Rubric for Narrative Essay (Biographical Or Autobiographical) Standard WA 2

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Rubric for Narrative Essay (Biographical Or Autobiographical) Standard WA 2

Rubric for Narrative Essay, El Cajon Valley High School, Advanced ELD

1 2 3 4 Below Approaching Meets Exceeds Score Standard Standard Standard Standard t ___Does not use sensory details ___Limited use of sensory details ___Uses sensory details, dialogue, ___Skillfully uses sensory details, n

e ___Inappropriate sense of audience ___Demonstrates little sense of anecdotes, interior monologue, or dialogue, anecdotes, interior t

n and tone audience and tone other writing devices throughout monologue, or other writing devices

o ___Vaguely addresses only one part ___Addresses only parts of the ___Demonstrates a general sense of throughout C of the prompt prompt audience and uses appropriate tone ___Effectively addresses audience ___Addresses ALL parts of the and uses appropriate tone prompt ___ Effectively addresses and shows insight to ALL parts of the prompt i t

a ___No introductory paragraph ___Weak or unfocused introductory ___Focused introductory paragraph ___Introduction draws the reader z i ___Weak thesis, if any paragraph is unfocused ___ Thesis addresses the prompt into focus n n o a ___Topic sentence(s) not evident ___Thesis is unfocused ___Topic sentence(s) in body ___ Thesis addresses the prompt g ___Ideas unsupported by lack of ___Topic sentence(s) unfocused paragraph support the thesis with a distinctive perspective r details and/or examples ___Some support of thesis with ___Details and/or examples support ___Topic sentence(s) support the O

s ___Concluding sentence(s) not limited details and/or examples thesis and topic sentence(s) thesis and add(s) complexity u

c evident ___Concluding sentence(s) ___Concluding sentence(s) evident ___Details and/or examples support o ___Does not use chronological order ineffective ___Maintains chronological order thesis and topic sentence(s) F ___No concluding paragraph ___Inconsistent use of chronological ___Conclusion summarizes the main effectively

& order points ___Concluding sentence(s) use ___Weak conclusion transitions effectively ___Maintains chronological order while using literary devices such as flashback and foreshadowing ___Conclusion summarizes the significance L a

n ___Incomplete sentences ___Inconsistent use of complete ___Mostly complete sentences ___Mostly complete sentences g u

a ___Repetitive sentence forms sentences (some fragments and run- ___Uses some variety of sentence ___Consistently uses a wide variety g e

o ___Does not use correct verb tense ons) forms of sentence forms

C and subject-verb agreement ___Limited sentence forms ___Mostly consistent verb tense and ___Consistent verb tense and e ___Mostly incorrect grammar usage ___Inconsistent verb tense and subject-verb agreement subject-verb agreement v

n ___ Mostly incorrect punctuation subject-verb agreement ___Mostly correct grammar usage ___Minor errors in grammar usage o s i ___ Mostly incorrect spelling of ___Inconsistent grammar usage ___Mostly correct punctuation ___Minor errors in punctuation t n grade level words ___Inconsistent punctuation ___Spells majority of grade level ___Takes risks spelling and using n ___Errors interfere with ___Inconsistent spelling words correctly above grade level words understanding the essay ___Errors may cause distraction ___Errors do not interfere with ___Minimal errors understanding the essay Below Standard Approaching Standard Meets Standard Exceeds Standard TOTAL 3 = F (30%) 5 = C-(72%) 8 = B- (82%) 11 = A- (92%) SCORE 4 = F (40%) 6 = C (75%) 9 = B (85%) 12 = A (95%) 7 = C+ (78%) 10 = B+ (88%)


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