for 2010 may be eliminated altogether. The IV-E funding has been used to fund a social work position. Sue identified for the Board what her goals were for 2009 and are as follows: Successfully manage the Family Care transition and the personnel changes that may occur; develop local specialized treatment foster homes to enhance local resources that can successfully address children with special needs and develop a successful long term plan for the delivery of Independent Living Program Services.
Chair Schneider informed the Board that he had not attended the last WCHSA meeting and had nothing to report.
Ron Moser provided a Veterans Services Program report. He reminded the Board that he was now in his 10th month of employment as a Veterans Service Officer. A local mental health provider (Access) has been selected as a site where Veterans from WW II on can receive mental health outpatient services. Veterans are eligible for up to 15 hours of outpatient services per quarter for one year. This same service is not available in all areas of the state. Veterans Service Office will get some free advertising through a cooperative project between a 5th grade public school project and the Veterans Service office. A veterans transportation grant has been submitted and the CVSO 2009 grant is in the process of being submitted. The Board was informed that Veterans Commission member, Wayne Stevens, will be on a leave of absence for three months. A replacement for Mr. Stevens may eventually have to be found.
The next meeting date was set for February 12, 2009. A motion was made by Henry Golat and seconded by Tom Costello to adjourn. Motion carried.
Minutes as prepared by staff
Gary Rivers