Summary of Lesson Plans of College Faculty
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Summary of Lesson Plans of College Faculty
Name of College: Indira Gandhi National College, Ladwa (KKR) Academic Session : 2017-18 Semester: Odd For the Month of July to Nov. 2017
Sr. Name of Assistant/ Associate Professor Topics/Chapter to be covered Academic Activity Topic of Assignments/Tests No. to be organized to be given to the students 1 Dr. Madhu Gupta Family resource management
Unit I- concept and scope of H.Sc. Demonstrations 1. Assignment- I Elements and principles of art and Practical 2. Importance of colours in Interior design 3. Different colour schemes 4. Scope of Home Science Colour characteristic different colour schemes Presentations by Layout of diff. rooms in a house and Practical the students Resource mgt. Group Discussion Assignment- II Family resources related to the 1. Mgt. process Work simplifications and Practical subject 2. Family Resource Mgt. 3. Money Mgt. 4. Energy and Time Mgt. One Test –I Scope of Home Science Consumer education flower management and One Test – II Practical Topic of Family Resource Mgt. Revision Summary of Lesson Plans of College Faculty
Name of College: Indira Gandhi National College, Ladwa (KKR) Academic Session : 2017-18 Semester: Odd For the Month of July Nov. 2017
Sr. Name of Assistant/ Associate Professor Topics/Chapter to be covered Academic Activity Topic of Assignments/Tests No. to be organized to be given to the students 1 Dr. Madhu Gupta H.Sc. Physiology
Theory- Animal Cell, Skeletal System Group Discussion Assignment- I Draw diagrame of cell and digestive system Digestive system Practical- embroidery and seams stitches Circulatory system Assignment- II Excretory system Diagram of Excretory system Reproductive system only male One Test –I About human Cell/Digestive system Female reproduction system Practical- Drafting One Test – II Endocrine glands of pethicoat Excretory system/circulatory Nervous system system Revision Summary of Lesson Plans of College Faculty B.A.III
Name of College: Indira Gandhi National College, Ladwa (KKR) Academic Session : 2017-18 Semester: Odd For the Month of July Nov. 2017
Sr. No. Subject Topics/Chapter to be covered A Topic of Assignments/Tests to be given to the c students a d e m ic A ct iv it y t o b e o r g a ni z e d 1 Home Foods and Nutrition Science July Food Classification G Assignment- I Essential food constituents r 1.Making a chart of different ford groups o 2.Assignment for classification deficiency u disease and recommended allowances of p CHO and Protein fat. D is c u ss io n Aug CHO Protein and fats, Vitamins and mineral P Water function in body, role of dietary fiber in body and practical r a ct ic al o f m e al pl a n ni n g Sept. Principles of method and cooking Effect of cooking on nutrients P Assignment- II Methods of enhancing nutritive nature of food r 1. Meal planning, Importance and factor Importance and methods of enhancing nutritive value a affecting it ct 2. Food presentation. ic One Test –I al Essential food constituents CHO, Protein, Fats, ’s Vitamins and minerals - M e a s u r e m e n t o f r a w a n d c o o k e d f o o d a n d c o o ki n g Oct. Principles of Meal planning and factors affecting it P One Test – II Planning meals for children, adult, adolescents and Pregnant r Importance of water and fibers in the diet. women a Therapeutic nutrition ct Food presentation- importance ic Causes principles and methods al - Si m pl e c o o ki n g A n d p r e s e n t a ti o n b y t h e st u d e n ts o n di ff e r e n t t o pi c s Nov. Revision