Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada

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Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada

May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs

Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group

Date: 2015-05-11

Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Stephen 200 Bath Road, Slough, BlackBerry Ltd +44 1753 667099 smccann@blackberry. McCann Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK com

Abstract This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the May 2015, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.

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IEEE 802.11 Interim Meeting – Session #151 Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada May 11th – 15th, 2015

IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday, 11th May 2015

8:03 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19, and 802.21 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. IEEE 802.15 attendance is included as Annex A. General announcements:  No photography, no audio recording  Social – Butcher & Bullock, 911 West Pender St.  Don’t forget, book your room and register for July’s session Straw Poll of new attendees: 3

8:05 IEEE patent policy 802.15 WG chair read the IEEE-SA instructions and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the PatCom web site: ( ). 802.15 WG chair read IEEE anti-trust policy. 8:10 Financial report by Jon Rosdahl (CSR) docs 11-15-00522-00, 15-15-0365-00 8:14 Wireless and IMAT announcements by R Alfvin (Verilan) (15-15-0182-01) 8:16 WG15 Chair informed the group that the Wireless Chairs Standing Committee (WCSC) met yesterday. Chair noted that this is an open meeting, all are encouraged to attend.  Discussed aspects of what the Operations Manual (OM) should include. 8:19 Audcom reviewed an example of a WG P&P and requested changes to harmonize their template with 802’s WG P&P 8:21 Review future sessions (document # 15-15-0277-05)  July 12-17, 2015, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA, 802 Plenary Session.  September 13-18, 2015, Centara Grand, Bangkok, 802 Wireless Interim Session.*  November 8-13, 2015, Hyatt Regency Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session.  January 17-22, 2016, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session.*  March 13-18, 2016, Sands Venetian Hotel, Macau, PRC, 802 Plenary Session.  May 15-20, 2016, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session.*  July 24-29, 2016, Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA, USA, 802 Plenary Session  September 18-23, 2016, Europe (Budapest or Warsaw), 802 Wireless Interim Session.*  November 6-11, 2016, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA, 802

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Plenary Session.  January 15-20, 2017, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session.*  March 12-17, 2017, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, 802 Plenary Session.  May 13-18, 2017, Daejeon Convention Cente, Daejeon, Korea (TBC), 802 Wireless Interim Session.

8:25 Working Group Updates 802.11 by Adrian Stephens (Intel), (document 11-15-483-00)  323 voters  802.11ak error on this document, it is in the WG letter ballot phase 802.15 by B Heile (document 15-15-0277-05)  98 voters  802.15.4 revision on track to be published in 2015 including 4e, 4f, 4g, 4j, 4k, 4m, 4p TG3d: 100G TG3e: HRCP (High Rate Close Proximity) TG4n: Chinese Medical Band (CMB) - in Sponsor Ballot TG4q: ULP (Ultra Low Power) in WG LB TG4r: Ranging standardized TG4s: SRU (Spectrum Resource Utilization) TG 7r1: Optical Wireless Communications TG8: PAC (Peer Aware Communications) – finishing draft document TG9: KMP (Key Management Protocol) – WG Letter Ballot TG10: L2R (Layer 2 Routing) – in WG Letter Ballot IG 6tisch IG Dependability IG High Rate Rail Communications 802.18 by M Lynch  11 voters  looking at 2 items that haven’t been resolved as yet 802.19 S Shellhammer (doc #19-15-040-00)  26 voters  Coexistence Lessons Learned (CLL) Liaison

o 3 new liaison documents from 3GPP will be reviewed

 3GPP Liaison –Havish Koorapaty of 3GPP will be giving a presentation to IEEE 802 this session

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 Coexistence in Unlicensed Bands (CUB) Study Group (SG)

o Working on PAR for a Task Group 802.21 Subir Das (doc # 21-15-046-00)  16 voters  TG21m – revision project – discuss draft document and contributions  TG21.1 –use cases and services – discuss draft document and contributions AoB Other 802 news: still working on privacy trials at these sessions 8:48 Joint meeting adjourned

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IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 11th May 2015

Presiding chair: Adrian Stephens (Intel) opened the meeting at 09:00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)

2nd Vice-chair (VC2): Dorothy Stanley Aruba 1st Vice-chair (VC1): Jon Rosdahl CSR Secretary: Stephen McCann BlackBerry Ltd

There are 350 voting members and 11 Ex Officio voters of IEEE 802.11 There were 200 people in the room

1. Notices

1.1. No photographs at this meeting and please turn your mobiles to vibrate.

2. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-15-0482r1)

2.1. Chair: Are there any more modifications required at this moment? 2.2. None seen 2.3. Any objection to approving the approval of the agenda 11-15-0482r1 2.4. Moved: Jon Rosdahl, 2nd: Marc Emmelmann 2.5. No objection, so the agenda is approved.

3. Meeting Graphic

3.1. This is a summary of all room allocations for the week.

4. March 2015 WG Minutes

4.1. Move to approve the Berlin March 2015 minutes document 11-15-0396r1 4.2. Moved: Stephen MCCANN, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl 4.3. Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

5. Attendance

5.1. Welcome to the 6 new participants in this meeting. 5.2. Chair: Please note that Stephen McCann (Secretary) will be holding a newcomer’s session at 10:30 this morning. 5.3. The room is “Prince of Wales” on the 3rd floor.

6. Call for essential Patents (11-15-0512r0)

6.1. VC2: read out the current PatCom rules and then called for essential patents information, as shown by: 6.2. 6.3. There were no issues raised regarding the call for essential patents. 6.4. Question (Q): regarding these patent information slides, are these the new ones that were approved in March 2015. 6.5. Answer (A): yes, they are. 6.6. VC2: read out other policies and procedures for the meeting.

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6.7. VC2: The IEEE 802.11 (11-14-629r10) operations manual (OM) was updated in March 2015. There are no more updates this week, but there are some possible changes for the IEEE 802 operations manual which are being considered for July 2015. There are also some changes to the IEEE 802 policies and procedures (P&P) coming up in July 2015.

7. Announcements (11-15-0484r0 and 483r0)

7.1. Liaisons (slide #4) 7.2. Chair: There is an ongoing liaison from NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Network), which will be discussed during the REG SC meeting this week. 7.3. IEEE 802.19 will also be discussing a 3GPP liaison about LAA on Tuesday PM2. 7.4. IEEE 802.19 liaison 7.4.1. This is a call for an IEEE 802.19 liaison, as there is no-one in IEEE 802.11 at the moment. 7.4.2. Chair: please let me know if you are interested. 7.4.3. Q: There should be IEEE 802.19 reciprocal credit for the LAA liaison. 7.4.4. Chair: Yes, anything in IEEE 802.19 which is related to IEEE 802.11 will accrue reciprocal credit. 7.5. Logistics for this meeting (11-15-0521r0 slide #3) 7.5.1. VC1: This is information about the meeting logistics for this week. Please note that there is a QRcode which will take you to a dynamic meeting room logistics tool. 7.5.2. VC1: There is also a google calendar which is available. Please note that this calendar, IMAT (the attendance server) and the meeting room tool are now all synchronized together. 7.6. Next Meeting – (slide #7) 7.6.1. This is in Hawaii in July 2015. 78% of people have already registered at the early bird rate. 7.7. Recording Attendance – (slide #8) 7.7.1. Please remember to record your attendance for each 2 hour slot during the week. 7.7.2. VC1: If you have a serious PC issue, then I can sort out your attendance for you. However, this does not work if you come on Thursday saying that you forgot. Please remember that you cannot access the attendance server with a VPN. 7.7.3. VC1: If you want to synchronize all the documents on mentor, please use the local server and not the external link. 7.8. Social and Catering options 7.8.1. VC1: Please see your badge information regarding catering options. Lunch is served on the 34th floor and please note that the elevators can be rather slow. 7.8.2. There is a social this week on Wednesday and please remember to bring your badge. It is not in this hotel. It’s about 2 blocks away and there is a possibility of rain on that evening. 7.8.3. Slide #13 has some tourist information.

8. Topics for Wednesday (11-15-0484r0)

8.1. Please note that the Wi-Fi Alliance CEO will be making a presentation.

9. Status of all groups (11-15-0483r0)

9.1. Sub-Group Status 9.1.1. Chair: We now have TGay as this was approved since the March 2015 meeting. Edward Au is chairing this group this week. 9.1.2. This is summary of the officers of sub-groups. Minutes page 6 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

9.1.3. Jim Lansford is chairing WNG SC this week, as Clint Chaplin is not available. 9.1.4. There are additionally some changes to secretaries and editors as shown. 9.1.5. Chair: Please note that there were several invalid votes on the recent TGah letter ballot. This is because people are selecting the incorrect Abstain options, as explained in the instructions. One person lost their voting rights due to this issue. 9.1.6. Comment (C): The date column is incorrect 9.1.7. Chair: Oh yes. 9.1.8. Q: Regarding the person who lost their voting rights due to the letter ballot, can still vote during this meeting? 9.1.9. Chair: Yes that’s correct, so after this meeting they then lose their rights and their attendance record is reset. 9.2. Ballot Resolution Committee (BRC) 9.2.1. Chair: A BRC will shortly start to resolve TGmc comments. Please note that this group has special rules, which will be explained within the TGmc meeting this week.

10. Group Summaries (11-15-0511r1)

10.1. Special notes were mentioned for the following groups: 10.2. Timelines 10.2.1. No recent changes, but please can all chairs send the secretary any required updates prior to the Thursday evening CAC meeting. 10.2.2. C: Addition of the publication date would be very useful. 10.2.3. Secretary: Yes, I’ll look into that. 10.3. Editor’s meeting 10.3.1. Tomorrow morning at 7.00am, including the ANA status, style guides and numbering situation. 10.4. PAR meeting 10.4.1. This group will not meeting this week. 10.5. WNG 10.5.1. There are two presentation currently scheduled this week (Tuesday AM1). 10.5.2. VC2: Is there any spare time for other presentations? 10.5.3. A: Yes. 10.5.4. TGmc This group will be working as a ballot resolution committee this week. 10.5.5. TGaj They will be meeting next week in Zhuhai, China 10.5.6. TGax So far there are 55 presentations for this week, so it will be very busy. 10.5.7. TGay (Next Generation 60 GHz) This is the first meeting of this new task group.

11. Any Other Business


12. Recess

12.1. Meeting recessed at 10:03 PDT.

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Wednesday, 13th May 2015

IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Adrian Stephens (Intel) opened the meeting at 10:31 PDT. 185 people present.

13. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-15-0482r2)

13.1. Chair: There are a couple of minor changes to the agenda about voting behavior. Any comments about this. 13.2. None seen. 13.3. Move to approve the revised agenda 11-15-0482r2. 13.4. Moved: Jon Rosdahl, 2nd: Donald Eastlake 13.5. No objection to approving the agenda by unanimous consent.

14. Call for Essential Patents (11-15-0512r0)

14.1. Chair: please can I remind you about Letters of Assurance (LoA) that are required for the IEEE-SA. 14.2. Also the Call for Essential Patents from Monday still applies 14.3. No statements

15. CAC

15.1. Reminder about 19.30 ET meeting on Thursday. The purpose of this meeting is to prepare for the Friday closing plenary.

16. IEEE 802.11 25 th Anniversary

16.1. VC1: In September 1990, the first meeting of IEEE 802.11 occurred, so there will be a celebration of this at the July 1995 meeting, as it is a plenary and more people will be there than at the September 2015 interim. Please remember to pay attention to the early bird cut- off date of 22nd May 2015. 16.2. Chair: Just to add that during tomorrow morning, some people will be involved in a video, as part of these celebrations.

17. IEEE 802.11ah PatCom response (11-15-0502r0)

17.1. Chair: There was a comment in the IEEE 802.11ah which required an email to be sent to the IEEE-SA PatCom. This document shows the response from IEEE-SA PatCom. 17.2. The chair read out the response. 17.3. Chair: Please note that this is an information item and is not for discussion. 17.4. Q: Is there a time estimate for the FAQ. 17.5. Chair: No, but I’ll ask for one. 17.6. Q: regarding the last paragraph, about the possible withdrawing? Is this referring to the amendment or the whole of IEEE 802.11? 17.7. Chair: Please can you send those questions to me in an email and I will forward them to PatCom.

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17.8. Chair: I would also like to mention that there is an updated list of items described in 11-15-0260r3 17.9. No further questions.

18. IEEE Online Training (11-15-0658r0)

18.1. Presentation from the IEEE. 18.2. The IEEE and the Internet Society (ISOC) are partnered in a project to provide on-line training that will allow rural and underserved communities to deploy and admin wireless networks.

19. Announcements

19.1. VC1: Please remember to check your attendance carefully during the week. Please do not select a cancelled meeting on the IMAT tool. Choose the meeting that you at present at. 19.2. Attendance recording is required by the IEEE and so this is important. 19.3. VC2: regarding TGmc this afternoon, they will be discussing some interesting topics that involves everyone regarding the “performance interface” and then the “11b” topic. Please see documents 11-15-653, 11-15-654, 11-15-516 and 11-15-668 for more detail. 19.4. C: Please can everyone just look at 11-15-653 at the moment. 11-15-654 is a little premature at the moment.

20. Wi-Fi Alliance Presentation (11-15-0648r0)

20.1. Chair: I will now allow Ian Sherlock (Wi-Fi Alliance liaison officer) to introduce the Wi-Fi Alliance CEO who is here to speak to us today. 20.2. Ian Sherlock: I am delighted to introduce Edgar Figueroa (Wi-Fi Alliance CEO), who is here for the first time as a guest of IEEE 802.11, who will present some information about the WFA. 20.3. IEEE 802 Chair: Thanks to Edgar for his presentation and also the IEEE 802.11 WG officers. Is there a particular program that IEEE 802.11 can concentrate on to form a closer relationship between the two groups. 20.4. Edgar: I think groups like Regulatory and Security should be working together or at least improve communication between them. 20.5. C: Thank you for providing the WFA specifications for free of charge. I think that will really help the industry. 20.6. Q: Regarding slide #5, what is the take up of 11ad devices? 20.7. Edgar: I think the next year is going to be important for 11ad devices. It will take some more time to sort out interoperability issues for WiGig. 20.8. Q: regarding working together, I think there are some co-existence issues which need addressing. I think the IEEE 802.11 and WFA should work together to liaise with 3GPP. This should be done immediately. 20.9. Edgar: Yes, indeed 20.10. Chair: Yes, I also agree. 20.11. Q: I think there should be a joint workshop between IEEE 802.11 and WFA to craft a joint liaison and then generate an agenda for a IEEE 802.11, WFA and 3GPP 3 way workshop. 20.12. Chair: Could you develop that further and come back on Friday. 20.13. A: Yes, indeed. 20.14. C: Within the WFA, there are lots of new technologies appearing? Do you think that some of these aspects should come back in the IEEE 802.11 base standards.

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20.15. Edgar: There is an opportunity and perhaps references within IEEE 802.11 documents are possible. 20.16. Chair: regarding slide #14, it is assumed that the WFA create technology in the area of senor nets, or will be bring requirements into IEEE 802.11 for creating such technology within IEEE 802.11. 20.17. Edgar: I think that technology development should happen naturally. Perhaps I can find out some more information about this. 20.18. Chair: So, could we have a presentation in IEEE 802.11 WNG to see where this technology could be worked on. 20.19. No further questions 20.20. Chair: I’d like to thank Edgar in the usual way. 20.21. Chair: In addition Edgar is available until 3pm, if you wish to speak to him.

21. Liaisons

21.1. IETF (11-15-0515r0) 21.1.1. The next face to face meeting is in Prague on July 19-24, 2015 21.1.2. No questions

22. Room changes (11-15-0482r1)

22.1. NGP SG is now complete and can release its room (Thurs AM1) 22.2. TGah has also finished, and Thurs AM2, PM2 are released 22.3. JTC1 is also finished, and Thurs PM1 is released. 22.4. TGak would like Thurs PM2. 22.5. TGaq would like Thurs PM1. 22.6. Chair: These updated room changes then apply and there will be an update to the agenda document.

23. Task Group Selection Process (11-15-0484r1)

23.1. Chair: I’d like to ask the VC1 to chair this next item. 23.2. Chair: So, there is a conflict in the rules between the 802 P&Ps and the 802.11 operations manual. This is a proposed change in the process of selecting a task group chair. 23.3. C: I think is an appropriate move. I would prefer that a task group provides the WG chair with a short list of candidates. 23.4. C: The item about the attendance at China interims, just applies to TGaj? 23.5. Chair: Yes, indeed. 23.6. C: Are you looking for a shortlist, or just one individual? 23.7. Chair: It doesn’t really matter. If I don’t think a single individual is suitable then I’ll go back to the task group. 23.8. C: Yes, so on that basis I would still prefer a short list 23.9. C: I feel that a short list may put the WG Chair into a difficult position of having to choose. 23.10. Q: Does the recommendation in the slides, mean one or multiple people? 23.11. Chair: I think it’s up to the task group (TG). 23.12. C: I would also like to say that the TG should hold an election which is just a recommendation. Additionally I think that the TG should be trusted to select suitable people. 23.13. C: The impact of mismanagement in a TG is disastrous and should be avoided. Therefore good managers should be chosen, by some method. 23.14. Q: How does a task group select a list of candidates. 23.15. VC1: This has not be done in the past, so it’s not known. Minutes page 10 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

23.16. C: This list creation would be done by a chair pro-tem, who should be competent to do this. Regarding the support of an employer, I think this should be done by the individual not the employer. 23.17. VC1: All the WG officers have already provided such letter of support. Even self- employed officers need to do this. 23.18. C: If a TG needs to create a short list, can a WG officer moderate such a discussion? This also avoids a conflict of interest. 23.19. VC1: Yes, indeed. 23.20. C: I understand that these slides are not rules, but the chair’s current interpretation of what happens. 23.21. Chair: We could put this in the IEEE 802.11 OM. 23.22. C: Regarding the letter of support, I’m also not so sure about this. I would like TGs to actually run votes on their candidates. 23.23. VC1: Please can you send any further comments to the mailing lists 23.24. VC1: I now hand the running of the meeting back to the chair

24. IEEE RAC co-ordination (11-15-0484r1)

24.1. Chair: We received this inquiry from the IEEE RAC about the IEEE 802.11 ANA. 24.2. This is my proposed response and it can be seen that we have been allowed to have an ANA. 24.3. No questions.

25. Voting Behaviour on the website (11-15-0484r1)

25.1. Chair: Should be voting be stated on the IEEE 802.11 website. If someone submits an invalid vote, it’s hard for someone to determine that their vote was invalid without asking the WG chair. 25.2. Straw Poll: 25.3. Should we add to the members list an indication that allows members to determine if they have failed to submit a vote, or have submitted an invalid vote for the qualifying mandatory ballots? 25.4. C: I would prefer a feedback email than this. 25.5. C: When I voted on the 11ak letter ballot, I received an email indicating that I voted “Yes”. So can this mechanism be extended? There is also a web-page which shows when you may lose voting rights based on attendance at meetings. 25.6. For: 86, Against: 3, Abstain: 16 25.7. C: I welcome this result, but please can you take into account privacy of individuals. 25.8. C: Perhaps if you have a list of how many letter ballots you can skip, before loosing voting rights then that would work quite well.

26. Any Other Business

26.1. Meeting recessed at 12:29 PDT

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Friday, 15th May 2015

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:01 PDT by Adrian Stephens (Intel Corporation).

87 people present in the room.

27. Agenda (11-15-0482r4)

27.1. Chair: There have been some changes due to the addition of extra items which were not presented earlier in the week. 27.2. C: please can you change NG60 to TGay in the agenda 27.3. Chair: yes, of course. 27.4. Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda 11-15-0482r4 27.5. Moved: Jon Rosdahl, 2nd: Stephen McCann 27.6. Approved by unanimous consent

28. Call for Essential Patents

28.1. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA) 28.2. No statements 28.3. No questions

29. Announcements (11-15-0484r2)

29.1. Chair’s minutes, reports and web pages 29.1.1. Please can you send these to the secretary 29.1.2. Please be aware of the Chair’s schedule for the chair’s committee meetings (CAC), the first of which is on 8th June 2015. The 2nd one is on the 29th June 2015. 29.1.3. The next face to face meeting is 12-17th July 2015 in Waikoloa, Hawaii.

29.2. Letters of Assurance (LoA) (slide #25) 29.2.1. Chair: please remember about the LoA requirements. There are currently 5 requests pending for as stated on the slide. 29.2.2. Q: There are 4 companies and 6 items, so how does 5 occur. 29.2.3. Chair: That is a mistake, it should be 4. 29.2.4. Q: Are there any specific technical aspects associated with these requests? 29.2.5. Chair: yes, Intel have stated that theirs relates to fine timing measurement in TGmc 29.2.6. Q: Have all these entities stated that their patents are essential? 29.2.7. Chair: Yes, Qualcomm has. The status on the other requests is not known. 29.2.8. No questions

29.3. IEEE Store (slide #26) 29.3.1. Chair: Please review the state of the store. 29.3.2. C: If the proposed TGai re-circulation passes, please can D5.0 be then placed on the store. 29.3.3. Chair: (Action) Yes.

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29.3.4. C: Since the TGah ballot has already passed, please can D5.0 be immediately placed in the store. 29.3.5. Chair: (Action) Yes 29.3.6. Q: Why are the old single letter amendments available, even though they are rolled up in IEEE 802.11-2012? 29.3.7. Chair: it’s due to historic interest.

29.4. ISO SC6 (slide #27) 29.4.1. Chair: Please note the recent documents sent to ISO SC6.

29.5. IEEE 802.19 Liaison 29.5.1. Chair: If anyone is interested in this position, please let me know.

30. Documentation & Attendance (11-15-0514r0)

30.1. These are the usual attendance statistics for this week. 30.2. Q: What’s the difference between US and USA? 30.3. Chair: Nothing. It’s just the way in which people register. 30.4. Q: Can we help people by filling in our countries to sort out all the blanks. 30.5. Chair: Yes, indeed. This comes from the web account profile, so it’s up to people to correctly complete them.

31. Current Venues (11-15-0521r1 slide #20)

31.1. Straw Poll: How many people would like to come back to this venue? Y: 56, N: 3 31.2. C: I’ve just voted no, as the elevators in this hotel are very poor. If we come back I would insist that these elevators are fixed. 31.3. VC1: There was one elevator which was broken all this week and there have been other issues. We have provided feedback to the hotel to tell them how they could perhaps improve their system, regarding visualization of where the elevators are. 31.4. C: When you do a site visit in two years’ time at this hotel, please can you check these elevators and possibly not have the lunch on the 34th floor. 31.5. C: Sorting out the 34th floor lunch issue, does not fix everything.

32. Upcoming Venues (11-15-0521r1 slide #21)

32.1. Regarding slide #21, next week there is the China Interim in Zhuhai. 32.2. Other venues are shown in slides #22 and #23. 32.3. No questions

33. WG Reports

33.1. Timeline Chart 33.1.1. Secretary: currently there are no updates to the timeline chart: 33.1.2. there will quite a few changes to the timeline chart 33.1.3. No questions

34. WG Committee Reports (11-15-0514r0)

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34.1. Technical editor (slide #10) 34.1.1. Q: regarding Visio, is it possible to do the visualization of 3D figures? This is to produce more of an orthographic projection of objects and such items in diagrams 34.1.2. Tech Editor: Not sure, but we’ll look into other tools that can do this.

34.2. ARC Standing Committee (slide #18) 34.2.1. No questions

34.3. Publicity (slide #22) 34.3.1. No questions

34.4. Regulatory (REG) Standing Committee (slide #26) 34.4.1. No questions

34.5. WNG Standing Committee (slide #36) 34.5.1. There were two presentations this week, as shown in the slide. 34.5.2. VC1: There will be two WNG session during the July 2015 meeting. 34.5.3. No questions

34.6. JTC1 Standing Committee (slide #37) 34.6.1. No questions

34.7. TGmc (slide #43) 34.7.1. Q: Regarding holding the ad-hoc on the USA West Coast, is it possible to have a teleconference for those who cannot travel. Then may I also request that no motions be held within this meeting for those who cannot attend. 34.7.2. TGmc chair: Since this is a Ballot Resolution Committee, it has special rules and can have motions both in its face to face meetings and on teleconferences. Regarding the other issue, I would like to have a teleconference available for those people who cannot attend.

34.8. TGah (slide #49) 34.8.1. Chair: Please be aware of the patent FAQ before any discussion about patents can occur. I will now walk through the process to find the FAQ: 34.8.2. Q: regarding the bottom bullet on the slide about “call for submissions about IP related comments”, how does that work? 34.8.3. TGah chair: I just want to see if any more information comes forward on this topic? 34.8.4. Chair: The TG cannot take any position on asserted patent claims. However, a member can suggest a change based on asserted patent claims. 34.8.5. VC1: The actual call on the slide is to resolve the comments themselves.

34.9. TGai (slide #55) 34.9.1. Q: Please note the 30 day lead time for the EC agenda, if you want to go for conditional sponsor ballot? 34.9.2. Chair: No, it’s ok, as the lead time of 30 days is for PAR and CSD, not this issue.

34.10. TGak (slide #67) 34.10.1. No questions

34.11. TGaq (slide #71) Minutes page 14 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

34.11.1. Q: There is a LB208 comment which states that TGaq should be disbanded and moved into REVmc. What is the IEEE 802.11 leadership’s position on this? 34.11.2. TGaq chair: I’m not aware of this comment, but shall check it. 34.11.3. Chair: My position is that this would require the TGaq PAR to be rescinded and I’m not sure if we should be doing this at this point in time. TGaq is following a process and should be allowed to follow that process.

34.12. TGax (slide #74) 34.12.1. No questions

34.13. TGay (slide #80) 34.13.1. No questions

34.14. NGP Study Group (slide #87) 34.14.1. VC1: Regarding slide #91, The PAR and CSD have to be on the 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda 30 days before their next meeting. This is so that all the other working groups can provide comments. During the July 2015 meeting, NGP will then have to address any comments received from the other WGs. 34.14.2. If everything goes ahead correctly, TGaz would be approved for the September 2015 meeting. 34.14.3. C: There is no NesCom meeting in July 2015, it’s in September 2015. 34.14.4. VC1: Yes, but that’s ok and doesn’t affect the process. 34.14.5. VC2: Would it be possible to create a flow chart showing this process please? 34.14.6. VC1: Yes, sure.

35. Liaison Reports

35.1. IEEE 802.18 35.1.1. There were two items on the agenda regarding DSRC and ITU. However, both of the two agenda items were resolved in other ways outside of IEEE 802.18, so they did not have any work to do. 35.1.2. VC1: Just as an update to say that the letter to the FCC from the EC chair, is still in a 10 day approval process. Please see 02-00EC-letter-to-fcc-regarding-802-11-rr-dsrc-tt.pdf for more information.

35.2. IEEE 802.24 (11-15-0514r0 slide #95) 35.2.1. VC1: The student paper is part of our University Outreach. So at the Dallas November 2015 meeting, students will be coming along on the Tuesday. Have you any plans to co-ordinate the 802 Student Paper with this visit? 35.2.2. A: It’s more likely to occur around the July 2016 time frame. 35.2.3. VC1: Ok so please be aware that there are two separate student events described here. 35.2.4. C: I would like to thank IEEE 802.24 for doing this 802 Student Paper contest.

36. Working Group Motions (Old Business) (11-15-0513r2)

36.1. Teleconferences (slide #6) 36.1.1. Move to approve the following teleconferences

Group Date(s) Start Duration

Minutes page 15 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

CAC Monday June 8, June 29 12:00 ET 1 hr

REG SC Bi-weekly Thursdays May 28 through July 30th 12:30 ET 1 hr

ARC June 3 11:00 ET 1 hr

TGah June 9, July 7 20:00 ET 2 hrs 10:00 ET 1 hr TGai Weekly Tuesday, May 26, Monday June 22, 29, Jul 6 17:00 ET 2hr

TGak Monday June 1, 15, 29 10:00 ET 1 hrs

TGaq Fri May 22, 29, June 6, 19, 26 12:00 ET 1.5 hrs

TGmc May 29, June 5, 26 10:00 ET 2 hrs

TGax Thursday June 18 10:00 ET 2 hrs

TGay Tuesday July 7 10:00 ET 1 hr

NGP Wednesday July 1 10:00 ET 1 hr

36.1.2. Moved Mark Hamilton, 2nd Jon Rosdahl 36.1.3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

36.2. Regulatory SC Motion #1: NGMN (slide #7) 36.2.1. Motion: To approve document 11-15/673r2 as our liaison to the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN), granting the WG chair editorial license. 36.2.2. Moved by: Richard Kennedy, Seconded by: Jeorge Hurtarte 36.2.3. [Result: Regulatory SC Moved: Dan Gal, 2nd: Mike Montemurro Vote: 22/0/1] 36.2.4. For: 45, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

36.3. Regulatory SC Motion #2: FCC 15-47 (slide #8) 36.3.1. Motion: 36.3.2. To approve document 11-15/683r2 as our comments in FCC 15-47, and forward to the IEEE 802 EC, for approval and transmittal to the FCC. 36.3.3. Moved by: Richard Kennedy, Seconded by: Peter Ecclesine 36.3.4. [Result: Regulatory SC Moved: Peter Ecclesine, 2nd : Dan Gal Vote: 22/0/0] 36.3.5. For: 47, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

36.4. Regulatory SC Motion #3: FCC DA 15-516 (slide #9) 36.4.1. Motion: 36.4.2. To approve document 11-15/682r2 as our response to FCC DA 15-516 and forward to the IEEE 802 EC, for approval and transmittal to the FCC. 36.4.3. Moved by: Richard Kennedy, Seconded by: Carolyn Heide 36.4.4. [Result: Regulatory SC Moved: Carolyn Heide, 2nd : Mike Montemurro Vote: 22/0/0] 36.4.5. For: 49, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes)

36.5. TGai Motion WG Recirculation LB (slide #10)

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36.5.1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received during Working Group Letter Ballot 209 on TGai D4.0 as contained in document 11- 15/0281r20, 36.5.2. Instruct the editor to incorporate the resolutions with the D4.0 and create D5.0. 36.5.3. Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGai D5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”. 36.5.4. Moved: Hiroshi Mano on behalf of the TG 36.5.5. [TG result: Moved: Marc Emmelmann, Seconded: Lee Armstrong, Result (20/0/0)] 36.5.6. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

36.6. TGak ad-hoc meeting (slide #11) 36.6.1. Motion: 36.6.2. Authorize 802.11 TGak to hold an ad hoc meeting 9-10 July 2015 in the Silicon Valley area for the purpose of comment resolution development. 36.6.3. Moved: Donald Eastlake on behalf of the TG 36.6.4. [TG result: Moved: Mark Hamilton 2nd : Richard Roy, Y: 10, N: 0, A: 0] 36.6.5. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

36.7. TGaq ad-hoc meeting (slide #12) 36.7.1. Move to authorise a TGaq ad-hoc on Sunday July 12 2015 in Waikoloa, Hawai‘i, for the purposes of comment resolution preparation. 36.7.2. Moved: Stephen McCann, on behalf of the TG 36.7.3. [TG result: Moved: Dan Gal, 2nd: Yunsong Yang, Y: 3, N: 0, A: 2] 36.8. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

36.9. TGay Motion WFA liaison letter (slide #13) 36.9.1. Move to approve and forward the liaison letter to the Wi-Fi Alliance in 11- 15/0671r1 and grant the Working Group chair editorial rights to the letter. 36.9.2. Moved by Edward Au, Seconded: Rakesh Taori 36.9.3. [TG result: Move: Rakesh Taori, 2nd : Carlos Cordeiro, Yes: 36, No: 0, Abstain: 0] 36.9.4. For: 46, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes)

36.10. NGP PAR (slide #14) 36.10.1. Believing that the PAR contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, 36.10.2. Request that the PAR contained in 11-15/0030r8 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for EC approval to submit to NesCom. 36.10.3. Moved: Jonathan Segev, Seconded: Edward Au 36.10.4. [NGP SG vote: Moved: Ganesh Vekatesan, 2nd: Brian Hart, Results: 26-0-2] 36.10.5. For: 51, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

36.11. NGP CSD (slide #15) 36.11.1. Believing that the CSD contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, 36.11.2. Request that the CSD contained in 11-15/0262r4 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for EC approval. 36.11.3. Moved: Jonathan Segev, Seconded: Mark Rison 36.11.4. [NGP SG vote: Moved: Ganesh Vekatesan, 2nd: Brian Hart, Results: 28-0-2] 36.11.5. For: 50, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes)

37. Next Meeting (11-15-0484r2)

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37.1. There will be an IEEE 802 Wireless Chairs meeting as shown in Slide #28 at the July 2015 meeting. This is an open meeting and everyone is welcome to attend. 37.2. The next IEEE 802 plenary is in July 2015 in Waikoloa: 37.3. It will include the 25th year anniversary of IEEE 802.11 and there will be cake. 37.4. Please check the registration dates and early-bird rate cut-offs. 37.5. Chair: please remember that next week there will be the next China interim.

38. AoB

38.1. C: Regarding the liaison letters that we have sent out, please can we include URLS to our documents, so that these external organizations can easily find our comments. 38.2. Chair: Yes, I completely agree. 38.3. C: Please can we arrange ad-hocs in a better way, as it’s hard to arrange travel for these extra meetings. 38.4. Chair: Ok, sure. So please can you suggest dates and determine a way forward. I don’t want to create extra constraints. There is already a 30 day rule which has been taken into account for all the ad-hocs approved this week. 38.5. VC1: The wireless network will remain operational for the next 30 minutes or so.

39. Adjournment

39.1. Chair: I propose to adjourn 39.2. The meeting is adjourned without objection at 9:54 PDT.

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Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

Name Affiliation Attended >= 75%? Aboulmagd, Osama Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Abu Surra, Shadi SAMSUNG Yes Adachi, Tomoko TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Agardh, Kare Sony Mobile Communications Yes Ahn, Jaehyun Dankook Univ./Newracom Yes Ahn, Jinsoo Yonsei University No Ahn, Seung Hyeok Newracom Yes Ahn, Woojin Yonsei University No Akhmetov, Dmitry Intel Corporation Yes Aldana, Carlos Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Armstrong, Lee US Department of Yes Transportation Arnold, James U.S. Department of Yes Transportation Asterjadhi, Alfred Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Au, Kwok Shum Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Auluck, Vijay Intel Corporation Yes Azizi, Shahrnaz Intel Corporation Yes Babaei, Alireza Cable Television Laboratories Yes Inc. (CableLabs) Bagby, David Calypso Ventures, Inc. Yes Barber, Phillip Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No baron, stephane Canon Research Centre France Yes Barton, Rob Cisco Systems, Inc. No Bhandaru, Nehru Broadcom Corporation Yes Bocus, Mohammud Toshiba of Europe Ltd. Yes Brandt, David Rockwell Automation Yes Bynum, Ann Intel Corporation Yes Calcev, George Huawei R&D USA Yes Calvert, Chris Landis Gyr Group Worldwide Yes Camillo, Gentile National Institute of Standards No and Technology (NIST) Cariou, Laurent Intel Corporation Yes Carney, William Sony Corporation Yes Cha, Jaesang Seoul National University of No Science and Technology(SEOUL TECH) Chang, Kim Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No CHANG, SANGHYUN Samsung Electronics Yes Chang, Soo-Young California State University, Yes Sacramento (CSUS) Chen, Jiamin Huawei Yes CHEN, KWANG-CHENG National Taiwan University Yes Chen, Xiaogang Intel Corporation Yes Cheng, Paul MediaTek Inc. Yes Cheong, Minho NEWRACOM Yes CHERIAN, GEORGE Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Cho, Hangyu lg electronics Yes

Minutes page 19 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

Cho, Joongwon Newracom Yes Choi, Hyeyoung LG ELECTRONICS Yes Choi, Jinsoo LG ELECTRONICS No Choi, Sangsung Electronics and Yes Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Choo, Seungho NEWRACOM Yes Choudhury, Sayantan Nokia Yes Chu, Liwen Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Coffey, John Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Yes Cordeiro, Carlos Intel Corporation Yes Das, Subir Applied Communication No Sciences De Ruijter, Hendricus Silicon Laboratories Yes de Vegt, Rolf Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Dua, Praveen Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Eastlake 3rd, Donald Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Ecclesine, Peter Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Edgar, Richard Imagination Technologies Ltd. Yes Eitan, Alecsander Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Emmelmann, Marc Self Employed Yes Erceg, Vinko Broadcom Corporation Yes Fan, Zhong TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Fang, Yonggang ZTE Corporation Yes Fareed, Muhammad King Abdullah University of Yes Science and Technology (KAUST) Filo, Marcin University of Surrey Yes Fischer, Matthew Broadcom Corporation Yes Fischer, Michael Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Furuichi, Sho Sony Yes Gal, Dan ALCATEL-LUCENT Yes Ghanbarinejad, Majid Huawei R&D USA Yes Ghosh, Chittabrata Intel Corporation Yes Ghosh, Monisha InterDigital, Inc. Yes Godfrey, Tim Electric Power Research Yes Institute, Inc. (EPRI) GUIGNARD, Romain Canon Research Centre France Yes Halls, David Toshiba of Europe Ltd. Yes Hamilton, Mark Ruckus Wireless Yes Hanatani, Yoshikazu TOSHIBA Corporation No Handte, Thomas Sony Yes Hart, Brian Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Hartman, Chris Apple, Inc. Yes Hedayat, Ahmadreza Newracom Yes Heide, Carolyn Ruckus Wireless No Hiertz, Guido Ericsson AB Yes Holcomb, Jay Itron Inc. No Horisaki, Koji TOSHIBA Corporation No Hsieh, Jing-Rong HTC Corporation Yes Hu, Chunyu Broadcom Corporation Yes

Minutes page 20 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

Huang, He ZTE Corporation Yes Huang, Lei Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Yes Huang, Po-Kai Intel Corporation Yes Humbert, John sprint Yes Hunter, David WireFi Networks Inc. Yes Hurtarte, Jeorge Teradyne, Inc. Yes Hwang, Sung Hyun ETRI Yes Ibrahim, Brima Broadcom Corporation Yes Inoue, Yasuhiko Nippon Telegraph and Yes Telephone Corporation (NTT) Ishihara, Koichi Nippon Telegraph and Yes Telephone Corporation (NTT) Ishizu, Kentaro National Institute of Yes Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Jin, Liang Spirent Communications Yes Jo, Kyungtae LG ELECTRONICS Yes Johnsson, Kerstin Intel Corporation No Jokela, Jari Microsoft Corporation Yes Jones, Vince Qualcomm Incorporated No Josiam, Kaushik SAMSUNG Yes Kain, Carl Noblis, Inc. Yes Kakani, Naveen CSR plc. Yes Kasher, Assaf Intel Corporation Yes Kennedy, Richard MediaTek Inc. Yes Kerry, Stuart OK-Brit Yes Kezys, Vytas BlackBerry No KI, SANGWON newracom Yes Kim, Jaehwan Electronics and Yes Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Kim, Jeehoon NEWRACOM Yes Kim, Jeongki LG ELECTRONICS No Kim, Jin Min LG ELECTRONICS Yes Kim, Joonsuk Apple, Inc. Yes Kim, Suhwook LG ELECTRONICS No Kim, Yongho Korea National University of No Transportation Kim, Youhan Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Kim, Youn Kwan The Catholic University of Yes Korea Kirimis, Dimitri Newracom Inc. Yes Kitazawa, Shoichi ATR Wave Engineering No Laboratories Kloper, David Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes KNECKT, JARKKO Nokia Yes Ko, Geonjung WILUS Institute Yes Kojima, Fumihide National Institute of No Information and Communications Technology

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(NICT) Kolze, Tom Broadcom Corporation Yes Kotzer, Igal General Motors Company No Kwak, Byung-Jae Electronics and Yes Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Kwon, Young Hoon Newracom Yes Lalam, Massinissa SAGEMCOM SAS Yes Lambert, Paul Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Lansford, James CSR plc. Yes Lee, Daewon Newracom, Inc. Yes Lee, Heesoo NEWRACOM Yes Lee, Hongsup NEWRACOM Yes Lee, Hyeong Ho Electronics and No Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Lee, Jae Seung ETRI No Lee, Jehun Newracom Yes Lee, Wookbong LG ELECTRONICS No Lee, Young Ha newracom Yes Lei, Zhongding Institute for Infocomm Research Yes (I2R) Lepp, James BlackBerry Yes Levy, Joseph InterDigital Communications, Yes Inc. Li, Guoqing Apple, Inc. No Li, Jing Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Li, Liang Vinno Technologies Inc. No Li, Qinghua Intel Corporation Yes Li, Yanchun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lim, Dong Guk LG ELECTRONICS Yes Lin, Wei ZTE Corporation Yes Lin, Yingpei Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes LIU, CHENCHEN Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Liu, Jianhan MediaTek Inc. Yes Liu, Le Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Liu, Sheng Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Liu, Zhiheng China Mobile Communications Yes Corporation (CMCC) Loc, Peter Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lomayev, Artyom Intel Corporation Yes Lou, Hui-Ling Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Lukaszewski, Chuck Aruba Networks, Inc. Yes Luo, Jian Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Luo, Yi Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Lynch, Bradley Peraso Technologies Inc. Yes Ma, Jing National Institute of Yes Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Malinen, Jouni Qualcomm Incorporated Yes

Minutes page 22 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

Maltsev, Alexander Intel Corporation Yes Mano, Hiroshi Koden Techno Info K.K. Yes Marin, James Nokia Networks Yes Mccann, Stephen BlackBerry Ltd Yes Merlin, Simone Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Mestanov, Filip Ericsson AB Yes Miller, James InterDigital, Inc. Yes Monajemi, Pooya Cisco Systems, Inc. No Montemurro, Michael Research In Motion Limited Yes Moon, Sungho NEWRACOM Yes Mori, Hiroki TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Mori, Masahito Sony Corporation Yes Morioka, Hitoshi SRC Software Yes Morioka, Yuichi Sony Corporation Yes Motozuka, Hiroyuki Panasonic Corporation Yes Murakami, Yutaka Panasonic Corporation Yes Myles, Andrew Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Nabetani, Toshihisa TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Nejatian, Alireza Ericsson AB No Ngo, Chiu SAMSUNG No Noh, Yujin Newracom Yes Notor, John Notor Research Yes Odman, Knut Broadcom Corporation Yes Oh, Jong-Ee Newracom Yes Oh, Minseok Kyonggi University No OH, MIN-SEOK LG Electronics Yes Olesen, Robert InterDigital, Inc. Yes Oteri, Oghenekome InterDigital, Inc. Yes Oyama, Satoshi Association of Radio Industries Yes and Businesses (ARIB) Pandey, Santosh Ghanshyam Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes Pang, Jiyong Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Park, Eunsung LG Electronics Yes Park, Jeonghwan Newracom Yes Park, Sung-jin LG ELECTRONICS Yes Parsons, Glenn Ericsson AB No Persson, Hakan Ericsson AB Yes petrick, Albert Jones-Petrick and Associates, Yes LLC. Pienciak, Walter IEEE Standards Association Yes (IEEE-SA) Pope, Steve Self Employed No porat, ron Broadcom Corporation Yes Qiao, Dengyu Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Qu, Shouxing BlackBerry Yes Rajakarunanayake, Yasantha MediaTek Inc. Yes Rakanovic, Demir u-blox Yes Rao, Yong National Instruments Yes Corporation Rison, Mark Samsung Cambridge Solution Yes Centre

Minutes page 23 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1

Rong, Zhigang Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Rosdahl, Jon CSR Technology Inc. Yes Roy, Richard SRA Yes Ryu, Kiseon LG ELECTRONICS Yes Sakamoto, Takenori Panasonic Corporation No Sakoda, Kazuyuki Sony Corporation Yes Salazar Cardozo, Ruben Landis Gyr Group Worldwide No sanderovich, Amichai Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Sarris, Ioannis u-blox Yes Sato, Naotaka Sony Corporation Yes Schelstraete, Sigurd Quantenna Communications, Yes Inc. Schneider, Daniel Sony Yes Segev, Jonathan Intel Corporation Yes Seok, Yongho NEWRACOM Yes Shellhammer, Stephen Qualcomm Incorporated No Shen, Bazhong Broadcom Corporation Yes Sherlock, Ian Texas Instruments Incorporated Yes SHIBAGAKI, Nobuhiko Hitachi, Ltd. Yes SHIN, JUNG-CHUL NEWRACOM Yes Shoemake, Matthew Biscotti Inc. No Sill, Steven US Department of No Transportation Smith, Graham SR Technologies Yes Son, Ju-Hyung WILUS Institute Yes Son, JungBo NEWRACOM Yes Srinivasa, Sudhir Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Stacey, Robert Intel Corporation Yes Stanley, Dorothy Aruba Networks, Inc. Yes Stephens, Adrian Intel Corporation Yes Stott, Noel Ixia Yes Suh, JUNG HOON Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Sun, Bo ZTE Corporation Yes Sun, Li-Hsiang InterDigital, Inc. Yes sun, sheng Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Sun, Yakun Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Takahashi, Kazuaki Panasonic Corporation Yes Takai, Mineo Space-Time Engineering Yes Takatori, Yasushi Nippon Telegraph and Yes Telephone Corporation (NTT) Tanaka, Yusuke Sony Corporation Yes Taniguchi, Kentaro TOSHIBA Corporation Yes Tao, Wu Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Taori, Rakesh SAMSUNG Yes Tarighat, Alireza Broadcom Corporation Yes Tian, Bin Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Togashi, Kou TOSHIBA Corporation No TorabJahromi, Payam Broadcom Corporation Yes tsubaki, toshimitsu Nippon Telegraph and Yes Telephone Corporation (NTT) Tuomaala, Esa Nokia Yes

Minutes page 24 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0589r1 unagami, yuji Panasonic Corporation No Urabe, Yoshio Panasonic Corporation Yes Vangelista, Lorenzo Patavina Technologies Yes Varshney, Prabodh Nokia Yes Venkatesan, Ganesh Intel Corporation Yes Venkateswaran, Sriram Broadcom Corporation Yes Vermani, Sameer Qualcomm Incorporated Yes Vlantis, George STMicroelectronics Yes Wang, Chao Chun MediaTek Inc. Yes Wang, James June MediaTek Inc. Yes Wang, Lei Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Wang, Meng Ericsson AB Yes Wang, Xiaofei InterDigital, Inc. Yes Wang, Xuehuan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd No Ward, Lisa Rohde & Schwarz No Watanabe, Fujio NTT DoCoMo, Inc. Yes Wilhelmsson, Leif Ericsson AB Yes Xin, Yan Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Xing, Weimin ZTE Corporation Yes Yamada, Akira NTT DoCoMo, Inc. Yes Yang, Hui Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yang, Rongzhen Intel Corporation Yes YANG, RUI InterDigital, Inc. Yes Yang, Xun Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yang, Yunsong Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yee, James MediaTek Inc. Yes Yee, Peter NSA/IAD Yes Yin, Hujun Intel Corporation Yes Yokota, Hidetoshi Landis Gyr Group Worldwide Yes Yong, Su Khiong Apple, Inc. Yes Young, Christopher Broadcom Corporation Yes Yu, Chinghwa MediaTek Inc. Yes Yu, Heejung Yeungnam Univeristy Yes Yu, Jian Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Yunoki, Katsuo KDDI R&D Laboratories Yes Zeleznikar, Alan ARRIS Group Yes Zhang, Hongyuan Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes ZHANG, JIAYIN Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhang, Xingxin Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zhang, Yan Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Yes Zhao, Mu Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd Yes Zheng, Jun Broadcom Corporation Yes Zhou, Jingyi Verizon Communications Yes

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Annex B : Working Group Officers

Working group

Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details IEEE 802.11 Working Group Adrian Stephens Chair +44 1793 404825 (office) (Intel Corporation UK Co-Technical Editor [email protected] Ltd.) 802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority 1st Vice Chair (Policies and Jon Rosdahl +1 (801) 492-4023 Procedures) (CSR plc) [email protected] Treasurer 2nd Vice Chair (Rules and Dorothy V. Stanley +1 (630) 363-1389 reflectors) (Aruba Networks) [email protected] IEEE 802 (LMSC) EC delegate Stephen McCann Secretary +44 1753 667099 (BlackBerry Ltd.) Publicity ad-hoc Chair [email protected] Peter Ecclesine +1 (408) 527-0815 Co-Technical Editor (Cisco Systems, Inc.) [email protected]

Standing Committees

Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Clint Chaplin Wireless Next Generation +1 (408) 768-0827 (Samsung Electronics) (WNG) Chair [email protected] Mark Hamilton +1 (303) 441-7553 Architecture (ARC) Chair (Ruckus Wireless) [email protected] Andrew Myles ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 shadow +61 2 84461010 (Cisco Systems, Inc.) committee (JTC1) Chair [email protected] Rich Kennedy +1 (832) 298-1114 Regulatory Chair (MediaTek) [email protected] Jon Rosdahl Project Authorization Request +1 (801) 492-4023 (CSR plc) (PAR) review Chair [email protected]

Task Groups

Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Dorothy V. Stanley TGmc Chair +1( 630) 363-1389 (Aruba Networks) (Revision mc) [email protected] Yongho Seok TGah Chair +82-10-7581-0828 (Self) (Sub 1 GHz Operation) [email protected] Hiroshi Mano TGai Chair +81-3-5436-8350 (Koden Techno Info (Fast Initial Link Setup) [email protected] K.K.) Xiaoming Peng TGaj Chair +65-64082429 (Institute for (China Millimeter Wave) [email protected] Infocomm Research)

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Donald Eastlake, 3rd TGak Chair +1 508-333-2270 (Huawei (General Link) [email protected] Technologies) Stephen McCann TGaq Chair +44 1753 667099 (BlackBerry Ltd.) (Pre-association Discovery) [email protected] Osama Aboul-Magd TGax Chair (pro-tem) +1 (613) 287-1405 (Huawei) (High Efficiency WLAN) [email protected] Edward Au (Marvell TGay Chair (Next Generation 60 +1 773 782 6875 Semiconductor) GHz) [email protected]

Study Groups

Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Jonathan Segev (Intel NGP (Next Generation +972-54-2403587 Corporation) Positioning) chair [email protected]

Liaison Officials to non IEEE 802 organizations

Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Liaison to 3GPP Stephen McCann +44 1753 667099 (3rd Generation Partnership (BlackBerry Ltd.) [email protected] Project) Liaison to IETF Dorothy V. Stanley +1( 630) 363-1389 (Internet Engineering Task (Aruba Networks) [email protected] Force) Ian Sherlock Liaison to WFA +1-972-995-2011 (Texas Instruments (Wi-Fi Alliance) [email protected] Inc.)

Liaison Officials to IEEE 802 organizations

Name (Affiliation) Position Contact Details Clint Chaplin Liaison to IEEE 802.15 and +1 (408) 768-0827 (Samsung Electronics) IEEE 802.21 [email protected] Rich Kennedy +1 (832) 298-1114 Liaison to IEEE 802.18 (Mediatek) [email protected] Tim Godfrey +1 (650) 855-8584 (office) (Electric Power Liaison to IEEE 802.24 [email protected] Research Institute)

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Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

WG TE 15-0589r0 TGMC TG 15-0523r0 TGAH TG 15-0642r0 TGAI TG 15-0655r1 TGAJ TG Did not meet TGAK TG 15-0690r0 TGAQ TG 15-0697r0 TGAX TG 15-0622r0 TGAY SG 15-0712r0 NGP SG 15-0675r0 WNG SC 15-0647r1 ARC SC 15-0736r0 JTC1 SC 15-0xxxr0 REG SC 15-0563r0 PUB SC 15-0700r0


Minutes page 28 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry

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