Menu for Effectively Responding to Classroom Misbehavior

Mild Moderate Misbehaviors Severe Misbehaviors Misbehaviors  Talking out  Disrespect  Strong and Repetitive Defiance  Off Task  Defiance  Physical Aggression  No Materials  Verbal Aggression  Harassment  No  Mild Physical Aggression  Severe Verbal Aggression Homework  Inappropriate Comments  Severe and Repetitive Class BEHAVIORS  Delay in  Class Disruption Disruptions following  Repeat Offenses * Non-negotiable items from your directions school handbook.  Dress Code Violation  Non- compliance  Gossiping  TEACHING Previous Responses Plus: Previous Responses Plus: AND  TEACHING AND PRACTICE OF  TEACHING AND PRACTICE OF PRACTICE EXPECTED BEAHVIOR EXPECTED BEHAVIOR OF  Positive Practice  Individualized Behavior EXPECTED  Conference with Teacher (paired Intervention Plan BEHAVIOR with Behavior Improvement  Structured Reinforcement System  15 Second Form/Behavior Contract)  Parent Conference Intervention  Timeout  De-Escalation/Relaxation and Stress  Increase  Time Owed Management Positive  Goal Setting  Inter-agency Support Interactions  Teaching Replacement Behavior  Detention  Increase  Silent or Supervised Lunch/Recess  Suspension Positive Peer  Loss of Privileges, points, etc. Interactions (Response Cost)  Proximity/Inc  Restitution reased Adult Supervision  Verbal Reprimand  Record Misbehavior RESPONSES  Model/Practic e Expectation  Self- Monitoring/S elf- Evaluation  Discussion with Student  Planned Feedback  Social Skill Correction Procedure  Pre- Correction Adapted from CHAMPS – Safe & Civil Schools (2006)