Annex A To Usma Regulation 1-1

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Annex A To Usma Regulation 1-1

Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1



a. The purpose of the Academy Schedule is to allocate and protect cadet time so that cadets have the opportunity to achieve excellence in accomplishing mission essential tasks for intellectual, physical, military, moral-ethical, social development, and to participate in other authorized activities.

b. Provisions of the Academy Schedule will be strictly observed during the first and second academic terms. During other periods, the Academy Schedule will be suspended unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent. These periods include:

Reorganization Week (Commandant) Winter Reorganization Week (Commandant) Spring Leave (Commandant) Term-End Examinations (Dean) Graduation Week (Superintendent) Summer Term Program (STP) (Commandant) Summer Term Academic Program (STAP) 1, 2 & 3 (Dean) Cadet Summer Training Period (Commandant)

The major activity directors listed above have primary scheduling responsibility for the respective time periods. Schedules being developed for these time periods will be coordinated with all other activities to ensure synchronization and total dissemination of information.

2. OPERATING GUIDANCE: The basic principle around which these operating rules have been developed is that of "exclusivity." Exclusivity delineates only those activities that are authorized to be scheduled during specific periods. Activities not expressly listed are, therefore, excluded. Excluded activities may not be scheduled without prior approval of an exception. There are two basic types of exceptions to the Academy Schedule: standing exceptions and non-standing exceptions.

a. Standing Exceptions: Standing Exceptions deal with events/activities which recur on a regular basis (e.g., Special Olympics, Scout Camporee) and are found in Appendix 1 and in USMA Regulation 350-12. Requests for standing exceptions are reviewed by the Policy Board. Once an event is approved by the Superintendent as a standing exception, it will be revalidated every three years. Preparation and staffing of requests to be considered by the Policy Board are accomplished by the Academy Schedule Committee between January and May. The Committee is chaired by the G-3 and includes the Chief of Staff of USCC (Commandant’s Representative), DIA Representative, the Vice Dean for Administration Resources (Dean’s Representative), and the Director of Policy, Planning, and Assessment. Policy Board’s review/validation and Superintendent’s approval of the schedule and its standing exceptions subsequently occurs in the June-August time frame. G-3 will maintain the standing exceptions and will be responsible to ensure they are revalidated after three years.

1 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

b. Non-Standing Exceptions: Non-standing exceptions deal with unique and/or individual events that predominantly occur on a one-time basis (e.g., company parties, academic, military or social events, physical activities, tournaments or matches). Requests for non-standing exceptions must be recommended for approval by the sponsoring major activity director (MAD) to the G-3. G-3 will staff the request with the Academy Schedule Committee for approval. The committee will consider each request. If the vote by the Academy Scheduling Committee is unanimous, the exception will be granted. Issues that are not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties concerned will be referred by the G-3 to the USMA Chief of Staff for adjudication. This process takes time and early submission is key. Requests must be submitted to G-3 as soon as requirements and needs become identified. Requests submitted within 10 working days of the event may not be approved due to lack of staffing time.

c. Extracurricular/Co-Curricular Activities: Many Major Activity Directorates schedule events on an annual basis. Hence, requirements for non-standing exceptions can often be projected and identified. In the spring of each year, Directorates will prepare and submit a Year End Planning Document (YEPD). This document will identify program requirements for the next academic year. The Academy Schedule Committee, in conjunction with the directors, will then use YEPD projections to "pre-approve" non-standing exceptions for each activity. Activities that are not able to submit a YEPD in the spring may do so at their earliest convenience, once program requirements have been identified. Requirements for non-standing exceptions that are not projected and identified in the YEPD must be processed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2b.

d. Cadet Time: Cadet Time is reserved for individual cadet use only. If a cadet is not scheduled for an authorized activity, that period becomes Cadet Time. During Cadet Time, cadets may study, use the library, computer facilities or other academic facilities and attend to individual chain of command duties or personal affairs. On a voluntary basis, cadets may participate in individual military training, physical fitness activities, and religious activities. On a cadet-initiated and selected appointment basis, cadets may receive additional instruction (AI) and tutoring; meet with instructors; take make-up/make-ahead examinations; obtain professional counseling from academic counselors, or DPE guidance counselors; and schedule medical appointments. Tactical Officers may require cadets to meet for professional counseling.

e. The proponent for the Academy Schedule is the Directorate of Operations, Plans, and Security (G-3). Changes to the schedule will not be made without coordination with G-3 and approval of the Academy Scheduling Committee.

3. WEEKDAY SCHEDULE (Monday-Friday)

a. Release from Quarters: (0520-0645) Cadet Time except for health and welfare inspections, urinalysis testing, and weight management weigh-ins.

b. Reveille: (0630) All cadets out of bed in preparation for breakfast formation. See Appendix 1 and USMA Regulation 350-12 for exceptions.

2 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

c. Breakfast Formation and Breakfast: (0655-0720) Breakfast formation and breakfast is mandatory for all cadets. All cadets will march in formation to this meal and will be seated in the cadet mess no later than 0705. Exceptions will be authorized by the Brigade Tactical Officer. The only authorized absences are for 0650 sick call and as specified in Appendix 1 and USMA Regulation 350-12.

d. Academic Instruction Hours: (0730-1155, 1250-1345, 1355-1600) The primary duty for all cadets during these hours is the attainment of excellence in the academic program. Cadets will attend all scheduled classes, laboratories, and examinations unless excused by the Dean. The F and L hours are normally freed of academic instruction for in-season Corps Squad athletes. Corps Squad athletes may use this time to prepare for and commence scheduled practice and competition. Scheduled team practices will not begin earlier than 1500. Tactical officers and academic instructors may schedule mandatory cadet counseling during a cadet's free period when there are no scheduled academic, military, or physical requirements. Cadets attending DPE activity courses have different start and end times to allow for cadets to change clothing and finish DPE training and be at their previous/next class. Academic hours follow:

EVENT TIME A and G hour 0730-0825 B and H hour 0840-0935 C and I hour 0950-1045 D and J hour 1100-1155 M (1 Day-Odd Lsn) 1250-1345 E and K hour 1355-1450 F and L hour 1505-1600

e. Compressed Class Day Schedule: A compressed class day schedule will be used on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving.

EVENT TIME MANDATORY BREAKFAST 0600-0620 G-HOUR CLASS 0640-0730 H-HOUR CLASS 0745-0835 I-HOUR CLASS 0850-0940 J-HOUR CLASS 0955-1045 K-HOUR CLASS 1100-1150 L-HOUR CLASS 1205-1255 OPTIONAL LUNCH 1300-1340

f. Modified Schedule. If a modified schedule is approved, the day will begin earlier, however, the length of each class period will remain the same. The start time will be determined on a case by case basis.

g. Lunch Formation and Lunch (1205-1235): Lunch formation and lunch are mandatory for all cadets. All cadets will march in formation to the lunch meal. See Appendix 1 and USMA Regulation 350-12 for exceptions. Exceptions will be authorized by the Brigade Tactical Officer.

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h. Lunchtime Review (1205 – 1240): USCC will conduct a brigade review once a week during lunchtime. This review will take place on Monday.

i. M Hour and Commandant's Hour (1250-1345 on 1-days): To be used only as prescribed by the Commandant. The Commandant's hour contains 20 equivalent lessons.

(1) Even lessons are for: inspections, fitness testing, professional development training, professional military ethics education, unit training, human resources issues, chain of command time, and other activities relating to the military and physical programs.

(2) Odd lessons are designated as M-hour. M-hour is reserved for 20 lessons of Military Science (MS) instruction for cadets who cannot take MS courses during other academic hours (hours A thru L). The Office of the Dean may schedule other classes or activities during M- Hour, but only with prior consultation and concurrence from the Commandant

j. Dean's/Lab Hour: (1250-1345 on 2-days) This period is scheduled as a normal academic instruction hour (lab), or for other academic purposes approved by the Dean. No other activity may be scheduled unless specifically approved by the Dean.

k. Club Athletics/ Intramurals/ Drill and Ceremonies/ Military and Physical Training: (Monday through Thursday, 1615-1830) Cadets may be scheduled for club team competitions and practices, company intramurals, drill and ceremonies, and other training events approved by the Commandant consistent with the goals of the military and physical programs. No other activity involving cadet attendance or participation may be conducted. Any time not scheduled for an authorized activity reverts to cadet time. (See Appendix 1 and USMA Regulation 350-12 for exceptions).

l. Corps Squad Athletics: (Monday through Thursday, 1500-1830) Cadets may be scheduled for Corps Squad competitions and practices. No other activity involving cadet attendance or participation may be conducted. Any time not scheduled for an authorized activity reverts to cadet time. (See Appendix 1 and USMA Regulation 350-12 for exceptions.)

m. Remedial Training/Support Army Teams: (Friday, 1615 - 1930) Remedial Training for Corps squad athletes will be coordinated through ODIA and USCC on a case by case basis. Consistent with the goals of the Military and Physical programs, the Commandant may schedule mandatory remedial training [as needed] for those cadets who are not meeting baseline requirements. On a voluntary basis, cadets of all classes may choose to attend competitions in support of Army teams. Units assigned as team sponsors by the Commandant, may participate in spirit activities in conjunction with team competitions. Cadets will be allowed to attend the optional Dinner if they desire to.

n. Additional Instruction (AI): Cadets may receive AI at times and places mutually agreeable to them and their instructors and not in conflict with other class or duty responsibilities during the week. AI with DPE is authorized to take place at Arvin Cadet Physical Development Center. The Commandant or his designated representative is authorized to approve and/or excuse cadets from drill and ceremonies, and Chain of Command/Unit Training Time to allow cadets to

4 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1 participate in AI. Additionally, Head Coaches of Corps Squad teams are authorized to excuse cadets from practice to allow them to participate in AI.

o. Retreat: will be at 1700 hours during Eastern Standard time Monday through Sunday and holidays. When changing from Eastern Standard Time to Eastern Daylight Time, Retreat will be at 1800 hours. Retreat may be adjusted to meet ceremonial requirements after coordination and approval by G-3.

p. Optional Dinner: (1800-1930) During the academic year, the supper meal is optional for all cadets except on Thursdays. Mess Hall doors will close at 1930 hours. Banquets, Dining-In and other functions authorized to be conducted with the supper meal will conclude NLT 1930. Club, team and religious activities holding an authorized meeting in conjunction with a Banquet or Dining- In, may extend their function until 2030 (Monday and Tuesday only).

q. Mandatory Corps Dinner:

(1) Monday and Wednesday (1845 - 1915) Attendance by the fourth class is mandatory except for absences approved by the Commandant and/or authorized under the provisions of Appendix 1 to this Annex and USMA Regulation 350-12. Cadets will march into the Mess Hall in company formation. In-season Corps and Competitive Club Squad Cadets are authorized to pick up their dinner in their practice uniform (option 3 "grab and go").

(2) Thursday (1845-1915) Attendance by all cadets is mandatory except for absences approved by the Commandant and/or authorized under the provisions of Appendix 1 to this Annex and USMA Regulation 350-12. Cadets will march into the Mess Hall in company formation. In- season Corps Squad athletes are excused from this formation, but must attend the meal and arrive in time to "Take Seats" with the Corps.

r. Evening Study Period: (Sunday - Friday, 1930-2330) The intent of this period is to provide the maximum opportunity for cadets to focus on academic excellence. This period is reserved for study, homework and preparation of academic requirements. As required, Cadet Officers and Cadet Sergeants may perform chain of command duties beyond 2030 hours. However, they will not task Cadet Corporals or Cadet Privates to complete any Chain of Command duties/requirements during the Evening Study Period. No other activities may be scheduled. On Friday evenings, prior to an Alpha and Foxtrot Saturday there is formal ESP. On Friday evenings, prior to a Bravo Sat, there is no formal ESP. Cadets may exercise voluntarily the authorizations and privileges to which they are entitled, providing they have no conflicting duties.

s. Extra-Curricular Activities: (Monday and Tuesday, 1930-2030) Cadets may be excused from the first hour of Evening Study Period on Mondays and Tuesdays to attend authorized club, team, or religious activities. Competitive club teams may not conduct practices and/or competitions during this period. Any given activity may schedule one meeting per week on either night, but not both. The Commandant may require cadets to attend training related to Values Education or the Military Program. Meetings/training must end and cadets be dismissed by 2030.

t. Support Army Teams: On an individual voluntary basis, cadets of all classes may choose to attend competitions in support of Army teams from 1930 - 2230 Sunday - Friday. Third and

5 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

Fourth Class will be limited to attending two competitions per week. Units assigned as team sponsors by the Commandant may participate in spirit support activities in conjunction with team competitions.

u. Dean's Lecture Period: (Wednesday and Thursday, 1945-2045) Cadets may be required to attend lectures and preparatory seminars for Student Conference on US Affairs (SCUSA) and Scholarship activities approved in accordance with DPOM 2-5 during the first hour and 15 minutes of the Evening Study Period on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Cadets must be seated by 1940 and these activities must end by 2045. Cadets may remain voluntarily to participate in further discussion with the lecturer. The Commandant and the Dean will coordinate NLT one month prior to the start of each term the utilization of ELP’s to accomplish required training related to the military and physical programs. Historically, USCC has requested the use of the Dean’s lecture period in order to support MS instructional requirements. Once scheduled, these events take precedence. All additional requests will be submitted as an ETAS.

v. Taps: (2330) All cadets will be in their rooms, and remain in their rooms. Exceptions will be approved by the TAC Team or Platoon Leader. All room lights except for desk lamps will be turned off. On Fridays prior to a B Saturday, and on Saturday nights Taps is 0100 Sunday morning.

w. Lights in the Barracks Area: Lights will be turned off when cadets are absent from their rooms. All overhead lights will be turned off at Taps every night and may be turned on no earlier than 0520 every day. On nights prior to an academic day, all cadets will turn out all lights and go to sleep NLT 2400. On nights with no ESP and during TEE Week, all cadets may leave their desk lights [no other lights] on after Taps.


a. Saturday: There are three kinds of Saturdays: Alpha, Bravo, and Foxtrot, as designated annually by the Superintendent. Alpha Saturday is further broken down into Alpha/Dean (A/D) and Alpha/Commandant (A/C). The Commandant ICW the Dean will adjust the Saturday schedule to meet Review Prep, Review, and Kick-off time requirements for home football games on Alpha and Foxtrot Saturdays. Cadets must be prepared to execute Reviews as scheduled and must have one hour to prepare for each Saturday Review. On Foxtrot Saturdays, cadets will have no academic, physical, or military requirements, other than the execution of a Review, attend the game, execute the March-On, and complete taskings in support of the home game. See Appendix 2 for detailed schedule.

(1) Alpha Saturdays: are those Saturdays during which all cadets, except those in season athletes in Corps Squad competitions and approved club or academic trip sections, at or away from West Point are required to be in attendance for events scheduled on Saturday morning by the Commandant and/or the Dean. Operating rules for A/D and A/C Saturdays are as follows:

(a) Dean’s (A/D) Saturday: 1. Friday prior, Formal Evening Study Period (ESP) in effect. The Commandant may conduct mandatory Disciplinary Tours on Fridays 1630- 1850. Cadets who have achieved the minimum APST/APSC requirement for their class (as defined in the Redbook Part 1), and PPSC requirement [as

6 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

defined in the White book, and MPSC requirements in the Green Book], and have no academic or military requirements on Saturday may depart on pass after their last duty on Friday with TAC approval and provided all requirements of the USCC SOP have been met. 2. 0520 - Release from quarters. 3. 0630 - Reveille 4. 0655 - Formation and Mandatory Breakfast 5. 0730 - 1130 - Dean’s Activities take place. The Dean may reschedule missed Written Partial Reviews, lectures, or other academic activities. The Dean’s use of this time period is subject to the rules listed in paragraph 3e above. 6. 1130 - 1230 - Optional Lunch 7. 1045 - 1145 - Optional Lunch (On Home Football Saturdays) 8. 1200 - Disciplinary Tour Formation 9. 1230 - 1730 - Disciplinary Tours 10. 1800 - 1900- Optional Dinner 11. 0100 - TAPS

(b) Commandant’s (A/C) Saturday: 1. Friday prior, Formal Evening Study Period (ESP) in effect. The Commandant may conduct mandatory Disciplinary Tours on Fridays 1630- 1850. Cadets may take OPP’s in accordance with the USCC SOP. 2. 0520 - Release from quarters. 3. 0630 - Reveille. 4. 0655 - Formation and Mandatory Breakfast 5. 0730 - 1130 - Commandant’s Activities take place. The Commandant may schedule SAMIs, In Ranks Inspections, military training consistent with the goals of military and physical programs, and other activities at the discretion of the Commandant. 6. 1130 - 1230 - Optional Lunch 7. 1045 - 1145 - Optional Lunch (On Home Football Saturdays) 8. 1200 - Disciplinary Tour Formation 9. 1230 - 1730 - Disciplinary Tours 10. 1800 - 1900 - Optional Dinner 11. 0100 - TAPS

(c) DCA home events will not take place prior to1145 on a Dean (A/D) Saturday. The only exception is for competitive club teams.

(d) DCA home events on a Commandant (A/C) Saturday beginning prior to 1145 hours must be approved by the Commandant.

(e) ODIA practices and competitions will occur as planned and in-season cadet athletes are excused from Saturday activities IAW USMA Reg 350-12.

(f) Voluntary cadet activities will begin on Alpha and Foxtrot Saturdays after the last duty.

7 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

(g) Extracurricular activities will schedule their events after the last duty on Alpha and Foxtrot Saturdays or 1145 hours, whichever is later.

(h) No trip section, academic or club, will be scheduled on Alpha and Foxtrot Saturdays until approved by the Dean for an A/D Saturday and by the Commandant for an A/C and Foxtrot Saturdays.

(i) On an A/C Saturday or a B Saturday, the Commandant may authorize remedial military training and testing to extend beyond 1145 in order for individual cadets not meeting baseline requirements to meet training objectives and certification standards in the Military and Physical Programs.

(2) Bravo Saturdays: are those Saturdays during which all events for cadets are discretionary. Extracurricular activities will schedule their away events on Bravo Saturday weekends. On Bravo Saturdays, events may be offered by the Commandant and Dean, e.g., written partial reviews, additional instruction, makeup labs, immunizations, military and physical activities, and counseling. In all cases, however, cadets must be provided an opportunity during the week to accomplish any task offered on Bravo Saturdays with the exception of disciplinary tours, and baseline Cadet Summer Training tasks requiring remediation. It is understood that this remediation is by exception only, that it historically impacts on a small number of cadets and is scheduled during this time to minimize cadet time and overhead requirements to conduct this training and testing. The DIA will coordinate requests for individual corps squad exceptions.

(a) 0630 - 0800 - Optional Breakfast will take place.

(b) 0730 - 0920 - Dean’s Time for make up requirements.

(c) 0930 - 1120 - Commandant’s Time for make up requirements.

(d) 1130 - 1230 - Optional lunch will take place.

(e) 1200 - Disciplinary tour inspection formation will be held.

(f) 1230 - 1830 - Disciplinary Tours will take place.

(g) 1800 - 1900 - Optional dinner will take place.

(3) Foxtrot Saturdays: are those Saturdays during which the only requirements for cadets are in support of the home football game. The Corps is required to attend each home game in support of the Army football team. The Commandant and the Dean will schedule no mandatory requirements for any cadets on a Foxtrot Saturday. Duty Regiment activities will be conducted IAW the USCC SOP.

(a) Friday prior, Formal Evening Study Period (ESP) is in effect. The Commandant may conduct mandatory Disciplinary Tours on Fridays 1630-1850. Cadets may take OPP’s in accordance with the USCC SOP.

8 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

(b) 0520 - Release from quarters.

(c) 0630 - Reveille

(d) 0700 - 0830 - Optional Breakfast

(e) The Commandant will conduct a Double Regimental Review three hours prior to football game kick-off time.

(f) 1045 - 1145 - Optional Lunch

(g) 1200 - Disciplinary Tour Formation

(h) 1230 - 1730 - Disciplinary Tours

(i) 1300 [or televised start time] Attend Home Football Game

(j) 1800 - 1900 - Optional Dinner

(k) 0100 - TAPS

(4) Voluntary Cadet Activities: (Saturday after last duty, 1700 on home football Saturdays, until taps). Period during which cadets may exercise discretion with regard to participation in scheduled activities/events. Obligations associated with participation in voluntary activities scheduled during these periods must be clearly stated by activity sponsors prior to scheduling. Participation in Voluntary Cadet Activities does not take precedence over other mandatory activities or duties (e.g., guard, duty officer, CQ, CS competition, etc.).

b. Sunday Schedule

(1) Release from Quarters: (0520)

(2) Optional Brunch: (0930 - 1230)

(3) Voluntary Cadet Activities: (0520 - 1900) During this time, cadets may exercise discretion with regard to participation in scheduled activities/events. However, no mandatory activities of any kind may be scheduled at West Point prior to 1230 hours. Obligations associated with participation in voluntary activities scheduled during these periods must be clearly stated by activity sponsors prior to scheduling. Participation in Voluntary Cadet Activities does not take precedence over other mandatory activities or duties (e.g., guard, duty officer, CQ, CS competition, etc.). Corps Squad competitions and practices will not be conducted on Sundays except as authorized in paragraph 6. See Appendix 1 and USMA Regulation 350-12 for exceptions.

(4) Sitting Tours: Formation will be held at 1200. Sitting tours will be held on Sundays 1230-1830 unless otherwise dictated. If Monday is a holiday, sitting tour time will be moved from Sunday to Monday.

9 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

(5) Optional Supper: (1800 - 1900)

(6) Corps Assembly Formation: (1900) Will only be held after Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring leave periods.

(7) Evening Study Period: (1930 - 2330) Same rules apply as for weekday Evening Study Periods.

(8) Superintendent's Time: (1930 - 2030) Cadets may be required to attend an address by or on behalf of, the Superintendent during the first hour of the Evening Study Period on Sundays. This time is reserved for exclusive use by the Superintendent or activity approved by Superintendent. If nothing is scheduled for cadets during this period, the rules for Evening Study Period will apply. If Monday is a holiday, Superintendent’s time will be moved from Sunday to Monday.

(9) Taps: (2330) Same rule as for weekday Taps.

(10) Lights Out in the Barracks Area: (2400) Same rule as for weekday Lights out.


a. Corps Leaves/Passes:

(1) See USCC SOP, Annex A for leave and pass departure times.

(2) Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Leaves: Corps Assembly Formation will be held at 1900 on day of return from Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Leave.

(3) Accountability Procedures: As specified in USCC SOP, Annex A, paragraph 921. See Appendix 1 and USMA Regulation 350-12 for exceptions.

b. Holidays: (Monday-Friday) When academic classes are not held.

(1) Release from Quarters: (0520)

(2) Optional Brunch: (0930 - 1230)

(3) Disciplinary Tours: Disciplinary Tour Formations will be held at 1230 Hours. Tours will be conducted from 1300 - 1800.

(4) Voluntary Cadet Activities: (Saturday after last duty or football game till taps; holidays from 0520 to 1900) Period during which cadets may exercise discretion with regard to participation in scheduled activities/events. Obligations associated with participation in voluntary activities scheduled during these periods must be clearly stated by activity sponsors prior to scheduling. Participation in Voluntary Cadet Activities does not take precedence over other mandatory activities or duties (e.g., guard, duty officer, CQ, CS competition, remedial training, etc.).

10 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

(5) Optional Supper: (1800 - 1900)

(6) Evening Study Period: On the day prior to the holiday the evening study period is canceled. Evening Study Period resumes 1930 - 2330 hrs on the holiday, if the day following the holiday is a duty day. Same rules apply as for weekday Evening Study Periods.

(7) Taps: will be at 0100 on the evening prior to the holiday. The Commandant has the authority to extend Taps beyond 0100 on the evening prior to a holiday. On the evening of the holiday, Taps will be at 2330 if the holiday is followed by a weekday.

(8) Lights Out in the Barracks Area: will be at 0100 on the evening prior to the holiday. If the holiday is followed by a duty day, lights out will be at 2400 and the same rules apply as for weekday lights out.


a. Weekday athletic competitions will not begin prior to 1500 hrs except for multi-team tournaments or games which are rescheduled due to weather. Competitions are scheduled by teams and the league. DIA will ensure that one team does not play more than 2 week-day competitions per week. See Appendix 1 and USMA Reg 350-12 for exceptions.

b. Saturday and holiday athletic competition will not begin prior to 1200 hrs except for multi- team tournaments and selected dual competitions which may start not earlier than 0800.

c. Sunday home competition and special events as indicated in Appendix 1 may be scheduled. USMA team activities may begin no earlier than 1230 and no USMA team may compete prior to 1300. No cadet will be involved in a Sunday competition in conflict with voluntary religious activities.

7. ACADEMY OBSERVANCES AND CELEBRATIONS From time to time the Military Academy will observe special occasions designated by the Superintendent. Directives will be published in these instances to cover the specific daily schedule to be followed by cadets.

11 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1


SPECIAL DUTY REQUIREMENTS: Cadets may be required to participate in guard and special duty requirements IAW regulations and/or provisions for the activity. Exception to fulfill these requirements will not be submitted to the Academy Scheduling Committee.

ORGANIZED ACTIVITIES: (e.g., meetings, team practices, rehearsals, briefings, colloquia) may be conducted only during time blocks designated for those activities, with the following exceptions that supplement guidelines and policies contained in this Appendix 1 and in USMA Regulation 350-12:


For detailed/specific listings of Intercollegiate Athletics Exceptions refer to USMA Regulation 350-12, Appendices A-W.

Cadet/Corps Support Activities: USCC Reg 28-1 delineates authorizations and general exemptions for DCA activities.


Religious Retreats: Cadets may voluntarily participate in a religious retreats/trips on any B weekend. All trips will be entered into the automated tracking and approval system. The retreat dates will be coordinated with the Commandant and Dean two months prior to the start of each term. Requests on Saturdays will be approved/disapproved by the Dean and Commandant through the automated system once a roster of names has been entered. All religious trips will be entered into the automated tracking and approval system.

Weekday Religious Services and Fellowship Meetings: Cadets attending morning services may proceed individually but must be in the Mess Hall for breakfast at “Take Seats”.

Gospel Services: Cadets are authorized to attend services 1230 - 1520 on Sundays.

Jewish Cadets Authorized to attend Sabbath Worship on Fridays, 1900-2100. Authorized excusal from class and formation on Rosh Hashana to attend worship at the Jewish Chapel and Yom Kippur to observe worship and all day fast at the Jewish Chapel.

Muslim Cadets Authorized to attend Friday Jumah Service from 1200 – 1330. Cadets wishing to observe the month long fast of Ramadan will be excused from attending daylight mandatory meals. Rations will be arranged for them to eat before daybreak and after sunset.

Other Faith Groups: The USCC Chaplain will make the request for exemption and voluntary attendance of religious service through USCC for other Faith groups not listed.

12 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

Religious Observances:

In the event of conflict with scheduled events, the cadet may choose which to attend.

ROSH HASHANAH Eve 1, 1900-2130 Service Day 1, 0900 - 1400,Service Day 2, 1700-1800 Service YOM KIPPUR Eve 1, 1800 - 2130 Service Day 1, 0800 - 1400, Service Eve 2, 1600 - 2130 Service

SUKKOTH Eve, 1900-2130

SIMHAT TORAH Eve, 1900-2130

PURIM Eve, 1900-2130

PASSOVER SEDER Eve 1, 1900-2300 Eve 2, 1900-2230

EID AL-ADHA Eve, After sunset service Day, Religious Retreat

LAILATUL-QADR Eve, After sunset service

EID AL-FITR Eve, After sunset service Day Religious Retreat

RAMADAN-(Month Long) Eve, After Sunset Break-the-Fast Iftar Service

LEAVE-EVE SERVICES (Tuesday Evening prior to Christmas leave) 1900 - 2100, Service, Cadet Chapel 1900 - 2100, Mass, Catholic Chapel ASH WEDNESDAY 1915 - 2030 Mass, Catholic Chapel CADET PASSOVER SEDER 1800 - 2100, Jewish Chapel MODEL SEDER 1630 - 2030, Hotel Thayer HOLY (MAUNDY) THURSDAY

13 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

1900 - 2030, Cadet Chapel 1900 - 2030 Mass, Catholic Chapel GOOD FRIDAY 1900 - 2030 Service, Catholic Chapel 1900 - 2030 Protestant Service, Cadet Chap ORTHODOX EASTER RETREAT Date (TBD) Each Year


Spring Term Projects Day/Reading Day: This day will fall on Second during the first week in May. This is a normal Academy Day with the exception that academic events and reading time are scheduled from 0730 to 1155 and from 1250 to 1600, and would be followed by the normal Drill, Corps Squad, Club Athletics, etc., the Corps Mandatory Supper, and ESP. OPPs will not be permitted prior to 1600. Corps Squad Athletes have the last hour free. Various Cadet driven events are allowed as long as they are not mandated/driven by the USCC TAC Team.

Educational Trips: May be conducted IAW DPOM 02-7. Mandatory Trip Section must normally begin not earlier than 0730 and end not later than 1600. Mandatory trips, which extend beyond 1600, will require the sponsor to give the Commandant or the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics the opportunity to remove cadets from the trip section if the absence will interfere with other required duties. Voluntary trips may be scheduled during periods reserved for the period of voluntary cadet activities. All trips will be entered into the automated tracking and approval system.

Noontime Seminar: May be conducted IAW DPOM 02-13 and with the approval of the BTO. Will be entered into the automated tracking and approval system.

Honor Societies: May request one special event/ceremony during Friday evening 1800 - 1900. This event must be entered into the automated tracking and approval system

TESTING: Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Fundamentals of Engineering (FE), Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) Aviation Flight Aptitude Service Test (AFAST) approved for cadets as follows:

MCAT - Saturday, 0735 - 1600 FEE - Saturday, 0730 - 1830 DLPT - Friday, Mon – Fri, A/D Sat AFAST - Friday, Friday

NOTE: Saturday Testing will be scheduled on BRAVO Saturdays where possible.


14 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1

Second Class Affirmation Ceremony: Prior to the start of term 1 (August), second class cadets will participate in an Affirmation Ceremony acknowledging their active duty commitment.

Post Selection: The Commandant is authorized to schedule one event from 1930-2100 on a Wednesday or Thursday evening during the Spring Term. The purpose of this event is to allow graduating 1st Class cadets to choose the location of their first assignment by branch. This event requires the participation of all 1st Class cadets. USCC will coordinate with the Dean for the exact date.

Branch Notification Ceremony: The Commandant is authorized to schedule an event from 1900 - 2100 on a Thursday or Sunday night in November to notify first class cadets of their Branch assignments and celebrate their selection. This event requires the attendance of all 1CL cadets.

Branch Open House (Fall Term): The Commandant is authorized to schedule an event on both a Monday and a Tuesday in either September or October, from 1900 - 2030 hours for 1st Class cadets. Cadets may be required to attend either evening to learn about available opportunities in different branches prior to submission of their individual branch preference statement. USCC will coordinate with the Dean for the exact date

Branch Open House (Spring Term): The Commandant is authorized to schedule an event on both a Wednesday and a Thursday night during April, from 1900-2030 for 2nd Class cadets scheduled to attend CTLT. Cadets can attend either evening to learn about the branches to which they have been detailed for the following summer period. USCC will coordinate with the Dean for the exact date.

Admission Support Activities: approved IAW USMA Reg 210-5 Educator/Congressional Staff Visits.

Cadet Public Relations Council (CPRC): IAW USMA Reg 210-5, after coordination with the Commandant and the Dean, cadets are authorized early departure or late return.

Quarterback Luncheons: Cadets who are authorized by USCC SOP may attend with TAC approval.

Social Events: Each Cadet Company is authorized 1 dining-in and 3 functions per semester.

Staff and Faculty Sports Night: 1900 - 2230 hrs, Upper Class cadets with privileges may participate.

Bowl Championship Series Championship and the Superbowl:

a. All cadets in good standing are authorized to watch the game at the quarters of members of the staff and faculty, company day rooms, Class Clubs, or at the Cadet Restaurant at Eisenhower Hall. Cadets will return to the cadet area NLT 30 minutes following the completion of the game (defined as time expired off the game clock).

b. All cadets flagged for “peg point” deficiency in either of the three pillars have the same privileges as cadets in good standing (as listed in paragraph 2a above) for the purpose of watching the

15 Annex A to USMA Reg 1-1 gam only. These cadets must return to the cadet area NLT 30 minutes following the completion of the game (defined as time expired off the game clock).

c. All cadets that meet the following criteria are authorized to watch the game in their company dayrooms and must return to their rooms immediately upon the completion of the game (defined as time expired off the game clock): Cadets on academic probation; those referred to an Honor Investigation; undergoing a Conduct investigation (CI); Misconduct Investigation (MI); undergoing Regulations USMA investigation by the Commandant or the Superintendent; or Courts Martial Charges have been referred against the cadet.

d. Cadets serving restriction and loss of privileges from a Regimental Board or higher have no privileges, but may watch the game in the Company Dayroom.

Indoor Obstacle Course Test: During Evening Study Period, Cadets may and are encouraged to practice for the Indoor Obstacle Course Test (IOCT) when the course is set up.

Ethnic Observances: Cadets, with Commandant approval, may miss the lunch formation and the lunch meal to participate in on-post ethnic observances that the Military Equal Opportunity Branch sponsor.


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