Middle School English Public Speaking Rubric Name:

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Middle School English Public Speaking Rubric Name:

Middle School English Public Speaking Rubric Name:

Delivery Not Yet Within Minimally Meets Fully Meets Exceeds Totals Expectations (1-2) Expectations (3) Expectations (4) Expectations (5) /5 Poise & Lacking in Some tension or Somewhat lacking in Relaxed, self-confident Appearance confidence; Indifferent appearance. confidence; quick and appropriately Inappropriately recovery from minor dressed. dressed. mistakes. Body No descriptive Insufficient movement or Gestures present but Natural movement; Language movement or gestures not coordinated appear awkward or Descriptive gestures gestures. with speech. unnatural. display energy and engage audience. Eye Contact No effort to make Occasional but Fairly consistent use of Builds trust and holds eye contact with unsustained eye contact direct eye contact with attention through audience. with audience. audience. direct eye contact with audience. Voice Low volume or Uneven or Inappropriate Variation in Variation in volume & monotonous tone. volume and/or little volume & inflection inflection maintains inflection enhances presentation audience interest & emphasizes points. Pacing Either too fast or Either too fast or Delivery generally Excellent pacing, too slow; length too slow or length does successful; slight including dramatic does not match not match allotted time. mismatch between pauses. Length matches allotted time. length and allotted time. allotted time. Content Organization Has little or no Attempts to focus on a Conveys a central idea or Maintains clear focus (Form) focus on central central idea or topic. Well topic. Well organized on central idea or topic. idea or topic. Little organized. Intro, main around a central thesis. Unfolds naturally obvious body and conclusion are Intro, main body and around a central organization. present and connected. conclusion are present argument or thesis. Audience is unsure and connect well with Intro, main body and as to the purpose one another. conclusion are readily and structure. apparent and natural. Details Insufficient or Lists related details but Provides sufficient details Elaborates details to (Meaning) unrelated details. provides no elaborations. with some elaboration. support central idea. Language Inappropriate use of Use words that may be Uses appropriate Uses sophisticated and (Style) language distracts unsuited to the topic, language and word varied language suited the audience audience or purpose of choice, but with less to the topic and because it is too the speech; word choice sophistication, audience; word choice informal or too lacks originality and fails expressiveness and/or is concise, original, and imprecise. to convey an appropriate originality. effectively conveys the tone appropriate tone. Conclusion or Little or no Attempts to form a Includes a conclusion or Includes a clear Opinion conclusion or conclusion. opinion that is linked to conclusion or opinion (Form & opinion. the central idea. that is clearly linked to Meaning) the central idea. Overall Speaker remains Speaker shows some Speaker shows limited Speaker lacks Effectiveness enthusiastic, enthusiasm, the audience enthusiasm, audience enthusiasm, the audience attention remains mostly interest is not sustained, audience shows a lack is maintained, and interested, and the and the purpose of the of interest, and the the purpose of this purpose of the creative speech is only partially purpose of the speech original, creative, and interesting speech is achieved. is not achieved. engaging speech is achieved. achieved. Comments: Total: /50

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