Richard Benedum [email protected] Music-Theater 108 Office hours: T/Th 12–1:30; W 2-4


Readings from text / other Jan 5 Introduction

Intro, pp 1-3 Elements of Music

Chap 1, pp 7-12 See also Appendix (Glossary) MUS205termsdefinitions.pdf MUS 205termsdefinitions pt2.pdf

Jan 10 Elements of Music, cont. Chap 11, pp 245- Last day for late registration, 284 change of grading option and scheduling

Jan 12 Video: “The Thin Red Line”

Jan 17 Medieval and renaissance music and instruments pp 13-17 Instruments from Praetorius’s Syntagma Musicum (1618-20) On developing your own listening library:

Jan 19 Physics of music; how we hear (guest presentation: Prof. James McCutcheon) On acoustics: On harmonic series: MUS 205 Harmonic series - from Wikipedia.pdf On sound: MUS 205 Intro to sound.pdf On sound: MUS 205 Sound - from Wikipedia.pdf

Jan 24 Music and instruments in the Baroque era pp 18-26 On instruments: On stylistic eras in music history: MUS 205 Stylistic Eras.pdf Jan 25 Last day to withdraw without record Jan 26 Class visit: Fisk tracker-action organ at St. George’s Episcopal Church pp 184-186 Jan 31 Music and instruments in the Baroque era, cont pp 182-183 Harpsichord (Dr. Julane Rodgers) CD tracks 1+2

Feb 2 Music and instruments in the Baroque era, cont. Chap 4, pp 113-136

Feb 7 Music and instruments in the Baroque era, cont Chap 7, pp 187-204

Feb 9 Exam I

Feb 14 Music and instruments in the Classic period pp 27-33 CD track 3 Feb 16 Video: “Development of the Piano” pp 177-182

Feb 21 Music and instruments in the Classic period, cont Fortepiano vs. modern piano (guest presentation: John Thomas) On piano action: On tuning, temperaments: ml

Feb 23 Music and instruments in the Classic period, cont Chap 8, pp 205-218

Feb 28 Music and instruments in the Classic period, cont Video: 200 Years of Mozart or Amadeus Mar 2 Development of the modern orchestra and modern orchestral instruments pp 159-175 Mar 7 Physics of music (guest presentation: Dr. Donald Polzella)

Mar 9 Exam II

Mar 21 Beethoven

pp 34-37 Mar 22 Last day to withdraw with record of W CD track 4 Mar 23 Beethoven, cont

Mar 28 Music and instruments in the Romantic era pp 38-75 Chap 9, pp 219-230 Mar 30 Music and instruments in the Romantic era, cont CD tracks 5-7

Apr 4 Modern music and instruments pp 76- 92 Chap 10, pp 231- 242 On electronic music/instruments: On recording technology:

Apr 6 Modern music and instruments, cont CD tracks 8-9

Apr 11Modern music and instruments, cont

Apr 18Reports

Apr 20Reports

Apr 25Reports On hearing music: MUS 205 Scientific American- Music and the Brain On music: MUS 205 We Got Rhythm; the Mystery Is How and Why On music: MUS 205 What makes music significant.pdf

May 5 FINAL EXAM 10:10am - 12 noon * * * * *

Text: Pogue and Speck, Classical Music for Dummies. IDG Books, 1997. Readings will be assigned weekly, probably by e-mail.

Grading: 2 exams x 20 pts 40 pts Final exam 30 pts Report presentation 25 pts Participation 5 pts _____ 100 pts