Accredited Course Document Template

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Accredited Course Document Template

Insert proposed course name

[Please do not change the font size or border of this field]

Released August 2017 VERSION HISTORY

Version 1 Course developers can change versions throughout the course development phase to signify changes. If the course is approved for accreditation, ASQA will revert to Version 1 and input the month, year course accredited

To be deleted prior to submission


Guidance information is provided in blue font in each section.

This text needs to be deleted before submitting the course document to ASQA.

Do not change the font size in this template.

This version of the template has been updated in response to feedback from the course accreditation information sessions to include the following useful tips: - Spell check – Click ‘Review’ table and then click Spelling and Grammar - Insert page break – Press Ctrl + Enter at the time anywhere in the table

This template includes a variety of fictitious examples across a range of industry areas that are for guidance only.


For assistance in using this template, please contact the Accreditation team by email to [email protected]

Further information about the course accreditation process is available from the ASQA website DO NOT CHANGE THIS HEADER – ASQA USE ONLY [Insert proposed course name]

Section A: Copyright and course classification information

1. Person in respect Provide the name of the legal entity or individual who is the of whom the Copyright Holder of the course being submitted for accreditation. course is being Example: accredited KER Professional Services Pty Ltd

2. Address Provide street, postal and email address of the Copyright Holder. Example: Mr P D James Managing Director KER Professional Services Pty Ltd 270 Queens Parade SUBURB NSW Postcode Postal address PO Box 111111 SUBURB NSW Postcode Email address: [email protected]

3. Type of Initial accreditation / Renewal of accreditation submission [Delete as appropriate]

4. Copyright Enterprise units: acknowledgement If units have been developed for inclusion in the course, provide copyright details. Example: The copyright owner of the units of competency developed for inclusion in this course is [insert name of legal]. Training package units If units of competency have been imported from training packages, the following text must be included: The following unit(s) of competency:  [code and title]  [code and title]  [code and title]  [code and title] are from the [title] Training Package administered by the Commonwealth of Australia. © Commonwealth of Australia Units from other accredited courses If units of competency have been imported from another accredited course, provide copyright details.

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Example: The copyright owner of the following unit(s) of competency is [insert name of legal entity or individual]:  [code and title]  [code and title]  [code and title]

5. Licensing and Contact details for any licence or franchise requirements franchise If this course may be used under licence or franchise, include contact information for parties seeking information about a licence/franchise arrangement. Example: [Course owner] will establish licensing or franchising arrangements with interested parties and reserves the right to levy a licensing or franchising fee. Information on such arrangements can be obtained from [name and contact details]. If no licence or franchise requirements apply, include the following statement: There are currently no licensing or franchising arrangements in place for this course.

6. Course accrediting The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) body

7. AVETMISS Provide AVETMISS classification codes that describe the industry, information occupational group and field of education for the course.

ANZSCO Code—6 digits Insert code and description [Australian and New Example: Zealand Standard 232111 Architect Classification of Occupations] ANZSCO codes can be found at:[email protected]/Previou sproducts/1220.0Search02006? opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=122 0.0&issue=2006&num=&view=

ASCED Code—4 digits Insert code and description [Field of education] Example: 0401 Architecture and Urban Environment

ASCED codes can be found under the heading education/broad and narrow fields at:[email protected]/0/F501C031 BD9AC9C5CA256AAF001FCA33?opendocument

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National course code For ASQA use only – do not enter data in this field.

8. Period of For ASQA use only – do not enter data in this field. accreditation Note: For renewal applications, the accreditation commencement date will be the day after the current course expires.

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Section B: Course information

1. Nomenclature

1.1 Name of the State the name of the qualification or the “Course in...” qualification Note:  The course title must not duplicate a current training package qualification title.  The course must be named in accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) “qualification type”.  The title must be a maximum of 100 characters including spaces.

1.2 Nominal State the nominal (supervised) duration of the course in supervised and duration of the unsupervised hours – then total them to identify the volume of learning course for the course. Nominal (supervised) hours + Unsupervised hours = Volume of learning Example: Supervised: 630 hours Unsupervised: 215 hours Volume of learning: 845 hours

Where a range of hours is appropriate If a range in duration is appropriate due to flexibility afforded in selecting elective units, include a range of nominal (supervised) hours. The range of hours is determined by the total hours of the core units added to the lowest and highest combination of hours for the elective units. Example: Supervised: 630—790 hours Unsupervised: 215 hours Volume of learning: 845—1005 hours

2. Vocational or educational outcomes

2.1 Purpose of the State in specific terms either the intended vocational, community or course general education outcomes of the course. Vocational outcomes – Example: Insert information relating to specific vocational outcome/s of the course i.e. job roles.  [Vocational outcome]  [Vocational outcome]

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Additional information in relation to the function/duty/specialist skill should also be provided.  [insert function/duty/specialist skill]  [insert function/duty/specialist skill]  [insert function/duty/specialist skill] OR General education outcomes – Example: This course is intended to provide participants with the following general education outcomes:  [insert education outcome]  [insert education outcome]  [insert education outcome] OR Community outcomes – Example: This course is intended to provide participants with the following skills and knowledge to contribute to community outcomes such as :  [insert outcome]  [insert outcome]  [insert outcome]

3. Development of the course

3.1 Industry / 1. Provide a summary of industry / enterprise / community need for the enterprise / course. The needs could include specific benefits to industry, responses to community regulation, community demand, emerging technologies/fields, etc. needs Example: The outcomes of this course meet the timber industry need to respond to recent international trade requirements for [details]. It is estimated that 800 existing staff will need to be trained to achieve new skills in [detail].These training needs cannot be met by a current training package qualification. 2. Provide a summary of evidence of the industry / enterprise / community support for the course. Example: Support for the course has been provided by major timber industry employers, the [xxxx] union and the NSW Government. Written evidence of support from the following organisations has been attached to the course accreditation application.  Timber Tales and True Pty Ltd – Managing Director  NSW Department of Forest Industries – Deputy Director  [xxxx] Union – Forest Industry Senior Organiser  Riverina Forest and Timber Exporters Co-operative – CEO

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Note: It is not necessary to name the individuals – their position in the relevant organisation is sufficient. Individuals must give permission for their names to be included in the course document. 3. Describe the consultation and validation activities that took place and how those activities contributed to the development of the course, its structure and any enterprise units developed. Example: The need for the development of the course was identified at a meeting of the NSW Forest Industry Stakeholder Forum in June 2013. This led to the formation of a working party tasked to identify the new skills and knowledge required by employees of Australian exporters of timber. The working party met four times during the following 12 months and consulted with a wide range of industry and government parties affected by the changes to the international trade requirements. This work led to the identification of current training package units that meet some of the required learning outcomes. It also identified the need to develop two enterprise units to cover learning outcomes not available through the training packages. The draft course structure and the draft enterprise units were provided to working party members and other key stakeholders for validation and comment in July 2014. This resulted in a reduction in the number of training package units in the structure and the development of one additional enterprise unit. The final validation of the course structure and content was agreed to at a meeting of the NSW Forest Industry Stakeholder Forum in August 2014. 

3.2 Review for 1. If renewal of accreditation is being sought, information on the renewal of following should be provided: accreditation  the general enrolment figures/trends for the accreditation period;  the number of RTOs who have delivered the course;  the monitoring and evaluation processes undertaken by the course owner during the current period of course accreditation; and  how the results of monitoring and evaluation have contributed to the development of the revised course. Example: (Certificate III) The 12345NAT Certificate III in Financial Literacy has been highly successful in attracting enrolments from rural and regional women. Enrolments for the 2011-14 period total around 2500 persons, with 1800 course completions. One registered training organisation was licensed in each state/territory to deliver the course, with linkages established with Rural Financial Counsellors in each region. It is planned to continue this arrangement following renewal of accreditation.

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RTOs delivering the course were required to engage in annual evaluation processes and provide trend information on student satisfaction. This identified that women often found it difficult to maintain a continuity of class attendance due to seasonal farm activities and poor road conditions following wet weather. However students generally supported classroom based delivery as they welcomed it as an opportunity for social interaction and direct interaction with a trainer. 2. Details of feedback from key stakeholders should be summarised in this section. Example: The main feedback obtained from RTOs, students and Rural Financial Counsellors during the accreditation period was as follows:  the course length was appropriate to the needs of the target group of learners – women in rural communities requiring financial literacy skills;  there is a demand for an on-line delivery mode for the course;  the need for more content related to superannuation; and  there is a need to expand the target group of learners to include men, women and adolescents in rural communities who require financial literacy skills. 3. A summary of the main changes to the course content during the development of the new course document should be included in this section. Document changes such as addition or deletion of units, changes to unit codes/titles, changes to duration etc. Minutes of meeting are not required but can be submitted as additional evidence external to the course document. Example: The feedback from stakeholders (above) led to the following changes to the course document:  the inclusion of on-line learning as a recommended delivery mode and the inclusion of appropriate online assessment approaches;  the addition of a training package unit that covers superannuation; and  a change to the course title and to the titles of the enterprise units to remove references to ‘women’. 4. Transition arrangements from the old course to the new course for continuing students must be documented in this section. Example: There are 520 students currently enrolled in the course and they will be transitioned to the new course at the end of Semester 2, 2014, with credit for equivalent units of competency successfully completed. Note: If more complex transition arrangements apply and are represented as a table, do not insert the table here. Attach the table as an appendix to the course document.

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4. Course outcomes

4.1 Qualification 1. Describe how the intended course outcomes are consistent with the level AQF Qualification Type Descriptor for the AQF level of the course. Refer to Example: (Advanced Diploma AQF level 6) The graduate will demonstrate the application of specialised knowledge in a range of professional environments where they determine the most appropriate interventions to ensure quality outcomes for clients. Course graduates will use their initiative, knowledge and skill in making independent judgments, underpinned by specialized theoretical knowledge of current practices in their chosen field of operation. The application of skills and knowledge will be demonstrated in a range of contexts, including known and unknown situations. OR If it is proposed the course be accredited as a ‘Course in…’ include the following statement: While this course meets an identified industry/enterprise or community need it does not have the depth and breadth required of a qualification. 2. Include a statement to indicate the Volume of Learning for this qualification is consistent with the Volume of Learning identified in the AQF Qualification Type Descriptor for that AQF qualification level. Example: The above skills and knowledge are consistent with the AQF Qualification Type Descriptor for a Graduate Certificate. Note: not applicable for a ‘Course in…’

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4.2 Foundation The following statement must be included: skills Foundation skills applicable to the outcomes of this course are identified in the units of competency. Note to course developers:  research evidence1 reveals that increasingly, the term ‘foundation skills’ is used to describe the five core skills of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) plus Employability Skills. That is, foundation skills includes employability skills;  the websites of a number of Industry Skills Councils (ISCs), collectively responsible for identifying and responding to Australia’s skill development and workforce planning needs, indicate that: ‘Foundation skills’ is the term that Australian Government agencies have started to use to cover the ACSF’s five core skills, plus the employability skills, or the Core Skills for Work framework. However this is not a definitive definition and it’s worth noting that the Foundation Skills Training Package covers core skills plus digital literacy’; and  The changes to the VET accredited course template used by ASQA were made to streamline the development process for training products in the VET sector. Advice from ISCs has confirmed that from their perspective, the approach ASQA is using aligns to the approach taken by ISCs.

4.3 Recognition Provide details and confirmatory evidence of any recognition given to given to the the course by professional or industry bodies where course completion course may result in membership of a professional body being granted. Example: Completion of this course will enable the learner to apply for membership of the Australian Institute of Management. If no recognition arrangements are in place: Insert: Not applicable

4.4 Licensing/ Provide details and confirmatory evidence of the extent to which the regulatory course satisfies licensing or regulatory requirements. requirements Example: This course meets the requirements under Section 10A of the Weapons Act 1990 for a person to make application for a licence under the Weapons Act. If no licensing or regulatory requirements apply: Insert: Not applicable

1 , p. 2, footnote; viewed 16/12/2015 Version X, (Month, Year) Page 11 of xx (Note: Course developers can change versions throughout the course development phase to signify changes; however, if the course is approved for accreditation ASQA will revert to Version 1 and will input the month, year course accredited)

DO NOT CHANGE THIS HEADER – ASQA USE ONLY [Insert proposed course name]

5. Course rules

5.1 Course 1. Outline the structure of the course and rules for completion. structure The course structure must reflect the intended skill and knowledge outcomes of the course and may be:  core only  core and electives  core and specialisations  core, specialisations and electives  electives only The course structure must identify the nominal (supervised) hours for each unit. The course owner determines the hours assigned to the enterprise units developed for inclusion in the course. Note: The hours must be sufficient to enable a learner to achieve the breadth and depth of learning required to achieve a competent outcome. For imported training package units, the assigned hours are to reflect those specified in the Victorian Purchasing Guides (VPG). ASQA uses the hours in the VPG as the benchmark, as they are used by the NCVER for AVETMISS reporting purposes. These hours can be accessed at: Information on pre-requisites and the sequencing of units should be included where applicable. If there are no pre-requisite units, include a general statement in this section and remove the pre-requisite column. Example: To achieve the qualification [name of course] the learner must complete seven units. Unit code Unit title Pre-requisite Nominal hours SITXCCS007 Enhance customer service Nil 40 experience (Add all core units) Total nominal hours

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DO NOT CHANGE THIS HEADER – ASQA USE ONLY [Insert proposed course name]

Example; Core and elective To achieve the qualification [name of course] the learner must complete nine units – 6 Core and 3 Electives. Unit code Unit title Pre-requisite Nominal hours Core units SITXMGT002 Establish and conduct Nil 60 business relationships SITXCCS007 Enhance customer service Nil 40 experience BSBITU301 Create and use databases Nil 30 BSBINN301 Promote innovation in a Nil 40 team environment BSBMKG408 Conduct market research Nil 60 BSBADM405 Organise meetings Nil 20 Total nominal hours (core units) 250 Elective units (Select three) BSBCMM401 Make a presentation Nil 30

Develop teams and BSBLED401 Nil individuals 40 Implement and monitor BSBSUS401 environmentally Nil 40 sustainable work practices CHCCOM002 Use communication to Nil 55 build relationships CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people Nil 40 Promote workplace health SIRXHWB002 Nil and wellbeing 30 Calculate the range of the minimum and maximum 100 – 135 nominal hours for the elective units.

Total nominal hours 350 - 385 (Total core units + minimum/ maximum of elective units)

Volume of Learning (Not required if outcome is a Course in…) The volume of learning identifies the notional duration of all activities required for the achievement of learning outcomes. Volume of learning is calculated as follows: Nominal (supervised) hours + Unsupervised hours = Volume of learning The nominal (supervised) hours represent the anticipated hours of structured and supervised learning and assessment required to sufficiently address the

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content of each unit. These include hours allocated for learning and assessment activities that are delivered face to face, online and/or via structured distance education. The unsupervised hours represent activities that contribute to achieving the course outcomes that are not supervised by an RTO trainer or assessor. They include activities such as work experience, field placement, private study and/or assignment work. 2. Describe the unsupervised activities that the learner will need to engage in to complete the course Example: Successful completion of this course will require learners to engage in unsupervised activities including:  undertaking work experience with an employer;  completing written assignments/projects;  completing self-study to revise and reinforce areas of knowledge;  workplace practice/application of skills and knowledge acquired through supervised learning activities; and  conducting research to gain up to date industry information. The time required to undertake these activities will vary between students based on their experience. On average, the unsupervised activities listed above will equate to 300 hours. 3. Early exit points (where applicable) must be identified where there is a vocational or general education outcome. Example: The course structure identifies four units of competency that provide an early exit point for persons who wish to work as a wine waiter only. 4. Include advice that a Statement of Attainment will be issued for any unit of competency successfully completed if the full qualification is not completed (or if a ‘Course in’ is completed).

5.2 Entry 1. Essential entry requirements requirements Describe any entry requirements essential to the course. Example: Entrants to the Diploma of Support Services for Abused Children must:  be over 18 years of age; and  meet the requirements for working with children and in the relevant Australian State/Territory. 2. Recommended entry requirements Describe any recommended entry requirements (including language, literacy and numeracy skills) that are likely to facilitate successful

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completion of the course. Example: It is recommended entrants have:  a minimum of six months employment or volunteer experience in working with children or youth at risk: and  high level language, literacy and numeracy levels – sufficient to interpret complex documents, prepare written reports and prepare budget spreadsheets. 3. Limitations to entry (if applicable) Any limitations to entry must be stated and justified. Example: Students seeking entry to this course will be subject to an interview process to determine their suitability for providing support services to abused children. This course exposes students to challenging, emotionally confronting situations. It requires students who have sufficient maturity and work/life experience to provide professional support services within organisational and regulatory requirements. Students are required to read and interpret lengthy reports, prepare written case studies and use spreadsheets to enter and retrieve data for planning and budget estimate purposes.

6. Assessment

6.1 Assessment The Assessment Strategy must outline the approach to assessment and strategy evidence gathering to be followed by a registered training organisation (RTO) delivering the course. The strategy should describe how the assessment approaches will ensure that sound judgements of learner competence and achievement of course outcomes can be made by an RTO’s assessor.. The Assessment Strategy for the course should provide a general overview as a guide to RTOs in their development of an assessment strategy. This information informs an RTO’s training and assessment strategy. It is not the same as the RTO’s specific strategy for its implementation of the course. 1. Describe the course Assessment Strategy in terms of how it effectively judges participants’ achievement of outcomes. The strategy should outline the approach to assessment and evidence gathering to be followed by the RTO, including any mandated and/or recommended modes of assessment. Note: This information must be consistent with the information in the Assessment Conditions field in the units. 2. Describe how assessment of the course will be consistent with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations and identify course assessment strategies which:  are consistent with the assessment guidelines in the relevant training package(s) where nationally endorsed units of competency

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are used. The following statement may be included: Assessment of the training package units imported into the course must be consistent with the assessment guidelines in the parent training package.  ensure that workplace and regulatory requirements, where relevant, are met  justify mandatory workplace assessment, or assessment through simulation if these are to be used and include advice on how they may be achieved  identify special arrangements that RTOs may offer to facilitate Recognition of Prior Learning (if applicable).

6.2 Assessor Note: Do not include information about trainers in this section. competencies 1. Include the following statement that assessors of this course must comply with the requirements for the competence of assessors in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. All assessment must be undertaken by assessors who meet the requirements stated to apply under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. 2. Provide details of and justify any specialist vocational competency requirements for assessors above the requirements in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (if applicable). Example: Assessors of [unit code and name] must hold current certification for working in confined spaces with the relevant [State] Government authority. The requirement for assessors is a legislative requirement that is also specified in the unit of competency. 3. If imported training package units are included in the course structure, include the following statement: The assessment of units of competency imported from training packages must reflect the requirements for assessors specified in the relevant training package(s).

7. Delivery

7.1 Delivery Note: modes Advice on delivery modes (face-to-face delivery, online, workplace delivery, mixed mode etc) must reflect the characteristics of the target group/s and allow for flexibility. 1. Essential delivery modes Identify and justify any delivery modes essential to the delivery of this course, particularly on-the-job training.

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Example: This course must only be delivered face-to-face in remote/regional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities for whom the course has been developed. 2. Limitation to delivery modes Identify any limitations to the delivery modes for this course. Any limitations should be justified and based on regulatory requirements, feedback from industry/enterprise/communities etc. For instance, an industry body may determine that training of a particular unit of competency cannot be undertaken in a simulated environment Example: The course development reference group, comprising Indigenous representatives, health agencies and experienced trainers agreed that the target group of learners require face to face delivery. This mode is consistent with their cultural learning practices and it also provides for the reinforcement of skills and knowledge developed in the course through supervised practice and revision.

7.2 Resources Essential facilities and equipment (if applicable) 1. Provide details of any specialised facilities and/or equipment essential for the delivery of the course. Example: Facilities that simulate an offshore oil/gas platform work environment are essential for the delivery of this course. Trainer competence 2. Include the following statement that trainers delivering this course must comply with the requirements for the competence of trainers stated in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. All delivery must be undertaken by trainers who meet the requirements stated to apply under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. 3. Provide details of and justify any specialist vocational competency requirements for trainers above the requirements in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (if applicable). Example: Recent employment on an off-shore oil/gas platform is required as the work environment presents unique workplace safety protocols that trainers must be able to integrate into all aspects of the course. 4. Training package requirements (if applicable) If the course includes units of competency imported from training packages, include the following statement: The delivery of units of competency that have been imported from training

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packages must reflect the requirements for trainers specified in the relevant training package(s).

8. Pathways and articulation

8.1 Pathways and 1. Provide details of potential pathways for course participants following articulation course completion into other vocational education and training (VET) courses. Example: The Advanced Diploma of Business for Entrepreneurs includes ten units of competency from the Business Services Training Package. Completion of those units provides pathways into Business Services Training Package qualifications. 2. Provide details and confirmatory evidence of any formalised articulation arrangements. [Formalised arrangements are those for which written agreements are in place between institutions for the articulation of students.] Example: The KARJ Institute has a written agreement with the University of Business Management for the period 2014 - 2018. The agreement provides for learners successfully completing the Advanced Diploma of Business for Entrepreneurs to be granted credit for the first year of a Bachelor of Business degree. KARJ students can articulate directly into the second year of a Bachelor of Business at the University of Consequence.

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9. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation

9.1 Ongoing 1. Describe the processes that the course owner plans to implement to monitoring monitor and evaluate the course during its period of accreditation in and order to maintain its relevance and currency. evaluation The information to be included should not solely focus on assessment moderation/validation activities undertaken by an RTO. Monitoring and evaluation of all course content is to be undertaken to ensure the relevance and currency of the course is maintained throughout its accreditation period.

2. Identify who will be responsible for the monitoring and evaluation processes during the accreditation period (or their job role).

3. Identify who will be involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the outcomes of the course and the processes to be followed. This may involve, for example, the key stakeholders involved in the development of the course—such as industry groups and peak bodies—as well as employers, graduates and trainers/assessors.

4. Include a statement confirming that the course accrediting body (ASQA) will be notified of any changes to the course resulting from course monitoring and evaluation.

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Section C—Units of competency The following must be included in this section: 1. A list of the units of competency imported from training package/s (Code and title only) The title and code of the units listed must be current and identical to the title and code used in the training package and / or 2. The units of competency developed for the course that comply with the requirements of the Standards for Training Packages. These are known as enterprise units. Note: When developing enterprise units of competency note that the content of all material in nationally endorsed training packages is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Australia licence. Essentially the licence states you may not alter, transform, or build upon training package content e.g. units of competency. That is, training package unit content must not be copied to develop enterprise units. Full details of the conditions of this licence are available on the Creative Commons website (

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Standards for Training Packages unit of competency format

UNIT CODE Insert code here Assign a unique code to each unit as follows:  First three digits refer to course name (must not duplicate training package identifiers)  Next three digits refer to the unit content  Remaining digits (up to 6) can be used for the sequence identifier. Common practice is to use three as the sequence identifier ie. 001, 002, etc. An example of a code for an enterprise unit Conduct client examinations within a Advanced Diploma of Health Care  DHCCCE001

UNIT TITLE Insert unit title here  The unit title must be in sentence case (with capitalised proper nouns where applicable)  The title must concisely describe the unit outcome.  The title must commence with an action word (i.e.verb )  The title must comply with the length specified in the AVETMIS Standard (no more than 100 characters including spaces)  Do not include acronyms or use punctuation in the title (e.g. commas, semi-colons, hyphens and full stops.) Example of a unit title: Conduct client examinations

APPLICATION 1. The application section briefly describes the content of the unit and how it is applied in industry contexts. It includes:  a summary of the unit content  brief information about how and where the unit could be practically applied  who the unit applies to. The ‘Application’ field should commence with consistent wording across the enterprise units. Example: This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to……. It requires the ability to…… The unit applies to…..

2. Information is required regarding the unit’s relationship to any

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DO NOT CHANGE THIS HEADER – ASQA USE ONLY [Insert proposed course name]

licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements.


Where no requirements exist, insert the following statement: “No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication”.

PRE-REQUISITE UNIT List the codes and titles of any unit(s) in which the learner must be deemed competent, prior to the learner being determined competent in OPTIONAL FIELD this unit. If none, this field can be removed. Note: Any pre-requisite units must also be included in the course structure (Section B: 5.1) of the accredited course document.


Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate essential outcomes of achievement of the element. the unit

For example: Performance criteria must: 1. Determine  relate directly to the outcome specified by the element treatment needs of patient  specify the required performance in relevant tasks, roles, and skills.  reflect the applied knowledge that enables competent performance For example: 1.1. Engage with client to settle any anxiety prior to conducting examination 1.2. Record personal history of health care previously undertaken and record on treatment chart 1.3. Conduct examination and record any treatment required on a treatment chart 1.4. Inform client of treatment required using language relevant to the client’s age

Version X, (Month, Year) Page 22 of xx (Note: Course developers can change versions throughout the course development phase to signify changes; however, if the course is approved for accreditation ASQA will revert to Version 1 and will input the month, year course accredited)

DO NOT CHANGE THIS HEADER – ASQA USE ONLY [Insert proposed course name]

FOUNDATION SKILLS Foundation Skills are an integrated part of a unit and must be assessed. If the performance criteria of this unit explicitly include all the foundation skills essential for performance, include the following statement: “Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency”.


If foundation skills essential for performance are not explicit in the performance criteria, the following information must be included: “Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance criteria are listed below including a brief description of how the skill is applied”.

Skill Description Remove skills that do not apply to unit.

Reading skills to:

Writing skills to:

Oral communication skills to:

Numeracy skills to:

Learning skills to:

Problem-solving skills to:

Initiative and enterprise skills to:

Teamwork skills to:

Planning and organising skills to:

Self-management skills to:

Technology skills to:

Suggested approach to writing the description for each of the foundation skills listed above:  Review the performance criteria and create a summary statement for each foundation skill.  Ensure that there is a clear link between the performance criteria and the summary statements.  The summary statement should describe the skill in the context of the whole unit and job function.

Version X, (Month, Year) Page 23 of xx (Note: Course developers can change versions throughout the course development phase to signify changes; however, if the course is approved for accreditation ASQA will revert to Version 1 and will input the month, year course accredited)

DO NOT CHANGE THIS HEADER – ASQA USE ONLY [Insert proposed course name]

 Be specific to the unit by explaining what the individual is doing with the skill. For example: o Communication skills to: use language relevant to patient’s age.  Provide guidance on the level of skills required by highlighting specific application. For example: o Problem solving skills to: determine potential treatment options  Do not attribute an ACSF level for LL&N skills.  Refer to the ACSF for guidance at ents/ACSF_Document.pdf

UNIT MAPPING Specify the code and title of any equivalent unit of competency: INFORMATION Code and Title Code and Title Comments Current Version Previous Version

Insert code and title Insert code and title Insert unit equivalent or not equivalent

OR If this is a new unit or the previous version of the unit is not equivalent to this version, insert the statement: “No equivalent unit”.

Version X, (Month, Year) Page 24 of xx (Note: Course developers can change versions throughout the course development phase to signify changes; however, if the course is approved for accreditation ASQA will revert to Version 1 and will input the month, year course accredited)

DO NOT CHANGE THIS HEADER – ASQA USE ONLY [Insert proposed course name]

TITLE Assessment Requirements for [insert Unit Code and Title]

PERFORMANCE This field must specify evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in the EVIDENCE elements and performance criteria of the unit in the context of the job role.  Include evidence that requires the demonstration of the ability to respond to different situations and requirements relevant to the unit context/industry.  Provide clear advice that will ensure that evidence of consistent performance is demonstrated, over an appropriate period of time. For example: ‘Conduct a minimum of four examinations, each of at least 30 minutes, with a range of clients.’  Elements and performance criteria are not to be reiterated in this field. For example: The learner must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be demonstrated evidence that the learner has completed the following tasks:  Communicated and interacted with patients in a respectful manner  Assessed and responded appropriately to identified treatment needs  Analysed at least three clients of various ages with varying treatment needs

KNOWLEDGE This field must: EVIDENCE  specify what the learner must know in order to safely and effectively perform the work task described in the unit of competency  relate directly to the performance criteria.  indicate the type and depth of knowledge required to meet the demands of the unit of competency. For example: The learner must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:  Basic client care principles  Treatment indications, procedures and process: o client selection and eligibility for treatment o indicators for unrealistic client expectations.

Version X, (Month, Year) Page 25 of xx (Note: Course developers can change versions throughout the course development phase to signify changes; however, if the course is approved for accreditation ASQA will revert to Version 1 and will input the month, year course accredited)

DO NOT CHANGE THIS HEADER – ASQA USE ONLY [Insert proposed course name]

ASSESSMENT This field must: CONDITIONS  only specify mandated methods of assessment  specify the conditions under which evidence for assessment must be gathered, including any details of equipment and materials, contingencies, specifications, physical conditions, relationships with team members and supervisor, relationship with client/customer, and timeframe  if applicable, specify any mandated assessment tools and their implementation requirements  if applicable, identify any co-requisite unit relationships. Note: The information must align with the assessment strategy described at Section B: 6.1. Mandated requirements will apply to all RTOs registered to deliver the course. For example: Assessment must be in the form of:  video recorded procedures performed with live clients  simulations and scenarios  written assignments  theoretical examination. Skills must be demonstrated in a fully equipped health care setting that meets health and safety standards and includes all equipment required to complete procedures. Both practical skills and knowledge must be assessed. Simulated assessment environments must simulate the real-life working environment with access to all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment. All assessment must be completed in accordance with work health and safety standards and infection control policies and procedures. Assessor Requirements: Identify any specialist vocational competency requirements for Assessors that are above the requirements in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (if applicable). For example: Assessors must have:  a minimum of 5 years’ experience in a health care practice.


Insert the following statement: “No specialist vocational competency requirements for Assessors apply to this unit”.

Version X, (Month, Year) Page 26 of xx (Note: Course developers can change versions throughout the course development phase to signify changes; however, if the course is approved for accreditation ASQA will revert to Version 1 and will input the month, year course accredited)

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