Grade 7 Pre-Algebra Honors Curriculum

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Grade 7 Pre-Algebra Honors Curriculum

Roselle School District

Grade 7 Pre-Algebra Honors Curriculum

Unit 7

Essential Question(s) Enduring Understanding(s) How will a shape look when rotated, reflected, and/or translated? Transforming an object does not affect its attributes. How is the location of a point on a grid described? Ordered pairs show an exact location on a coordinate plane.

Common Core Standards, 2010

G 2. Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles from three measures of angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle.

G 5. Use facts about supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles in a multi-step problem to write and solve simple equations for an unknown angle in a figure.

W.7.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

Learning Activities/Resources Student Strategies Formative Technology Expectations Assessments Integration TLWBAT… Students will review previous Small group instruction Exit ticket http://www.brainpo Draw geometric shapes knowledge on coordinate point Individualized instruction Journal entry with given conditions graphing by working on this Peer tutoring Do now ryandmeasurement/t Note: draw freehand Computer activities for remediation Quiz ransformation/previe interactive website in order to locate Draw with rulers and Choice activities Test w.weml protractors. Draw points on a grid (brain pop video on Chunking information Oral questioning utilizing technology transformations) Rephrasing of questions Directed Working with partner paraphrasing bgfl/custom/resourc metryandmeasurement/transformati Video tutorials from textbook Homework es_ftp/client_ftp/ks3 on/preview.weml /maths/coordinate_g ame/index.htm Understand and apply ources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/maths/coor http://www.teachert transformations. dinate_game/index.htm php? Finding the image, given Teacher facilitates discussions and video_id=23716&title the pre-image, and vice- versa presents scenario of real-world =Flip_Slide_Turn situations, such as sliding down a Sequence of http://www.geoge pole, looking in a mirror, and turning transformations needed to map one figure onto around. Students will then watch a ownload another sample video of student’s work displaying how each transformation Reflections, rotations, http://nlvm.usu.ed and translations result in was completed with various u/en/nav/frames_ images congruent to the geometric figures pre-image asid_299_g_3_t_3. html? Dilations deo.php? open=activities&fr (stretching/shrinking) video_id=23716&title=Flip_Slide_Tur result in images similar om=topic_t_3.html to the pre-image n Use coordinates in four http://nlvm.usu.ed quadrants to represent Students will work individually to geometric concepts. u/en/nav/frames_ illustrate types of transformations asid_301_g_3_t_3. Use a coordinate grid to from guided practice problems given html? model and quantify during class time and answered on open=activities&fr transformations (e.g., answer key translate right 4 units). om=topic_t_3.html Geometry software http://www.youtub ( Investigate, describe download) and reason about the v=CAtta98hQ3I results of transforming Graph the translation of a geometric shapes shape using coordinates given Graph the reflection of a geometric shape across the indicated axis Graph the rotation of a geometric shape clockwise and counterclockwise about the origin of the plane.

Graphing on a coordinate grid with colored pencils Graph the translation of a geometric shape using coordinates given Graph the reflection of a geometric shape across the indicated axis Graph the rotation of a geometric shape clockwise and counterclockwise about the origin of the plane. Students will begin to create geometric shapes to perform basic transformations using the List Menu Investigation provided for checklist

List Menu Guidelines:

Student Choice: 1. Students can create any n- sided figure for their geometric shape by :  Use of geometry software to construct their figure and transform it using all three basic transformations  Create their geometric figures with rulers and pencils on graph paper using an x, y coordinate grid (interval is to be determined by student) 2. Students will begin using the n-sided figure to perform basic transformations All transformations must be presented on separate graph paper or slides on the geometry software.  Reflection  Rotation  Translation  Dilation  Discuss new coordinate points found from the following transformations in the following forms:  X, Y table  List points  Create formula  Label transformation points  Summary or conclusion of work submitted 3. Final projects must be available for graphic presentation, which includes:  Colored representation  Summaries must be written in correct format  All points must be located easily (depending on what the student chooses from part 3) N-sided figure must me a closed figure and still remain the same shape after transformations

Students will demonstrate knowledge of transformations through body movement and song while playing a game of “Simon Says” where transformations are called out (translations and rotations) and the students must move their body appropriately.

Students will use movement to demonstrate knowledge of transformations by movement and song while dancing to the “Cha-Cha” slide utilizing a multiple intelligence approach to exploring transformations. v=CAtta98hQ3I

Identify, compare and Review properties of polygons with Small group instruction Exit ticket: http://teams.lacoe.e analyze attributes of video clip Individualized instruction Polygons NJ ASK du/documentation/c two dimensional Peer tutoring questions lassrooms/amy/geo shapes and develop vocabulary to describe Activity Lab: Angles of a Polygon pg. Use of manipulatives Do now metry/6- the attributes 452 Computer activities for remediation Quiz 8/activities/quad_qu Use Classifying Polygons (Algebra Choice activities Test est/quad_quest.html Classify two- Readiness Text pgs. 448- 452) for Chunking information Oral questioning dimensional shapes reinforcement Rephrasing of questions Homework according to their properties and Use Activity Lab in Teaching Working with partner develop definitions of Resources pg. 449 Video tutorials from textbook classes of shapes such as triangles and on/classrooms/amy/geometry/6- quadrilaterals. 8/activities/quad_quest/quad_quest .html (quadrilateral quest) Understand and apply properties of polygons. .Quadrilaterals, including squares, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, rhombi Regular polygons Use logic and reasoning to make and support conjectures about geometric objects

Create and solve simple Introduce angles and angle Small group instruction Do Now: equations to determine relationships with video clip from Individualized instruction 1. Use the diagram an unknown angle in a Peer tutoring to find the measure webcode: aqa-0802 figure utilizing facts Computer activities for remediation of y. about supplementary, Students categorize angle types Choice activities webcode: aqa-0803 complementary, (alternate interior angles, same- Chunking information vertical and adjacent sided angles and corresponding Rephrasing of questions angles in a multi-step angles) while “tracing out” the two Working with partner problem angles given and relating the shape Video tutorials from textbook formed to a “letter” and realizing 2. Using the Explore congruence that if it forms an “F” shape, it is a diagram above, and similarity. corresponding angle, a “Z” shape, is find the measure of the following: an alternate interior angle and a “C” shape is a same-sided angle. a) complementary angle to x. Students identify adjacent and b) supplementary vertical angles to determine unknown angle of x angles using facts about different types of angles Exit ticket: (Algebra Readiness Text pgs. 443-44) Classify the triangles Reinforce with Activity Lab in according to its sides. Teaching Resources (pg. 444) 1) 9 ft, 16 ft, 9 ft Identify a given angles supplementary A. equilateral and complementary angle by completing an online textbook quiz B. isosceles

C. scalene D. right webcode: aqa-0802 webcode: aqa-0803 2) 5 in., 8 in., 12 in.

A. equilateral

Review multi-step equations with B. isosceles variables on both sides by working on a worksheet. C. scalene

D. right

Classify the triangles according to the measure of its angle.

3) 27°, 90°, 63°

A. acute

B. obtuse

C. right

D. equilateral

4) 45°, 105°, 30°

A. acute

B. obtuse

C. right D. equilateral

Multiple Choice Angle Questions Do now Quiz: Transformations & Angles Test Oral questioning Directed paraphrasing Homework

Summative Assessment Task

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