Direction of Travel Evidence October 2008 15/10 from KS/CC

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Direction of Travel Evidence October 2008 15/10 from KS/CC

WILTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO.3 Cabinet 16th December 2008 Performance Scrutiny Task Group 18th November 2008

Performance update: Local Agreement for Wiltshire to September 2008

Executive Summary

This report provides an update on progress against the ambitions and actions set out in the Local Agreement for Wiltshire and the targets negotiated with Government for the Local Area Agreement

Proposal Cabinet is asked to note progress against the Local Agreement for Wiltshire. The Performance Scrutiny Task Group is asked to note progress against the Local Agreement for Wiltshire, and refer any comments to Cabinet.

Reason for Proposal

To inform Members of progress against the Local Agreement for Wiltshire and the Local Area Agreement.

Sharon Britton Assistant Director Performance and Risk

1 WILTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. Cabinet 16th December 2008 Performance Scrutiny Task Group 18th November 2008

Performance update: Local Agreement for Wiltshire to September 2008

Purpose of Report 1. This report provides an update on progress against the ambitions and actions set out in the Local Agreement for Wiltshire (LAW) and the targets negotiated with Government for the Local Area Agreement (LAA).

Background 2. The Local Agreement for Wiltshire (LAW) is an agreement between organisations in Wiltshire to take action over the next three years to improve the quality of life in the County. It includes the Local Area Agreement (LAA) negotiated with central government, setting targets for improvements that are important to Wiltshire and to central government. 3. At its meeting in July, Cabinet agreed to adopt the LAW alongside the One Council for Wiltshire Programme as its Corporate Plan for 2008/09. 4. Wiltshire County Council is the lead local authority for the Local Area Agreement, and reports are presented to Cabinet to enable it to monitor progress against the targets set and initiate any additional action it considers appropriate. 5. Within Wiltshire’s ‘family if partnerships’, Thematic Delivery Partnerships are responsible for managing progress against actions and targets which fall under their area of responsibility and for ensuring that issues are escalated as appropriate. Before we agreed the LAA with government, each of the main partners confirmed that it was committed to taking the action it had identified in the LAW.

Main Considerations for the Council 6. The main consideration for the Council is to consider progress against each of the ambitions within the LAW. Some of the action and targets are the responsibility of partner organisations rather than the County Council, but as lead body the Council has an interest in the overall achievement. 7. A summary of progress against each ambition is provided as Annex A with tables showing performance against the indicators at Annex B. The tables show information about all of the indicators included in the LAA, but LAW indicators are only shown where there is currently information to report (eg indicators are not shown if results are generated by this Autumn’s place survey or the definition is yet to be finalised by government). 8. Highlights during the second quarter include:

2  Wiltshire Citizens Advice Bureaux have been awarded Big Lottery funding of £459,141 to establish a Wiltshire advice partnership which will be Wiltshire’s Financial Inclusion Taskforce.  An improvement over the previous quarter in the numbers of people living in temporary or bed and breakfast accommodation  Completion of the Older Peoples Accommodation Strategy  Two new ‘stop smoking’ drop in centres opened in Salisbury  Since April 2008, 573 business advice sessions and 339 ‘intensive assists’ have been provided for Wiltshire business  County-wide ‘Weeks of Action’ were held in September with the involvement of local communities to improve streetscene and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour  New climate action groups are in the process of being set up at Devizes, Pewsey, Corsham, Malmesbury, Cricklade. 9. More recently, we have engaged a consultant (the former Chair of the West Wiltshire Economic Partnership) to bring together information to assess the likely impact and action that could be taken to address some of the local effects of the economic situation. Wiltshire’s Coordinating Group (WCG), Thematic Delivery Partnerships and the members of the Accountable Bodies Group are contributing especially in relation to action planning. Longer term issues are included as well as more immediate responses. The full report will be considered by the Assembly in March. Environmental Impact of the Proposal 10.One of the ambitions in the LAW is to ‘Tackle climate change and promote a high quality, natural environment that enriches the lives of people’. Actions include increasing the take up of energy efficiency and renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions, climate change adaptation and conservation and enhancement of Wiltshire’s biodiversity.

Equalities Impact of the Proposal 11.The LAW identifies the ‘people and places’ that are intended to benefit from particular action. All Thematic Delivery Partnerships have committed to an assessment of the impact of planned action on equality and diversity. There is no specific impact on equalities from this report.

Risk Assessment 12.All Thematic Delivery Partnerships have committed to maintain a risk register for actions and indicators for which they are responsible, and to reflect risk in their quarterly progress reports. The June 2008 report showed that the most significant risk related to the potential impact of the “credit crunch” on affordable housing and the use of temporary accommodation. This remains the case despite good performance against our affordable housing targets so far (See Annex A, Affordable Housing). 13. Risk is considered in the Council’s financial and performance planning management. The Council’s risks are reviewed regularly.

3 Financial Implications 14.The 2008-2011LAA regime does not include pooled funding. Instead, the LAW is based on partners committing to take (and resource) action towards shared ambitions. This approach taps into partners’ ‘mainstream’ resources. There are no financial implications arising from this report. However, the government has consulted on Performance Reward Grant that it intends to bring in from 2009 and we made a response which partners were invited to contribute to. The main points were:  The total amount of the Reward Grant available is considerably lower than previous reward grant regimes.  The proposal starts reward entitlement when 60% of improvement is achieved (in line with previous reward schemes) but a new sliding scale means that grant does not reflect the extent of improvement. We have suggested that at 60% performance an area should receive 60% of reward grant (as in previous schemes). Further information will be provided once the final scheme is published. Legal Implications 15.None.

Options Considered 16.This report is a monitoring report so ‘alternative options’ are not applicable.

Conclusions 17.Performance to the end of September 2008 is shown in this report. There has been a considerable amount of activity towards the ambitions set out in the Local Agreement for Wiltshire and information about the likelihood of meeting first year targets is contained in Annexes A and B Proposal 18.Cabinet is asked to consider any comments referred to it by the Performance Scrutiny Task Group and to note progress against the LAW. Reason for Proposal 19.To keep members informed on progress against the Local Agreement for Wiltshire Sharon Britton Assistant Director Performance and Risk

Report Author: Karen Spence, Performance Manager 7th November 2008

Background Papers The following unpublished documents have been relied on in the preparation of this report: Detailed performance information from departments and partner agencies

Annexes A. Progress against action, by Ambition B. Indicators – Quarter 2 Performance by Ambition


Local Agreement for Wiltshire - Progress by Ambition Ambition Build ‘resilient communities’ with high social capital through people feeling socially included, enabling people and communities to build skills, abilities, knowledge and confidence to take effective action and play leading roles in the development of their communities and so enhance their quality of life. Performance against LAA/LAW Indicators (see Annex B below for additional information)

This ambition monitors performance against indicators which are mostly public perception and will be informed by the Place Survey which will take place during the Autumn/Winter 2008. As a result, no data is currently available for any of the LAA indicators within the Resilient Communities ambition. The 16 statutory education targets are also part of this ambition. We are still only have provisional data on most of these, but NI 72 and NI 92 both have confirmed figures for September 2008 and both are on target. See action 4 below for further information.

Action 1 Engage all our communities in Wiltshire, inclusively, to ascertain their priorities and empower them to be part of the delivery of solutions. This will make their community a better place to live and or work. OVERVIEW: There is a high level of activity and engagement with local communities. People are being engaged in community planning activities and events. Efforts are being made to engage all sides of the community including the hard to reach groups.  Parish and community area level planning continues through the work of community area partnerships and parish plan partnerships. This is being supported by the work of the Council and Community First. In Salisbury District new partnerships are being formed. The findings of the CAP evaluation study are being implemented.  Community engagement events are being held across the county to bring together local people and service providers in order to develop a ‘community network’ for the area.  The consultancy project is now underway to develop an equalities framework for Wiltshire.  Wiltshire Citizens Advice Bureaux have been awarded Big Lottery funding of £459,141 to establish a Wiltshire advice partnership which will be Wiltshire’s Financial Inclusion Taskforce. One objective of the partnership will be to improve access to debt advice.  An intergenerational sport and cultural activities project has worked with over 530 people and has trained 111 volunteers.  A strategy has been commissioned on community transport issues, 3 communities have been supported and 1 new service has been established.  There is a strong healthy schools programme with 99% of schools participating and accreditation targets being exceeded in December 2007 and on target for 2008.  Oftsed inspection judgments of schools have improved with 58% of schools being judged as good or outstanding since January 2008 (total of 78 schools) compared to 46% in 2006/07 (total of 75 schools).


Action 2 Enhance the democratic framework in Wiltshire by which people can participate in their local area and feel they can influence the decisions made in their locality. OVERVIEW: The new governance arrangements are now taking shape with pilot area board meetings due to go live in all 12 development phase areas in the next quarter. Initial meetings have now been held in North Wiltshire and others will come on stream shortly. Different models are being tested to evaluate what works best. The town and parish councils are engaged in these new arrangements. There has been a focus on the future with work being done on communicating with parish and town councils through expansion and updating of the Wiltshire Association of Local Councils website and the development of information leaflets for member councils. Also considered has been the expansion of the insurance scheme for parish and town councils and work on risk management. There were queries from member parish councils across the county on a wide variety of procedural, law and localised issues. A unitary councillor launch day has taken place for people who are interested in becoming members of the new council. During the summer representative user groups were asked about the sort of website they wanted the new council to have and responses showed that people wanted more than just a council website with council services, and more of a portal to public and community services. This will now be taken forward and discussed with our partners so that the website can evolve in a way which works for all parties.

Action 3 Build a vibrant, strong and influential third sector across Wiltshire. OVERVIEW: Good progress is being made to establish a Wiltshire Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly. The Wiltshire Compact is being strengthened and embedded in member organisations. There is currently some difficulty in agreeing a way forward to increase investment and opportunities for volunteering as government funding has been withdrawn following a national review, although monies from other sources have been found. A national DCLG Volunteering Survey is being conducted and information from this will be utilised to help determine a way forward. Action 4 Action from the Children and Young People’s Plan to: Improve educational attainment and narrow attainment gaps for vulnerable groups of young people by supporting schools and parents, through Children’s Centres, early intervention to support inclusion, targeted evaluation of services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs, and through Personal Education Plans for Children in Care. OVERVIEW: The Early Years Service is judged to be ‘outstanding’. There is some good local/district early intervention work taking place including Transition Inclusion meetings. 2008 has seen a good rise in standards in the Foundation Stage Profile and a 7.6% rise in Communication, Language and Literacy in those Super Output Areas which have been identified as having higher levels of deprivation.  KS2 English risen by 1% and now above average, maths by 2% and is in line with averages  KS4 - 2% rise in 5A*-C including English and maths  Establishment School Sports Partnerships is progressing well  Impact of the Social Emotional Aspects for Learning (SEAL) roll out is good  Schools receiving Outstanding/Good overall for Ofsted inspections: 62% this year (46% last) Action 5 Action from the Children and Young People’s Plan to: Enable young people to


participate in a broader range of positive activities and play, and be involved in service development and delivery by increasing access to facilities and activities, and addressing gaps in service provision. OUTCOME OVERVIEW: Activity took place during the summer, further update Q3.


Local Agreement for Wiltshire - Progress by Ambition Ambition Improving affordable housing Performance against LAA/LAW Indicators (see Annex B below for additional information) There is data available on two of the LAA targets (NI 141 and NI 155) and both of these are on target as at the end of Q2 (however see Action 1 below for further information). For the third LAA indicator data is collected annually and so not currently available. Performance against LAW indicators is positive with use of Bed and Breakfast and temporary accommodation both decreasing during Quarter 2. However, the targets for these indicators will remain challenging because of the impact of the downturn in the economy.

Action 1 More New Affordable Homes: enable a significant and lasting increase in the number of affordable homes together with the improved delivery of new homes to meet the economic and housing needs of the county’s strategically significant centres OVERVIEW: Wiltshire is well on course to meet its 2008/9 target having so far completed 330 affordable homes against a target of 479. However, genuine concern remains that the impact of the credit crunch could yet hit in the final half of the year. Officers from district and county councils have been working together to prepare an expression of interest for the next round of PFI funding. It is likely that this would be to provide mainly extra care housing, but also specialist housing for young people and general needs housing. Other action: . An audit of land has already been carried out in Salisbury District on land owned by the district council. This has revealed some sites that would be suitable to bring forward for affordable housing. Salisbury District has also been working with external advisors to look at the possibility of setting up a local housing company that could borrow and secure grant to build and own new affordable homes. . Following discussions it has been agreed to carry out a land audit of the new unitary Council’s land from July 2009. . Discussions have taken place with MOD suggesting that joint work can be carried out to identify rural exception sites on MOD land . Contact has been made with the PCT and it has been agreed that talks can take place between the PCT and the Housing Service to establish if PCT land could be made available for affordable housing. . The current housing partnership consists of Housing, Supporting People and Planning officers from the five councils plus the Government Office South West. It has been agreed to invite a broad range of housing stakeholders and service users to a Wiltshire wide conference in November 2008. This conference will form the basis of the new wide housing partnership and will also provide the spring board for setting up a housing partnership executive board. It is intended that the housing partnership will have an independent chair and that this chair will represent the partnership on the Coordinating Group. . Some discussion has taken place with the Housing Corporation about the use of grant to buy off the peg homes and there is evidence of a willingness to take up this option. . Consultation has taken place with Government Office South West and it has been agreed that a Wiltshire wide housing strategy will be completed by 31st March 2010.


Action 2 Helping Homeless people: reduce the number of people facing homelessness by offering genuine alternative housing and support options that help people move on in a planned way to more independent living.

OVERVIEW: In Q1 the numbers of people living in temporary accommodation had increased by 1 household and the numbers of households in bed and breakfast had increased by 7 across the county. However, Q2 has seen a move back in the right direction with use of Bed and Breakfast and temporary accommodation (TA) going down. One district has hit its 2010 target to halve TA use. Additionally there were far more successful interventions to prevent homelessness. A key aim of the LAW is to see bed and breakfast use eliminated. It is clearly a major challenge for district housing teams to respond to the unprecedented impact of the credit crunch and also to contend with the staffing issues that are inevitably arising as we go through the transition process. It is to be expected that it will be a challenge to maintain this downward trend for the rest of the year. In Wiltshire’s 2 County Courts, Salisbury and West Wiltshire have been able to use £20,000 of Government funding to set up court help desks to support those facing mortgage repossession proceedings. Following on from the success of the LPSA 2 Young Persons accommodation project a new board has continued with a new set of targets that are based around the LAW aims. This has agreed key aims and appointed an independent chair from Westlea Housing Association The Homelessness/Housing Options work group have been working on developing uniform policies and approaches to be introduced on 1 April 2009. Additionally following advice from CLG individual districts have updated their existing strategies and a new Wiltshire Wide strategy will be developed during 2009 (for completion by 31/03/10). Action 3 Greener and accessible affordable homes: ensure that through good design we create more lasting homes; homes that are environmentally friendly and homes that will support independent living.

OVERVIEW: Work to deliver on this objective is scheduled to take place following transition to one Council. However, during the first quarter negotiations have been taking place to ensure that planned affordable homes are being delivered to Sustainable Homes Code 3. Wiltshire has also submitted a bid to the government for funding to support grants being given to vulnerable households to improve energy efficiency.


Local Agreement for Wiltshire - Progress by Ambition Ambition Lives not services - support more people to have independent and fulfilling lives as part of their local community; support families to provide the strong foundations for children and young people’s development; enable individuals to make informed choices to improve their long term health and well being Performance against LAA/LAW Indicators (see Annex B below for additional information) Performance against the national indicators (NIs) in the LAA is mixed. Currently three of the NIs are on target (112, 123 and 125). NI 123 (Stopping Smoking) currently only shows Q1 data (the nature of the target means there is a time lag) and, although currently on target, the figure for the second quarter is more challenging. There are three NIs (008, 130 and 136) which are not currently on course to meet the targets set. Of these NI 008 (Adult participation in active recreation) is affected by a national downturn in participation partly because of the wet summer. If this is indeed proves a strong contributing factor it is expected that the next quarters figures will see an upturn. There is currently one indicators (135) for which we have not been provided with information about whether it is on target; further details will be provided in Q3. There are a further three indicators which currently have provisional data only or for which no target has yet been set. Action 1 Improve working across health and social care to provide more appropriate and local services, which help people recover and prevent them being in hospital unnecessarily, or needing long-term care. OVERVIEW: The Older People’s accommodation strategy has been completed. Re-ablement beds have been commissioned in Malmesbury (Jul 08). An Extra care bid for Trowbridge was successful (£1.4m). 2 Pathway beds have been commissioned. Bath University has been commissioned to evaluate work on linking re-ablement and intermediate care. A brochure has been produced for the future commissioning of transforming social care which includes information on independent sheltered housing, preventative services, ‘handyhelps’ and home security. A Falls and Bone Health strategy has been completed jointly by WCC/PCT and a joint action plan agreed. This will be launched in January 2009 Action 2 Improve access to assessments and services for carers and involve carers in developing services OVERVIEW: A County Carers Strategy Group has been established and will meet three times year, and their work will involve overseeing the new Wiltshire Carers Strategy 2009-12. Local Carers Focus groups have been established in each district area and meet on a regular basis to discuss issues relevant to carers. Improvements have been made to the Sitting Service, increasing hours and flexibility. Consultation is taking place to examine the information leaflets that will be made available to carers.


Action 3 Support more people through direct payments/individual budgets to manage own care OVERVIEW: A user and carer Direct Payments monitoring group has been established that includes user led organisations, support group representatives and Adult Social Care staff. This group has now merged with the Individual Budgets reference group and is now the Self Directed Support reference group. The individual budget process has been simplified and awareness raising is now underway. Numbers of people receiving direct payments increased during July 2008 and are expected to show a further increase once August figures are available.

Action 4 Improve access to services for people with dementia

OVERVIEW: The PCT, AWP, Adult Social Care, Independent and voluntary Sector, Service Users and Carers are working on an action plan with set targets to improve the pathway for people with Dementia to access a range of services. The Targets have been defined by a piece of work undertaken by the National Alzheimer’s Society at the request of the Department of Health and are aligned with the needs and aspirations of Service Users and Carers. Action 5 Improve access to primary care services for people with learning disabilities OVERVIEW: The Strategic Health Authority has designed a Framework to improve access to primary health care services for people with learning difficulties. The Primary Care Trust will take the lead to implement the Framework on an incremental basis. Action 6 Action from the Children and Young People’s Plan to improve services for disabled children and young people by working with key service providers on eligibility criteria, working with parents, families and young people on support and service choices, reviewing short break and respite care and increased the use of direct payments. OVERVIEW: Detailed workplans have been completed to outline actions to be met in order to achieve the objectives. These plans will be regularly reviewed by the group to ensure all actions will be met in a timely and consistent manner.  A clearer eligibility criteria to support easier access has been completed and distribution is underway – firstly to schools.  The provision of family support which is more flexible to individual needs will be progressed in line with a joint commissioning strategy due to be in place by February 2009. A Short Breaks working group has been formed and they meet regularly to an agenda. They have already begun a mapping and gapping exercise within the county, and plans are underway to begin a countywide audit using the DCSF tool. Training sessions have been arranged for social workers to consistently promote the uptake of direct payments. A Draft Transition strategy to ensure young people will have a well planned transition pathway to adult services has been produced and is to be consulted by the multi-agency partnership board. An additional full time post has been created to focus on this area. Part of that will be to progress the use of person-centred approaches in involving children and young people. Progress has also been made on towards ensuring children and young people, parents and carers will have more opportunity to shape the service they receive and to influence services that are developed in the future including:  A parent representative has joined the Trust sub group.  A service to increase the influence of parents and carers in the work of the Children’s and


Young Peoples Trust Board (CYPTB) is being tendered.  The Democracy team is supporting work to increase the involvement of children and young people in the work of the Trust Board sub group including a residential weekend for some disabled young people later this year. The Every Disabled Child Matters Charter is to be signed off jointly by the PCT and the Council by autumn 2008, with a supporting implementation plan, thus providing a framework by which to measure the accessibility of services. Action 7 Encourage people to make lifestyle changes that will have a positive impact on the health of both themselves and their families: OVERVIEW: There has been a great deal of positive progress in relation to the development of Health Trainers Programme and a Brief Intervention Training programme in Wiltshire. There have been additional links made with the Skills for Health programme currently being established with the Military. Health trainers: Staff within the Public Health team have participated in University of the West of England training on Health Trainers and the project plan has been developed and approved. This includes development of a training pack in line with a City and Guilds qualification. The project initiation document and financial proposal is complete and includes alternative ways to engage Health Trainers in Wiltshire. Wiltshire PCT is now accredited to deliver the Health Trainer course. A Conference on Health Trainers in prisons was attended by the Health Trainer lead in order to support work planned for Her Majesty’s Prison Erlestoke. The Behaviour Change training has now been developed in draft form. The training will take place over a whole day and has been scheduled to take place in Salisbury, Trowbridge and Devizes (22 Oct, 18 Nov 2008 and 22 Jan 2009). Behaviour change training primarily targets staff who work 1-1 to encourage clients to choose change their behaviour and make healthier choices. Multi agency staff have been invited to attend training; a marketing flier for behaviour change training was added to the drug and alcohol training programme mail out in August and went to 800 staff groups as well as being advertised in Wiltshire PCT staff briefing. Multi agency applications are arriving daily for the training. Once the community work is underway and projects agreed, these staff will be well placed to support the work. Weight management referral schemes: A draft Overweight and Obesity Strategy has been developed, shared with PCT Board and a 3 month consultation process is underway. A date has been set for the first meeting of Wiltshire Obesity Task Group. The clinical governance obesity audit final report circulated to GPs for feedback, and a funding bid is currently being prepared to enable roll out of the Counterweight Programme (currently delivered in South Wiltshire). Exercise Referral schemes: Data collection for this is ongoing. Kennet District Council has compiled a report on the current services across the county which will be going to the new Wiltshire Council Implementation Executive with recommendations for the future. Public Health has met with Kennet to discuss potential PCT input/support for a new county-wide scheme.


Action 8 Implement a universal Chlamydia screening programme for under 25s OVERVIEW: A Wiltshire coordinator is in post and has attended Clinical Governance meetings in all areas of Wiltshire to update on the programme. The response has been excellent; the majority of practices being in touch to inform of practice contact and invitations have been offered to attend staff meetings to brief teams. Schools that failed to reply to initial letter requesting engagement have received a further letter to which has had a positive response. The Children and Young People’s Trust Board has reported: . Continued rollout of No Worries and condom distribution schemes . Workforce training on sexual health . 10% of 18-24 year olds contacted have responded to Chlamydia screening initiative

Action 9 Work with particular communities in Wiltshire, in our most deprived areas, to understand their health needs and what they require to support them in avoiding ill health. Alongside this, implement a scheme of preventative work to influence the main causes of ill health and early death

OVERVIEW: The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides part the basis of the evidence about what is needed across Wiltshire. It has been used to inform World Class Commissioning and the PCT Strategic Framework. It has also enabled Public Health to identify gaps in our knowledge around mental wellbeing and accidents and is starting to consider how we can collect data on these health issues. The JSNA steering group has been reconvened to progress on the new core dataset and updating of JSNA (aiming for late Autumn). There is now a live website and two members of staff have been trained to update the document as the information is gathered Identifying areas where the work is most needed: Five headline areas are to be identified through stakeholder involvement to carry out mini JSNA’s. To improve capacity for this work, 2 new public health scientists have been recruited to the Public Health team (one started, one due to start in Q3). A Health Population Information System has been purchased by the PCT which will allow detailed analysis of local data on some issues. Ensuring stopping smoking service meets the needs of those who need it most: With the success of the Tidworth Military clinic, a further two clinics are planned at Larkhill and Bulford. Two new drop-in clinics have opened in Salisbury and the uptake will be monitored carefully. A specialist advisor is in post at Salisbury District Hospital in the neonatal, postnatal and antenatal units. Three new bank stop smoking advisors have been recruited. The number of pharmacists joining the service continues to increase. Obesity strategy: The draft obesity strategy was presented to PCT board on 23 Sep 08. It will now be on the PCT website for 3 months consultation. A date has been set for the first meeting of the Wiltshire Obesity Task Group.

Healthy workplace scheme: Following on from the successful health MOT sessions earlier in the year, several workplaces have requested further MOTs and new requests have been received (e.g. from the Army). There are several workplace health schemes running across the UK and many resources available which could be used as a template for Wiltshire. To make workplace health interventions sustainable there needs to be more ownership by workplaces

9 ANNEX A with dedicated staff to run health MOTs in-house. The 2008 Healthier Wiltshire lifestyle survey was completed on time with record response rates. There was 100% organisational participation, with 5260 responses from 13 organisations. Targets were successfully hit for reduction in smoking (100%) and increase in exercise (60%). Work is being undertaken on a funding bid for Mental Health First Aid training across the county. The Children and Young Peoples Trust Board has reported: . Overall reductions in teenage pregnancy rates for last two quarters with significant reductions in hotspot areas (indicative data only; will be confirmed at a later date) . Teenage Pregnancy co-ordinator post is currently vacant (although recruitment for full time replacement is underway) which may slow progress. Milestones to be reviewed within overall target for reductions in teenage pregnancies.


Local Agreement for Wiltshire - Progress by Ambition Ambition Wiltshire exhibiting a positive and sustainable environment for economic growth Performance against LAA/LAW Indicators (see Annex B below for additional information) Currently two of the four LAA indicators attributed to this ambition are not on target (117 and 152). These are challenging targets relating to young people not in employment education or training (NEET) and worklessness and will be affected by the downturn in the economy. There are full programmes of action in place to address both of these indicators. There is one indicator (163) for which we have not been provided with information about whether it is on target; further details will be provided in Q3. NI 168 (maintenance of principle roads) is currently on target although confirmed results are not expected until Q3

Action 1 Improve business productivity through innovation – provide businesses with specific advice, information, knowledge events and other support.

OVERVIEW: At this stage the action plan remains on target overall. As at the end of Q2, 573 business advice sessions have been held with Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) whilst the target for the year is 1175. As at the end of Q2, 339 Intensive Assists have been delivered. Despite a lower number in the second quarter we are still on course to achieve our target of 600 for the year. Currently, exceeding target. The Innovation Strategy was signed off by WSEP Executive Group in July 2008. Two workshops are now scheduled for November and December 2008. A presentation to LAA Ambition Leads meeting on 10 Sep 08 was given around the potential alignment of EU programmes with the LAA/LAW.

Action 2 Research to assess the significance of planned military changes for communities and civilian and military authorities.

OVERVIEW: At this stage the action plan remains on target. Though not the final report, the second Interim Report for the Wiltshire Project which looks at the socio-economic background and scenarios for military change in the county and implications for service delivery, was produced by the end of the second quarter. We are still aiming for December as target completion date for the main research report, but pressure of other work may create a minor overrun.

Action 3 Tackle pockets of worklessness to help provide an adequate labour supply to meet business demands through raising skills levels, including basic and employability skills, and working with hard to reach groups. OVERVIEW: Progress against the milestones in this Action Plan has been very strong. Worklessness programmes were launched mid June. Early data for these is now available but requires validation before it can be released externally - will be available shortly.


Action 4 Broaden the employment base of Wiltshire, increasing higher value and higher skilled jobs and extending Higher Education (HE) provision in the County

OVERVIEW: A report on the Employment Strategy was presented to WSEP Executive Group in October 2008. A decision was taken to appoint consultants to facilitate consultation workshops. The Wiltshire Higher Education Plan final report is now complete. The WSEP Executive Group agreed in October that a presentation will be given on it at the January WSEP meeting. The Investment Strategy was adopted by WSEP Board on 17 Jul 08. The Transnational Workers research study on course to meet original deadline.

Action 5 Work with the private sector to provide adequate workspace and employment land provision to meet market needs, including incubation space and the development of centres of excellence

OVERVIEW: During Q2 we went out to tender for the Workspace Strategy and appointed DTZ were appointed during September 2008 and an inception meeting was held on 17 Sep 08. Permission has been granted for the Porton Down Bioscience Technology Centre. The only area outstanding is the finalisation of the Section 106 agreement which Wiltshire County Council legal team have responsibility to take forward.

Action 6 Improve journey time reliability on the A350 corridor in Wiltshire, including construction of the Westbury Bypass, and improve the condition and management of Wiltshire’s principal road network.

OVERVIEW: WCC are currently pressing for information from DfT to allow a baseline, trajectories, target and monitoring to be established for this. If this is unsuccessful, then WCC will seek to use an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system on the A350 (funding to be determined). A decision by the Secretary of State(s) on the Westbury Bypass is now anticipated in March 2009, due to delayed inquiry. Other activity includes:  Feasibility studies on work to improve the A350: Review of previous work due to commence in November 2008. Draft report anticipated March 2009.  Wiltshire Traffic Control Centre: CCTV aspect now underway with full review across county. Business review underway in light of 1C4W service blocks. Business case for investment to be completed by March 2009.  Strategic Corridor Transport Strategy: Currently responding to the consultation on the alterations to the Regional Spatial Strategy – implications of this to be considered prior to commencing development of the strategy  Delivery of condition, safety and network management improvements on the principal road network: Elements of the Network Management Plan included in 'Local Transport Plan 2008 - Draft Progress Report' which was issued for consultation in early September. We are developing a set of performance indicators to benchmark compliance with the Network Management Duty in cooperation with the South West Traffic Managers Group/South West Highways Service Improvement Group.


Action 7 Research to understand how key settlements can evolve/regenerate as thriving and vibrant economic centres

OVERVIEW: There is a possibility that the March 2009 milestone may not be met. In light of this, a pilot approach is currently being considered.


Local Agreement for Wiltshire - Progress by Ambition Ambition Reduce particular crimes, change behaviours and inform the public to bring about communities that are safe and feel safe Performance against LAA/LAW Indicators (see Annex B below for additional information) Three of the six LAA indicators within this ambition (017, 030 and 032) are currently either draft indicators or await data from government. For NIs 16 and 20 (which relate to serious acquisitive crime and assault with injury crime) we have not been provided with information about whether these are on target, further details will be provided in Q3. NI 195 relates to improved street and environmental cleanliness and is currently on target. Action 1 Public reassurance through consistent and regular communication with communities to increase the feelings of safety OVERVIEW: The Police Authority has carried out a Safe & Satisfied Survey during this period and the results are being analysed. They will be used within the Strategic Assessment which the Community Safety Partnership is undertaking to inform its planning process for 2009 – 2011. The Partnership has been reviewing how it will continue to ensure the communities engagement at a local level and how local priorities and needs are fed into its future plans. The Partnership is developing links with the Resilient Partnership Group to ensure that joint work with communities is undertaken, plus developing links with the Voluntary Sector to enable the CSP to engage more hard to reach groups.

Action 2 Reduce re-offending by joining up services such as housing, education, and health (mental health and drugs and alcohol) for prolific and priority offenders and ex-offenders. Give due regard to the prevention of the transition of young offenders into the adult criminal justice system

OVERVIEW: A review of the Prolific and Priority Offender Scheme Delivery for Wiltshire has taken place during this quarter and a working group to put a new implementation plan in place is underway, this will ready by December 2008. Discussions have taken place with the new project workers for Magistrates in the Community, to provide opportunities for this to happen in key areas of Wiltshire. The idea is to help people understand and have confidence in the Magistrates’ Court. Action 3 Improve streetscene by working together in communities on street clean ups, community events, safety messages and to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB). Intergenerational work e.g. through leisure and the arts as well as activities for young people. OVERVIEW: In September 08, the 5 Wiltshire Councils and community safety partner agencies delivered county-wide ‘Weeks of Action’ (WofA) with the engagement/involvement of local communities. Activities included: Street cleansing, litter picking, graffiti removal, clean-ups, Walk to School Day, the Salamander project, Blues n Zuz discos, county-wide Community Roadshows (offering advice/guidance to the general public), Reparation project with young offenders, plus distraction activities for young people, i.e. football tournament, activity ‘taster’ days. These events attracted a considerable amount of press and publicity coverage including: . West Wilts Matters 17 October 08 – article promoting success of the Weeks of Action campaign. . BBC News website publicised Wiltshire’s WofA on 12 October 08


. WofA press coverage in Wilts Gazette & Herald and Wiltshire Times. . Radio Wiltshire coverage of Weeks of Action activities – 6-10 October 08. . Radio 4 programme broadcast on 20 October 08 – promoting work being done to break down barriers and promote intergenerational activity involving young offenders, those at risk, elderly, Connexions, community volunteers. In addition to the Weeks of Action, other partnership initiatives include . Designated Public Place Order for Chippenham w.e.f. 28 July 08. . Kennet ASB panel task and finish group implementing actions to address night time economy issues in Devizes. . Salisbury ASB Panel monitoring Durrington Dispersal Order to ensure action plan is implemented.

Action 4 Tackle domestic violence by challenging attitudes to domestic violence, increasing reporting and providing earlier intervention and commissioning appropriate services to support victims and their children

OVERVIEW: In August the consultation on the draft Domestic Violence Strategy 2008-11 commenced, which resulted in this work being profiled through local media. In addition more targeted work was planned with identified stakeholders for whom the strategy was both particularly significant. These included those who would be harder to reach and engage with using the more traditional methods of consultation. This included work with service users including victims, children and young people and perpetrators of DV. An opportunity to meet with representatives from the Wiltshire Assembly of Youth was also arranged. Communication with these groups would be undertaken through facilitated focus groups ensuring the appropriate safeguards were in place for support. Wiltshire made a successful bid to GOSW for £3,000 to develop and undertake a Young People’s Survey of the level of awareness around DV. This will be delivered alongside the planned Theatre in Education programme going into schools. The National Centre for Domestic Violence launched its Wiltshire Office in August, this is a registered charity that provides fast, free advice and support to all victims of domestic violence regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality or financial circumstances. This development was championed by Wiltshire Police Chief Constable and ACPO lead for DV Brian Moore. The Local Public Service Agreement (LPSA) DV sub group won the award for the ‘Partnership of the Year’ category at the National Criminal Justice Awards ’08 in October 2008.

Action 5 Reduce alcohol related crime and harm, particularly violent crime and anti- social behaviour through 4 strands of activity: prevention, intervention, enforcement, resettlement and rehabilitation.

OVERVIEW: A multi-agency Alcohol Strategy for Wiltshire has been developed for 2009 - 2012. It includes actions on 4 key themes: prevention, intervention, enforcement and rehabilitation. Task groups will take forward each theme by developing an implementation plan and co- ordinating cross-agency working. Implementation of the enforcement theme will include action to address alcohol-related violent crime and anti-social behaviour and will link closely to the alcohol action plan being developed by Wiltshire police. Discussions are taking place with Salisbury Foundation Trust and the Alcohol and Drugs Advisory Service to establish a specialist nurse to develop a service for individuals identified with alcohol-related problems within the Emergency Department. A funding bid has been submitted to GOSW for preventive work with young people identified as at high risk of experiencing alcohol-related problems, including anti-social behaviour.


Action 6 Reduce road traffic collisions in Wiltshire by understanding the reasons for the high rates of serious injury and death as a result of road traffic collisions in Wiltshire. OVERVIEW: The Executive Board at its October meeting received a presentation on this area of the Partnership’s work and looked at the targets and areas of Public Concern. It was agreed that the CSP and Health and Well Being Partnership need to work more closely together regarding issues related to people killed or seriously injured in road traffic incidents. Furthermore, within the future plans, the partnership needed to consider the public and police concern at speeding through villages. A revised strategy plan is to be discussed between the Road Safety Partnership and the Community Safety Partnership.


Local Agreement for Wiltshire - Progress by Ambition Ambition Environment: Tackle climate change and promote a high quality, natural environment that enriches the lives of people Performance against LAA/LAW Indicators (see Annex B below for additional information) Four of the five LAA indicators are currently on target (175, 188, 191, and 197). The indicator relating to per capita CO2 emissions (186) will be reported on by DEFRA in the third quarter. Action 1 Increase uptake of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. OVERVIEW: The Wiltshire & Swindon Renewable Energy Action Plan (WSREAP) is being progressed by an Action Group and collection of Home Energy Checks to inform performance improvement reporting is a priority. The Wiltshire Energy Efficiency Advice Centre is to be commissioned to provide a Service Level Agreement in respect of awareness training. Action 2 Reduce carbon emissions from public sector business through efficiency measures, new technology and improved management practices. OVERVIEW: Wiltshire County Council Property Services continue to monitor energy use within the County Council's building stock, with a view to reducing the carbon emissions produced by those buildings. Efficiency measures are carried out on a range of buildings where the budget will allow, usually in conjunction with necessary maintenance work. In 2007/08 the Energy Conservation Fund was spent across 12 buildings to carry out work ranging from lighting improvements to boiler timeclocks. New technologies are introduced where appropriate and financially viable, for example motion sensors on lighting have been fitted to sporadically used areas of our 2 leisure centres (squash courts etc). To date microgeneration technologies have not been introduced on any WCC buildings as there is no specific fund for them. We continue to emphasise the importance of good management practices in relation to energy efficiency. During 2007/08 a pilot scheme of electricity smart meters was trialled on 8 sites. This allows staff within the buildings to monitor their electricity use on a daily basis and to see the results of adjusting their consumption. This year also seen much work being done on the preparation for Energy Certificates on 13 of the county buildings plus over 100 Wiltshire schools. Action 3 Increase use of sustainable energy measures in new developments (encouraged by planning policy) and delivered through planning development control decisions OVERVIEW: New policies relating to sustainable energy are to be included in emerging Local Development Framework(s) (LDF) for Wiltshire. Performance to be measured against LDF policies using appropriate baseline and targets as these are defined through 2009/10.


Action 4 Reduce carbon emissions from transport through more balanced development, sustainable transport, and demand and traffic management and new technology OVERVIEW: A wide range of activity is taking place including:  Proportion of the bus network supported by WCC has increased in light of commercial network shrinkage at increased cost to the local council  Key Bus Route infrastructure improvements continue.  Town Cycle networks progressing; consultations on scheme for Corsham underway.  Town centre enhancements continuing with work in Westbury & Warminster nearing completion.  Feedback on Wiltshire LTP Progress report from GOSW is positive.  Consultation on future Wiltshire LTP progressing to implementation.  Highway Network Management Plan produced.  Congestion ‘hot spots’ being mapped.  Review of Parking Plan underway.  Performance outcomes are reported annually; no update this quarter.  Development of Wiltshire Traffic Control centre on programme  Westbury Bypass progressing through statutory processes. Action 5 Improve the reduction, re-use and recycling of household waste through increased participation by the community, including so called hard to reach groups OVERVIEW: Waste minimisation activities are on target to meet tonnage diversion.  Home composting sales are at 50% of annual target and therefore achieving 266.07 tonnes for current year (landfill diversion). NB: Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has recently issued new guidance on the calculation of tonnage diversion from home composting at a higher rate than was used in calculating the original LAA target. This means that we can claim better project performance against the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust home composting units.  Food Waste Digester (Green Cone) sales are lower than expected and hitting around 44.7% of target tonnage diversion. A follow-up satisfaction survey was completed by WWT in September 08. Overall, residents were very happy with their purchase of food waste digesters: 84% of Green Cone users found the units to be satisfactory or good, while 98% of Green Johanna users found these units to be satisfactory or good.  Real nappies promotion work is currently lower than target with diversion rate currently at 44 tonnes  Schools waste minimisation and recycling is currently on target Recycling services:  wheeled bins have been delivered to households across Salisbury District and collections of plastics and cardboard from the kerbside have started  a new service of food and drink cartons recycling (tetrapak) has been introduced at the Household Recycling Centres (HRC)  A participation survey is underway for the black box service in West Wilts


Action 6 Increase awareness of climate change adaptation leading to action being taken by individuals, communities and businesses OVERVIEW: Work being taken forward with WWT and ‘Wiltshire World Changers’ programme. New climate action groups are being set up at Devizes, Pewsey, Corsham, Malmesbury and Cricklade. It is proposed to hold a ‘Love Your Planet’ day for Valentine's Day. Contact is beginning to be made with faith communities, especially the Diocesan environment group, to encourage local congregations to become active, working with Wellbeing team to reach interfaith and hard to reach groups. Also, contact is being made with Community Area Partnerships to encourage an integrated approach to environmental issues. Action 7 Targeted conservation and enhancement of Wiltshire’s biodiversity in line with the Wiltshire Biodiversity Action Plan and the South West Nature Map; in particular improve monitoring, advice, and management of County Wildlife Sites, where possible through community action. Ensure high quality biodiversity information is available to decision makers OVERVIEW: It was reported in Q1 that a Revised Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) was published July 2008, including a monitoring component through the National Biodiversity Actions Reporting System (BARS). The Council will be reporting back annually on our local authority BAP actions and targets. County and District Ecologists provide advice internally and externally on Biodiversity. The Council is a member of, and grant contributor to, the County Wildlife Site project partnership, and with its partners, is responsible for National Indicator 197 ("Improved Local Biodiversity - proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being employed" – reported annually). Action 8 Ensure new developments are designed for greater community cohesion, to promote physical and mental health, reduce crime and enhance wildlife OVERVIEW: Development of Wiltshire Local Development Frameworks (LDF) will require the promotion of ‘green infrastructure’ policies. This will be progressed through statutory processes in 2009/10. Further update will be provided when the LDF programme is agreed.


Local Agreement for Wiltshire - Progress by Ambition Ambition Working together to achieve the ambitions. OVERVIEW: Partners have agreed to work together to take forward Wiltshire’s Ambitions and this is captured in the Local Agreement for Wiltshire and the Local Area Agreement with government. Progress on this ambition is reflected elsewhere in this document and includes outcomes being achieved from partnership working. The new arrangements for Wiltshire’s ‘family of partnerships’ is in place, with meetings of and action from the Assembly, Coordinating Group (WCG) and Accountable Bodies Group (ABG). New Thematic delivery Partnerships for Transport, Environment, Housing, Resilient Communities and Health and Wellbeing are being formed and in the meantime partnership working is in place by organisations working together on the agreed action shown above. In addition:  The Wiltshire Assembly has agreed to focus its collective energy to identify and mitigate the effects of the economic downturn on Wiltshire’s communities. It is asking local public and voluntary sector organisations, community partnerships and businesses to identify the impact the downturn is having on them and on people and communities in the county. This will feed into the analysis mentioned below and the Assembly will use its March meeting to explore ways in which Assembly members can assist.  We have engaged a consultant (the former Chair of the West Wiltshire Economic Partnership) to bring together information to assess the likely impact and action that could be taken to address some of the local effects of the economic situation. Wiltshire’s Coordinating Group (WCG), Thematic Delivery Partnerships and the members of the Accountable Bodies Group are contributing especially in relation to action planning. Longer term issues are included as well as more immediate responses. The consultant’s full report will be considered by the Assembly on 26th March. Partnerships are being asked for initial comments by end of December 2008.

20 ANNEX B Performance indicators by Ambition – Resilient Communities

LAA indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O NI 001 % of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well PS Q2 - Place Survey - Data available March quarter. together in their local area. NI 004 % of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality. PS Q2 - Place Survey - Data available March quarter. NI 006 Participation in regular volunteering. PS Q2 - Place Survey - Data available March quarter. NI 007 Environment for a thriving third sector. 4.1 Q2 - Baseline measurement during Autumn 2008. NI 110 Young people’s participation in positive activities. NA Q2 - Data and targets not yet available as baselines will be set by the Tellus survey in October. t

PI Statutory Education and Early Years targets within the LAA 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O NI 072 Achievement of at least 78 points across the Early Years Foundation 53.0 56.8 57 Y 57.2 not set Stage with at least 6 in each of the scales in Personal Social and Emotional Development and Communication, Language and Literacy. NI 073 Achievement at level 4 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 70.0 not set 73 80 not set Q2 - provisional data 2. NI 074 Achievement at level 5 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 70.0 not set 67 79 not set Q2 - provisional data 3. NI 075 Achievement of 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE or equivalent including 49.3 56.0 53.4 58.0 not set Q2 - provisional data English and Maths NI 083 Achievement at Level 5 or above in Science at Key Stage 3. 77.4 80.0 75 84.0 not set Q2 - provisional data NI 087 Secondary school persistent absence rate. 5.4 5.2 NA 5.1 5.0 Q2 - data not available until Q3 NI 092 Narrowing the gap between the lowest achieving 20% in the Early Years 35.5 33.4 31.4 Y 32.4 not set Foundation Stage Profile and the rest. NI 093 Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. 87.2 not set 91.0 not set Q1 - Provisional results expected Q2.

NI 094 Progression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. 76.2 not set 87.0 not set Q1 - Provisional results expected Q2.

NI 095 Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3. 32.6 not set 41.0 not set Q1 - Provisional results expected Q2.

NI 096 Progression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 65.0 not set 72.0 not set Q1 - Provisional results expected Q2.

NI 097 Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. 60.6 not set 64.9 70.0 not set Q2 - provisional data

NI 098 Progression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 29.3 not set 23.3 41.0 not set Q2 - provisional data

NI 099 Looked after children reaching level 4 in English at Key Stage 2. 43.8 31.3 37.5 Q1 - Provisional results expected Q2. NI 100 Looked after children reaching level 4 in mathematics at Key Stage 2 37.5 31.3 37.5 not set Q1 - Provisional results expected Q2. NI 101 Looked after children achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key 0 12.5 30.4 not set Q1 - Provisional results expected Q2. Stage 4 (including English and mathematics).

Please note information on other LAW indicators will be added to future updates as data becomes available 1 ANNEX B Performance indicators by Ambition – Affordable Housing

LAA Indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g Actual Target r Target Target a T

n O NI 141 Percentage of vulnerable people achieving independent living. 66.00 67.00 73.85 Y 68.00 70.00 Q2 - Figures are as for Q1 as CLG's PI workbooks are due to be submitted by late October 2008. Q2 will be updated as soon as the indicator is available. NI 154 Net additional homes provided. 2670 2229 2517 2565 Q2 - Data collected annually. NI 155 Number of affordable homes delivered (gross). 636 479 330 Y 554 590 Q2 - Data collected annually. 164 delivered in Q2. LAW Indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O ESDHOU 2 Bed and Breakfast: end the use of bed and breakfast 45 34 16 23 11 Q2 - updated accommodation for all homeless households by 2011, all except emergency use. ESDHOU 3 Temporary accommodation: halve the use of Homeless temporary 234 Q2 - This is the same as NI 156 - we have based our target on the LAA accommodation between 2008 and 2010 target of halving use by 2010. ESDHOU 4 Reduce the number of people facing homelessness by offering 289 genuine alternative housing and support options.

Please note information on other LAW indicators will be added to future updates as data becomes available 2 ANNEX B Performance indicators by Ambition – Lives not Services LAA Indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O NI 008 Adult participation in sport and active recreation. 26.1 1.7 see N 27.1 28.1 This indicator is currently being inconsistently reported, the target comment being expressed as the total percentage of people whilst the result is being reported as the percentage increase. This will be rectified for next quarter. Q2 comment - there has been a dip in participation (nationally) when compared to the same period 2 yrs ago (the baseline). The cummulative increase is now 1.7% over 2 years. It is likely that the credit crunch and the wet summer are responsible. If the weather was a key driver then it is likely that the next quarter will be more positive.

NI 039 Rate of Hospital Admissions per 100,000 for Alcohol Related Harm. 1303 1141 1356 1406 Q2 - Figure is for Q1 provisional. NI 040 Number of drug users recorded as being in effective treatment. Not Set 596 Q2 - No target set yet. Q1 data reported, Q2 data awaited. NI 055 Obesity in primary school age children in Reception (PCT indicator) 8.49 N/A 8.50 8.50 Q2 - Result available Feb 09. NI 112 Under 18 conception rate of change. -27 NA Y -39 -50 Q2 - This is measured by calendar year and official 2008/09 result will not be available from government until Feb 2010. The PCT's target for 2008 is 179 under 18 conceptions. Population base aged 15-17 is 8,972, which gives us a target conception rate of 20 per 1000 females 15-17. For Q1 this year (April – June): 87 conceptions. For July and August this year: 45 conceptions. Total conceptions in 5 months = 132. That is an average of 26.4 per month x 12 = 317. This would be a rate of 35.3 per 1000. So reduction is on target if current rates continue.

NI 123 Stopping smoking. 583 679.0 791 Y 679.3 679.4 Q2 - figures shown as at 10th Oct 2008. NI 125 Achieving independence for older people through N/A Y Q2 - PCT/WCC have done 2 test runs and are collecting data from rehabilitation/intermediate care. 01/10/08. This will collate data for the last 6 months of the year via a survey. Data from October will be available in November for the indicator linking with the PCT. NI 130 Social care clients receiving Self Directed Support per 100,000 population. 105.8 127.2 112.2 N 158.9 211.6 Q2 - Figure is from Q1. Not currently on target - will report on steps to be taken to redress this in Q3. NI 135 Carers receiving needs assessment or review and a specific carer’s 9.0 10.0 9.0 20.0 25.0 Q2 - Figure is from Q1. To be updated. service, or advice and information. NI 136 People supported to live independently through social services (all adults). 3036.88 2500.00 3071.07 N 3000.00 3500.00 Q2 - Figure is from August. Not currently on target - will report on steps to be taken to redress this in Q3. LAW Indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O NI 131 Delayed transfers of care. 35.1 10.1 23.5 N Q2. Target (22.9) missed but significant improvements achieved in last 12 months. Monthly cluster meetings in place to enable issues to be identified and addressed quickly and so improve performance. NI 146 Adults with learning disabilities in employment. 75.0 8.1 N Q2 - Figure is from August. Not currently on target - will report on activity to be taken to redress this in Q3. Please note information on other LAW indicators will be added to future updates as data becomes available 3 ANNEX B

Performance indicators by Ambition – Economy and Skills LAA Indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O NI 117 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training 5.8 4.10 9.3 N 4.10 4.10 Q2 - the 4.1% target is the average for the period November to (NEET). January. The figures shown for September/October are turbulent and subject to rapid changes as young people finish school and go onto other destinations: the 9.3% at the end of September fell to 7% within days of reporting and is still falling as we ascertain destinations and help young people ‘move on’. NI 152 Working age people on out of work benefits. 6.75 6.60 6.70 N 6.30 5.90 Q2 - Awaiting data from government. The figures quoted are estimates. Based on this we are not on target, but once current data is available this may change. A full program of work is in place to tackle worklessness. NI 163 Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females 66.4 72.4 66.4 73.6 75.8 Q2 - 66.40% of Wiltshire's working age population are qualified to at qualified to at least Level 2 or higher. least Level 2 or higher. This is based on January - December 2007 data whereby those qualified to at least Level 2 total 174,500 and the working age population totals 263,000. NI 168 Principal roads where maintenance should be considered. 4 4 Y 4 4 Q2 - On target. Scanner results expected next quarter. LAW Indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O ESDECON1 Number of businesses supported (Intensive Assists) 589 600 339 Y 700 800 Q2 - As at the end of Q2 339 Intensive Assists have been delivered. Despite a lower number in the second quarter we are still on course to acheive our target of 600 for the year. Currently exceeding target based on an equally spread quarterly profile. ESDWWM1 Neighbourhood Worklessness Measure - Working age people 10.30 10.30 Q2 - This is an annual measure, base on four quarter averages. The claiming out of work benefits in the 14 designated priority deprived figure of 10.30% includes quarterly data relating to February 2008. wards. NI 146 Adults with learning disabilities in employment. 75.0 8.1 N Q2 - Figure is from August. NI 161 Number of Level 1 qualifications in literacy (including ESOL) 1991 2093 1991 2407 Q2 - Current data is ynavailable. This shows the 2007/08 figure for Level 1 achieved. = an increase by 408 to 1991 (Wiltshire-wide). This is based on 107 for 16- 18 and 301 for 19+. NI 162 Number of Entry Level qualifications in numeracy achieved. 90 129 90 155 See above NI 164 Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for 48.1 51.8 48.1 51.9 52.0 Q2 - 48.10% of Wiltshire's working age population are qualified to at least females qualified to at least Level 3 or higher. Level 3 or higher. This is based on January-December 2007 data whereby those qualified to at least Level 3 total 126,400 and the working age population totals 263,000.

Please note information on other LAW indicators will be added to future updates as data becomes available 4 ANNEX B Performance indicators by Ambition – Communities that are Safe and feel Safe LAA Indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O NI 016 Serious acquisitive crime rate. 8.58 3.61 8.41 8.24 Q2 - This figure is total number of Serious Acquisitive crimes per 1,000 population for the first quarter 2008. The numbers are down on the same period last year. NI 017 DRAFT : Perceptions of anti-social behaviour. -0.5 PS -1.0 -1.5 Q2 - No data available currently – will be base lined through the Place survey with results in March 09 NI 020 Assault with injury crime rate. 5.49 1.19 5.38 5.27 Q2 - This figure is total number of crimes for the first quarter 2008 per 1,000 population. NI 030 Re-offending rate of prolific and priority offenders. -19 Q2 - No data available. Attempting to develop manual reporting process in absence of data from government. NI 032 DRAFT : Repeat incidents of domestic violence. N/A Not being reported until April 2009 2009/2010 NI 195 Improved street and environmental cleanliness (levels of litter, detritus, 11.0 8.25% Y 10.5 10.0 8.25% - on target graffiti and fly posting). LAW: t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O NI 143 Offenders under probation supervision living in settled and suitable 77.3 Q2 - Provisional data. 77.3% against target of 70%. New reports to be accommodation at the end of their order or licence. issued by NOMS 16-10-08 which will change the way this is measured.

NI 144 Offenders under probation supervision in employment at the end of 52.9 Q2- Provisional data. 52.9% against target of 45%. New reports to be their order or licence. issued by NOMS 16-10-08 which will change the way this is measured.

Please note information on other LAW indicators will be added to future updates as data becomes available 5 ANNEX B Performance indicators by Ambition – Natural Environment LAA Indicators t

PI Name 2007/08 2008/09 Sep-08 e 2010/11 2011/12 Comment (if 'on target' is N) g r

Actual Target a Target Target T

n O NI 175 Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling. 54 48 Y 46 44 Q2 - This is collected annually.

NI 186 Per capita reduction in CO2 emissions in the LA area. N/ Q2 - Information from DEFRA will be reported in 3rd quarter A NI 188 Planning to Adapt to Climate Change. Y Q2 - A Climate Change Adptation Strategy is currently being developed with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Biological Records Centre. This will be supported by the development of a new Climate Change Team within the Economy & Enterprise Division from April 09

NI 191 Residual household waste per household. 697.5 656 Y 690.19 663.11 Q2 - on target, Sept figure 656kg. NI 197 Improved Local Biodiversity – proportion of Local Sites where positive 39.5 42.5 Y 47.5 52.5 Q2 - Wiltshire Wildlife Sites Project Officer (WCC is a member of conservation management has been or is being implemented. project partnership) currently preparing a 3 year project plan to determine how we can deliver this LAW target. The Biodiversity Action Plan Steering Group (WCC is a member) will approve the 3 year project plan and determine the level of resources to deliver the target.

Please note information on other LAW indicators will be added to future updates as data becomes available 6

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