The French Republic

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The French Republic

The French Republic UN General Assembly First Committee (DISEC) Securing passenger jets from military attacks

France is eager to discuss this topic, as securing passenger jets from military attacks is a very relevant and important issue, particularly in light of the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 shoot down last year. While France realises that planes generally must take the shortest route to their destination, France is much more concerned with their passenger’s safety and has therefore diverted all air traffic around Ukraine until further notice, excluding flights with a Ukrainian destination. Furthermore, France would generally like to see an increase in airport and flight security, and suggest that communication between air and ground is increased. France would also like to see other member nations divert their flight paths to avoid any areas with unrest, to secure the lives of French and other member states passengers.

Peace consolidation in Afghanistan and Libya


Frances presence and interest in Afghanistan is to respect its international commitments, responsibilities and values, as well as defending human rights, the position of women in society and fighting terrorism. Furthermore it bolsters Frances own security. A Friendship and Cooperation Treaty between France and Afghanistan was signed in 2012 (to last 20 years), which reaffirms Frances commitment to long- term help in Afghanistan by sending funds for rebuilding infrastructure governance, and educational and health systems and military training, so that one day Afghanistan can support and govern themselves without help. This assistance will be increased over the next years, with focus on agriculture, education and health, with help from French NGOs who receive subsidies for their provision. An increase in bilateral aid accompanies the treaty.

1000 out of 4000 French soldiers were pulled out at the end of 2012 as progress had been made, in particular with the death of Osama Bin Laden. There are no longer any combat soldiers deployed, but there are soldiers offering training and assistance to units within the Afghan national army.

The official mission statement for French military in Afghanistan reads: The French Republic UN General Assembly First Committee (DISEC) “ To secure zones under their responsibility as to allow the Afghan State to rebuild itself, allow development operations, and allow the deployment of the services provided by the Afghan State and allow a rise in power of the Afghan Army”


In the late 60s relations between France and Libya were good with a signed agreement where Libya exchanged oil for technical assistance and financial cooperation. However, Libya has since criticized France for being and arms merchant, but more seriously been very disapproving of the French military intervention in the Western Sahara, Chad and Zaire, as France and Libya were supporting opposing sides.

A 1978 statement from Muammar Gaddafi noted that although economic relations were good, political relations were not, and relations worsened after the bombing of UTA Flight 772 in 1989, for which France blamed Libya. France continues to seek compensation for this bombing.

In 2011 France was the first country to recognize the National Transitional Council as the legitimate government of Libya. French fighter planes were also the first to conduct military strikes against Gaddafi's forces. France called the move of tasking NTC chairman with forming a new executive board “a sovereign decision”, but also that it should be rapidly designated.

While France would like to see the situation in Libya resolved, their main focus is in Afghanistan.

Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East

France is one of 5 nuclear weapon states (NWS) recognized by the Non-proliferation treaty (NPT), and the country with the third largest arsenal of nuclear warheads- a total of 300, which are both land and sea based. When WW2 ended France began researching nuclear weapons, and by the 50s they had established a programme. The first test was conducted in the 60s and the last test in 1996 so as to comply with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty which France signed and ratified. Despite reducing the amount of nuclear power has in connection to the NPT, France is still developing, and always has a nuclear submarine on patrol in the Atlantic Ocean. The main reason for keeping and for developing nuclear weapons is attributed to national security and social reasons and deterrence for terrorism. An attack on Frances vital interests- hereunder the free exercise of sovereignty and the national/overseas territory integrity would result in a nuclear response. In a The French Republic UN General Assembly First Committee (DISEC) 2006 speech President Chirac stated use terrorist means against us, just like anyone who would envisage using, in one way or another, arms of mass destruction, must understand that they would expose themselves to a firm and adapted response from us". Furthermore, France holds a somewhat conservative opinion to disarmament of our own nuclear weapons- 61% of voters wish to keep them and think that they are necessary to protect the interests of the motherland.

France would like to reaffirm its commitment to establishing a Middle-east Nuclear Weapon Free zone, as they are interested in peace and stability in the region. Furthermore, France would like to see all UN member states to commit to the NPT and any other treaties, bans, resolution or the like that is put forth, as France has done. France believes that it is imperative that all states live up to their international commitments to ensure safety and dissuade arms race.

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