Geddes City Council Meeting s4
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Geddes City Council Meeting Monday, September 9, 2013
The monthly meeting of the Geddes City Council was held in the Community Building meeting room. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, Dan Schulte, at 7:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Sharon Ackley, Duane Hubers, Mike Krietlow, Lawrence Jaeger, Ray Mushitz and Carol Oberbroekling. Also present were Neil Raysby, Ron Gillen, Mick Varilek and Donna Paulson, Finance Officer. Established changes in the agenda were the north park, playground equipment, tables and chairs from the Community Building and property clean up. Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to approve the August, 2013 minutes. Duane Hubers seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. August, 2013 financial reports were presented. A motion was made by Mike Krietlow and seconded by Ray Mushitz to approve these reports. Motion carried unanimously. September, 2013 disbursements were presented. Lawrence Jaeger made a motion to approve the September, 2013 disbursements. Duane Hubers seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bills as followed were paid: To Whom CK # Total All Description Void 4092 $0.00 Void Randall Comm Water 4093 $1,414.10 Water Dist. Void 4094 $0.00 Kelly's Auto Parts 4095 $51.99 Alternator Meyerink Farm 4096 $24.43 2 belts Service Randall Comm Water 4097 $90.05 Bacteria Dist. sample Midstate DWD $126.77 Phone/Intern Communications et Dallas Kok 4098 $58.00 Garbage serv. Geddes Farmers 4099 $425.16 Gas/Diesel Coop Rural Development DWD $2,030.00 Sewer payment Charles Mix County 4100 $73.32 Publishing News Dan Schulte 4101 $124.67 Salary Sharon Ackley 4102 $69.26 Salary Duane Hubers 4103 $69.26 Salary Lawrence Jaeger 4104 $69.26 Salary Mike Krietlow 4105 $69.26 Salary Raymond Mushitz 4106 $69.26 Salary Carol Oberbroekling 4107 $69.26 Salary Neil Raysby 4108 $746.65 Wages Donna Paulson 4109 $845.93 Wages Dale Larson 4110 $988.79 Wages IRS DWD $517.17 Payroll Tax Whalen Law Office 4111 $125.00 Retainer fee Office Products 4112 $167.50 Print Center Cartridge Department of 4113 $13.00 Coliform-PA Revenue Presto-X 4114 $83.24 Sentricon serv. SD Asso. Of Rural 4115 $400.00 Leak Water detection Reiser Lumber 4116 $184.00 Lumber/conc r. Brosz Engineering 4117 $6,007.50 Main str. Proj. Total $14,912.8 3 Maintenance report: Neil Raysby reported that they have filled pot holes, replaced the mower blades on the John Deere mower and sharpened the old blades, cleaned up around the derby area and put up fence, pushed in the dump, installed new clutches in the big mower, mowed ditches, road shoulders and parks, put in a water meter at the pump house, checked meters and caulked the restroom vents in the city park. Old Business: The water report was presented to the council, which showed that 260,210 gallons were lost. Several water meters continue to not be working. Discussion was held on the meters not working. Donna informed the council that several meters quit working in the winter time also. No action taken at this time and will wait until spring to see if grant money is received to replace all water meters. Ron Gillen, Brosz Engineering, presented to the council that main street could be chip sealed next spring for $23,500.00. Ron also indicated that an overlay could be put on 5th street for $12,000.00 or put oil and chips on the three blocks on second street for $12,000.00. Ron asked the council if he should contact someone who does curb and gutter and get a price to redo the curb and gutter in front of the post office. Council advised Ron to get a price. Donna presented to the council the income and expenses for the Community Building starting July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. There was a loss of $5762.39 for that year. A loss of $4993.29 for the year of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 and a loss of $4470.32 for the year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. The loss for these three years does not include insurance. Donna Paulson contacted Jim Wendte with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources regarding the process to follow to start a rubble site. An application is needed along with letters from 3 government agencies, county approval and approval from surrounding land owners. The council informed Donna to start the application process. Donna inquired who the owner of the post office was so that a bill could be sent for mowing. Duane Hubers advised Donna to get the name of the owner from Ivy at the post office. New Business: Mick Varilek met before the council regarding the Charles Mix County Saddle Club arena. Mick informed the council that the arena was built about 50 years ago. Approximately 20 years ago, the old arena was taken down and a new arena was put in. Mick stated that the Saddle Club has been inactive for about 12 years now. Mick would like to turn the arena over to the city as the city does the mowing and upkeep. Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to have the city take over the arena. Lawrence Jaeger seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The 2014 annual budget was presented to the council. After review, Sharon Ackley made a motion to approve the annual budget and Ray Mushitz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
# City of Geddes 2014 Budget Ordinance #2013-01 Appropriations Receipts Election 500.00 Liquor Commission 6,000 Legal 3,000.00 Penalty & interest 1,000 Finance 14,000.00 Current Tax 25,000 Employee Benefit 1,000.00 5% municipalities 5,800 Police 0.00 Wheel Tax 3,000 Streets 27,500.00 Water/Sewer 75,000 Fire 200.00 Sales Tax 55,000 Insurance 7,500.00 Inter gov't Revenue 20,000 Water 32,500.00 Total 190,800 Sewer 27,500.00 Telephone & Office 2,500.00 Parks & Rec 4,500.00 Clean Up 10,000.00 Capital Assets 9,000.00 Community Bldg 7,000.00 General 36,500.00 Total 190,800
TOTAL 190,800 Total 190,800
Dated at Geddes, South Dakota this 9th day of September, 2013. Dan Schulte, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Officer By: ______Published: First Reading: 09-Sept.-13 Second Reading: Approval: Attest: ______Donna informed the council that she was approached to see if residents could have their morning coffee at the Community Building again. Lawrence Jaeger and Ray Mushitz informed the council that plans are to move the coffee group to the Legion hall. An open container request was received from Ron Dufek for the annual demolition derby. Lawrence Jaeger abstained. Mike Krietlow made a motion to approve the open container application with a stipulation that the beer would have to be bought in town. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Duane Hubers made a motion to surplus the north park and sell it by sealed bids. Lawrence Jaeger seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Donna informed the council that she had attended the park meeting earlier that evening. The park committee was asking what will be done with the old playground equipment. The council informed that they will surplus it when the time comes. The park committee would also like to borrow some tables and chairs from the Community Building for their fundraiser on November 15, 2013. Council agreed. Duane Hubers informed the council that he had visited with Tim Whalen regarding the cleanup of property and Duane was informed that the paperwork would be presented to the Judge this week. A couple of other lots were also discussed and will hopefully be cleaned up soon. Water testing is safe at this time. Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Sharon Ackley seconded this motion. Motion carried unanimously.
______Dan Schulte, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Officer
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