Cultural Competency and Diversity Plan
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Cultural Competency and Diversity Plan
Reviewed and adopted by the SCARC Board of Trustees January 23, 2017
Pri or board approvals: 1/25/16; 3/23/15; 2/24/14; 2/25/13 11 US Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07860 973-383-7442
SCARC’s Cultural Competence and Diversity Plan is designed to demonstrates an awareness of, respect for, and attention to the diversity of the people with whom it interacts (persons served, personnel, families and caregivers, and other stakeholders) that are reflected in attitudes, organizational structures, policies, and services. This plan is based on consideration of culture, gender, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status and language. In the context of person-centered planning and service delivery, showing respect to persons served by SCARC, Inc., is made manifest by demonstrating respect for one’s cultural heritage.
SCARC, Inc. will commit to this Plan of addressing how it will respond to the diversity of its stakeholders as well as how the knowledge, skills, and behaviors will enable personnel to work effectively in a cultural context by understanding, appreciating, and respecting differences and similarities in beliefs, values, and practices within various cultures.
Although it is not expected that personnel know everything about all cultures, it is necessary to develop some understanding of the major values and beliefs of those cultures represented in those served by the organization. Such knowledge and response is a critical component in providing person-centered, respectful and individualized quality services to the persons served. Cultural competency is an ongoing learning process that fosters inclusion, understanding and respect for diverse cultures of all types.
SCARC, Inc. assesses and has awareness and knowledge of the diversity of its stakeholders, including national heritage, religious orientations, racial and ancestral backgrounds. SCARC, Inc. will look at the diversity of its community, internal and external stakeholders and potential changes in demographics to be proactive in education, training in its service delivery. Such an initiative will facilitate a culturally knowledgeable organization, and a plan that will include areas such as recruitment efforts for personnel, modification of educational materials for persons served and family support systems, support for training and education of personnel, and incorporation of spiritual and cultural beliefs into service delivery options. 2 11 US Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07860 973-383-7442
This Plan shall be reviewed annually by internal and external stakeholders as appropriate including the board of trustees and personnel constituencies.
GOAL INDICATORS ACTIVITIES TIMELINE STATUS PERSON RESPONSIBLE SCARC will assess List of findings will be Annual assessment will Annually This will be done at CEO, Board Sussex County presented to board and take place Administrators. community for existing administrative staff cultures, ethnic values, and heritage.
Inquiries and interviews Annually Recreation CEO of cultural centers in Department makes county. inquiries.
Valuing Diversity and Various cultures are Various cultures are Ongoing Several group Board of trustees, CEO, Cultural Competency represented in program represented in program homes and day COO, CFO, CHRO in all aspects of content content. programs have SCARC operations implemented cultural events and dinners. This has been done throughout the year.
Cooperate with other Develop partnerships as Meet with HSAC, CSA, Ongoing Recreation All Chiefs agencies to become appropriate other agencies, re – Department will more culturally cultural diversity develop contacts. competent
3 11 US Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07860 973-383-7442
SCARC CULTURAL COMPETENCY AND DIVERSITY PLAN on discrimination in all Assure policies and Review and update Annually This occurs as a All Chiefs service delivery, procedures are conducive SCARC Affirmative routine in program participation to this Action Plan recruitment and and in employment. hiring, and has been verified.
4 11 US Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07860 973-383-7442
GOAL INDICATORS ACTIVITIES TIMELINE STATUS PERSON RESPONSIBLE Review all IHP’s, Ongoing This is ongoing COO, Administrators, program plans, for each year. Human Rights Committee, possible non- IHP Coordinators/Support compliance Coordinators
Address all complaints Ongoing Human Resources Chiefs and appeals for Department will affirmative action review any complaints. There have been no complaints this year.
Participation in all Discover what is in the Participate in parades, Ongoing Individual homes Administrators, Recreation possible community community fairs, clubs, concerts will pursue this and Department activities of a diverse have done so this nature that would past year. enhance cultural competency at SCARC.
5 11 US Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07860 973-383-7442
GOAL INDICATORS ACTIVITIES TIMELINE STATUS PERSON RESPONSIBLE Pursue a board of trustees Diverse board Review board makeup Annually Review has been done. Board of Trustees, that is representative of membership CEO diverse cultural attributes of the county.
Review Cultural Evidence of Review CCD Plan Annually Board review and approval Board of trustees, Competency & Diversity commitment to at 1/25/16 meeting; CEO, department Plan and adjust as CCD Plan Administrators and Chiefs heads necessary. ahead of meeting
Enhance community Foster community Promote community Ongoing Recreation Department Board of trustees and relationships to build relationships participation within and group homes will chiefs cultural competency and diverse cultures in pursue this. diversity within SCARC. Sussex County
Align policies and Review policies to Review policies to assure Annually Policy reviews by Chiefs. Chiefs procedures with culturally assure alignment alignment competent principles and practices.
6 11 US Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07860 973-383-7442
GOAL INDICATORS ACTIVITIES TIMELINE STATUS PERSON RESPONSIBLE Assure the practice of Review Equal Make policy updates Annually, or as Chief Human CHRO Affirmative Action in Opportunity Policy as necessary laws change Resources Officer accordance of law assures this.
File required Comply with filing Annually This has been done by CHRO Affirmative Action dates for each report Chief Human reports and data Resources Officer. sheets
Create a workplace Staff cultural Promote cultural Ongoing This has been done CHRO environment that is characteristics reflect diversity via staff this past year with respectful of staff Sussex County newsletter, website reports to USDA, diversities and cultural demographics EEOC, NJ Civil Rights backgrounds Division.
Provide management Institute trainings with Ongoing BLR ongoing trainings CHRO staff with cultural SCCC, United Way and Rutgers trainings competency trainings occur throughout the year. Pursue a workforce of Interview and hire Recruit staff from Ongoing Opportunities are CHRO cultural diversity that is qualified minority staff minority population ongoing through the representative of Sussex year. County population
Incorporate cultural All training modules Use examples of Ongoing This is ongoing. There CHRO diversity in staff training include cultural diversity of staff, are presentations at sessions and subject diverse subject clientele, and Department Heads areas matters population meetings.
7 11 US Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07860 973-383-7442
GOAL INDICATORS ACTIVITIES TIMELINE STATUS PERSON RESPONSIBLE Communicate with Identify such Solicit via letters Ongoing Administrators culturally diverse populations employee prospects populations in Sussex from minority groups County for employment and clientele outcomes
Communicate with Provide translator Utilize parent prime Ongoing, as Done when needed. All staff parents in their own when necessary language needed language regarding their family member
Communications with Including individuals Internal meetings and ongoing Done when needed. Administrators internal stakeholders will served communications will Done at staff reflect SCARC reflect agency orientation. commitment to cultural commitment to cultural Done at BLR training. competency goals goals (whenever appropriate).
INDIVIDUAL HABILITATION PLANNING 8 11 US Route 206, Suite 100 Augusta, NJ 07860 973-383-7442
GOAL INDICATORS ACTIVITIES TIMELINE STATUS PERSON RESPONSIBLE Discover the unique Research individual Each IHP document will Annually Done at annual IHP Program – cultural characteristics of records and record cultural review. IHP/Support each person served. demographics characteristics coordinator
Involve each individual in Community Choose community Ongoing Done when appropriate. Program – community groups involvement and groups appropriate to IHP/Support appropriate to each integration one’s culture coordinator person’s cultural characteristics.
Promote cultural diversity Community Seek work placements Ongoing Individuals participate in Program – among individuals served. involvement and within a cultural diverse cultural events in homes IHP/Support integration setting. and programs. coordinator
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