Celebrating Our Lord

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Celebrating Our Lord

Worshiping, welcoming, and in the Word

The newsletter of Grace in Deephaven Church April 2015

In This Issue praise team and brass! It will be a glorious time of worship and Celebrati praise. Don’t miss it! 1 Celebrating Our Lord Please see “Music” p. 5 2 Daughter’s Brunch ng Our 3 Keep Circling Lord 4 In HIS Service Dwight Williams 5 Loving Our Neighbors Director of Music Ministries

6 Seasons of Life As you enter into Holy week, I trust you 7 New Service at Grace will want to Unite: National Day of take 8 advantage Prayer of every opportunity 9 Leave a Legacy to come 10Count our Blessings and be a part of our 11Update on Rev. Tom services, to remember Aadland all our Lord 12April Calendar and Savior went 13Summer Adventures through for us during 14Cub Brat Sale that eventful week. 15Women’s Exercise Group We will be presenting a very special Tenebrae Service with the 16The Easter Lily choir, narration and soloists on Good Friday at 7 PM. Please pray about who you can bring with you to this wonderful outreach Our Mission: opportunity. All the events of that “To know Christ and final week are depicted through music. Our other special service is to make Him known.” our Easter service on April 5 at 9:30 AM. Come and celebrate our Lord’s victory over the grave! We will have music from the choir, the Daughter’s Brunch May 2, 2015–10:00 a.m.

Marilyn Pitmon, Women Of LIFE

Circle your calendars for May 2, the date of our annual Daughter’s Brunch. “Mastering the Art of Getting More out of Less!” will be the topic of our program. Jeanne Loomis, an organizing specialist with a Christian message, will give us tips on how best to deal with all the stuff that clutters up our homes and lives. Tickets for this event will go on sale starting Sunday, April 12 and will continue the following two Sundays. Ticket prices are Adults– $8; 5–12 years–$4; 4 and under– free. Children will be dismissed after the meal for their own program. Telephone reservations may be made by calling Shirley at 952- 473-1660 or the church office at 952-473-2362 before April 30. Join us on May 2 for a morning of fellowship and entertainment. 

April 2015 2 Grace Good News www.graceindeephaven.org Keep Circling with boldness and the confidence Loving Our Neighbors that God hears us and we can ask as Ourselves Pastor Dan for grace to help in the time of need. We exist as a church to do Chris Adams, Family Ministry Director Here at things that we cannot do without Grace we the special, supernatural grace of GRACE GROUPS, GARDEN CLUB AND have been God. And even when this 40 day POSTCARDS drawing prayer challenge is over, we will We’re delighted to have Clark prayer continue to draw prayer circles and Bonnie Borchard at Grace and circles. that God may be glorified.  to see Clark’s efforts to connect However, new and old people to Grace. we have not We’re thankful for the calls he has been “running In HIS Service made to many people from Grace in circles” like a hamster on a turn to check our pulse and encourage wheel. When you run in circles At the March 22 worship us all to reach out in creative new you just keep spinning your service, two new “servants” were ways. wheels. The circling we are talking installed at Grace in Deephaven: about is drawing prayer circles Besides their Wednesday around the promises, miracles, Shery Richardson morning Grace Group, they’re and dreams we believe God wants joined the Church starting a garden club this for Grace in Deephaven that He Council as liaison to spring to beautify the church may be glorified. Worship and Music— and connect with passersby. the position vacated Clark even walked 5 miles We have drawn a circle by the resignation of passing out the Easter Holy around Jeremiah 29:11 – 13. God Cindy Gustafson. Week Postcards to the invites us to come to Him and pray Shery and her neighborhood! Thanks Bonnie to Him and to seek Him with our husband Steve joined Grace in and Clark, you two are an whole heart. As we do this, He 2012; their children are Samuel, inspiration! promises to meet us. As we are Faith, Cameron, Carissa, and POTLUCKS & PLAYTIME doing this we are asking for the Christian. Shery likes boating, Since our potlucks at Grace revitalization of our congregation. gardening, and fishing, and is went so well last May, we’ll We are circling our congregation active in Family Ministry. and the community around us in continue them again this year and prayer. I personally have found Phil Priest then transition back to Thorpe this to be a very encouraging time. became a member Park in June through August of the Board of at our same 5:30 PM time. Several have shared Elders. In 1989 Phil, This is a great way to meet testimonies of how this concept of his wife Weslie, and people in the neighborhood, prayer circling has helped to their son Wayne so the friendlier you are with revitalize their own personal joined GELC, where the neighbors and the more prayer lives. Others have shared Phil has served on good food they see us answers to prayer and about the Church Council, sharing, the more they may divine appointments and how the Evangelism and Property be interested to meet our God! I’d Lord has given them a vision. Committees, and as leader of the like to see youth join me and take As Batterson says, there is CBS and Joy Bible studies. Phil the lead in organizing games for nothing magical about circling, but enjoys fishing, carpentry/ any kids at the park. The fastest it is biblical. It is not a formula or a woodworking, gardening, and way to parent’s hearts is through gimmick to get what we want. It is Golden Retrievers.  loving and serving their kids.  approaching the throne of Grace

“Grace Good News” is published monthly by Grace in Deephaven Church, 18360 Minnetonka Blvd., Wayzata, MN 55391. Phone 952-473-2362; Fax 952-473-3522; Email [email protected]. Editor: Weslie Priest. Senior Pastor: Rev. Dan Sollie. Sunday Schedule: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service, 10:45 a.m. (Sept. – May) Sunday School & Adult Education. Everyone is welcome!

Grace Good News www.graceindeephaven.org 3 April 2015 Seasons of Life the land God is giving us,” and not Unite: come back with a negative report PASSINGS National Day of Prayer to discourage others that the 7 PM Thursday, May 7 Evelyn Armstrong passed away enemy is bigger and stronger than on February 22, 2015. On March 3, we are. God is calling us to U of M Mariucci Arena her funeral service was held at implement change, which can be Doors open at 6 PM Grace in Deephaven; Pastor Dan frustrating for some, yet Free! officiated. Mrs. Armstrong and her challenging, and exciting for (late) husband Jim joined GELC in others. Please help us if we make Chris Adams, Family Ministry Director 1995. She loved reading and poetry mistakes or don’t communicate Pastor Dan and I attended this and helped collate the Sunday everything perfectly. Please pray event last year at the Mariucci bulletins for many years. Mrs. that we can all change together in Arena with George and Liz Ramirez Armstrong was 96 years old and the ways God is calling us to and were greatly blessed. was GELC’s most senior female change, to be quick to let each Amazingly, 300 people member. other know the things we’ve done gave their lives to follow Don Hastings, age 51, passed that hurt or frustrate Jesus! In March, the away on March 4, 2015. His so we don’t do them pastor and I joined over memorial service was held at GELC again. Let’s be quick 220 pastors to pray for on March 9, with Pastor Dan to listen and quick to each other and this officiating. Don was the son of forgive. event. This is an exciting Delores and (the late) John night of worship and Hastings. Please pray as prayer as we see Catholic the leaders of Grace Linda Brokke, age 65, passed and protestant churches continue to seek the unite from all over the away on March 8, 2015. Her Lord on the best way memorial service is planned for Twin Cities to worship to connect and Jesus. This year Christian 1 PM on April 18, at Minnewashta strengthen families Church, 26710 W. 62nd St., artist Kari Jobe will be in Deephaven and leading in worship along with The Excelsior, MN. Linda joined Grace in surrounding area. We’ve been 1983 and served in the chancel United Twin Cities Worship Band talking and praying about adding a and Choir. Francis Chan will also choir and as a Sunday school new service for some time now, teacher, library aid, and VBS share and pray for unity in the and we are getting closer to body. teacher. Her (late) parents were launching it once a month. We’re Gordon and former prayer chain thinking about Sunday morning Let’s be a part of answering  leader Bernice Brokke. after the 9:30 AM service, or Jesus’ last prayer for His disciples, possibly on Saturday evening. We “I am praying not only for these would love to have forty disciples but also for all who will A Potential Big Change: interested people, to help us ever believe in me through their A New Service at Grace launch it! message. I pray that they will all Until then, be one, just as you and I are one— Chris Adams, Family Ministry Director we plan to as you are in me, Father, and I am hold this in you. And may they be in us so Are we willing to do whatever service once that the world will believe you it takes to reach the lost and help a month. We sent me. I have given them the the next generation stand on our want kids to glory you gave me, so they may be shoulders so they can meet our help as much one as we are one. I am in them God? We need to be willing to as possible and you are in me. May they make changes as the Council, too!  experience such perfect unity that Elders, and Staff come into unity the world will know that you sent on how to move forward. We want me and that you love them as to be like Caleb and Joshua in the much as you love me” (John 17:20 wilderness who said, “We can take – 23). 

April 2015 4 Grace Good News www.graceindeephaven.org Let’s Connect People With Counting Our Blessings Spring break is during Holy God and Each Other to Week and that will be a great time Gwen Cosgrove, Preschool Co-director to spend with family and friends. Leave a Legacy! Then we are back to school for our April is almost here! We have last couple of months. April will Chris Adams, Family Ministry Director had a great beginning to the new bring spring conferences and May year with a tremendously will bring Mother’s Day and We would like to establish a successful spaghetti dinner and graduation. Another year is flying rhythm for people to Serve, silent auction fundraiser—and if by—and we are once again so Connect, Play and Rest. That’s why you haven’t heard, we raised close thankful for the prayers, support we’re doing the Yankton Mission to $8,000 for the preschool at that and encouragement for our Trip, Day Camp and Family Camp. event. Praise God! We are so preschool! That all matters so We're trying to create a culture for blessed by the generosity of so much and we are blessed by it all! families to: many people in prayers, time,  * Model Faith at Home through talent and donations. Thank you to praying, serving, connecting, everyone! playing and resting with their kids, and inviting others to In March Update on Pastor join. we got a Thomas Aadland * Create a team of people taste of working together to connect spring and Pastor Dan people with God and each have had other to leave a legacy. many days outside to enjoy the Over the past year Pastor warm weather. We are fortunate Aadland has been working on So, to establish a summer to have a great gym to let the kids becoming colloquized into the rhythm to Serve, Connect, Play run and play – but nothing beats Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and Rest, we are: getting outside! What a blessing (LCMS). This means that he is now * Serving together on a mission the warm weather has been. We certified for call in the LCMS. trip (Thursday June 25 – are looking forward to spring Pastor Aadland states that the Sunday, June 28 in Yankton, when we can watch things bloom primary reason for doing so was to South Dakota) and grow and to explore what God ensure that the work of Project * Connecting with our own has created for us. We also look Timothy, particularly the call as neighborhood through forward to special days of walking theological educator in the global Wednesday Potlucks and to Thorpe Park for snack and setting, continues despite possible Playtimes at Thorpe Park and playtime—you never know what political changes within the Grace’s Day Camp (July 27 – we might see! Evangelical Lutheran Church of 31) Kenya. * Playing and Resting through a We are so blessed to teach in Family Camp (Thursday – a school where we can speak and Because of this the Aadlands Sunday August 13 – 16 teach about God. Easter is one of have transferred membership to http://covenantpines.org/pro our favorite times of year for that. an LCMS congregation. Pastor gram/august-family-camp/) As I write this the kids have been Aadland writes that he hopes to listening to the Easter story and remain a missionary of Grace and The more people that join in next week they will be acting it out maintain a good relationship with these trips and activities, the during our chapel time. We have our congregation. This transfer will stronger we can be to create a even been doing some of our also give a wider net for support. team to “give birth” to the next chapel lessons in the old chapel We do circle Project Timothy and generation of worshippers. area. The kids have really enjoyed the Aadland family in prayer. May Would you pray about joining us being there! We will also celebrate God continue to open doors for and inviting any kids or grandkids Easter with classroom parties and their ongoing work in Kenya to do any or all of these?  make our special Easter breakfast through Project Timothy and the with Resurrection biscuits – Yum! LCMS. 

Grace Good News www.graceindeephaven.org 5 April 2015 “Music” continued from p. 1 risen!” He moved quickly to the Roller Garden and Como Zoo! little pump organ in the living Invite your kids, grandkids and the I want to close my article with room and the words and music whole neighborhood to join us for a special hymn story of one of our came very quickly. What a joyful a fantastic time at Grace’s 2nd great Easter hymns, “Christ Arose”. hymn! Hallelujah, He is risen annual Day Camp. We’re very Low in the grave He lay, Jesus indeed!  grateful to Ridgewood church and my Savior! Waiting the coming Martha Keenan for promoting our day, Jesus my Lord! Day Camp last year, and this year Up from the grave He arose, at their registration day and letting with a mighty triumph o’er His Connect with God and us invite their trained youth to foes; Each other on Summer help staff our camp. We’re He arose a victor from the Adventures returning the favor by sharing our dark domain, And He lives forever youth to help out with their My with His saints to reign! Chris Adams, Family Ministry Director First Camp (potty trained-K June 9 He arose! He arose! – 12), and we encourage any kids Hallelujah! Christ arose! YANKTON, SD (JUNE 25 – 28) to join in their great Day Camp Vainly they watch His bed, (June 15 – 19). Jesus my Savior! Vainly they seal As we continue our 3 year cycle of outreach to Minneapolis, the dead, Jesus my Lord! COVENANT PINES FAMILY CAMP out-state, and then out of the Death cannot keep his prey, (THURSDAY AUGUST 13 – SUNDAY country, this year is our out-state Jesus my Savior! He tore the bars AUGUST 16) away, Jesus my Lord! year. We’re excited to partner with We’re looking forward to Pastor Dan’s wife, Kim and North going to this excellent camp for 3 It’s hard to match this hymn Heights Lutheran. We’ll be going nights and 4 days. Come yourself for sheer drama! The first stanza through YouthWorks to help with or bring some kids and grandkids begins dismally, then strikes a note projects in Yankton through to read, rest, listen, learn and play of hope, and then the chorus Habitat with Humanity, caring for with us. This will help us continue explodes with sheer joy! The kids and visiting the elderly. We’ll to build a stronger team of people music itself comes rising up from also have a scavenger hunt to as we prepare to launch our new the depths and celebrates on high! explore the town, see Lewis & worship services. We’re trying a Robert Lowry wrote both the Clark Park, and BBQ with the new nicer camp this year so people words and the music to this great friends we make. Even if you’re who like “rustic” or “fancy” cabins hymn in 1874. At the time he was not coming, you can still join us by can have their pick. Professor of Literature at Bucknell picking a day or a time each day to Cost for 3 nights, 9 meals University in Pennsylvania and pray for us while we’re preparing J Standard Housing: $135 (Davis pastor of a nearby church. He had and serving the folks in Yankton. Lake and Round Lake Cabins) written other hymn tunes and DAY CAMP (JULY 27-31, 9 – 4 PM) J Deluxe Housing: $215 (Bald texts as he practiced his passion This year we’re presenting Day Eagle Lodge and Backwoods for poetry and song. “Sometimes Camp to the community. Last year Cabins) the music comes and the words we introduced a Day Camp in J Tent/Trailer:$43/unit/night will follow”, he explained once. “I addition to VBS. In an effort to (additional $21 per day for watch my moods and when tear down any potential walls to meals) anything strikes me, whether non-churched families, we’re J Individual Meals: Breakfast $6, words or music, no matter where I simplifying the name to Day Camp Lunch $7, Dinner $8 am, on the street or at home, I jot instead of VBS & Day Camp. This J Children 4 –12: 1/2 price it down. My brain is sort of a way people who have never heard J Children 0 – 3: free! spinning machine, for there is of VBS don’t wonder what it is. Check online to see pictures or music running through it all the Everyone knows what Day Camp watch a short video: time.” is, and when they read our poster http://covenantpines.org/program In 1874, as he was having his or get a post card, they’ll see our /august-family-camp/  devotions around Easter, Lowry church is sharing God’s story along was impressed with the simple with games, skits, lunch, snacks, words, “He is not here, but He is and field trips to parks, swim, April 2015 6 Grace Good News www.graceindeephaven.org April 2015 “Grace Good News” Non-Profit Org. Grace in Deephaven Church (AALC) U.S. Postage 18360 Minnetonka Boulevard PAID Wayzata, MN 55391-3295 PERMIT #21 Wayzata, MN 55391 952-473-2362 Return Service Requested

Please submit articles for the May issue of the “Grace Good News” on or before Member of The American Association of Lutheran Churches Thursday, April 16. Thanks!  Senior Pastor: Rev. Dan Sollie

Women’s Exercise Group Cub Brät Sale The Easter Lily Chris Adams, Family Ministry Director A Beautiful Reminder Karen Bakken, Volunteer To connect with moms at Judy Severson, Altar Guild Director Can you believe that in just a Grace and in the neighborhood, few weeks it will be the month of Jeanne Adams has started a The Easter Lily, a trumpet May? And May means our Annual Women’s Exercise shaped white flower, Brät Sale at Cub in Minnetonka. Group on Mondays symbolizes purity, virtue, Again we will have Memorial before the innocence, hope and life weekend which is Friday, May 22 preschool finishes —the essence of Easter. through Monday, May 25. Shifts (10 – 11:15 AM in Tradition has it that are 10 AM – 2:30 PM and 2:30 – 7 the youth room). white lilies sprang up PM each day. We will need 3 – 4 They’ll transition to where drops of Christ's people during each shift. Please walks outside to sweat fell to the ground in prayerfully consider volunteering. Thorpe Park as it His final hours. Churches Talk with Karen if you would like to warms up. Please pray that celebrate at Easter by banking volunteer—there is flexibility in friendships will be formed and their altars with lilies to scheduling. mom’s (and dad’s) hearts will be commemorate the resurrection of opened to more connection with This year proceeds will help Jesus Christ and the hope of life God and with us here at Grace. support Family Ministry activities everlasting. The Easter lily is also a Please let Chris know if you can at Grace such as Family Camp and beautiful reminder that Easter is a help him hold a baby or the mission trip to time for rejoicing and celebrating. two, read and play with the Yankton, SD. kids while the moms work *** Questions? out.  On duty in April are Betty Contact Karen: Ferrall and Judy Severson. 952-473-6130 (h) or 612-616-0612 Our next Altar Guild Meeting (c).  is Monday, April 20 at 1 PM in the fellowship hall. 

Grace Good News www.graceindeephaven.org 7 April 2015

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