The Beast from the Sea: the Antichrist 13:1-10

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The Beast from the Sea: the Antichrist 13:1-10

The Beast from the Sea: The Antichrist 13:1-10

His description – 13:1-3 – Beast • θηρίον thēríon - Beast (A wild beast) • ζῶον zṓon - Beast (Living Ones) Rev. 4:6 – Rise up out of the Sea • The Bottomless Pit (Abyss) (Rev. 11:7, 17:8) – The Beast from the Sea: The Antichrist 13:1-10 – Relationship to Satan (Rev. 12:3) – Seven heads – Seven literal successive kingdoms • Rev. 17:9-10 – Ten horns and ten crowns – Ten kings who will reign simultaneous (with one mind) with the Beast • Rev. 17:12-13 – Name of blasphemy • Dan. 7:25 • The Beast from the Sea: The Antichrist 13:1-10 – Like a leopard - Swift – Feet as a bear - Strong – Mouth of a lion – Royal authority – The Beast of Rev. 13:1-10 represents both the Antichrist and the governmental system he is to rule. – Dragon (Satan) gave him his power (2 Thess. 2:9) – Head Wound by a sword (Rev. 13:14) • Antichrist will have a fatal head wound that will be miraculously healed. (Rev. 13:3, 12) • Rev. 17:8 (was, and is not, and yet is) – The Beast from the Sea: The Antichrist 13:1-10

His Activities – 13:4-10 – Worship of the Dragon and the Beast by the unsaved. • “Who is like unto the beast?” • Satan’s desire from the beginning (Isa. 14:14) – Speaking great things and blasphemies against God (Dan 7:8, 25, 2 Thess. 2:9-12) – Power for 42 months • War with the saints (Rev. 7:9, 14) – Book of Life • Revelation (3:5; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27; 22:19) • The Antichrist at the midpoint of the Tribulation • Antichrist breaks his covenant with Israel – Dan 9:27, Matt. 24:15 • Stops temple worship – Dan 7:25 • Establishes the Abomination of Desolation – Dan 9:27, Matt. 24:15 • Devastates Jerusalem – Rev. 11:2

The Beast from the Earth: the False Prophet – 13:11-18 • His Description – 13:11 – Out of the Earth – compared to out of the sea – Two Horns Like a Lamb – Possibly a religious character – Spake as a dragon – empowered by Satan – Completes the Unholy Trinity – Rev. 16:13 • His Activity – 13:12-18 – The signs – 13:12-14a • Promotes worship of the 1st Beast • Power - Fire from Heaven, Miracles – The image – 13:14b-15 (Rev. 14:9, 15:2) • Directs people to set up an image of the Beast. • Power to give life unto the image of the beast (Special Effects) • Probably set up in the temple at Jerusalem (2 Thess. 2:4) – The mark – 13:16-17 • Necessary to buy or sell goods or services – The number – 13:18 • Six is the Number of Man – The number six is one less than the perfect number seven. – Work six day • Threefold repetition (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet)

The Program of God – 14:1-20

The Lamb and the 144,000 – 14:1-5 – Lamb – Jesus Christ (Rev. 5:6) • Mount Sion – Earthy Jerusalem (Psalm 2:6) – Hundred forty and four thousand (Rev. 7:4) • The Father's name written in their foreheads (belong to the Father and the Son) Rev. 7:3 • Without Fault before the throne of God – Virgins – not defiled by women – Followed the lamb – Redeemed from men • Worthy of high honor for maintaining very high standards in the midst of a corrupt religious, social, and cultural environment – Voice from heaven • Rev. 19:1-6 – New Song • Sung by all the redeemed – Before the throne & four beasts & Elders – 144,000 are on the Earth with the Lamb v. 1 • Song of praise and worship (Rev. 5:9, Lam. 3:22-23) • No man could learn it – The 144,000 experienced victory from God through the tribulation. This Song of praise was in response to how God helped them during this difficult time.

The Three Angels – 14:6-13 – First Angel vs. 6-7 • Everlasting Gospel – Not the same as Paul’s Gospel—I Corinthians 15:1-6 • Fear God, His judgment is come • Worship Him that made Heaven and Earth. – Second Angel v. 8 • Declares the fall of “Babylon that Great City” (Rev. 17-18) – Third Angel v. 9-13 • Judgment on those who take the mark of the Beast – Fire & Brimstone – Eternal judgment in the Lake of Fire (Rev. 19:20, 21:8) Clear picture of the reality of Hell. • The Program of God – 14:1-20

The Harvest of the Earth – 14:14-20 – The Sickle of Christ – 14:14-16 • White Cloud – (Dan. 7:13-14, Rev. 1:7) • Son of Man – Christ (Dan 7:13, Rev. 1:13) – Golden Crown (στέφανος stéphanos) Victor crown – Sharp Sickle (Joel 3:13, Matt. 13:30, Mark 4:29) Judgment • The time of reaping v. 15 – Announced by the fourth Angel to execute judgment » Notification by God through the angel (Out of the temple) – Harvest is ripe (ξηραίνω xēraínō) Dried up » judgment is overdue – The Winepress of the Wrath of God – 14:17-20 • Fifth Angel v. 17 – Out of the Temple – Sharp Sickle • Sixth Angel v.18-20 – From the Altar – Power over fire – “Thrust they Sickle” – Ripe – (ἀκμάζω akmázō) - in prime condition

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