Affiliate Meeting Minutes 07/12/04

I. FY2005 HCP/CDDO Contract Update – At the end of the Contract Negotiations Meeting 6/15/04 Three areas of the contract identified as unresolved items:  VII.E4 TCM Funding & Maintenance of Effort,  Addendum 1 Rates  Appendix B HCBS/MR/DD Waiver (Statewide Appropriations Adjustment)

Request for further Negotiation declined. (HCP did not believe that further negotiations could resolve the above listed items)

Mediation requested 7/11/04 to SRS by Shawnee County CDDO

FY2005 Affiliate Agreements in process of revision/development. Will be distributed for review as soon as completed.

II. TCM rate adjustment - Effective July 1st the rate will be $239.99 from $251.63. This reduction is in direct relation to the FMAP distribution and completion of such distribution. The local rate for TCM reimbursement will NOT change however this reduction will have an impact on the amount FFP paid out to applicable agencies.

III. Extraordinary Funding – Tentative SIS interviews to be conducted in Shawnee County 2nd week of August. CDDO awaiting confirmation from HCP/CSS

IV. HCP/CSS Waiver Amendment Work Group – The first meeting was held and the minutes from that meeting were reviewed . (handout)

IV. Provider Updates –  Designs 4 Life officially terminated service provision on the 6/23/04. Due to the circumstances involved the Affiliate Agreement service termination provision of 30 days could not be honored. The CDDO commended those agencies who provided the immediate and collaborative support necessary to address the transition of services and supports of the 64 families impacted and the 122 employee that were displaced.  New provider – Homewood Inc. recently affiliated to provide day and residential services with a focus on young adults with Asperger Syndrome (although other referrals will be accepted).  Jason Valdivia, BASIS Screener gave notice. CDDO is in the process of hiring for position of BASIS Screener.

V. Info/updates/resources  Supporting Relationships Training on 07/20/04 and 08/12/04. (flyer)  Older Caregivers of Persons with DD Conference on 08/24/04. (flyer) This is free to families raising their child. TARC and Jayhawk Area of Aging looking at providing transportation.  Services for Children and Youth with Dual Diagnosis Guide – Please take as many as you’d like to pass out to families.  New Training – “Criminally at Risk: Jail Diversion, Interventions and Treatment” Teleconference on 08/24/04 from 2-3pm (flyer)  Monthly CDDO Report – (flyer) Trend identified: increase in persons determined eligible.  Awaiting notification from HCP/CSS regarding FY2005 Waiting list appropriation. The CDDO will have a report prepared for provider agencies at the 8/9 Affiliate Meeting that identifies the needs of the first 20 persons on the local waiting list.

Next meeting is August 9th at 2:00pm