Department of Sociology - Brown University

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Department of Sociology - Brown University

September 2013 HILARY SILVER Department of Sociology - Brown University Providence, RI 02912 USA Telephone: 401-863-2559 Fax: 401-863-3213 [email protected]

PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Brown University 2011- Professor of Sociology and Urban Studies and Professor of Public Policy 2011- Director, Urban Studies Program 1994-2010 Associate Professor of Sociology and Urban Studies 1984-1993 Assistant Professor of Sociology and Urban Studies

Harvard University 2002-present Affiliate, Center for European Studies

Columbia University 1978-1983 Instructor, Department of Sociology 2001-2008 Research Associate, Institute for Social and Economic Research & Policy

City & Community 2009-present Editor

EDUCATION 1974 B.A. Bar-Ilan University Sociology, Political Science Magna Cum Laude

1976 M.A. Columbia University Sociology

1978 M.Phil. Columbia University Sociology

1984 Ph.D. Columbia University Sociology Dissertation: “Income Inequality in the ‘Post-industrial’ Metropolis”

MAJOR FELLOWSHIPS 1988-9 Fulbright Fellow, Visiting Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Université de Lille I, France

1998 Fellow, Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Germany

2001, 2005 Fulbright Fellow, German Studies, Germany

2007-08 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 2008 Academic Visitor, Nuffield College, Oxford University

VISITING APPOINTMENTS 1986 Visiting Research Fellow, School of Cultural and Community Studies University of Sussex

1986 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology New York University

1992-3 Senior Researcher (Chercheur Associé) Centre Lillois d’Etudes et de Recherches Sociologiques et Economiques Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France

1995 Visiting Fellow Barnard/Columbia Center for Leadership in Urban Public Policy, NY

1999 Visiting Professor, Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies [INSEE], Paris

2001 Visiting Professor, Institute National d’Etudes Demographiques, Paris

2001 Visiting Scholar, Center for European Studies, New York University

2002 Visiting Scholar in residence, Center for European Studies Harvard University

2002-2003 International Fellow, School of Policy Studies University of Bristol, UK

2007 Adjunct Professor, Institute of International Education Korea University

2006, 2011, 2012 Visiting Scholar Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung

2013 Fellow Jawaharlal Nehru University Institute for Advanced Studies


Book Chapters

1988 “La Question des Services aux Etats-Unis et en France” (with J.C. Delaunay and Jean Gadrey). Pp. 131-44 in France/USA: Les Crises du Travail et de la Production, ed. Pierre Bouvier and Olivier Korchid. Paris: Meridiens Klincksieck.

1989 “The Demand for Homework: Lessons from the U.S.Census.” Pp. 103-29 in Homework: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Paid Work at Home, ed. Eileen Boris and Cynthia Daniels. University of Illinois Press.

1990 “Privatization, Self-Help, and Public Housing Home Ownership in the United States.” Pp.123-40 in Government and Housing: Developments in Seven Countries, ed. Willem Van Vliet and Jan Van Jessep. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews.

1991 “The Privatization of Public Housing in Great Britain.” Pp. 163-96 in Privatization and Its Alternatives, ed. William Gormley. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

1991 “Vers Une Gestion Flexible des Services Professionnels? Le Cas des Hôpitaux et des Services Juridiques aux Etats-Unis.” Pp. 165-80 in La Gestion des Ressources Humaines dans les Services et leCommerce: Flexibilité, Diversité, Competitivité, ed. Jean and Nicole Gadrey. Paris: l’Harmattan.

1991 “La Professionnalité’ dans les Services et les Problèmes de l’Informel.” Pp. 115-18 in Les Services: Nouvelles Perspectives, ed. André Barcet, Joel Bonamy, and Pierre Strobel. Paris: Afnor/CEDES.

1995 “Fighting Social Exclusion.” Pp. 8-31 in Social Exclusion, Social Inclusion. Belfast, Northern Ireland: Democratic Dialogue, Report no. 2, November.

1995 “Reconceptualizing Social Disadvantage: Three Paradigms of Social Exclusion.” Pp. 57-80 in Social Exclusion: Rhetoric, Reality, Responses, ed. Gerry Rodgers, Charles Gore, and José Figueiredo. Geneva: International Labour Organization.

1995 “Policies to Combat Social Exclusion: A French-British Comparison.” (with Frank Wilkinson). Pp. 283-310 in Social Exclusion: Rhetoric, Reality, Responses, ed. Gerry Rodgers, Charles Gore, and José Figueiredo. Geneva: International Labour Organization.

1996 “Culture, Politics, and National Discourses of the New Urban Poverty.” Pp. 105-38 in Urban Poverty and the Underclass: A Reader, ed. Enzo Mingione. Oxford: Blackwell.

1996 “Expert Testimony to House the Homeless: The Sociologist as Community Activist.” Pp. 225-46 in Witnessing for Sociology: Sociologists in Court, ed. Steve Kroll-Smith and Pamela

3 Jenkins. New York: Praeger.

1997 “Cooperative Housing.” In the Encyclopedia of Housing, ed. Willem van Vliet-. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

1997 “Limited-Equity Cooperatives.” In the Encyclopedia of Housing, ed. Willem van Vliet-. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

1997 “Poverty, Exclusion, and Citizenship Rights.“ Pp. 78-82 in Social Exclusion and Anti- Poverty Policy: A Debate, ed. Charles Gore and Jose Burle Figueiredo. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, International Labour Organization.

1998 “Policies to Reinforce Social Cohesion in Europe,” p. 38-73 in Social Exclusion: An ILO Perspective, ed. Arjan de Haan and Jose Burle Figueiredo. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, International Labour Organization.

1998 “Social Exclusion and Local Citizenship: Community Economic Development in France and the United States,” pp. 138-48 in Des Modèles en Question: Ville, Cultures, Citoyennité en Amerique du Nord, ed. Catherine Pouzoulet et Jacques Portes, Presses Université de Lille.

2002 “The Role of Associations in the Fight against Exclusion in American Cities.” (“Les Associations et la Lutte contre l’Exclusion dans les Métropoles Américaines.”) Pp. 95-116 in Les Mégapoles face au défi des nouvelles inégalités, ed. Isabelle Parizot, Pierre Chauvin, Jean- Marie Firdion, et Serge Paugam. Paris: Flammarion Sciences.

2004 “European Policies to Promote the Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups: Lessons for Latin America.” Pp. 135-76 in Social Inclusion: Latin America's Development Challenge, ed. Mayra Buvinic and Jacqueline Mazza. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Inter-American Development Bank. Also in Spanish and Portuguese.

2004 Pobreza e Desigualdade em Nova Iorque.” Pp. 39-44 in Hexapolis: Desigualdades e Rupturas Sociais em Metropoles Contemporaneas. Sao Paulo: Educ.

2005 “From Poverty to Social Exclusion: Lessons from Europe.” Pp. 57-70 in The Emerging Agenda: Poverty and Race in America,” ed. Chester Hartman. Lexington Books.

2005 "Redefining Poverty Will Help America's Poor." Pp. 64-70 in How Can the Poor Be Helped? Ed. Geoff Griffin. Thompson/Gale.

2006 “Food Stamps.” Pp. 487-91 in International Encyclopedia of Social Policy. London: Routledge.

2006 “Disasters.” Pp. 1174-1176 in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell.

4 2006 “Social Exclusion.” Pp. 4411-13 in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell. 2006 “The Social Ecology of Health in New York City,” Pp. 139-71 in Community and Ecology: Dynamics of Place, Sustainability, and Politics, edited by Aaron McCright and Terry Clark. Macmillan/Elsevier.

2008 “The Process of Social Exclusion: The Dynamics of an Evolving Concept." In Social Exclusion: Perspectives and Experiences. Islamabad, India: Icfai University Press.

2012 “Housing Cooperatives,” pp. 101-07 in Encyclopedia of Housing, 2nd ed. Sage.

2013 “Social Exclusion.” (with Petra Böhnke) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research, ed. Alex C. Michalos. Springer.

2013 “Neighborhood Social Capital and the Disadvantaged: A Case Study in New York City" in Social Capital and Economics: Social Values, Power, and Social Identity, ed. Asimina Christoforou and John B. Davis. Routledge (forthcoming).

2014 “Social Exclusion.” Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism, ed. John Stone Wiley-Blackwell (forthcoming).

Refereed Journal Articles

1977 “Architectural Ideologies and the Organizational Context.” (with Judith Blau). Quarterly Journal of Ideology 1 (Summer): 16-30.

1979 “Dissecting Types of Professional Schools” (with Peter M. Blau, John Cullen, and Rebecca Margulies). Sociology of Education 52 (January): 7-19.

1985 “Selling Public Housing: The Methods and Motivations.” (with Judith McDonnell and Ronald Ortiz). Journal of Housing (November/December): 213-28.

1986 “The Politics of State-Level Industrial Policy: Lessons from Rhode Island’s Greenhouse Compact” (with Dudley Burton). Journal of the American Planning Association 52, 3 (Summer): 277-89. Reprinted in The State and Local Industrial Policy Question, ed. Harvey Goldstein. Chicago: American Planning Association Press.

1987 “Only So Many Hours in a Day: Time Constraints, Labour Pools, and Demand for Consumer Services.” Service Industries Journal 7, 4 (October): 26-45. Reprinted in The Economics of Services, ed. Gary Akehurst & Jean Gadrey. London: Frank Cass, 1987.

1987 “Is Industrial Policy Possible in the United States? The Defeat of Rhode Island’s Greenhouse Compact.” Politics and Society 15, 3 (1986-87): 333-68.

5 1991 “State, Market, and Community: Housing Cooperatives in Theoretical Perspective.” Netherlands Journal of Housing and Environmental Research 6, 3: 185-204.

1992 “Race and Job Dismissals in a Federal Bureaucracy.” (with Craig Zwerling) American Sociological Review 57 (October): 651-60.

1993 “National Conceptions of the New Urban Poverty: A Comparison of Britain, France, and the United States.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 17, 3 (September): 336-54.

1993 “Homework and Domestic Work.” Sociological Forum 8, 2 (June): 181-204.

1994 “Flexible Work and Housework: Work and Family Constraints on Women’s Domestic Labor.” (with Frances Goldscheider). Social Forces 72, 4 (June): 1103-19.

1994 “Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity.” International Labour Review 133, nos. 5-6: 531-78. Translated into French and Spanish. Reprinted in: Working for Better Times: Rethinking Work for the 21st Century, ed. Jean- Michel Servais, Patrick Bolle, Mark Lansky, and Christine Smith. Geneva: International Labour Office, 2006. Reprinted in: Social Exclusion, ed. David Byrne. Pp. 262-313. Oxford: Routledge, 2008.

1997 “Dual Cities? Sectoral Shifts and Metropolitan Income Inequality, 1980-1990”. (with Regina Bures). Service Industries Journal 17, 1 (January): 69-92.

2001 “Dominicans in Providence: Transnational Intermediaries and Community Institution Building.” Focaal/European Journal of Anthropology 38: 103-123.

2002 “Social Exclusion: The European Approach to Social Disadvantage.” Poverty & Race 11, 5 (September/October): 1-14.

2003 “Social Exclusion: The European Approach to Social Disadvantage.” (with S.M. Miller) Indicators 2, 2 (Spring): 5-21. Reprinted in Social Exclusion: A Reader. Jaipur, India: Rawat Publications.

2006 “Social Integration in the ‘New’ Berlin.” German Politics & Society (Winter): 1-48.

2006 “From Kreuzberg to Marzahn: New Migrant Communities in Berlin.” (with Wolfgang Kil). German Politics & Society (Winter): 95-121.

2008 “Social Exclusion and Social Capital.” (with Mary Daly) Theory & Society 37, 6 (December): 537-566.

6 2009 “Reflections on Alfred Adler: A Social Exclusion Perspective.” Journal of Individual Psychology 65, 4 (Winter): 319-329.

2010 “The Social Integration of Germany after Unification.” German Politics and Society 28, 2 (Summer): 165-188.

2010 “Obama’s Urban Policy: A Symposium.” City and Community 9, 1: 3-12.

2010 “Participation in Urban Contention and Deliberation” (with Alan Scott and Yuri Kazepov). International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34, 3 (September): 1-25.

2010 “Social Inclusion Policies: Lessons for Australia.” Australian Journal of Social Issues 45, 2 (Winter): 183-211.

2010 “Divided Cities of the Middle East.” City & Community 9, 4: 345-57.

2011 “Cities of the Americas: Editor’s Introduction.” City & Community 10: 4: 347-50.

2012 “Trends in Neighborhood Stratification.” City & Community 11: 4: 341-44.

2013 “Mixing Policies: Expectations and Achievements.” Cityscape 15, 2 (July): 73-82.

Editor of Special Journal Issues

2006 German Politics & Society on social integration in Berlin

2010 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research on urban participation

2010 City and Community on Obama’s urban policy

2010 City and Community on divided cities in the Middle East


Social Exclusion. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014 (forthcoming)

Comparing Cities. Routledge, 2015 (forthcoming) Volume of original articles on the methods and strategies of comparative urban studies.

7 Reports and Monographs

1995 Firing Federal Employees: Does Race Make a Difference? Report to the Office of Personnel Management, U.S. Government, January.

1995 Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity: Three Paradigms. Discussion Papers no. 69. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, International Labour Office.

1995 Policies to Combat Social Exclusion: A French-British Comparison. Discussion Paper no. 83. Geneva: International Institute for Labour Studies, International Labour Office. 1998 Government Contracting with Minority- and Women-Owned Businesses: Disparity Analysis and Predicate Study. Providence: Offices of the Governor and the Attorney-General, State of Rhode Island, January.

2000 Dynamics of Food Stamps Participation. US Department of Agriculture and Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin- Madison, October.

2000 European Anti-Poverty Programs and Approaches: Lessons from the Social Exclusion Perspective. World Bank Discussion Paper, Social Development Seminar, 14 June.

2003 European Policies to Promote the Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups: Lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington: Inter-American Development Bank.

2004 Policies to Promote Social and Economic Security. Contribution to International Labour Office’s Socio-Economic Security Programme’s report, Economic Security for a Better World. Geneva: ILO.

2007 The Process of Social Exclusion: The Dynamics of an Evolving Concept. Chronic Poverty Research Center Working Paper #95, University of Manchester [ISBN 1-904049-94-X] Also published on SSRN and reprinted in India.

2007 Social Exclusion: Comparative Analysis of Europe and Middle East Youth. The Brookings Institution, Wolfensohn Center for Development and Dubai School of Government, Middle East Youth Initiative Working Paper #1 (September), 45 pp.

2012 Framing Social Inclusion Policies. Background Paper for the Flagship Report on Social Inclusion, Social Development Department. Washington: World Bank, 60 pp.

8 Documentary Films

2006 South Side: The Gains and Strains of Diversity. Short film. Broadcast on RI Public Television on 30 November, December 28. 2007 Cable Car Cinema screening: January 24 2009 Southside: The Fall and Rise of an Inner-City Neighborhood. 56 minutes. Funded by NEH/RI Council for the Humanities. A history of an inner-city neighborhood as the residents change from white ethnic working class to African-American to Latino-American and as they contend with larger social, political, and economic forces that affect their communities and institutions. Broadcast on Princeton TV30, RI Public Television, February14 and 22, 2009; January 16, 2010. Updated version: broadcast July 15 and 17, 2010.

2012 Southside: The Fall and Rise of an Inner-City Neighborhood Screening and panel discussion at kickoff of Symposium of Providence Preservation Society, October 11, in RISD Auditorium

In production. Last Resorts: Homelessness in RI. Funded by NEH/RI Council for the Humanities and Brown ITG. When the state demolishes Rhode Island’s largest emergency shelter, what becomes of the residents? A longitudinal study of policy impacts on the socially excluded culminating in enactment of the nation’s first Homeless Bill of Rights.

Book Reviews

1981 “A Guaranteed Annual Income” by Philip K. Robins, et al. and “Economics and the Family,” by Stephen Bahr. Journal of Marriage and the Family 43 (November): 225-6.

1987 “Housing Policy and Equality” by Lennart Lundqvist. Housing Studies (January): 58-9.

1988 “Home-based Work in Britain,” by Catherine Hakim, and “The Crossroads of Work and Gender: Industrial Homework, Subcontracting, and Household Dynamics in Mexico City,” by Lourdes Beneria and Martha Roldan. Sociology (February): 149-50.

1989 “Homeworking: Myths and Realities,” by Sheila Allen and Carol Wolkowitz. Sociology (May).

1990 “Handbook of Housing and the Built Environment in the United States,” ed. Elizabeth Huttman and Willem van Vliet-. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research.

1990 “Research in Urban Policy,” vol. 3, edited by Terry Clark, William Lyons, and Michael Fitzgerald. Contemporary Sociology 19 (November): 858-9.

1991 “Rebuilding American Housing Policy,” by Rachel Bratt. Housing Studies (January): 76- 77.

9 1992 “A New Urban Hierarchy? Impacts of Modernization, Restructuring, and the End of Bipolarity.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 16, 4 (December): 651-53.

1992 “Philadelphia: Neighborhoods, Division, and Conflict in a Postindustrial City,” by Carolyn Adams, et al. Contemporary Sociology 21, 6 (November): 817-18.

1993 “Mayors and Money” by Ester Fuchs. Contemporary Sociology 22, 6 (November): 840- 41.

1995 “The Greatest of Evils,” by Joel Devine and James Wright. Social Forces 73, 3 (March): 1126-1127.

1996 “Hidden in the Home,” by Jamie Dangler. Work and Occupations 23 (February): 121-22.

2000 “The Public Realm,” by Lyn Lofland, and “The New Chinatown,” by Jan Lin. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 22 , 2 (June): 493-496.

2001 “Economic Conditions and Welfare Reform,” by Sheldon Danziger. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations 56, 3: 625-628.

2001 “Urban Exodus,” by Gerald Gamm, and “Black Picket Fences,” by Mary Pattillo-McCoy. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 25, 1 (January): 188-90.

2002 “Rhode Island Politics and Government,” by Maureen Moakley and Elmer Cornwell. Political Science Quarterly (January): 678-80.

2002 “The New Poverty Studies: The Ethnography of Power, Politics and Impoverished People in the United States,” edited by Judith Goode and Jeff Maskovsky. City and Community 1, 3 (December): 320-21.

2002 “Worlds Apart: Why Poverty Persists in America,” by Cynthia Duncan. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26, 4 (December): 870-72.

2004 “Urbanism and Its End,” by Douglas Rae. City & Community 3, 2 (June 2004): 180-82.

2004 “Race in Context.” Contexts (Winter).

2006 “New York and Los Angeles: Politics, Society, and Culture,” by David Halle. Contemporary Sociology (January): 161-2.

2007 “Berlin-Washington, 1800-2000,” by Andreas Daum and Christof Mauch. History: Reviews of New Books.

2009 “Cosmopolitan Anxieties: Turkish Challenges to Citizenship and Belonging in Germany,” by Ruth Mandel. German Politics & Society 27, 1: 67-100.

10 Other Publications 1994 South Providence: A Community Profile. Urban Studies Program, Brown University.

2001 “New Institutions in the Fight against Social Exclusion.” Europe*NYC, NYU Center for European Studies.

2002 “French Insecurity and the Presidential Elections.”

2006 “Winning by Losing -- Germany's Innocent Nationalism.” Providence Journal (15 July).

2007 “Shutting Shelter Put Homeless at Risk.” Providence Journal (23 March).

2013 “Social Inclusion and Affirmative Action: Conceptual and Policy Distinctions.” Conference Report, Inequality and Affirmative Action: Situating Nepal in Global Debates (Kathmandu: Social Science Baha (in English and Nepali)

Invited Lectures

1985 “Home Work: Industrial or Post-Industrial?” Conference on Women and the Workplace, State of Massachusetts, November.

1987 “Housing Privatization.” Conference on Privatization, La Follette Institute of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin, November.

1987 “The Politics of Privatization.” Seminar on American Society and Politics, Center for the Social Sciences, Columbia University, March.

1988 Discussant, ‘Housing between State and Market,’ International Sociological Association Research Committee on Housing, Policy, and Urban Innovation, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, September.

1989 “New Technologies and Flexible Work.” Lecture, Engineering School of the University of Angers, France, March.

1990 “Privatizing the Welfare State: A Comparative Perspective.” Lecture at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, April.

1990 “The Flexible Production of Professional Services.” Lecture, Conference on the Restructuring of the Service Industries and New Manpower and Training Requirements, Ministry of Research and Technology, Paris and Lille, March.

1991 “Welfare States and Civil Societies: Privatizing Public Housing in Britain, the U.S., and the Netherlands.” Cornell University, February.

11 1991 “Le Discours et la Realité de l’Exclusion Sociale aux Etats-Unis et en France.” IFRESI and LASTREE, CNRS, Lille, November.

1991 Discussant. Conference on “Political Economy for the Twenty-first Century.” SUNY Stony Brook.

1993 “Conceptions of ‘Social Exclusion’” and Discussant. ILO working group on social exclusion, Geneva, November.

1993 “Les enjeux sociaux des élections américaines: ce qui va se passer dans la politique sociale.” International Chamber of Commerce and the Centre de Formation aux Réalités Internationales. Paris, January.

1994 “The New Poverty in Britain, France, and the US.” Center for European Studies, Harvard University, April.

1994 Discussant. Conference on Villes, développment urbain, nouveaux rôles et nouvelle légitimité de l’Etat. Ministry of Justice, Vaucresson, France, January.

1995 “Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity.” Workshop, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, May.

1995 “Social Exclusion and Local Citizenship: Community Economic Development in the US and France.” Conference on Des Modèles en Question? Citoyennité, Villes, Culture. Lille, October.

1996 “National Identity and Social Exclusion.” Princeton University, March.

1996 “Social Exclusion: Research Directions.” Poverty Research Institute, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK, April.

1996 “Poverty, Social Exclusion and Citizenship Rights.” ILO/UNDP Policy Forum on Social Exclusion, United Nations, New York, May.

1997 “Emerging Trends in European Anti-Exclusion Policies.” ILO Conference on Social Exclusion, Geneva, May.

1998 “Paradigms and Paradoxes: Lessons for the European Experience of Social Exclusion.” World Bank, Washington, DC, December.

1998 “Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity in Comparative Perspective.” University of Bielefeld, Germany, April.

1998 “Social Exclusion.” Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany, June.

12 1998 “Beyond Poverty: The Policy Challenge of Social Exclusion.” University of Oldenburg, June.

1998 “Beyond Poverty: The Policy Challenge of Social Exclusion.” University of Bremen, June.

1999 “Dominicans in Providence: Transnational Institution Building.” UNESCO MOST Program and Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Universite de Lille.

1999 “Multidimensional Anti-Exclusion Policies.” Conference on Dimensions of Exclusion, Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany, September.

1999 “Social Policy Reform in France: Beyond the Juppe Plan,” Zentrum fuer Sozialpolitik, Bremen, November.

1999 “New Institutions to Fight Social Exclusion: Social Enterprises, Homeless Newspapers, and Private Employment Agencies in France and Germany.” Sonderforschungsbereich 186, Status Passages and Risks in the Life Course, Universitaet Bremen, January.

1999 “Pauvrété et exclusion aux Etats-Unis dans les années 1990: Les réformes des politiques sociales et leurs effets.” Seminaire Stratification Sociale, Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique, INSEE, Paris, June.

1999 “Social Capital and Social Exclusion: Similarities, Differences, and Implications for Development.” Summer Research Workshop on Poverty and Development, World Bank, July.

2000 “Which Solidarity for Europe? Federalism in American and German Social Policy.” American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, Johns Hopkins University, March.

2000 “The Providence Renaissance: Phoenix or Chimera?” Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, June.

2000 “Social Exclusion and Social Capital.” Society for the Advancement of Socio-economics. London School of Economics, July.

2000 “Varieties of Solidarity.” University of Copenhagen and Graduate Program on Social Integration, October 10-11.

2000 “Associations and Social Welfare in American Cities.” UNESCO, Paris, November.

2000 “New Institutions in the Fight against Social Exclusion.” Conference on Rethinking Social Protection: Citizenship and Social Policy in the Global Age, Center for European Studies, Harvard, January.

2001 “The Role of Associations in Fighting Social Exclusion in New York.” JFK Institute, Free University, Berlin, June.

13 2001 Roundtable on Relationships among Social Exclusion, Inequality, and Health. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Sao Paulo, November.

2002 Commentator on Michele Lamont’s “The Dignity of Working Men.” Social Science History Association, Chicago, November.

2002 “Fighting Social Exclusion: Public-Private Providers in the French and German Welfare States.” Study group on Policy Reform in Europe, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, April.

2003 “European Anti-Discrimination Policies.” Department of Sociology, University of Milan Bicocca, March.

2003 “Civil Engagement and Social Change: Benefits and Limitations,” CES-Berlin Dialogues, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, October.

2003 Discussant, “History of the US Census.” Social Science History Association, Baltimore, November.

2004 “The Social Ecology of Health in New York City.” (with Peter Messeri). Socio-medical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, January.

2004 “Global Social Policy.” Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Germany, February.

2004 “The Social Ecology of Health in New York City.” (with Peter Messeri). Study Group on Air Quality, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, May.

2004 “The Social Ecology of Health in New York City.” (with Peter Messeri). International Sociological Association workshop on Environment and Community, San Francisco, August.

2004 Discussant. “Work-Integration Social Enterprises in Western and Eastern Europe.” Conference on Enlarging the Social Economy, Krakow, Poland, October.

2005 “Social Capital and Social Inclusion,” and “Exclusion as Shaming.” Research Group for Inclusive Social Welfare Policies (GIV), Oslo University College in Oslo, January.

2005 “The Languages of Exclusion.” Panel organizer, RC21, Urban and Regional Research Committee of the International Sociological Association, Paris, June.

2005 Discussant. RC19, Welfare States, International Sociological Association, Chicago, September.

2006 “Social Enterprises Fighting Social Exclusion: An American-European Comparison,” Public Policy Program, Roskilde University, Denmark, February.

14 2006 “’Privatizing’ the French and German Employment Services.” Center for European Studies, Harvard University, March.

2006 Discussant. “Social Inclusion in Europe.” Council for European Studies, Chicago, March.

2006 “Behind the American Social Model: Meanings and Measures of Poverty.” Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, June.

2006 “Social Exclusion, Shame, and Humiliation.” Keynote, Annual conference of Humiliation and Human Dignity Studies, Columbia University, December.

2007 “Immigrant Integration in Two Berlin Neighborhoods.” Humboldt University, Berlin, June.

2007 “Social Exclusion: Concept, Measurement, Policy.” Adler School of Professional Psychology and Hull House, Chicago, August.

2007 “Social Exclusion: Meanings and Mechanisms.” Institute for Advanced Study, October.

2008 “Social Exclusion: Policy Lessons from Europe for Middle Eastern Youth.” The Brookings Institution, Washington, January.

2008 “Social Inclusion and Mental Health Services: Transatlantic Perspectives.” University of Pittsburgh European Union Center of Excellence and Center for Mental Health Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, June.

2008 “New Institutions Combating Social Exclusion in France and Germany.” University of Kent, Canterbury, November.

2008 “Innovations in Job Placement Services: Examples from France and Germany.” University of Brighton, November.

2008 “Social Exclusion and Welfare State Reform in France and Germany.” Department of Social Policy, University of Oxford, December.

2009 “Why Europe Should Have a Social Policy.” EU Center of Excellence, Center for European Studies, University of Pittsburgh.

2009 “Social Inclusion of the Mentally Disabled.” SAMSHA/Dept of Health and Human Services, Washington.

2009 “The Social Integration of Germany after Unification.” BMW Center, Georgetown University.

15 2009 “The Social Exclusion of Youth: A Comparative View.” Conference on Marginalization and Mobilization of Youth in the Near East, Center for Behavioral Research, American University of Beirut, May.

2009 “Social Exclusion: Lessons for Australia.” University of Melbourne School of Law, June.

2009 “Urban Ethnography on Film,” Panel discussion, ASA San Francisco, August.

2010 “The Livelihoods of Slum-dwellers: Cardboard Collectors in Cities of the Global South.” Conference on Human Rights, Northwestern University, January.

2010 “The Meaning of ‘Integration’ for Immigrants to Germany.” Study Group on Social Exclusion and Inclusion in an Expanded Europe, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, March.

2010 “The Meaning of ‘Integration’ for Immigrants to Germany.” Conference on Post-Secular Society as a Transatlantic Model? Migration, Religion, and Class in Comparative Perspective, University of Toronto in Berlin and Graduate School of Social Sciences [WZB], with ZEIT Bucerius Stiftung and Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Berlin, June 24-25.

2010 Discussant. Commentator on J. Phillip Thompson’s Double Trouble: Black Mayors, Black Communities, and the Call for a Deep Democracy, Social Science History Association. Chicago, November.

2011 “Social Exclusion: Meaning and Perspectives.” Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, University of Hyderabad, India, March 23-25.

2011 “Immigrant Integration in Two Berlin Neighborhoods.” Conference on “Great Cities/Ordinary Lives,” University of Illinois-Chicago, September.

2012 “Racial Reshuffling in the American Metropolis, 2000-10.” State University of New York-Albany, March.

2012 Discussant. Panel on migration in Europe. Council for European Studies, Boston.

2012 “Social Inclusion & Affirmative Action: Conceptual and Policy Distinctions.” Conference on “Inequality and Affirmative Action: Situating Nepal in Global Debates,” University of Tribhuvan and Social Science Baha, Kathmandu, July.

2013 “Social Inclusion.” World Bank and PNPM Peduli, Jakarta, Indonesia, February.

2013 “Mixed Housing Policies: Lessons for the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative.” Rutgers University-Camden, October.

16 Papers Read

1980 “Income Inequality in Local Labor Markets: Sociological and Economic Explanations of the Distribution of Earnings.” American Sociological Association, New York.

1982 “Formal and Contextual Theories of the Division of Labor.” American Sociological Association, San Francisco.

1984 “Regional Shifts, Deindustrialization, and Income Inequality.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Antonio, August.

1984 “Gender Inequality and Metropolitan Economic Trends.” (with Eun Mee Kim). American Sociological Association, San Antonio, August.

1986 “The Politics of Privatization: Selling Public Housing in Britain and the United States.” Conference on Housing of the International Sociological Association and Swedish Institute for Building Research, Gavle, Sweden, June.

1987 “Privatization and Public Housing: A British-American Comparison.” American Sociological Association, Chicago.

1988 “Privatization or Self-Help? American Public Housing Sales.” International Research Conference on Housing, Public Policy, and Urban Innovation, Amsterdam, June.

1990 “The Last Frontier: Politics and Redevelopment on the New York Waterfront.” American Political Science Association, August.

1990 “Consociationalism and Pillars in Corporatist Welfare States: Social Expenditures in Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands and Sweden During Growth and Austerity.” (with R. van Rossem). American Political Science Association.

1990 “Privatizing Public Housing in Britain and the Netherlands.” Council for European Studies, Washington, March.

1991 “Where Have All the Good Jobs Gone? Business, Labor, and Urban Employment, 1980- 1987.” (with G. Durso). American Sociological Association, Cincinnati.

1992 “The Rhetoric and Reality of ‘Social Exclusion’ in the U.S. and France.” Journée d’Etudes, Processus d’Exclusion et Dynamiques d’Emploi, CLERSE, URA, CNRS 345, Lille, France, November.

1992 “Big Business, Small Business, and Metropolitan Employment Growth 1980-1987.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Columbus, October.

1992 “The Symbolic Politics of Public Housing: Empowerment and the Underclass in Political Discourse.” American Political Science Association, Chicago.

17 1994 “Social Exclusion in Britain, France, and the U.S.” Presented at the IILS-UNDP workshop on Social Exclusion, Cambridge, UK, July.

1994 “Determinants of Female Self-Employment and its Consequences for Earnings and Housework.” (with F. Goldscheider and S. Ragupathy). American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, August.

1994 “Social Exclusion in Britain, France, and the U.S.” Council for European Studies, Chicago, March.

1994 “From Poverty to Social Exclusion.” IILS-UNDP Social Exclusion workshop, Valleta, Malta, January.

1994 “Global Cities Revisited.” Urban Affairs Association, Bristol, UK, July.

1995 “Metropolitan Income Inequality, 1980-1990.” Center for Social Sciences,Columbia University, March.

1995 “Solidarity and Community: Keywords in French and American Urban Policy.” Conference on Cities and Urban Policy in the US and Canada. Institut du Monde Anglophone, Université de Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, May.

1995 “Firing Federal Employees: Does Race Make a Difference?” American Sociological Association meetings, Washington, August.

1996 “Paradigms of Social Exclusion and National Integration.” Council for European Studies, Chicago.

1996 “The ‘Underclass’ in American Political Discourse.” Volkswagen conference on Urban Poverty in Europe and the US, Humboldt University, Berlin, June.

1997 “Economic Restructuring and Metropolitan Income Inequality, 1980-90.” Urban and Regional Research Committee 21, International Sociological Association, Berlin, July.

1997 “Manufacturing and Service Subsectors in American Metropolitan Labor Markets, 1980- 1990.” Annual RESER Conference on «Service-Manufacturing Links» of the European Network on Services and Space, Berlin, October 8-10.

1999 “Exclusion and Empowerment: Access, Voice and Participation as Anti-Poverty Measures.” World Bank Summer Seminar, Washington, July.

2000 “Jobs for the Homeless: A Cross-National Study of Street Newspapers.” Urban Affairs Association, Los Angeles, May.

18 2001 “New Institutions in the Fight Against Social Exclusion.” Center for European Studies, Harvard, January.

2001 “Spatial Effects on Food Stamps Participation.” (with David Lindstrom and Catherine Bueker). American Sociological Association, Anaheim, August.

2002 “Fighting Social Exclusion: Public-Private Providers in the French and German Welfare States.” Conference on Transforming the Democratic Balance among State, Market and Society: Comparative Perspectives on France and the Developed Democracies, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, May.

2002 “Transnational Intermediaries and Institution Building in the Dominican-American Community.” American Sociological Association, Anaheim, August.

2002 “Social Insecurity and Social Exclusion.” BIEN Basic Income conference, Geneva, September.

2002 “The Social Ecology of Health in New York City.” Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, September.

2002 “Public-Private Providers in the Fight against Social Exclusion: A French-German Comparison.” Workshop on Comparative Transformation of Welfare States: Implications for the Nonprofit Sector, co-sponsored by the Social Science Research Council and the European Science Foundation, Florence, Italy, October.

2003 “Social Exclusion and Social Class.” School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, January.

2003 “Basic Income and Social Exclusion.” US Basic Income Group, Eastern Economic Association, February.

2003 “European Policies to Promote the Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups: Lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean,” annual meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank, Milan, March.

2003 “New Immigrants in Urban New England: A Demographic Overview.” Workshop on New Immigrants in Urban New England, Brown University, April.

2003 “The Social Ecology of Health in New York City and Westchester.” (with Peter Messeri) Workshop on Social Disruptions, Inequality, and Health, Brown University, June.

2003 “Employment Initiatives for the Homeless in New York City.” Free University, Berlin, June.

2003 “Compassionate Conservativism.” CES-Berlin Dialogues, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, November.

19 2004 “Enterprises Fighting Social Exclusion.” Best Practice in Evaluation of Labour Market Programmes for Vulnerable Groups, Brussels, 22-23 October.

2004 “Private Job Placement Agencies for the Long-Term Unemployed: A Comparison of Maatwerk and Boutiques Club Emploi. TLM.NET conference on Quality in Labour Market Transitions: A European Challenge, Royal Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam, 25-26 November.

2005 “Regime Change in Providence.” (with Marion Orr). Urban Affairs Association, Salt Lake City, April.

2005 “Embedded Comparisons.” Conference on Small- and Large-N Comparative Research, University of Sussex, September.

2005 “Epidemics, Disasters, and Attacks: The Role of Historical Experience in Providence, Rhode Island’s Terrorism Planning.” (with Kerry Meath). Social Science History Association, Portland, November.

2006 “New Immigrants in Urban New England.” Invited panel, Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, February.

2006 “Social Capital, Inequality, and Health in New York City.” (with Peter Messeri and Angela Aidala). American Sociological Association, Montreal, August

2006 “Social Exclusion and Social Capital.” (with Mary Daly). European Social Policy Association, Bremen, September.

2006 “The Dynamics of Social Exclusion.” University of Manchester, October.

2007 “An Exclusion Framework for Youth in the Middle East.” Workshop, Wolfensohn Center of the Brookings Institution and the Dubai School of Government, Dubai, February.

2008 “Policy Lessons from Europe for Youth in the Middle East.” The Brookings Institution, Washington, January.

2008 “Neighborhood Context and Social Integration: Comparing Ethnic Enclaves in Neukölln and Hohenschönhausen, Berlin.” International Sociological Association Forum, Barcelona, September.

2010 “Immigrant Incorporation in Two Berlin Neighborhoods: East vs. West.” Urban Affairs Association, Honolulu, March.

2010 “The Meaning of Integration for Immigrants to Germany.” Council for European Studies, Montreal, April.

2010 “The Globalization of Garbage.” American Sociological Association, August.

20 2010 “Back to National Urban Policy? Obama and the Cities in Historical Perspective.” Social Science History Association, Chicago, November. 2011 “Ethnic and Racial Transition in Electoral Coalitions: The Latino Ascendency to Providence City Hall.” (with Marion Orr) Urban Affairs Association, New Orleans, March 17.

2011 “The Election of Latinos in Yankee Cities.” (with Emily Farris) Urban Affairs Association, New Orleans, March 17.

2011 “Urban Disorder and Social Cohesion.” Research Committee 21, Amsterdam, July 7-9.

2012 “Black Flight.” American Sociological Association, Denver, August.

2013 “The Return of Urban Fiscal Crisis.” Urban Affairs Association, San Francisco, April.

2013 “The Return of Urban Fiscal Crisis.” International Sociological Association RC21 conference, Berlin August.

21 2014 “Neighborhood Social Capital and the Disadvantaged: A Case Study in New York City.” Urban Affairs Association, San Antonio, March.Service

Professional Activities Consulting 1994-2004 International Labour Organization, Geneva 1994-1995 Office of Personnel Management, U.S. Government, Washington 1996-1998 State of RI, Offices of the Governor and Attorney General, Providence 1998-2000 World Bank 2003 Inter-American Development Bank 2006-2007 The Brookings Institution, Wolfensohn Center

Professional Associations American Sociological Association: Community and Urban Sociology Section 1992-3 Chair, Nominations Committee 1994 Nominations Committee 1995 Robert Park Book Award Committee 1996 Robert Lynd Award Committee 1998-2000 Council Member 1999 Chair, Robert Park Book Award Committee 2000 Chair, Robert Park Book Award Committee 2001 Robert Park Book Award Committee 2002-03 Chair, Robert Lynd Award Committee (distinguished career) 2003 Organizer, regular sessions on “Urban Sociology” 2006-07 Chair, Nominations Committee

Other active memberships: Council for European Studies (2011-12 Conference Organizing Committee) Urban Affairs Association (2011 Committee for Best Article in Journal of Urban Affairs) Social Science History Association (Discussant, Panel Organizer 2002-04, 2010) International Sociological Association Research Group 21 on Urban & Regional Development

Study Group Co-organizer (2002-present) Study Group on Social Exclusion, Center for European Studies, Harvard University

External Reviewer New School (2007) Occidental College (2008)

Journals Editor (2009-present), City & Community (journal of the Community and Urban Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association)

Book Review co-Editor (2006-09), City & Community

Editorial Board, (2008-present), German Politics & Society

22 Reviewer for Journals American Sociological Review; Social Forces; Theory & Society; Demography; City & Community; International Journal of Urban and Regional Research; Sociology Compass; Social Science Quarterly; Journal of European Social Policy; Acta Sociologica; European Societies; Housing Studies; Urban Affairs Quarterly/Review; Journal of Policy History; Economic Development Quarterly; The Brookings Review; International Contributions to Labour Studies; Work and Occupations; International Sociology

Reviewer for Publishers Polity Press; Blackwell; Encyclopedia of Housing (Editorial Board); Temple University Press; Routledge; Random House; Little/Brown; McGraw-Hill; Wiley-Blackwell; Palgrave-Macmillan; Sage; Columbia University Press

Reviewer for Foundations National Science Foundation (US) European Science Foundation (EU) Economic and Social Research Council (UK) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada) Social Research Council of Belgium Agence Nationale de Recherche (France): review panels on inequality 2011-12

Brown University Committees Department of Sociology 1984-86 Undergraduate Committee 1987 Search Committee 1987-88 Graduate Committee 1989-90 Space Committee 1990-91 Curriculum Committee 1992-93 Library Representative 1993-94 Lecture Series Organizer 1994 Undergraduate Committee 1995-97 Graduate Committee Chair, Search Committee Tenure Committee 1999-2000 Chair, Colloquium Committee 2000-2001 Graduate Committee Tenure Committee 2002 Tenure Committee 2003 Lecture series Co-organizer Search Committees 2005 Search Committee 2004-06 Colloquium co-organizer 2007 Search Committee 2010 Search Committee Chair 2011 Search Committee Chair

23 2012 Search Committee Chair

Urban Studies Program 1984-88 Urban Studies Lecture Series 1988-89 Search Committee 1990 Organizer and Moderator, Mayoral Debate 1991 Urban Studies Lecture Series 1999 Concentration Fair 2000 Student Summer Research Award Committee Tenure Committee; Student Summer Grant Committee 2002 Speaker series 2004 Sophomore Concentration Forum 2005 Arpels Fellowship Committee Concentration Expo 2006 Search Committee 2006-07 Search Committee 2010 Search Committee Chair 2011 Search Committee Chair, Concentration Fair 2002-present Providence research fundraising activities 2005-present Providence video projects 2010-present Director

Brown University Committees, Seminars, and Advising 1984-86 Committee on the Status of Women

1985-86 Executive Committee A.A.Taubman Center for Public Policy and American Institutions

1985 “The Future of the American Welfare State.” Lecture, Brown Learning Community

1985 “The Privatization of Public Housing.” Lecture, Taubman Center for Public Policy

1988-90 Executive Committee Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women

1989-1991 Venture Program review committee

1989-1992 Independent Concentration Committee

1991 “Social Inequality and America’s Service Economy.” Brown Humanities Institute

1994 Review panel, Urban Education Semester, The Resource Center

24 1994, 1995 “The Pastoral and the Urban,” Freshman Orientation program

1995-1997 Advisory Committee Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America, affiliate

1998-1999 Committee on Academic Standing

1999-2001 Affirmative Action Monitoring Committee

1999 Search Committee for Director, Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

2000-01 Lectureship Organizer (with Jose Itzigsohn) “New Immigrants in Urban New England”

2003-08 Brown in Britain Committee

2003-04 University Resources Committee

2005-06 Nominations Committee

2008-10 Faculty Committee for the Campaign

2011-12 Brown liaison with French universities and Institut des Ameriques

Public Service

1984 Long-Range Planning Commission, RI Urban League.

1985 Moderator, League of Women Voters debate Candidates for State Representative, Fox Point neighborhood

1985 “The Demographic Revolution and Its Impact on Rhode Island.” Conference Organizing Committee, RI Chapter, American Planning Association.

1985 Rhode Island Urban Observatory.

1986 Invited Testimony and Written Statement on the HUD Public Housing Homeownership Demonstration. Employment and Housing Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations, U.S.House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, Washington, Government Printing Office, April 10.

1989 Legal consultant on jury representation of Hispanic population of RI.

1990 Interagency Council on the Homeless. RI Governor’s Office of Housing, Energy, and Intergovernmental Relations

25 1991 Expert witness, racial composition of RI homeless population. RI Legal Services

1994-95 Analysis of federal employee data. Office of Personnel Management, U.S. Government

1992-94 Board Member, Good News Housing/Community Land Trust.

1996-97 Analysis of State of RI minority/women contracting data. Office of the Governor of the State of Rhode Island

1998-02 Food stamps and AFDC utilization. RI Department of Human Services.

2002 Providence Housing Authority, assistance with grant preparation 2003- Homeless Outreach Population Survey, New York City government

2003-05 Board Member, Community Boating Club

2005-07 Partnership with Southside Broad Street on a video project

2007-2011 Mayor’s Poverty, Work and Opportunity Task Force/Pathways to Opportunity

2006-present Commissioner, Providence Housing Authority

Media Interviewed on my research by the following newspapers: New York Times; Chronicle of Higher Education; Wall Street Journal; Washington Post; Baltimore Sun; Miami Herald; San Diego Union-Tribune; Pittsburgh Tribune; Philadelphia Inquirer; Detroit Free Press; Pittsburgh News; Seattle Medium; Washington Times; San Francisco Chronicle; Dallas Post Tribune; Austin American-Statesman; Christian Science Monitor; Knight-Ridder Newspapers; Weser Kurier (Bremen, Germany); International Herald Tribune.

Regional and Local Newspapers: Boston Globe; Providence Journal; Providence Business News; Providence American; Hartford Courier.

Television and Radio: Dateline NBC; National Public Radio (“Talk of the Nation”); Black Entertainment Network; BBC World Service; WCBS; Channel 12; WJAR

26 Academic Honors, Awards, and Grants 1975-1977 President’s Fellow, Columbia University

1977 Robert J. Levin Prize (“Most promise for scholarly contribution to sociology”)

1984 “The Greenhouse Compact.” (with Thomas Anton). The Ford Foundation

1987 “Best Article in Planning,” Journal of American Planning Association

1988-89 Fulbright Scholar, Teaching and Research in the Sociology of Work, France

1988 “Why Low-Income, Limited-Equity Cooperatives Succeed or Fail.” Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation, Summer

1991-96 “Metropolitan Restructuring, Neighborhood Change, and Concentrated Poverty.” (with Michael J. White) National Science Foundation

1991-93 “Women’s Family Constraints and Flexible Employment.” (with Frances Goldscheider) National Science Foundation

1992-93 “Comparative Trends in Flexible Employment and Poverty.” CNRS, France

1993-1994 “Theories of Social Exclusion” and “Exclusion in France, Britain, and the USA.” International Institute for Labour Studies, International Labour Office, Geneva

1994 “Race and Job Dismissals in the Federal Government.” Office of Personnel Management, U.S. Government

1995 “Policies to Combat Social Exclusion.” Democratic Dialogue, Belfast

1996 Wayland Collegium Study Group grant on “Providence”

1996 “Contracting between the State of Rhode Island and Minority- and Women- Owned Businesses: A Predicate Study. (with Louise Jezierski). Office of the Governor of RI

1996-2000 “The Dynamics of Food Stamp Participation: Personal and Program Effects on Spell Duration and Episodes” (with Edith Barrett). United States Department of Agriculture and Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1998 Fellowship, Hanse Institute for Advanced Study.

27 Universities of Bremen & Oldenburg, Germany

1999 Laboratoire de Sociologie Quantitative, ENSAE INSEE (French Census Bureau), May-July

2000 Grant, Institut National d’Etudes Demographiques and UNESCO

2001 “Urban Planning in Berlin and the Neue Laender.” Fulbright Fellowship Germany

2002 Salomon Faculty Research Grant, Brown University

2002-3 International Fellowship. University of Bristol, UK, December-January

2003 Nominee, Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences

2003 Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholars Program seed grant

2003-4 Pembroke Faculty Fellow, Seminar on “Shame,” Brown University

2004-present Annual study group grant, Center for European Studies, Harvard University “Social Exclusion and Inclusion in an Expanded Europe.”

2004-05 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst [DAAD] conference grant. “Social Inclusion in the New Berlin”

2006 Public Media Project grant for film “What Divides/Unites Us.” National Endowment for the Humanities and RI Council for the Humanities

2006 “Social Exclusion and Poverty Dynamics.” Chronic Poverty Research Centre and Global Poverty Research Group School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester

2006 “Islam in Europe.” Fulbright Fellowship, Germany and France

2006 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst [DAAD] Research Visit Grant

2006-08 Middle East Youth Exclusion Project. Wolfensohn Center, The Brookings Institution

2007-08 “Southside: The Fall and Rise of an Inner-City Neighborhood.” Salomon Faculty Research Grant, Brown University

2009, 2012 Public Media grant for film on RI homelessness. National Endowment for the Humanities and RI Council for the Humanities

28 2011 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Research Visit grant

2013 Ford Foundation/Institute for International Education conference grant


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