Use of Buildings

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Use of Buildings


The sanctuary of our church is reserved for the worship of God. Because of this, these special directives should be followed:

a. No food or drink is to be taken into the sanctuary

b. Children should be taught reverence and respect for the sanctuary (not allowed to run, be excessively loud, no allowed on platform without permission, etc.)

c. No one should use the balcony when closed


Use of buildings by church departments must be cleared through the church office. Before reservations will be confirmed, individuals must complete a master calendar request form. After approval, reservations will be placed on the master calendar in order to avoid conflict. This should be completed by the 15th day of the preceding month. Intra- church social functions are discouraged due to heavy building use.


The church holds its grounds and buildings in trust for the mission of Jesus Christ. When that mission allows, we seek to make facilities available to other community groups whose need and purpose for use is compatible with the ministry of Christ.

a. The Church facilities were designed to provide meeting places for the groups and activities within the membership of our church.

b. outside groups can be accommodated when the church's schedule allows. Reservations can be taken no more than two months in advance (there are exceptions to this rule).

c. All meetings shall be scheduled with prior approval of the Office Manager.

d. Alcohol, smoking and drugs are prohibited on all properties.

e. No lottery, raffle, or other games of chance shall be used for the purpose of raising money.

6/04 f. Youth groups must have one supervising adult over the age of 21 for every 10 students in all buildings and all activities.

g. User shall furnish the church with a certificate of insurance, in the amount of $500,000 per incident, from user's insurance company with the church named as additionally insured. A letter of intent to provide insurance shall be issued at the time of the reservation stipulating the date that the rider shall be given to the church. The deposit is non-refundable.

h. User agrees to save and hold the church harmless in all respects from liability, responsibility, or loss resulting from their use of the facilities and further agrees to reimburse the church for any and all expenses incurred by them for their use of the facilities.

i. User shall leave all facilities in a clean and orderly condition and shall be responsible for any breakage or repairs.

j. It is understood that, if a fee is charged, no event will be entered on the church calendar until full payment is received. In the event a meeting time is scheduled on a recurring basis, payment will be due on a per month basis in advance.

k. Only non-profit organizations will be permitted use of the church's facilities.


Classroom and storage space for church organizations and departments will be assigned by the Administrative Assistant. Requests for additional storage space or change in location should be submitted fifteen working days prior to date needed.


Before scheduling any activity requiring the use of the kitchen, a request must be submitted to the Administrative Assistant. Leave kitchen clean and neat, ready for use by other groups.


The Church Business Administrator is responsible for the security, issuance, collection and record maintenance of all keys.

Requests for keys must be accompanied by a Key Signature Card provided by the office. A key will be issued upon approval by the

6/04 Business Administrator and agreement outlining the following conditions and accept full personal responsibility for any eventuality if these conditions are violated:

a. Under no circumstances will the key be duplicated

b. When use of the key is no longer needed it will be returned

c. Keys will not be given to any other person, including family members

d. No unauthorized person will be given entrance to the building, room, or area

e. Any person unlocking a door will be responsible for its re-locking

f. In case a key is lost, stolen, or misplaced, the Church Business Administrator must be notified immediately. The number of keys in circulation must be kept to the absolute minimum.

A record shall be kept of every key that is loaned or issued. Instructions shall be given to those having a key to guard it with great care.

Upon issuance of an outside master key, the security system must be explained and proper identification for building use made.

At the end of a term of office or assignment, the person having keys agrees to turn in all keys to the Church Business Administrator. Keys are not passed on to new officers or teachers; the new officers or teachers may apply for keys. Recovery of all keys is the responsibility of the Business Administrator.

Those opening doors to individuals who may have a legitimate errand shall be responsible for the door being locked when the specific task has been completed.

All assigned keys will be reviewed or recalled annually during the last week of June.


Any person unlocking the building must follow opening procedures and be authorized with the security system headquarters. The last person leaving the building must follow closing procedures, being responsible

6/04 to check all doors, chains, and lights and must be authorized with the security system headquarters.


All decorations, items placed on the wall, etc. (i.e. bulletin boards, plaques, signs), must be approved by the Church Hostess before they are purchased or displayed.

Scotch tape should not be seen on the front of poster, but rolled on the back. Scotch tape and masking tape should not be used on the plaster-board walls, but can be used on wood, block or brick.


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