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Allen County Primary Center s1

Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer Teacher: Unit 12: Informational-Compare & Contrast Dates:

C O D E Vocabulary CODE Fist List- Day 11 & 13 Memory Box-Day 5 Hook: How will you introduce the unit to generate curiosity & excitement and connect to prior knowledge? See Day 1 Formative Assessments Week 1


Day 1 Target # Day 2 Target # Day 3 Target # Day 4 Target # Day 5 Target # Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make a new word. a new word. a new word. a new word. a new word. Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different.

Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary want, was, well, went, what, white, want, was, well, went, what, white, want, was, well, went, what, white, want, was, well, went, what, white, want, was, well, went, what, white, who, will, with, you who, will, with, you who, will, with, you who, will, with, you who, will, with, you

Phonics : Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Review long vowel sound (CVCe) I Do: We Do: You Do: I Do: using LeapFrog Silent e video or Teacher will model using an Teacher and students will use Teacher will ask students to Teacher will introduce the –ike search for other silent Elkonin Box on the ELMO an Elkonin Box on the ELMO use an Elkonin Box to add a family. e videos. (document camera) to add a (document camera) to add a sound to a word to make a new sound to a word to make a new sound to a word to make a new word. Example: /s/ to top = We Do: Comprehension: word. Example: /s/ to top = word. Example: /s/ to top = stop. Teacher and students will I Do: stop. stop. create a spider list of –ike  Teacher will read From Comprehension: family words. Focus is on long Seed to Plant by Gail Comprehension: Comprehension: I Do: vowel sound. Gibbeons. I Do: I Do: Teacher will read a plant life Teacher will read a plant life Teacher will read Planting a cycle book of their choice. Such as a You Do:  Students will watch “Plant cycle book of their choice. Rainbow by Lois Ehlert. life cycle of a pumpkin. Students will use window Life Cycles” on Teacher will discuss cause and Teacher will also read plant life notes/memory boxes to effect. We Do: cycle book of their choice. Such as illustrate –ike family words. m Teacher and students will Sunflower Life Cycle. Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer We Do: work together on the “Colorful Comprehension: We Do: Teacher and students will Comparisons” organizer. We Do: I Do: Teacher and students will make a list of cause and Teacher and students will Teacher will read two life cycle discuss what a plant needs to effects. You Do: compare and contrast the two texts. books. live. Students will complete the (Venn Diagram-See unit resources) You Do: “Colorful Comparisons” We Do: You Do: Student will complete cause organizer. Teacher and students will Students will sit knee-to-knee and effect graphic organizer. review prior day graphic and discuss with their partner (see unit resources) organizer. what a plant needs to live. You Do: Students will complete Venn Diagram on the two books read by teacher.

Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer

Allen County Primary Reading Unit Organizer Week 2 Dates:

C O D E Vocabulary CODE Formative Assessments Week 2


Day 6 Target # Day 7 Target # Day 8 Target # Day 9 Target # Day 10 Target # Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make a new word. a new word. a new word. a new word. a new word. Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: I can use parts added to a word I can use parts added to a word I can use parts added to a word I can use parts added to a word I can use parts added to a word (prefixes and suffixes) to help me (prefixes and suffixes) to help me (prefixes and suffixes) to help me (prefixes and suffixes) to help me (prefixes and suffixes) to help me know the meaning of a new word. know the meaning of a new word. know the meaning of a new word. know the meaning of a new word. know the meaning of a new word. Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary want, was, well, went, what, white, want, was, well, went, what, white, want, was, well, went, what, white, Formative Assessment: Review Day: who, will, with, you who, will, with, you who, will, with, you (See unit resources)  Complete Formative Assessments if needed. Phonemic Awareness: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: I Do: Hook: I Do:  Review any previously Teacher will introduce the Students will view the video Teacher will demonstrate taught skills or strategies -ake family. prefixes and suffixes at adding –s to words. Ex: dog to as needed. dogs. We Do: Sight Word Vocabulary Teacher and students will I Do: We Do: want, was, well, went, what, white, create a spider list of –ake Teacher will continue the Teacher and students will who, will, with, you family words. Focus is on long introduction of illustrate together the singular vowel sound. prefixes and suffixes and and plural of a word. Ex: cat discuss how they change the to cats. You Do: meaning of a word. Students will use window You Do: notes/memory boxes to We Do: Students will complete window illustrate –ake family words. Teacher and students will notes by illustrating singular brainstorm un- words. and plural of words. Ex: horse- Vocabulary: horses, pig-pigs, etc.  Students will watch You Do: Have students to Comprehension: video on prefixes and demonstrate. Ex: I Do: suffixes. happy/unhappy Teacher will review the books from the past two days. Comprehension: Comprehension: I Do: I Do: We Do: Teacher will read a life cycle Teacher will read a life cycle Teacher and students will book on frogs. See book on chickens. See verbally compare and contrast the two texts.

We Do: We Do: You Do: Teacher and students will Teacher and students will Student will compare and discuss the life cycle of the discuss the life cycle of the contrast using a graphic frog. chickens. organizer the life cycles in the past two books. (see unit You Do: You Do: resources) Students will sit knee-to-knee Students will sit knee-to-knee and discuss with their partner and discuss with their partner the life cycle of the frog. the life cycle of the chickens.

Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer

Allen County Primary Reading Unit Organizer Week 3 Dates:

C O D E Vocabulary CODE Formative Assessments Week 3 Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer


Day 11 Target # Day 12 Target # Day 13 Target # Day 14 Target # Day 15 Target # Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make I can add a sound in a word to make a new word. a new word. a new word. a new word. a new word. Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the sound in a word by looking at the spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) spelling pattern. (CVCe) Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a between two people or things in a text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) text. (Cause & Effect) I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the same topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. topic to tell how they are alike. I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same I can contrast two texts on the same topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different. topic to tell how they are different.

Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary Summative Assessment: Pause/Review Day want, was, well, went, what, white, want, was, well, went, what, white, want, was, well, went, what, white, (See unit resources)  Review any previously who, will, with, you who, will, with, you who, will, with, you taught skills or strategies as needed. Phonics: Phonemic Awareness: Phonics: Sight Word Vocabulary I Do: I Do: I Do: want, was, well, went, what, white, Teacher will introduce the -ice Teacher will model using an Teacher will introduce the – who, will, with, you family. Elkonin Box on the ELMO ame family. (document camera) to add a We Do: sound to a word to make a new We Do: Teacher and students will word. Example: /s/ to top = Teacher and students will create a spider list of –ice stop. create a spider list of –ame family words. Focus is on long family words. Focus is on long vowel sound. vowel sound.

You Do: We Do: You Do: Students will use window Teacher and students will use Students will use window notes/memory boxes to an Elkonin Box on the ELMO notes/memory boxes to illustrate –ice family words. (document camera) to add a illustrate –ame family words. sound to a word to make a new Review: word. Example: /s/ to top = Comprehension:  Teacher will use stop. I Do: to Teacher will review the books review compare and You Do: from the past two days. contrast. Teacher will ask students to use an Elkonin Box to add a We Do: Comprehension: sound to a word to make a new Teacher and students will I Do: word. Example: /s/ to top = verbally compare and contrast stop. the two texts. Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer Teacher will read a Life Cycle of a Ladybug. See Comprehension: You Do: I Do: Student will compare and Teacher will read a Life Cycle of contrast using a graphic We Do: a Butterfly. See organizer the life cycles in the Teacher and students will past two books. (see unit discuss the life cycle of the resources) ladybug. We Do: Teacher and students will You Do: discuss the life cycle of the Students will sit knee-to-knee butterfly. and discuss with their partner the life cycle of the ladybug. You Do: Students will sit knee-to-knee and discuss with their partner the life cycle of the butterfly.

Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Small Group Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer Allen County Primary Reading Unit Organizer Dates: Week 3

C O D Vocabulary CODE Formative Assessments Week 4


Day 16 Target # Day 17 Target # Day 18 Target # Day 19 Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Whole Group Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Lesson Focus: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Awareness: I can add a sound in a word to I can add a sound in a word to I can add a sound in a word to I can add a sound in a word to make a new I can add a sound in a word to make make a new word. make a new word. make a new word. word. a new word. Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: Phonics: I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel I can pronounce the long vowel sound in a word I can pronounce the long vowel sound in a word by looking at sound in a word by looking at sound in a word by looking at by looking at the spelling pattern. (CVCe) sound in a word by looking at the the spelling pattern. (CVCe) the spelling pattern. (CVCe) the spelling pattern. (CVCe) Writing: spelling pattern. (CVCe) Writing: Writing: Writing: I can write an informative piece. My piece will Writing: I can write an informative piece. I can write an informative piece. I can write an informative piece. include: a topic and information about the topic. I can write an informative piece. My My piece will include: a topic My piece will include: a topic My piece will include: a topic Vocabulary: piece will include: a topic and and information about the topic. and information about the topic. and information about the topic. I can use parts added to a word (prefixes and information about the topic. Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: suffixes) to help me know the meaning of a new Vocabulary: I can use parts added to a word I can use parts added to a word I can use parts added to a word word. I can use parts added to a word (prefixes and suffixes) to help me (prefixes and suffixes) to help me (prefixes and suffixes) to help me Comprehension: (prefixes and suffixes) to help me know the meaning of a new know the meaning of a new know the meaning of a new I can describe the connection between two know the meaning of a new word. word. word. word. people or things in a text. (Cause & Effect) Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: Comprehension: I can compare two texts on the same topic to tell I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection I can describe the connection how they are alike. between two people or things in a between two people or things in between two people or things in between two people or things in I can contrast two texts on the same topic to tell text. (Cause & Effect) a text. (Cause & Effect) a text. (Cause & Effect) a text. (Cause & Effect) how they are different. I can compare two texts on the same I can compare two texts on the I can compare two texts on the I can compare two texts on the topic to tell how they are alike. same topic to tell how they are same topic to tell how they are same topic to tell how they are Writing: I can contrast two texts on the same alike. alike. alike. topic to tell how they are different. I can contrast two texts on the I can contrast two texts on the I can contrast two texts on the You Do: same topic to tell how they are same topic to tell how they are same topic to tell how they are This day is reserved for the completion of the Pause/Review Day different. different. different. writing piece.  Review any previously taught skills or strategies Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary Sight Word Vocabulary as needed. want, was, well, went, what, want, was, well, went, what, want, was, well, went, what, Sight Word Vocabulary white, who, will, with, you white, who, will, with, you white, who, will, with, you want, was, well, went, what, white, who, will, with, you Writing: Writing: Writing: This week will be used to complete the informative We Do: You Do: writing piece.  Teacher will read a  Students will begin  The piece will include nonfiction animal writing their Allen County Primary Center Reading Organizer a topic and book to the class. informative writing. information about  Teacher and students (See unit resources) the topic. will complete a Students need to I Do: writing piece include illustrations  Teacher will read All together on the book to add details. about Real Bears to that was read.  Students will students. (see unit  Teacher and students conference with resources) will then brainstorm a teacher to discuss Teacher will model how to list of possible writing any details that need complete the writing piece. topics. to be added.  Teacher will ask the students to pick a topic for their writing piece.

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