SDWG Three-Year Work Plan
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System Data Work Group (SDWG)
Three Year Work Plan Andrew Christensen, SDWG Chair Elena Melloni, Staff Liaison
155 North 400 West, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103-1114 SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 2
Table of Contents
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 3
1. Strategic Purpose The purpose of the SDWG is to develop, implement, and monitor guidelines and policies for the development of interconnection-wide power flow/dynamics stability cases that support RAC’s reliability assessments of the interconnected transmission system. SDWG develops and verifies power flow/dynamic stability data to be used to support reliability assessments, the Anchor Data Set (ADS), and other power flow/dynamic stability models as needed by WECC members. The interconnection- wide cases and associated data should support WECC members’ ability to meet requirements of North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Standards and other needs as deemed necessary by WECC members. The SDWG shall:
Collect, compile, and verify data in support of the creation of Interconnection-wide cases used by the RAC, Transmission Planners, Planning Coordinators, and other stakeholders. o Develop, approve, and recommend to the Data Sub-Committee (DS) data structure and submission requirements. o Develop, approve, and recommend to the DS schedules for data collection, distribution, review, and approval. o Monitor data submissions for consistency with guidelines and policies and coordinate data issues as required. Support the creation of Interconnection-wide cases as requested by stakeholders. Coordinate with stakeholders on the specifications for the Interconnection-wide scenario cases. Assess the quality of interconnection-wide cases compiled by WECC Staff. o Develop metrics and monitor results. o Coordinate with the Modeling & Validation Work Group (MVWG) to compare compiled interconnection-wide cases to actual system conditions and events from an interconnection-wide perspective. o Coordinate with stakeholders to compare dynamics data included in other models. Monitor NERC Standards related to modeling and simulation of the transmission system. o Develop data requirements and implementation plans. Participate in transmission system data management and simulation software development and testing.
o Investigate how technology can improve the SDWG guidelines and policies.
o Work to ensure interchangeability of data among users of different software.
Collaborate with other RAC work groups, subcommittees, and other stakeholders as needed.
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 4
Provide a forum for discussing issues related to the creation of Interconnection-wide cases.
Create an annual work plan and schedule that aligns with the DS work plan.
Perform such other functions as may be delegated by the DS.
2. Work Plan Overview The System Data Work Group (SDWG) was established by the Board of Directors in December 2016 as part of the Data Subcommittee (DS) under the Reliability Assessment Committee (RAC). The SDWG is tasked with implementing and monitoring guidelines and policies pertaining to steady state and dy- namic data to support analysis of the reliability of the Western Interconnection transmission system. The current three-year plan is dynamic and will likely be changed periodically to reflect changing priori- ties as the new work group is developed. 3. Current Year Goals Complete work group development; Continue the development of base cases in the 2017 Base Case Compilation Schedule; Support the development of the 2028 Anchor Data Set and its coordination with the 10 year planning base case;
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 5 4. Work Plan Tracker – System Data Work Group (SDWG)
SDWG Web page Parent Data Subcommittee Committee Chair Andrew Christensen Vice Chair Jonathan Young Staff Liaison Elena Melloni
Task New Description Task 2018 2020 Y/N Lead(s) Q1 Q1 Q2 Q4 Q2 Q3 Q4 Develop SDWG will annually create a Base Case Compi- SDWG 2019 Schedule 2021 Schedule Base Case lation Schedule that outlines the descriptions Compilati and schedule for the models that are to be de- on veloped in the upcoming year. Schedule for Years 1-10 Base Case SDWG will send out an annual survey soliciting SDWG Survey Request requests for cases to be developed as part of Survey developing the Base Case Compilation Schedule Develop Develop Base Cases in accordance with the SDWG 2018 Base Cases 2021 Base Cases Base Base Case Compilation Schedule Q1 2018-Q1 2019 Cases per Base Case Compilati on Schedule Improve Continually asses the quality metrics used in DS Ongoing Data evaluating the quality of the base cases. This (SDWG), Quality of includes incorporating the NERC Case Metrics MS Steady and enhancing the WECC Case Check. (MVWG)
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 6 Task New Description Task 2018 2020 Y/N Lead(s) Q1 Q1 Q2 Q4 Q2 Q3 Q4 State and Dynamic Data Identify Review the BATF recommendations report and SDWG Potential Implementation Next determine which recommendations to move Steps forward with next. based on the BATF Recomme ndations Node- Review if Node Breaker representation is SDWG Potential Implementation Breaker appropriate for RAC data sets. Planning Model Data Review and approve DPM change requests in SDWG DPM Modification DPM Modification Prepara- preparation of publishing the next years DPM. tion Manu- al (DPM)
Develop An Annual Base Case Compilation and Data SDWG Report Annual Check Report will be developed annually Development Base Case documenting the base case compiled since the Compilati last report, related contingency analysis on results, and any data check errors. Schedule and Data Check Report Suppleme Details below SDWG As requested
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 7 Task New Description Task 2018 2020 Y/N Lead(s) Q1 Q1 Q2 Q4 Q2 Q3 Q4 ntal data requests and collection Support The SDWG will assist in developing the Anchor SDWG developm Data Set (ADS) on a biannual basis ent of the Ongoing Anchor Data Set
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 8 5. Work Description – System Data Work Group (SDWG)
Develop Base Case Compilation Schedule for Years 1-10
In support of the NERC mandate that WECC create base cases the Base Case Compilation Schedule is drafted by the SDWG. The drafting process includes conducting a survey of the Reliability Assessment Committee (RAC) Subcommittees, SDWG members, and other stakeholders to provide input on the desired base case con- ditions to be compiled. Results of the survey are discussed during SDWG forums.
The NERC mandate, dated May 22, 2015 explicitly requires the follow base cases be developed annually: • Upcoming winter peak-load case • Upcoming summer peak-load case • Upcoming spring light-load case • Planning case for year 1 or 2 system peak steady-state analysis • Planning case for year 5 system peak steady-state analysis • Planning case for year 1 or Year 5 system off-peak steady-state analysis • Planning case for year 1 or Year 5 system peak stability analysis • Planning case for year 1 or Year 5 system off-peak stability analysis • Planning case for year 10 system peak steady-state analysis • Planning case for year 10 system peak stability analysis In support of this mandate the typical Base Case Compilation Schedule for years 1 though 10 will follow the following structure:
• 5 Operations cases • 2: 5 year cases (winter and summer) • 2: 10 year cases (winter and summer) • 2 additional cases supporting annual survey
Due to resource limits the amount of base cases developed each year is limited to 11 cases. Because of this limitation it is important to utilize the same base case for multiple purposes as much as possible. For example, one of the 10 year cases will be incorporated into the Anchor Data Set to insure consistency between the Planning/Operation reliability studies and the Production Cost Model (PCM) analysis.
Base Case Request Survey
The Base Case Request Survey is an annual solicitation to the WECC community for additional cases to be as- sembled during the upcoming year. This survey is supported by two available slots in the Base Case Compila- tion Schedule.
Develop Base Cases per Base Case Compilation Schedule
Execution of the Base Case Compilation Schedule is specified in the Annual Base Case Compilation and Data Check Scope of Work. Each case will go through the three phase data collection process which allows each data submitter two opportunities to make correction to the model. The three phases are:
Initial Data Submittal Phase - WECC Staff posts a data request letter stating the desired data to be submit- ted to compile a base case as identified in the present year’s Base Case Compilation Schedule. Applicable Data Submitters are required to provide the requested data following the requirements and procedures provided in the Data Preparation Manual.
Review Phase - WECC Staff will utilize the data provided in the initial data submittal phase to compile the desired base case. Upon compilation completion, WECC staff performs a simulation of Standard Disturbances using steady state and transient stability contingency analysis techniques and run the data error check routines. The compiled base case and results from the above actions will be posted for applicable entities to review.
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 9 Final Approval Phase - After incorporating data corrections and comments received during the Review Phase, WECC Staff will re-conduct the actions performed in the Review Phase. The final base case, results of the contingency analysis, and the results of the data error check will be posted.
Improve Data Quality of Steady State and Dynamic Data
SDWG continually strives to produce better products for the WECC community. As enhancements to the mod- els become available and evaluation tools improve SDWG will evaluate and incorporate appropriate changes to its processes. Examples include managing and incorporating supplemental data requests, adding NERC met- rics to the Steady State and Dynamics Dashboard, focusing efforts on problematic counts on error logs, and working with EMS (Peak RC) and PCM models to improve alignment. In addition to data improvements SDWG also reviews processes (such as aligning the case build process with the MOD-032 structure) for opportunities to improve.
Base Case Management Improvements
Due to an unsuccessful attempt to implement a new modeling and data management strategy through the Base Case Coordination System (BCCS) Project, the Base Case Coordination System Alternatives Task Force (BATF) has outlined a review, found here, of the objectives from the original scope of the project, a list of existing modeling deficiencies, lessons learned from the BCCS project, and a proposed vision for the desired end-state of WECC modeling and data management. SDWG will review these recommendations and select the next reasonable improvements that can be addressed.
Node-Breaker Planning Model
To aid in the effort of improving transparency, members of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) and Peak Reliability would like to reconcile the WECC base cases with the West-wide System Model (WSM) that is used by Peak Reliability. Starting with the MSRATF white paper on reconciling the EMS model with the planning model SRWG has been working with WECC Staff and Peak RC on alignment ef- forts to map parts of the EMS model the WECC planning model. SDWG will evaluate progress on this effort, identify next steps, and make a recommendation to the DS on a desired path forward. The SDWG will also par- ticipate in efforts to begin the transition to the node-breaker model for planning.
Data Preparation Manual
The WECC Data Preparation Manual (DPM) is intended to provide an outline of data requirements and reporting procedures necessary for Data Submitters to support creation of Interconnection-wide cases for power flow and dynamic data. Following the data requirement and reporting procedures, as outlined in the DPM, will help WECC meet the needs with the creation of Interconnection-wide cases. The WECC DPM is modified throughout the year by writing, reviewing, and debating changes through the DPM Change Request Form at SDWG. Each year the DPM is locked down in conjunction with the Base Case Compilation schedule to support consistency during the year.
Annual Base Case Compilation Schedule and Data Check Report
Annual Base Case Compilation and Data Check Report will be developed by WECC staff annually. This Report contains a summary of the base cases compiled since the previous Annual Base Case Compilation and Data Check Report, related contingency analysis results, and data error checks conducted during the Final Approval Phase of each base case. Identified issues discovered by the Report will be documented in the Annual Base Case Compilation and Data Check Results Log and presented to the Data Subcommittee.
Supplemental Data Requests and Collection
W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L SDWG Three Year Work Plan - Date 10 When requested by the WECC community, WECC staff, or other stakeholders the DS and SDWG will consider collecting additional data related to the system models that it maintains to assist in better studying the trans- mission system or managing compliance obligations. These requests are ad hoc and have their own deadlines per project. After collecting the data for a specific need SDWG will evaluate if the new fields should be added to the base case requirements though the DPM. Some examples of extra data that has been collected in the past are:
RAS and contingency models GIC data Overcurrent relaying Substation definition data BA definition data
Current future data sets that may be considered:
Short Circuit data Data maintainer Generator protection relays Distance relays
Support of the Anchor Data Set
The SDWG will assist in developing the Anchor Data Set (ADS) on a biannual basis in support of aligning the Production Cost Model and Power Flow Modeling topology. Despite the biannual nature of the ADS it is antici- pated that this work product will be ongoing for the first couple cycles to insure the quality of the ADS contin- ues to improve. The SDWG will support the Anchor Data Set Task Force and the PCM Data Work Group in de- veloping processes and insuring that collected data supports the needs to the WECC community. The SDWG will use existing work products as applicable and may develop new processes as necessary.