Master Scenario Events List (MSEL)

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Master Scenario Events List (MSEL)

Master Scenario Events List (MSEL)

Time Allotted 490 Minutes

MSEL – Functional Exercise 1 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Exercise Play No Image During this exercise it will be important to remember and comply with the following statements:  The objectives of this exercise include: 1. Participating agencies (hospitals, facilities, etc.) will use at least three methods of communication (phone, e- mail, RAMSES, WATrac, etc.) to respond within 30 minutes of receiving notification in an emergency situation. 2. Participating agencies will identify specific Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) needed to support response to the exercise injects and identify potential MOUs needed with partner agencies by the end of the exercise. 3. Hospitals will report bed tracking information using available bed tracking tools (RAMSES, WATrac) within 30 minutes of receiving the request by inject according to their facility plans reporting process. 4. Facilities may use facility evacuation plans to evaluate their facilities ability to evacuate an affected portion of their facility within 60 minutes (or time prescribed in the facility plan). 5. Participating agencies may use the Alternate Care Facility (ACF) checklist or similar jurisdiction specific form, to identify specific location and resources needed to establish an ACF by the end of the exercise (staffing – who, from where, etc.). 6. Participating agencies (Spokane only) may notify and request activation of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteers, within in 60 minutes according to established guidelines within their jurisdiction. 7. By the conclusion of the Rumble in the Rubble Functional Exercise on April 18, 2012, agencies choosing to address the issue of “greater than normal number of fatalities” will have notified at least two agencies or organizations relevant to fatality management as identified within their agency plans or protocols.  It is important NOT to jump ahead in the exercise scenario. In other words, don’t focus on what might happen, focus on the Common Operating Picture that is presented during the exercise to make informed decisions.  In any exercise a number of assumptions and artificialities may be necessary to complete play in the time allotted. During this exercise, the following apply: 1. The scenario is plausible, and events occur as they are presented. 2. There is no “hidden agenda”, nor any trick questions.  Thoroughly review all scenario information and injects as they are presented during the exercise.  Each inject is noted at the top with the appropriate audience. Please check before completing.  Identify one individual to be responsible for controlling the computer and inputting responses to the exercise injects.  After 3:00PM PT today each registered participant will need to log into the ONX System to complete their individual Hotwash to access their Certificate of Participation.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 2 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –  If you need assistance anytime during the exercise, please call the Help Desk at: Phone Number - 724-444-7444 Account Number - 79799 # Identification Number - 1 # Time Allotted 20 Minutes

MSEL – Functional Exercise 3 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Scenario – # 001 All Image of Snow on Roof

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

A heavy, wet snowfall last night has resulted in extreme weight on the roofs of many facilities.

More snow is expected in the next three hours and then temperatures will rise to the low 40s.

A member of housekeeping staff has notified her supervisor that a large amount of water is leaking from the ceiling and maintenance was called to check the area.

Maintenance says the area is unsafe and the structural integrity of the area may be compromised at this time. Time Allotted 10 Minutes

Controller Notes:  Hospital locations are to choose a patient care area as the affected area  Other locations are to choose a main service area as the affected area

MSEL – Functional Exercise 4 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 002 Communications Image of Leaking Ceiling

Communications Capability Assessment

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

What information do you immediately want to know about the situation?

Describe how you would go about obtaining additional details about the situation.

Who is involved in this process?

Time Allotted 10 Minutes EEG Reference Comm 1.1

MSEL – Functional Exercise 5 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 003 Communications Image of ICS

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Describe the chain of command that exists within your facility.

For example:  Who does the maintenance worker report the incident to?  How is this information communicated up the command structure?

To what level would the established chain of command be notified based on the scenario information provided?

Time Allotted 10 Minutes EEG Reference Comm 1.2

Controller Notes:  Additional information can be supplemented as needed including location, extent of damage, etc.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 6 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Scenario – # 004 Communications Image of Radio

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

A Washington Hospital Emergency and EMS Radio System (WHEERS) radio check will be held today at 10:15AM. Radio frequencies for reference include: Tx 455.000, Rx 463.000, PL 179.9

An Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) / Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) radio check will be conducted today at 10:45AM.

Please monitor your radios and respond accordingly as you continue through the exercise. You may move forward in the exercise. Time Allotted 10 Minutes EEG Reference Partner 3.5

Controller Notes:  Hospital locations should monitor WHEERS radio as they move through the exercise. Deaconess Hospital will begin the radio check at 10:15am.  ARES/RACES check will be held at 10:45am for hospitals with access to ARES/RACES radios.  All other facilities can move forward in the exercise.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 7 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 005 Communications Image of Notification

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Describe how your facility's staff is alerted to the situation.

Is there a formal written process of notification for internal staff? Yes No If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain the process.

If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why there is not a written process.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Comm 1.3

MSEL – Functional Exercise 8 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Scenario – # 006 Communications Image of Notification

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Perform a call down or notification of your internal staff according to your procedures. Complete as much of your call down or notification as you can within 15 minutes.

Begin and end all notifications with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

Exercise Instructions:

 You may move forward in the exercise as the call down is being performed.  You will be asked to evaluate the process in a future inject. Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Comm 1.4

Controller Notes:  One player should be assigned to perform the call down while the rest of the group moves through the exercise.  Check time starting call down and end it after 15 minutes even if incomplete.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 9 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Scenario – # 007 Communications Image of Maintenance Staff

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Maintenance staff reports to facility leadership with their concerns about the area affected by the water. This area contains a number of utilities including electrical wiring and water pipes.

Maintenance is worried that the water may be caused from a leaking pipe related to the weight of the snow on the roof.

Facility leadership asks for an assessment of the structure including what utilities are located in the area affected. Time Allotted 10 Minutes

MSEL – Functional Exercise 10 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 008 Communications Image of Blueprint

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Who in your facility, by job title, would conduct the assessment?

Identify who is responsible for maintaining your facility's plans and blueprints.

Contact the appropriate person or department by phone or radio in your facility to obtain a physical or electronic copy of these plans and blueprints.

Begin and end all communication with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

Are the plans or blueprints available? Yes No Briefly explain what copies of the blueprints or facility plans are available.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference PSS 2.1

Controller Notes:  If unable to obtain blueprints or plans within time period, move forward in the exercise. Players may return to this inject at the end of the exercise using the back button if plans were obtained.  Spokane Hospitals have access to Rapid Responder for plans and mapping. Mention this resource if not discussed.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 11 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 009 Communications Image of Utilities Shutoff

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Facility maintenance is recommending shutdown of water and power to the affected area. Do written plans exist for shutting off utilities? Yes No Using your blueprints, if available, or knowledge of the facility, where are the shutoffs located for electricity, gas, water, medical gas?

Are staff members trained on how to shut off these utilities? Yes No Video resources are available here for understanding how to shut of Electricity, Natural Gas, Propane Gas and Water. Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference PSS 2.2

Controller Notes:  Video resources are optional viewing for additional information. Videos are one to three minutes in length. If choosing to view all videos, the inject timer may expire. Use the back arrow if needed to return to the inject.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 12 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 010 Communications Image of Command Post

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Do you have a pre-determined command center for your incident management team to Yes No gather? Has an alternate command center been pre-determined for your facility in case the first is in an Yes No affected area? Time Allotted 10 Minutes EEG Reference PSS 2.3

MSEL – Functional Exercise 13 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 011 Communications Image of Notification

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Evaluate the call down or notification process for internal staff completed in the earlier inject.

In 15 minutes roughly what percent of the call down was completed?

Does any contact information need to be updated? Yes No Describe how this process would change if the event happened after business hours or overnight.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Comm 1.5

MSEL – Functional Exercise 14 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Scenario – # 012 Communications Image of Damage Ceiling

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Facilities staff was able to shut off the water, but now the whole facility is without water.

Facilities staff is still working to isolate the electrical panel to shut off power to the affected area.

The generator is functioning properly as power is shut off to various areas of the facility.

There is still great concern for structural integrity of the damaged ceiling area and water continues to flow from the ceiling in the affected area. Time Allotted 10 Minutes

MSEL – Functional Exercise 15 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 013 Communications Image of Emergency Responders

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

At what point will outside partners (i.e. fire department, emergency management) be notified of the situation?

List what agencies will be notified and by what method (phone, e-mail, radio).

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Partners 3.1

Controller Notes:  Outside partners are not to be contacted during this inject.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 16 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Scenario – # 014 Communications Image of PSAP

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Contact your local dispatch center (using the Simulation Cell – 509-625-7212) to alert them to the situation.

Begin and end all conversations with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

1. Announce that you are calling for the dispatch center. 2. Provide your name and facility name / location 3. Answer any questions that the “dispatcher” may have. Time Allotted 10 Minutes EEG Reference Partner 3.2

Controller Notes:  If SimCell line is busy, hang up and dial again.  Be sure to use the SimCell number provided, not 911.  SimCell operator will ask what type of support resources are needed at this time. Have your site answer according to their needs based on the situation.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 17 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 015 Communications Image of Fire Apparatus

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

The fire department has been dispatched to your facility and arrives at its designated location.

What is the designated arrival location for the fire department at your facility?

Describe what process is in place to meet the first responders and direct them to the affected area.

Who in your incident command structure is tasked with this duty?

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Partner 3.3

MSEL – Functional Exercise 18 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 016 Communications Image of Integration

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Things To Consider Will the facility incident commander go out of the building to meet the fire incident commander? Does the fire department know where the command center is for the facility? How will the fire department and command center communicate? Describe the incident command structure established at your facility at this point in the event.

What Incident Command System (ICS) positions are currently activated?

Describe the process established for integrating incident command with the fire department.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Partner 3.4

MSEL – Functional Exercise 19 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 017 MOU Image of Partners

Memorandum of Understanding Capability Assessment

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

In events such as this, your facility’s needs may exceed its available resources (expendable supplies, equipment, staff etc.). The following questions relate to MOUs or agreements with outside agencies, partners, and organizations. Please note if the agreement is formal or informal and when last reviewed / updated. List current agreements / MOUs and the agency and / or organization the agreement / MOU is with for:

Accessing the use of other facilities:

Accessing additional personnel:

Accessing equipment and / or expendable supplies:

Are your agency’s agreements / MOUs reviewed on a recurring basis? Yes No List any identified gaps that your agency may have pertaining to written agreements / MOUs.

Time Allotted 25 Minutes EEG Reference MOU 1.1

Controller Notes:  Ensure players respond with formal or informal agreement and when last reviewed / updated.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 20 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 018 MOU Image of Radio

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

A WHEERS radio check was held today at 10:15AM. Were you able to participate in the radio check? Yes No If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why.

An ARES / RACES radio check was held today at 10:45AM. Were you able to participate in the radio check? Yes No If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why.

Time Allotted 10 Minutes EEG Reference Partner 3.5

Controller Notes:  Only hospitals participate in the WHEERS and ARES/RACES radio checks.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 21 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Scenario – # 019 Bed Tracking Image of Hospital Room / Bed

Bed Tracking Capability Assessment

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

During an event such as this with potential to require full or partial evacuation of the facility, it is important to have access to up-to-date bed census information of facilities in the region.

The following injects will allow for practice using RAMSES and WATrac.

Please access these resources by clicking on the links provided in the following injects. A new window will be opened in your internet browser.

If any issues occur when logging in or completing the requested tasks, your controller has information on support resources. You will have an opportunity to provide feedback about issues.

It is important to note that you will be using the live version of RAMSES, please only update with actual census numbers, not exercise information. You will use the demo site for WATrac. Time Allotted 10 Minutes

Controller Notes:  If unable to log in to RAMSES or WATrac, call into the SimCell 509-477-3022 and ask for assistance.  Use only actual census numbers!!!! It will be posted on the live RAMSES system.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 22 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 020 Bed Tracking Image of WATrac

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Access WATrac Demo Site then login with your agency’s User Name and Password.

Once you have logged in complete the following actions:  Update your agency status with your current Emergency Department (ED) divert status.  Update bed availability with most recent census numbers.

Fact sheets for using WATrac are provided below: System Login Updating Emergency Department Diversion Were you able to update ED diversion status? Yes No If the above answer is no. – Briefly describe the reason you were unable to update ED diversion status.

Were you able to update bed census numbers? Yes No If the above answer is no. – Briefly describe the reason you were unable bed census numbers.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes EEG Reference BT 1.1

Controller Notes:  If unable to log in to WATrac, call into the SimCell 509-477-3022 and ask for assistance. Password resets can be requested by emailing: [email protected]

MSEL – Functional Exercise 23 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 021 Bed Tracking Image of RAMSES

Hospital Community Support Agency Community Health Center Clinic Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Access RAMSES then login with your agency’s User Name and Password. Access additional guidance regarding RAMSES.

Deaconess has put RAMSES in Disaster Mode. A message and banner is scrolling across that reads, “This is an exercise – all hospitals are asked to update bed capacity (census) – This is an exercise.”

Once you have logged in complete the following actions:  Create an alert for the event.  Update your bed capacity using your most recent census numbers.

When creating the RAMSES alert, begin the message with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

Were you able to create an alert for the event? Yes No If the above answer is no. – Briefly describe the reason you were unable to create an alert for the event.

Were you able to update your bed census numbers? Yes No If the above answer is no. – Briefly describe the reason you were unable to update bed census numbers.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes EEG Reference BT 1.2

Controller Notes:  If unable to log in to RAMSES, call into the SimCell 509-477-3022 and ask for assistance.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 24 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 022 Evacuation Image of Evacuation Plan

Evacuation Capability Assessment

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

The fire department examines the damaged area with facility maintenance staff and also expresses concern for the structural integrity of the roof especially with snow continuing to fall.

In consultation with the fire department, the facility incident commander initiates a partial evacuation of the building including all areas near the leak.

Using your written evacuation plan for reference, describe the evacuation of patients out of the affected area.

Things To Consider Patient acuity and prioritization Access routes Staffing Staging

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Evac 1.1,1.2

Controller Notes:  Choose an area of the facility such as a wing or floor to help define the scope of evacuation.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 25 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 023 Evacuation Image of Patient Evacuation

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Describe what partners will be involved in a partial evacuation of your facility.

Are you able to evacuate patients using only internal staff? Yes No If the above answer is no. – How will assisting agencies be notified to assist?

Briefly describe if the evacuation process changes based on the time of day.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Evac 1.3

Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 024 Evacuation Image of Elevator MSEL – Functional Exercise 26 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

If your facility has elevators, what alternate means will be used to move patients from upper floors if elevators are not functioning?

List what evacuation equipment is available in your facility.

Will lack of functional elevators affect the need for outside resources to assist with movement Yes No of patients? If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain why.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Evac 1.3

Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 025 Evacuation Image of Patient Tracking MSEL – Functional Exercise 27 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Describe how patient movement will be tracked.

List the forms that will be used to support patient tracking.

Identify the ICS position(s) that will be tasked with completing these forms.

If outside agencies are assisting, describe how patient tracking will take place.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference Tracking 2.1

MSEL – Functional Exercise 28 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 026 Alternative Care Facility Image of Alternative Care Facility

Alternative Care Facility Capability Assessment

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

The command center has been receiving reports that facility staff is having a hard time placing all the displaced patients within the facility.

Patients are currently staged in hallway and lobby areas.

It has been brought to their attention that an Alternate Care Facility (ACF) may be a better option for short term care until other facilities can be arranged.

According to plans, identify the location where the ACF be set up.

Describe the type of patients likely to be transported to the ACF.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference ACF 1.1

MSEL – Functional Exercise 29 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 027 Alternative Care Facility Image of Checklist / ACF Cache

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Access the ACF Deployment Manual containing information regarding how to request, access, transport and set up the supplies inside the trailer.

If you wish to request an ACF trailer, do that now by calling the Simulation Cell at 509-477-3021 (do not call the SRHD Duty Officer as instructed in the deployment manual). This phone number is for exercise purposes only.

Access the following inventory lists. Each trailer contains the same inventory.

 Trailer # 1 – Inventory  Trailer # 2 – Inventory

List any additional resources (equipment and expendable supplies) that your facility should add to augment the supplies provided in the trailers.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes EEG Reference ACF 1.2

MSEL – Functional Exercise 30 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 028 Alternative Care Facility Image of Transportation

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Describe how transportation of patients, staff and resources to the ACF will be requested and supplied.

Do formal plans or processes exist for transporting patients, staff and resources to the ACF? Yes No If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the plans or processes.

If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain the reason for not having any plans or processes.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference ACF 1.3

Rumble In The Rubble – Scenario – # 029 Mass Fatality Image of Collapsed Building MSEL – Functional Exercise 31 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Mass Fatality Capability Assessment

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Due to the widespread snowfall, two buildings in the community have collapsed.

Initial death toll has been reported as two, but first responders are searching for additional people trapped in the rubble.

The Medical Examiner (in Spokane) / Coroner (outside of Spokane) has been called to the scene of the structural collapse.

Hospital morgues are at capacity at the time of the incident.

In addition to the deaths due to the building collapse, area hospitals have experienced other deaths during the last 12 hours. Two influenza deaths for rural hospitals. Two influenza and three oncology deaths for Spokane hospitals.

All of non-collapse related deceased patients had been seen by their regular medical provider within 24-hours prior to their death. Time Allotted 10 Minutes EEG Reference FMP 1.1

Controller Notes:  Spokane has a medical examiner while jurisdictions outside of Spokane have coroners.

MSEL – Functional Exercise 32 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 030 Mass Fatality Image of Morgue

Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

What is the trigger point for your facility to determine if / when you need to handle fatalities differently due to volume or circumstances?

Is this trigger described in written plans? Yes No If the above answer is yes. – Briefly outline what is contained in the plans.

If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why there are not written plans.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes EEG Reference FMP 1.1

Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 031 Mass Fatality Image of MOU MSEL – Functional Exercise 33 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Storage of the two recent fatalities and any additional bodies is not available at your facility.

Provide the name and contact information of at least three agencies or organizations that can assist with body storage.

Is this information contained in a written plan? Yes No If the above answer is no. – Explain why this information is not contained in a written plan.

Are formal written agreements or Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) in place with the listed Yes No agencies or organizations? Briefly explain the reasoning for having such written agreements or MOUs.

Contact two of the listed agencies or organizations to determine their capacity to store bodies.

Begin and end all conversations with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.

Were you able to make contact with two organizations or agencies? Yes No Time Allotted 20 Minutes EEG Reference FMP 1.2

Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 032 Mass Fatality Image of Transportation MSEL – Functional Exercise 34 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Community Health Center / Long Term Care Center / Hospital Community Support Agency Clinic Other Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A Required Optional N/A

Briefly describe how the bodies will be transported from your facility to another location.

Identify the agency that is responsible for transporting the bodies from your facility to another location.

Identify the ICS position(s) that will be responsible for transportation of the bodies to another location.

Briefly explain how fatalities will be tracked.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes EEG Reference FMP 1.3

MSEL – Functional Exercise 35 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 033 All Image of Team List all personnel, including their name, job title and e-mail address, who participated at your location in today’s exercise. Please note if any listed personnel did not register for the exercise through the ONX System registration portal.

Time Allotted 10 Minutes

MSEL – Functional Exercise 36 Disaster Resistant Communities Group – Rumble In The Rubble – Inject – # 034 All No Image Provide feedback on the design of the exercise. Comments can include discussion of scenario, format, objectives, involved agencies, exercise planning, etc.

Provide feedback on the electronic exercise system (ONX System).

Does this system provide an adequate learning environment?

What improvements can be made to the system?

Would you participate in another ONX System driven exercise in the future?

What issues or initiatives should be focused on in future planning, training, or exercise activities?

Time Allotted 10 Minutes

MSEL – Functional Exercise 37 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

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