Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education Governance Document

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Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education Governance Document

The University of Western Australia

Faculty Governance Arrangements – Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education Governance Document

The Faculty, and all its Committees and boards contained within the governance arrangement as set out in this document operate in accordance with the University Principles and Rules for the Operation of Committees. Members must act in accordance with the University Committee Members' Code of Conduct. The Faculty is established within the University in accordance with Statute 8.

Faculty of Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education (ABLE) 1. Faculty Membership The Faculty comprises: (1) The membership of the Faculty is as prescribed in Clause 4 of Statute 8, which reads as follows: (1) the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean as Chair; '4.(1) Each faculty comprises: (a) the academic staff 1 in all schools, centres and institutes (a) ex-officio members of the University (as per Clause 4 (2) of Statute 8); funded by the faculty; (b) as many academic staff 1 from other schools, centres and (b) the Associate Deans; institutes which teach in the faculty's courses as the Academic (c) all academic staff, as defined in Clause 1 of Statute 8, in all Schools, Centres Board determines; (c) members in any other categories which the Academic and Institutes within the Faculty, who hold full-time or 50 per cent or greater Board approves; and (d) any other persons whom the members in paragraphs (a) to fractional appointments; (c) appoint for specific periods. (d) all professional and general staff of the Faculty and Faculty Service Delivery (2) The following are ex-officio members of all faculties but are not counted for the purpose of determining whether a quorum Centre who hold full-time or 50 per cent or greater fractional appointments is present at a meeting— as defined by the UWA Professional and General Staff Agreement;  the Chancellor (e) the President(s) of relevant Student Societies and/or Organisations affiliated with the Faculty, or the Guild, or nominee(s) appointed for a period of one  the Pro-Chancellor; year;  the Vice-Chancellor and all other members of (f) one postgraduate research student of the Faculty and one postgraduate the Executive; coursework student of the Faculty to be appointed for a period of one year  the Chair of the Academic Board; and by the Postgraduate Students’ Association.  any other officers of the University as determined by the Academic Board. (3) A faculty is properly constituted even if any of the members required by its constitution to be elected or nominated have not as yet been elected or nominated.' 1 'academic staff' means those staff members holding academic appointments on a full-time or 50 per cent or greater fractional basis other than those holding emeritus, visiting, adjunct, clinical or honorary appointments. 1.1 Powers The powers of the Faculty are set out in Clause 6 of Statute 8. '6.(1) A faculty, subject to the Statutes and regulations and to resolutions of the Senate, and within the constraints of University policies, has power to determine the administration of courses under its governance.' (2) In accordance with Clause 6(2) of Statute 8, the Faculty may — (a) advise the Dean, as appropriate, on all policy issues relating to the Faculty's resources; (b) make recommendations to the Academic Board, through the Dean, as appropriate, on any matter related to research or the teaching of its courses; and (c) advise other university bodies or officers, through the Dean, as appropriate, on any matter referred to it for consideration. (3) Clause 9 of Statute 8 states that with the approval of the Academic Board, a faculty may delegate any of its powers to the Dean, the heads of school or Committees of the faculty. 1.2 Meetings Meetings are held at least once in each year and conducted in accordance with '7.(1) Meetings of a faculty are held— Clause 7 of Statute 8. (a) at least once in each academic year; (b) within 10 working days of the service on its dean, of a requisition signed by at least six members of the faculty and containing a statement of the matters to be discussed; and (c) whenever its dean sees fit. (2) The dean must ensure that, as far as is practicable, all members receive the agenda for a meeting of the faculty at least three working days before the meeting. (3) The meetings of the faculty are chaired by the dean but in the absence of the dean, the members present determine which one of them will take the chair. (4) All questions which are before a faculty are decided by a majority of the members present and voting unless the faculty determines otherwise in its governance document. (5) The chair of the meeting has an ordinary vote and a casting vote. (6) Subject to the Statutes and regulations and to resolutions of the Senate, a faculty has the power to regulate its own procedures but if a dispute arises, the standing orders of the Senate apply.' 1.3 Quorum (1) The quorum is the lesser of: 4(2) The following are ex officio members of all faculties but (i) 25 per cent of the total Faculty membership; or are not counted for the purpose of determining whether a quorum is present at a meeting— (ii) 50 members of the Faculty. (2) If a quorum is not present at a meeting of the Faculty, matters remaining on  the Chancellor; the agenda are to be referred to the Faculty Board.  the Pro-Chancellor;

 the Vice-Chancellor and all other members of the Executive;

 the Pro-Chancellor;

 the Chair of the Academic Board; and any other officers of the University as determined by the Academic Board 1.4 Decisions (1) Subject to the terms of Clause 7 of Statute 8: 1 | P a g e '7.(4) All questions which are before a faculty are decided by a majority of the members present and voting unless the faculty (a) all decision items which come before the Faculty are to be decided by a determines otherwise in its governance document. majority of the members present and voting; (5) The chair of the meeting has an ordinary vote and a casting vote. (b) each member present has one ordinary vote; and (6) Subject to the Statutes and regulations and to resolutions of the Senate, a faculty has the power to (c) the Chair of the meeting has one ordinary vote and a casting vote. regulate its own procedures, but if a dispute arises, the standing orders of the Senate apply.' 1.5 Notice of Meetings Notice of meetings is prescribed in Clause 7(2) of Statute 8. '7.(2) The Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean must ensure that, as far as is practicable, all members receive the agenda for a meeting of the faculty at least three working days before the meeting.' 2. Role of Faculty Officers (1) The Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean: 2.1 Dean ‘to approve that resolution R102(ii)/93(i) be amended to read: (a) leads the Faculty and is a member of the University Executive; ‘that the Executive Deans have: (a) a Faculty executive role such that they will be bound by (b) is bound by such Faculty resolutions as is provided in Senate Faculty resolutions on matters of Faculty Business under section 6(1) of Statute 8; and Resolution R9/17; (b) delegated authority from the Vice-Chancellor to manage University resources and to implement Faculty plans, (c) has delegated authority from the Vice-Chancellor to manage University University policies and priorities.' 2.1.1 Reporting procedures resources and to implement Faculty strategic plans, outcomes of the By Senate Resolution 102(iii)/93: 'the . . . Deans [are] required to report biennially to Integrated Planning Exercise, University policies and priorities; and the Senate through the Academic Council, on the Faculty's achievements against the Faculty plan and . . . that these (d) must report on the Faculty's achievements against the Faculty strategic reports [must] be presented to the Faculty whose comments will be transmitted to Academic Council at the same time as plan, which report must be: the . . . Dean's report.' 2.2 Deputy Dean (i) presented to the Faculty for comment; and then Clause 11 of Statute 8 states that: 'the Vice-Chancellor, after taking appropriate advice, appoints (ii) presented, with any comments made by the Faculty, to the University. for a specified period a deputy dean who performs the duties of the dean during the dean's absence.' 2.3 Associate Deans In accordance with Clause 2.1, the Dean has appointed the (2) Associate Deans: associate deans with delegated authority. (a) Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) has delegated authority from the PVC & Executive Dean to provide leadership in matters relating to curriculum development and management, teaching and learning, and student related matters. (b) Associate Dean (Research) has delegated authority from the PVC & Executive Dean to provide leadership in matters relating to research, research impact and research training including HDR student related matters. (c) Associate Dean (Community & Engagement) has delegated authority from the PVC & Executive Dean to provide leadership in matters relating to Faculty community and engagement, including business development, alumni and development, marketing and recruitment, and communication. (d) Associate Dean (International) (ADI) has delegated authority from the PVC & Executive Dean to lead and manage the development of International Strategy across the faculty in line with its Integrated Planning and the University’s internationalisation strategy and strategic plan.

(3) Head of Faculty Service Delivery Centre has delegated authority from the PVC & Executive Dean for the overall administration of the Faculty, including academic and student related matters.

3. Faculty Board (1) The role of the Faculty Board is as provided in Senate Resolution R9/17. 3.1 Role Senate Resolution 9/17: ‘to approve that resolution R47/12 be amended to read:

(i) that Faculties shall have Faculty Boards which, subject to clauses 2 to 4 (inclusive) of this Resolution, shall exercise the powers and functions conferred on the Faculty under section 6 of Statue 8 (‘Faculty Business’);

(ii) that Faculty Boards shall be responsible to the Faculty for the conduct of all Faculty Business;

(iii) that resolutions of the Faculty Board on matters of Faculty Business under section 6(1) of Statute 8 shall be binding on the Executive Dean, save that the Faculty Board may advise but not bind the Executive Dean on resource matters; and

(iv) that the composition of the Faculty Board be determined by Academic Board on the recommendation of the Faculty..’ 3.2 Membership (1) The Faculty Board comprises: 4(2) The following are ex officio members of all faculties but are not counted for the purpose of determining whether a (a) the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean as Chair; quorum is present at a meeting— (b) the Associate Deans;  the Chancellor; (c) the Heads of Schools;  the Pro-Chancellor; (d) the Directors of Institutes hosted by the Faculty;  the Vice-Chancellor and all other members of the Executive; (e) the Head of Faculty Service Delivery; and  the Pro-Chancellor; (f) three students nominated by the Guild, provided that:  the Chair of the Academic Board; and  any other officers of the University as determined by (i) one nominee be an undergraduate student; the Academic Board (ii) one nominee be a postgraduate research student; (iii) one nominee be a postgraduate coursework student; and (iv) any nominee under sub-clauses (ii) or (iii) must be supervised/enrolled wholly within the Faculty; (g) up to four members co-opted by the Faculty Board for balance, expertise and diversity.

3.3 Terms of Office (1) The term of office for members nominated or co-opted under sub-clause (1) (f) and (1)(g) is one year. (2) Nothing in subclause (1) prevents a person from being nominated or co- opted in a subsequent year.

3.4 Meetings (1) The Faculty Board meets as and when required, but at least once each year. (2) Where there is insufficient business to be transacted a meeting may be cancelled or if there are items which could be considered without the need to convene a meeting such items may be considered via a Circular. (3) Meetings will also be held— (a) within 10 working days of the service on its Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean of a requisition signed by at least three members of the Faculty Board and containing a statement of the matters to be discussed; and (b) whenever the Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean sees fit. (4) The agenda for a meeting is to be made available to members, as far as practicable, at least three full working days before the meeting date. (5) The Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean, in absence, may appoint a delegate to chair meetings of the Faculty Board. (6) The Faculty Board has the power to adjourn a meeting of the Faculty Board for such a period as it determines. (7) Subject to the Statutes and regulations and to resolutions of the Senate, the Faculty Board has the power to regulate its own procedures, but where a dispute arises, the standing orders of the Senate will apply.

3.5 Quorum (1) The quorum for the Faculty Board is half the current membership plus one. (2) Where a quorum is not present, the business to be transacted by the Faculty Board may, at the Chair's discretion, be: (a) subsequently circularised to members for resolution; or(b) included in the agenda for the next meeting of the Faculty Board or the Faculty.

3.6 Decisions (1) All questions which come before the Faculty Board are decided by a majority of the members present and voting. (2) Each member present has one ordinary vote. (3) The Chair of the meeting has one ordinary vote and a casting vote.

3.7 Standing Committees of (1) The standing committees of the Faculty Board are the: Faculty Board (a) Education Committees comprising: (i) Learning and Teaching Committee; (ii) Curriculum Committee; and (iii) Board of Examiners (b) Research Committee; and (c) Community & Engagement Committee.

3.8 Decision making map A decision-making map illustrating where the Faculty Board's business comes from and where its recommendations or decisions go is available on the web.

3.9 Communication map A communications map illustrating where information comes to the Faculty Board from and which committees or groups need to be informed of the Faculty Board's decisions is available on the web.

Approving Body Academic Board Date of Approval 5 December 2017

Faculty Board Standing Committees: Faculty Committees operate in accordance with the University Principles and Rules for the Operation of Committees. Members must act in accordance with the University Committee Members' Code of Conduct.

3 | P a g e Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education

Name of Committee Curriculum Committee

1. Position The Curriculum Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education.

2. Role statement (1) The role of the Committee is to— (a) advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean and Faculty Board on: (i) all matters relating to course administration, learning and teaching and accreditation requirements; (ii)quality assurance issues in relation to curriculum design, development and management, and teaching; (iii) resourcing issues relating to teaching and teaching methods; (iv) means of encouraging and rewarding high quality learning and teaching; (v)other education related matters of significance referred to them by the Faculty; (b) provide coursework curriculum development advice to schools in accordance with relevant University policies; (c) consider and make recommendations to the relevant University Committee the introduction of, changes to and rescission of majors and postgraduate coursework courses; (d) review, as directed by the PVC and Executive Dean, any aspect of undergraduate and postgraduate coursework courses offered by the Faculty; (e) consider and make recommendations to the relevant University Committee on matters relating to international agreements, including student exchange and articulation agreements; and (f) provide an annual report to the Faculty Board. 3. Membership details (1) The Committee comprises: (a)the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) as Chair; (b)the Head of School or nominee responsible for curriculum within the School; (c) the Manager Student Experience or nominee; (d)up to three students nominated by the Guild provided that: (i) one nominee be an undergraduate student; (ii) one nominee be a postgraduate research student; (iii) one nominee be a postgraduate coursework student; and (iv) any nominee under sub-clauses (ii) or (iii) must be supervised/enrolled wholly within the Faculty; (e)the Education Officer; and (f) up to four members co-opted by the Chair of Curriculum Committee for balance, expertise and diversity.

3.1 Terms of Office (1) Co-opted and nominated members hold office for one year. (2) Nothing in sub-clause (1) prevents a person from being re-nominated or co- opted to serve on the Committee in any subsequent year, save that no co- opted or nominated member may hold office for more than two consecutive years.

4. Quorum The quorum for the Committee is half the current membership plus one.

5. Decisions (1) All questions which come before the Committee are to be decided by a majority of the members present and voting. (2) Each member present has one ordinary vote. (3) The Chair of the meeting has one ordinary vote and a casting vote.

6. Frequency of meetings The Committee meets as and when required, but at least once in each year.

7. Delegation (1) The Chair may appoint a Deputy Chair from among the members to perform essential duties under delegated authority. (2) The Faculty Board may delegate authority to the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) to endorse curriculum changes for courses, majors and units, in accordance with relevant University policies and processes, and refer them where relevant to the University for approval.

8.1 Decision making map A decision-making map illustrating where the Curriculum Committee's business comes from and where its recommendations or decisions go is available on the web.

8.2 Communication map A communications map illustrating where information comes to the Curriculum Committee from and which committees or groups need to be informed of the Curriculum Committee's decisions is available on the web.

Approving Body Academic Board Date of Approval 5 December 2017

Faculty Committees operate in accordance with the University Principles and Rules for the Operation of Committees. Members must act in accordance with the University Committee Members' Code of Conduct. Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education

Name of Committee Learning and Teaching Committee

1. Position The Learning and Teaching Committee is a standing Committee of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education.

2. Role statement (1) The role of the Committee is to— (a) advise and make recommendations to the Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean and Faculty Board on all matters relating to pedagogy and other matters relating to teaching in the Faculty including but not limited to: (i) policy matters relating to learning and teaching, and initiatives and strategies relating to education; (ii) the enhancement of teaching quality and student experience in the Faculty courses and units; (iii) quality assurance issues in relation to teaching; (iv) the encouragement and reward of high-quality teaching; (v) the appropriate use of technology; (vi) resourcing issues relating to teaching and teaching methods; (vii) research on learning and teaching; (viii) ensuring that teaching and learning practices and procedures, including assessment, are consistent with relevant University policies; (ix) ensuring that student views on their teaching experiences are considered, communicated and responded to as required; (b) advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean and Faculty Board on any matter referred to it for consideration; and (c) provide an annual report to the Faculty Board. 3. Membership details (1) The Committee comprises: (a) the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) as Chair; (b) up to two academic staff members from each school nominated by the Head of School; (c) the Manager (Student Experience), or nominee; (d) up to three students nominated by the Guild provided that: (i) one nominee be an undergraduate student; (ii) one nominee be a postgraduate research student; (iii) one nominee be a postgraduate coursework student; and (iv) any nominee under sub-clauses (ii) or (iii) must be supervised/enrolled wholly within the Faculty; (e) the Education Officer; and (f) up to four members co-opted by the Chair of the Learning and Teaching Committee for balance, expertise and diversity.

3.1 Terms of Office (1) Co-opted and nominated members hold office for one year. (2) Nothing in sub-clause (1) prevents a person from being re-nominated or co-opted to serve on the Committee in any subsequent year, save that no co- opted or nominated member may hold office for more than two consecutive years.

4. Quorum The quorum for the Committee is half the current membership plus one.

5. Decisions (1) All questions which come before the Committee are to be decided by a majority of the members present and voting.

5 | P a g e (2) Each member present has one ordinary vote. (3) The Chair of the meeting has one ordinary vote and a casting vote.

6. Frequency of meetings The Committee meets as and when required, but at least once in each year.

7. Delegation The Chair may appoint a Deputy Chair from among the members to perform essential duties under delegated authority.

8.1 Decision making map A decision-making map illustrating where the Learning and Teaching Committee's business comes from and where its recommendations or decisions go is available on the web.

8.2 Communication map A communications map illustrating where information comes to the Learning and Teaching Committee from and which committees or groups need to be informed of the Learning and Teaching Committee's decisions is available on the web.

Approving Body Academic Board Date of Approval 5 December 2017

Faculty Committees operate in accordance with the University Principles and Rules for the Operation of Committees. Members must act in accordance with the University Committee Members' Code of Conduct. Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education

Name of Committee Board of Examiners

1. Position The Board of Examiners is a standing Committee of the Faculty Board of Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education

2. Role statement (1) The role of the Board is to— (a) make decisions on, confirm and report on students' examination results for units in accordance with the University policy on Assessment; (b) authorise the granting of supplementary assessment opportunities where permitted by University policy; and (c) determine students' academic progress status and sanctions in accordance with relevant University policy and relevant course rules; (d) make decisions on award of honours, and prize winners in accordance with relevant University policy.

3. Membership details (2) The Board comprises: (a) the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) or nominee as Chair; (b) the Heads of Schools or nominees; (c) the Head of Service Delivery Centre or nominee; (d) representatives of the Service Delivery Centre managing Student Experience, as invitees and as required by the Chair; (e) other representatives as invitees and as required by the Chair

4. Quorum The quorum for the Board is half the current membership listed in clauses (2) (a) – (c) plus one.

5. Decisions (1) All questions which come before the Board are to be decided by a majority of the members present and voting. (2) Each member present has one ordinary vote. (3) The Chair of the meeting has one ordinary vote and a casting vote.

6. Frequency of meetings The Board meets as and when required, but at least once in each year.

7. Delegation The Chair may appoint a Deputy Chair from among the members to perform essential duties under delegated authority.

8.1. Decision making A decision-making map illustrating where the Board of Examiners' business comes map from and where its recommendations or decisions go is available on the web.

8.2. Communication A communications map illustrating where information comes to the Board of map Examiners from and which committees or groups need to be informed of the Board of Examiners' decisions is available on the web.

Approving Body Academic Board Date of Approval 5 December 2017 Faculty Committees: Faculty Committees operate in accordance with the University Principles and Rules for the Operation of Committees. Members must act in accordance with the University Committee Members' Code of Conduct. Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education

Name of Committee Research Committee

1. Position The Research Committee is a standing Committee of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education.

2. Role statement The role of the Committee is to- (a) provide advice and make recommendations to the PVC & Executive Dean, the Faculty Board, and where relevant to the University Research Committee on: (i) all matters relating to research, including research development, research impact, research promotion and research links with industry, government, civil society and other agencies of the University; (ii)HDR management and support, including postgraduate training; (iii) the development of Faculty initiatives and strategies relating to research; (iv) resourcing issues relating to research and relevant infrastructure; (v)the Faculty postgraduate scholarship ranking; (vi) award of research grants; and (vii)receive reports and consider recommendations from School Research Committees; and (b) advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean and Faculty Board on any matter referred to it for consideration; (c) facilitate communication on research and HDR matters across Faculty; and (d) provide an annual report to the Faculty Board.

3. Membership details (1) The Committee comprises: (a) the Associate Dean (Research) as Chair; (b) the Head of School or nominee responsible for research within the School; (c) the Heads of Institutes hosted by the Faculty or nominees; (d) the Head of the Service Delivery Centre or nominee; (e) one postgraduate research student of the Faculty to be nominated for a period of one year by the Postgraduate Students’ Association; (f) the Faculty HDR Support Coordinator or nominee; (g) the Faculty Research Development Advisor or nominee; and (h) up to four members co-opted by the Chair for balance, expertise and diversity.

3.1 Terms of Office (1)Co-opted and nominated members hold office for a year. (2)Nothing in sub-clause (1) prevents a person from being re-nominated or co- opted to serve on the Committee in any subsequent year, save that no co- opted or nominated member may hold office for more than two consecutive years.

3.2 Quorum The quorum for the Committee is half the current membership plus one.

3.3 Decisions (1)All questions which come before the Committee are to be decided by a majority of the members present and voting. (2) Each member present has one ordinary vote. (3) The Chair of the meeting has one ordinary vote and a casting vote.

3.4 Frequency of meetings The Committee meets as and when required, but at least once in each year.

3.5 Delegation The Chair may appoint a Deputy Chair from among the members to perform essential duties under delegated authority.

3.6 Decision making map A decision-making map illustrating where the Research Committee's business comes from and where its recommendations or decisions go is available on the web.

3.7 Communication map A communications map illustrating where information comes to the Research Committee from and which committees or groups need to be informed of the Research Committee's decisions is available on the web.

7 | P a g e Approving Body Academic Board Date of Approval 5 December 2017

Faculty Committees operate in accordance with the University Principles and Rules for the Operation of Committees. Members must act in accordance with the University Committee Members' Code of Conduct. Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education

Name of Committee Community and Engagement Committee

1. Position (1) The Community and Engagement Committee is a standing Committee of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education.

2. Role statement (1) The role of the Committee is to— (a) advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean and Faculty Board on community and engagement matters, including: (i) the development and implementation of the Faculty’s strategy and policies on community and engagement matters; (ii) the establishment and fostering of the Faculty’s local, national and international partnerships and relationships with academic institutions, industry, the professions, government and non-governmental organisations; (iii) resourcing issues relevant to the Faculty’s community and engagement strategy and activities; and (iv) other community and engagement matters referred to it by the Faculty; and (b) provide an annual report to the Faculty Board. 3. Membership details (1) The Committee comprises: (a) the Associate Dean (Community and Engagement) as Chair; (b) the Head of School or nominee responsible for community and engagement within the School; (c) the Head of the Faculty Service Delivery Centre or nominee; (d) up to three students nominated by the Guild provided that: (i) not more than one nominee be an undergraduate student; (ii) not more than one nominee be a postgraduate research student; (iii) not more than one nominee be a postgraduate coursework student; and (iv) any nominee under sub-clauses (ii) or (iii) must be supervised/enrolled wholly within the Faculty; (e) the Manager (Research Impact and Engagement) or nominee; and (f) up to four members co-opted by the Chair for balance, expertise and diversity. 3.1. Terms of Office (1) Co-opted and nominated members hold office for one year. (2) Nothing in sub-clause (1) prevents a person from being re-nominated or co-opted to serve on the Committee in any subsequent year, save that no co- opted or nominated member may hold office for more than two consecutive years. 4. Quorum The quorum for the Committee is half the current membership plus one.

5. Decisions (1) All questions which come before the Committee are to be decided by a majority of the members present and voting. (2) Each member present has one ordinary vote. (3) The Chair of the meeting has one ordinary vote and a casting vote.

6. Frequency of meetings The Committee meets as and when required, but at least once in each year.

7. Delegation The Chair may appoint a Deputy Chair from among the members to perform essential duties under delegated authority.

8.1. Decision making A decision-making map illustrating where the Community and Engagement map Committee's business comes from and where its recommendations or decisions go will be available shortly (link to be provided).

8.2. Communication A communications map illustrating where information comes to the Community map and Engagement Committee from and which committees or groups need to be informed of the Community and Engagement Committee's decisions will be available shortly (link to be provided).

Approving Body Academic Board Date of Approval 5 December 2017

Advisory Committee: Faculty Committees operate in accordance with the University Principles and Rules for the Operation of Committees. Members must act in accordance with the University Committee Members' Code of Conduct. Name of Committee International Advisory and Coordination Group

1. Position The International Advisory and Coordination Group is an advisory body to the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education.

2. Role statement (1) The role of the Group is to— (a) oversee the development and implementation of the faculty’s International plan; (b) oversee the faculty’s international activities including: (i) onshore international student attraction; (ii) Study abroad and student and staff exchange; (c) support the maintenance of strong and effective relationships with offshore partner institutions; (d) develop relationships with international universities of interest, exchange programs and other international alliances related to academic programs and research collaboration, in consultation with relevant faculty and University education committees or equivalent and the Graduate Research School, where relevant; (e) support the establishment, delivery and marketing of courses offered by the faculty; (f) foster a culture of internationalisation within the faculty, supported by mechanisms for valuing and rewarding achievement in internationalisation across the faculty; (g) advise the Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean on the faculty’s international performance, and in relation to matters related to the faculty’s international activities, as set out in (a) – (f)

3. Membership details (1) The International Advisory and Coordination Group comprises: (g)the Associate Dean (International) as Chair; (h)the Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) or nominee; (i) Associate Dean (Community & Engagement) or nominee; (j) up to three academic staff from Schools / disciplines of the faculty appointed by the Pro-Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean; (k) the Faculty Service Delivery Head or nominee; (l) an officer from the Faculty Internationalisation unit; (m) one faculty student representative appointed by the Pro-Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean; and (n)up to two members co-opted by the Chair of Group for balance, expertise and diversity.

3.2 Terms of Office (1) Co-opted and nominated members hold office for a year. (2) Nothing in sub-clause (1) prevents a person from being re-nominated or co- opted to serve on the Committee in any subsequent year, save that no co- opted or appointed member may hold office for more than two years consecutively.

4. Quorum (1) The quorum for the Group is half the current membership plus one.

5. Decisions (1) All questions which come before the Advisory Group are decided by a majority of the members present and voting. (2) The chair of the meeting has an ordinary vote and a casting vote.

6. Frequency of meetings The Advisory Group meets as and when required, but at least once in each year.

7. Delegation The Chair may appoint a Deputy Chair from among the members to perform essential duties under delegated authority.

8.1 Decision making map A decision-making map illustrating where the Group's business comes from and where its recommendations or decisions go is available on the web. 9 | P a g e 8.2 Communication map A communications map illustrating where information comes to the Group from and which Committees or groups need to be informed of the Advisory body's decisions is available on the web.

Approving Body Academic Board Date of Approval 5 December 2017


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