This Handbook Was Developed for Parents and Students to Assist Them in Becoming Familiar

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This Handbook Was Developed for Parents and Students to Assist Them in Becoming Familiar

The Heart of the Community, The Home of Excellence!

2014-2015 VISION: Moravia Park is a community school that celebrates its diversity by cultivating a safe, nurturing environment that prepares students to be college and career ready and productive citizens, through collaborations with the school, families and the community.

MISSION: To accelerate student progress through effective implementation of the Master Plan, focusing on quality instruction, managing systems efficiently, and sustaining a culture of excellence.

Moravia’s Student Parent Handbook was developed for parents and students to assist them in becoming familiar with the policies and procedures of Moravia Park Elementary School #105 PreK-5 Campus. It is also intended that knowing what is expected will help facilitate a successful school year.

Moravia’s Student Parent Handbook is in alignment with City School policies and procedures, students’ rights and responsibilities, programs services and safety guidelines that can be found in the Creating Great School Communities: Baltimore City Public Schools Code of Conduct book.

Keep these documents in a safe place for future references.

Student: ______

Teacher: ______

Grade and Section: ______


Welcome to Moravia Park Elementary School. We hope that you enter this school year with the enthusiasm and commitment to make this your best year ever! The staff at Moravia Park Elementary School is dedicated to supporting your efforts. This handbook has been produced to share the school’s philosophy, goals, objectives, and procedures that will be followed. Because learning and academic success are our ultimate goals, everyone is expected to adhere to these procedures. Please read the handbook thoroughly. If you have questions please call the school immediately. Best wishes for an enjoyable and successful school year. We look forward to working with each student and their family.


Tadem L. Daniels Principal


School Information 5-7 Day (Schedule) Breakfast/ Lunch Schedule Meal Prices Proper Dress for Students 8 Climate and Expectations 9-13 PBIS Moravia Park Elementary School PBIS Matrix BCPSS Code of Conduct Suspensions General Expectations for Students 13-15 School Property Play Ground Text Books Trips Photo Release Cell Phones Attendance Policies 15-16 Inclement Weather 16-17 School Closing Policy Late Start Days for Students BCPSS Promotional Policy/Grading 18 Student Recognition Program 18-19

4 Honor Roll Academic Certificates Attendance Awards Good Citizenship Awards Super Citizen Awards PBIS Awards Parent Involvement 19-20 Visits and Conferences Communications Registration and Withdrawals Parking Medication 20 Immunizations 20-22 Head Lice 20 Bus Policy and Procedures 23-25 Bus Stops Crossing Guards 25 Appendices 27-29 Yellow Bus Letter Supply Lists


SCHOOL: Moravia Park Elementary #105

ADDRESS: Lower Building (Grades Pre-K thru 2 nd ) 6201 Frankford Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21206

Upper Building (Grades 3 rd thru 5 th ) 6001 Frankford Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21206

TELEPHONE: Lower Building: 410-396-9294 Upper Building: 410-396-9096

FAX: Lower Building: 410-545-7872 Upper Building: 410-396-8075


Principal: Tadem L. Daniels

Assistant Principals: Nakia Jones DeShawn Williams

Secretaries: Olivia Jackson (Lower Building) Melissa Jones (Upper Building


SCHOOL MOTTO: The Heart of the Community, the Home of Excellence!

GRADES: Pre K - 5

6 The School Day Schedule

8:55 AM First bell rings--Students line up

9:00 AM Second bell rings—Students entering the bldg. after 9AM are marked tardy and must visit the office for a Tardy Slip.

12:30 PM Early Dismissal 3:25 PM Yellow Bus Dismissal for Students in lower building 3:35 PM Yellow Bus Dismissal for Students in upper 3:40 PM General Dismissal for Students (walkers exit through front door and car riders will wait in the gymnasium and exit through the gymnasium door.) LB parents must use the alley driveway behind the building as a carline access route. *Please refrain from dropping students off before 8:55 because no supervision will be available. All students must be picked up by 3:40 each day. Please sign up for after school programs if this time is not convenient for you.


To ensure safety of all students, parents should not park along the side of the parking lot and along the driveway at the Lower building. This area has been identified as a “Fire Lane”. There also should be no parking in the bus loop. Vehicles will be ticketed. There is additional parking on black top at the Upper School Building or on Frankford Ave.

Lower Building No AUTOMOBILES may enter the front of the building between 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. or between 3:15 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. This area is reserved for the school buses. Students must be dropped off and picked using the carline route in the back of the building. Parents will be ticketed if they park along the red lines in the circle. Parents who wish to come in during arrival times must park on Frankford Ave or in the upper building parking lot.

Upper Building When picking up students for dismissal, please pick them up from the gymnasium door. All car riders will report to the gymnasium at dismissal.

7 Breakfast Schedule

9:00 AM Moravia Park is a participant in the Universal Breakfast Program. Therefore students may have a breakfast at no cost. Breakfast is served in the classroom.

Lunch Schedule

Lower Building PreK 11:00 – 11:45 AM KDG 11:00 – 11:45 PM 1st 12:00-12:45 AM 2nd 12:00 – 12:45 PM Upper Building 3rd 11:00-11:45 AM 4th 11:55 – 12:45 PM 5th 12:50 – 1:35 PM

Meal Prices *Subject to Change

An application for free or reduced price lunches, as provided through the Federal School Lunch Program, is available upon request. These forms are available from your school office.

Reduced/Free Lunch Paid Breakfast No Charge No Charge Lunch $ .00 $ 3.00


Students at Moravia Park Elementary School #105 are encouraged to come to school dressed neatly and cleanly. Moravia Park is a uniform school, all students are required to wear School Uniforms. Special clothing and fancy fashions are not needed in school. Students out of uniform will receive a loaner uniform for that day.

Student Uniform colors: Khaki pants and navy shirts for boys and khaki skirts/jumpers/pants and navy blouses or shirts for girls.

Please wear clothing in an appropriate manner: Pants on waist with a belt, shoes tied, socks, shirts/blouses buttoned and tucked in pants/skirt.

The wearing of beads, excessive costume jewelry (large or multiple plastic bracelets), sunglasses, hats, white tee-shirts (or tee shirts that have inappropriate slogans) and bandanas are not to be worn to school.

Shorts, halters, strapless tops, midriffs and several other types of clothing are generally viewed as “play wear”. When children dress casually, there is a tendency to behave in a more casual and relaxed manner. This type of clothing should not be worn to school.

We can expect warm days during the spring and summer. Everyone will be challenged to “Keep their minds on their tasks”. One way to meet this challenge is to continue to concentrate on strong instructional standards. Adherence to school policies will aid and support these efforts. Good student cooperation can be maintained through strong parent support for school policies and procedures.


Character Education/Restorative Practice

Our School will abide by the Six Pillars of Character. Having character education and Restorative Practice improves students’ skills, reduce behavior, increases commitment to schoolwork, and improves school climate. The Six Pillars of Character include:  Trustworthiness

 Fairness

 Respect

 Caring

 Responsibility

 Citizenship


• Be honest. • Play by the rules.

• Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal. • Take turns and share.

• Be reliable- do what you say you’ll do. • Be open-minded, listen to others.

• Have the courage to do the right thing. • Don’t take advantage of others.

• Build a good reputation. • Don’t blame others carelessly.

• Be loyal - stand by your family and friends.


• Treat others with respect, follow the • Be kind. Golden Rule.

• Be tolerant of differences. • Be compassionate and show you care.

10 • Use good manners, not bad language. • Express gratitude.

• Be considerate of the feelings of others. • Forgive others.

• Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone. • Help people in need.

• Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.


• Do what you are supposed to do. • Do your share to make your school and community a better place.

• Persevere: Keep on trying! • Cooperate

• Always do your best. • Stay informed; Vote

• Use self-control; be self-disciplined. • Be a good neighbor.

• Think before you act – Consider the • Obey laws and rules. consequences.

• Be accountable for your choices. • Respect authority.

• Protect the environment.

All adults, including family members and staff, as well as students are expected to exhibit these “Pillars” of Character at all times. Our school environment will center on the above pillars.


(Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports)

11 Moravia Park Elementary School’s goal is to provide a safe and positive learning environment for the students, teachers and staff through the implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) System. In addition, we will reduce behavior problems that interfere with student learning. PBIS is a school-wide system that will help improve consistency in expected behaviors, resulting in students being safe and prepared to learn.

PBIS is a data-driven, proactive systems approach for establishing the behavioral supports and social environment needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. It conforms to the behavioral system of the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. In PBIS, behaviors will be taught just like academic skills are taught. Our focus is to build a positive environment in our schools and classrooms. The School has chosen three core behavior expectations that can be applied to all school settings.

1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Ready A complete Matrix of School Behavior Expectations is provided in this Handbook. It can also be viewed on the school’s website.

Each classroom will use a color/number system to monitor individual student behaviors. An ongoing focus on positive behavioral choices will be provided to all students. However, should problem behaviors occur, your child’s teacher will communicate directly with you.

Substantial or consistent behavioral concerns will be addressed by the principal/assistant principal. Students referred to the office for behavioral concerns will receive consequences outlined in the Parent Student Handbook.

CICO (Check in Check out) is a program for students who would benefit from frequent praise throughout the day. Students can be recommended by the parent, teacher or other staff member. These students are assigned an adult to check in and out with each day. A point system is tracked on the Daily Progress Report (DPR). The student will bring the DPR home daily to share with the parent/family.

Moravia Park Elementary School’s Matrix of Behavioral Expectations

I am Classrooms Hallways Cafeteria Outside Resource Areas

12  Appropriate  Appropriate  Appropriate  Appropriate  Appropriate voice level, tone, voice level, voice level, voice level, voice level, and language. tone, and tone, and tone, and tone, and  Use kind words language. language. language. language. to each other and  Use kind  Use kind  Use kind  Use kind respectful. adults. words to each words to each words to each words to each  Appropriate other and other and other and other and behavior. adults. adults. adults. adults.  Appropriate  Appropriate  Appropriate  Appropriate behavior. behavior. behavior. behavior.  Follow  Follow  Follow  Follow  Follow directions. directions. directions. directions. directions.  Accept  Accept  Accept  Accept  Accept consequences consequences consequences consequences consequences without without without without without complaining. complaining. complaining. complaining. complaining.  Remain in  Remain in  Remain in  Remain in  Remain in assigned area. assigned area. assigned area. assigned area. assigned area. I am  Find peaceful and  Find peaceful  Find peaceful  Find peaceful  Find peaceful responsible. positive ways to and positive and positive and positive and positive solve problems. ways to solve ways to solve ways to solve ways to solve  Avoid problems. problems. problems. problems. dangerous / unsafe  Avoid  Avoid  Avoid  Avoid situations. dangerous / dangerous / dangerous / dangerous /  Complete all unsafe unsafe unsafe unsafe assignments in situations. situations. situations. situations. timely fashion.  Keep area neat and clean.  Wear school  Wear school  Wear school  Wear school  Wear school uniform. uniform. uniform. uniform. uniform.  Have necessary  Have  Have  Have  Have I am ready. materials. necessary necessary necessary necessary  Put forth best materials. materials. materials. materials. effort.  Quiet and  In proper orderly. area.


City School’s Code of Conduct provides guidelines for students to help reduce the number of violence and disruptive behavior in BCPSS schools.

1. I respect others and myself. I am kind to everyone.

2. It is up to me to be good. When I do good things, good things may result. (I remember to stop and think before I act.) 13 3. I come to school on time, ready to learn.

4. I choose peace instead of fighting or arguing. I am a peaceful person, and I help to make my school safe.

5. I am honest and do what I know is right.

6. I respect the things that belong to others and to my school. (I do not take things that don’t belong to me.)

PROHIBITED STUDENT CONDUCT Behaviors that interfere with a safe and productive learning environment for our students will not be tolerated. Misbehaviors will be handled by teachers, administrators and/or classified supervisory personnel. Behaviors that threaten the safety and/or learning of others shall be referred to administration.

SUSPENSIONS Our goal is to have students in school, not out of the school. Students, however, do not have the right to interfere with the learning or safety of others. Students who do this may have to be removed from school. This removal may be done in one of two ways: Short-Term Suspension and Extended Suspension.

Students may be sent home for a violation of system and/or school rules. The removal of a student from school is a serious matter. It is sometimes necessary when previous attempts to modify a student’s behavior have been unsuccessful.

Behavior Guidelines The administration, faculty, and staff believe all students can behave appropriately. Misbehavior is a matter of choice. Every student is responsible for his/her actions.

Pupils enrolled in the City Schools shall be subject to the discipline code of the District. Pupils of the District on a school day whether at school, on the way to or from school, or in public away from the school premises should conduct themselves in a manner as not to be detrimental to the welfare of the school or any of the pupils or teachers thereof.

In order to assist students in knowing what type of behavior is expected of them, the following guidelines should be noted and observed:

 Be courteous and respectful to others.  Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.  Follow directions from all school personnel.  Report to classes on time.  Arrive to class with all required material, including homework.

14  Gum is not to be brought to school.  Walk quietly and respectfully through the halls at all times.  No head coverings, including hats, scarves or hoods shall be allowed in the school building except for sincerely held religious purposes and with express written permission of school administration.  Students will use the computer as outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy.  Moravia Park has a Closed Campus.  Trading of personal items such as toys, CD’s, and trading cards are not allowed.  Inappropriate clothing that interferes with learning will not be allowed. (See School Attire)

STUDENT’S PERSONAL PROPERTY Students are encouraged to not bring personal property such as electronic hand held games, remote control cars, trading cards and audio equipment to school. School personnel are not responsible for personal property.

SCHOOL PROPERTY The building, equipment, supplies, and furniture at Moravia Park Elementary School have been provided for your use. All students are expected to take care of all property that belongs to the school.

TEXTBOOKS Students are responsible for the care and return of every book issued to them. When possible, students will be issued their own book. Textbooks are to be returned in the same or nearly the same, condition as when they were issued. Students will be required to sign a receipt for textbooks received.

FIELD TRIPS Field trips are a privilege for students. The classroom teacher prearranges field trips. The classroom teacher will notify parents about each field trip. All students are required to ride the bus to and from the field trip destination. Students must abide by all school policies during transportation and during field- trip activities, and shall treat all field trip locations as though they are school grounds. Failure to abide by school rules and/or location rules during a field trip may subject the student to discipline.

All students who wish to attend a field trip must receive written permission from a parent or guardian with authority to give permission. Students may be prohibited from attending field trips for any of the following reasons:

 Failure to receive appropriate permissions from parent/guardian or teacher;  Failure to complete appropriate coursework;  Behavioral of safety concerns;  Denial of permission from administration;  Other reasons as determined by the school.

15 PHOTO RELEASE FOR STUDENTS Teachers will give out photo release forms to each student during the first week of school. Parents encourage your child to return the signed release forms. Release forms must be returned in order for student photos to be used by Baltimore City Public School System for promotional and informational purposes. (Release Form documents will be sent home by the district.)

PLAYGROUND The playground will be used for Physical Education classes and recreation purposes. To ensure the safety of our students we ask that only our equipment be used under adult supervision. Students should not bring bats, balls, etc to school. Students should not play on the school grounds before or after school as no supervision is provided.


Using or possessing an electronic paging device or using a cellular telephone or other electronic device in any manner that disrupts the educational environment or violates the rights of others, including using the device to take photographs, cheat, signal others, or otherwise violate student conduct rules.

To ensure safety, electronic devices of any kind should not be brought to school. This will remove the possibility of theft, distraction and fighting.

We understand that many of our students have cell phones for safety purposes when traveling to and from school. The following is clearly stated in City School’s Code of Conduct:

An individual’s use, activation or display of any personal electronic communication device is prohibited on public school property or while riding to and from school or school-sponsored activities on a school bus or school-chartered vehicle.

To adhere to this policy, cell phones will be collected by administrators each morning and returned to the student prior to dismissal.

Violation of Policy can result in:  The confiscation of the device by school personnel. The employee who confiscates the item will take reasonable steps to secure the item, and then as soon as feasible, take the item to the school’s main office where it can be logged in and stored in a secure location.

 The school may return the device to the student at the end of the school day, with instructions not to bring it back again. For repeated offenses, teachers may consider holding on to the device until the parents come to retrieve it, at which time a conference will be held with the parent.

The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones!!


16 Students have the responsibility for attending school, on time in uniform, every day. Parents have the legal responsibility for making sure that their children attend school on time every day. An absence is an absence regardless of the reason. Absences will be marked as lawful or unlawful. Teachers, administrators and the attendance monitor will monitor absences. Telephone calls, letters, home visits, parent conferences and court referrals will be made.

What should I do if I am late for school? If you are late for school, bring a note from home to give to your teacher explaining why you were late and report directly to your homeroom class.

What should I do if I am absent from school? If you are absent from school, bring a note from home to give to your teacher explaining why you were absent.

All notes should have: 1. Student’s name. 2. Date(s) of absence. 3. Reason of absence. 4. Parent or guardian signature and phone number.

What should I do if I need an early dismissal? In an effort to ensure that students take full advantage of the instructional program offered at Moravia Park Elementary School, it is our desire that students remain in school for the entire day. However, it is understood that occasions may arise that require a parent or guardian to request the early dismissal of their child from school. The reasons may include but are not limited to: doctor/dentist appointment, funeral of relative, illness of student, and family emergency.

Please be advised that the following procedures must be followed to process an early dismissal from Moravia Park Elementary School:

Written Request  The request for early dismissal letter must be written by parent/guardian and addressed to office. It must include the following: the reason for the early dismissal, the date and time the child is to leave school, and working telephone number to reach the parent/guardian to verify the letter

School Verification  The school requires the parent to enter the building to sign the student out in the Sign Out Log.

Student Pick -Up  The student must be picked up from the Main Office.

 The parent /guardian must provide picture identification document (i.e.; driver’s license, work identification, etc.).

17  The office staff must verify that the individual is the child’s parent or guardian, or has permission from the parent or guardian to pick up the child.

 Anyone picking up a student from Moravia Park Elementary School for Early Dismissal must be at least 18 years of age.

 The parent or guardian must sign his/her name on the Student Sign-Out Log prior to exiting the building with their child.

All students who return from early dismissal will be readmitted through the main office. The student will be given a pass for re-admittance to class. If there are any questions/concerns regarding the Early Dismissal process please feel free to contact our school and ask to speak with an administrator.

EMERGENCY INFORMATION In order to keep the records of students current, the following changes should be reported to the office: name, address, phone numbers, place of employment, emergency numbers, and bus changes.

Due to the many illnesses and accidents children have, it is imperative that the school has accurate emergency contact numbers including cell phone numbers. Answering machines are ineffective in an emergency. Emergency records are maintained in the office and are to be updated any time you feel it necessary to change the name or phone numbers.

1. If your address or telephone number changes, you must notify your child’s teacher and the school secretary as soon as possible.

2. Be sure that your child knows your address and telephone number. Write this information in your child’s notebook.

3. Specific information regarding who should be contacted in case of illness or emergency MUST be provided. ATTENDANCE AWARDS How do I get an attendance award? A student must attend school every day to be considered for “perfect attendance” awards. Students do not qualify for perfect attendance awards if they are absent from school lawfully, unlawfully or involuntary.

INCLEMENT WEATHER ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL PROCEDURES In the event of snow, rain, or extreme cold:

1. Students will line up inside the building in gym/cafeteria upon arrival to school and remain until given a signal to go to class. 2. Under no circumstances can a student be admitted to the rest of the building early without a written pass.

Lower Building - PreK and Kindergarten students – Down the ramp

18 - Grade 1 - Up the ramp - Grade 2 – Educational Mall

Upper Building Students will be allowed to gather in the school auditorium and the cafeteria.

INCLEMENT WEATHER/SCHOOL CLOSING POLICY In the event that inclement weather/disasters cause school officials to close or delay the opening of schools for the day, local television and radio stations will be notified by 6:00 AM that morning. If weather conditions warrant the early dismissal of schools, Moravia Park will dismiss students per a directive from the Chief Executive Officer. This time may vary depending on the directive. An early dismissal for Moravia Park will be 12:30 PM. Students will be served lunch before leaving. If there is a two-hour delay in opening, Moravia Park will open at 11:00 AM. Breakfast will not be served.

If, during extremely warm weather, school officials will notify area television and radio stations that schools will close early. Schools must receive official notification by the Chief Executive Officer.

After school programs will be cancelled for early school dismissal. Please have a plan in place for your children on these occasions. Please review with your child what to do in emergency situations. Please make sure the school has emergency phone numbers and work numbers.

LATE START DAYS FOR STUDENTS As a precaution and for the safety of our students, parents should not drop off their students early when there is a delay in the opening of school. No supervision is provided and students will not be allowed in the building.


Teachers and staff adhere to the same timeframe as the students. Students will not be allowed to enter the building prior to the delayed opening. Grading Policy

The grading policy focuses on four components (of the grade)- classwork, test/quizzes, homework and projects. Projects could be included in the classwork or homework grade as appropriate. The following range of percentages should be used in determining the assessment of reading and mathematics in relation to grade standards.

Grades 1-5 Classwork: 60% Homework: 15% Test/Quizzes: 25%

*Students will not be able to make up missing work after 5 school days in which the assignment was due.

BCPSS PROMOTIONAL POLICY (subject to change)

Grades 1-5 Promotion Standards School Year 2013-2014 Subject to any special considerations that might apply, the following are the standards for promotion: 19 To be promoted in grades one and two, students must: - Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in language arts; and - Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in mathematics; and - Score at the 23rd percentile or higher on the Stanford 10 reading assessment (Students will take the Stanford 10 mathematics assessment; however, the results will not be used as a promotion standard).

To be promoted in grades three, four and five, students must: - Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in language arts; and - Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in mathematics.


Moravia Park Elementary School will implement a school-wide incentive program to recognize the achievements of our students. Incentives will include certificates, award ribbons, medals, trophies, pencils, award pins, etc. Awards will be quarterly and monthly. Teachers will identify the students for the award based on the criteria. Teachers and other staff persons will also provide student incentives for attendance, behavior and academics based on their individual classroom plan. Names and sometimes pictures will be displayed in different areas of the school.

Quarterly Honor Roll Award- 1 st – 5th Grade

 Students must have all G’s and E’s in the core academic areas: Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Academic Certificates

 Students in Kindergarten who have shown consistent achievement of key indicators will receive an Academic Achievement Award at the end of the 4th Quarter. Attendance Awards Pre K- 5

Quarterly Outstanding Attendance Award  Present each day or had no more than one lawful absence.

Super Citizens Award (Pre K-4)  Names and pictures will be displayed in the Education Mall.

Quarterly Good Citizenship Pre K- 5  Students who display outstanding character traits at all times in all areas of the school.  Students who have outstanding behavior and follow the Code of Conduct, and the school rules.  Students who have not been referred to the office by anyone or suspended from school.

PBIS Positive Behavior Incentive Quarterly Activity

20  Students who have received “lion loot” or “Certificates” will be able to cash in to participate in a selected activity.


The Baltimore City Public School System supports the premise that parent involvement is one of the contributing factors to the success of children in school. The mission of the Baltimore City Public School System is most completely realized when parents participate fully in the education of their children.

The Moravia Park Elementary School Parent Participation Program consists of a number of components. Our goal is to increase involvement by engaging you, the parent, in any and every aspect of your child’s learning experience. All volunteers must register and complete a form in the office. Volunteers responsible for student supervision (example: field trips) must pass a background check. Background Checks are done at no charge to the Volunteer. Please visit 200 North Ave. to request the Volunteer Background Check.

Parent Visits/Conferences All guests are welcome at Moravia Park Elementary School and all guests are requested to observe the rules and regulations of the Baltimore City Public School System with respect to visits during the school day. Your cooperation is solicited. Appointments must be made to confer with teachers and administrators.

1. All parents and other guests are required to report to the Main Office upon arrival and sign the Guest Log Book.

2. Guests are requested to give the following information:  Purpose of the visit  Place or person(s) to be visited ` Guest to Classrooms: A Guest’s Pass or badge will be issued which the visitor will show to the classroom teacher, once it has been determined that the class is available for visitation. Parents who bring things that their child left at home should report to the office. In order to minimize interruptions to classroom instruction, the office will call the student to the office to pick up the items. Please note: In order to honor the instructional environment, classroom visits must be prearranged.

For Conferences or Meetings: Visits for pre-scheduled conferences or meetings will be honored as arranged once the parent or visitor has reported to the office. No conferences can be held during the instructional period. Report Card Conferences and Progress Report Conferences will be scheduled throughout the school year. Notices will be sent home with the dates.

Volunteers We always welcome those who wish to assist in our school by volunteering their time. Some of the volunteer opportunities are as:

21 PTCO (Parent Teacher Community Organization) Members, School Family Council (former SIT) Members, Reading to Students, Cafeteria Helpers, Special Activities, Parents on Patrol, Engagement Team Members, Classroom Mothers and Fathers, Tutors, and Trip Chaperones.

Registrations and Withdrawals Parents should call Ms. Moody, School Registrar at (410) 396-9096 to obtain information for registrations and transfers in and out. Students entering school for the first time, entering from a non- public or county school should have the following documentation: 1. Child’s Birth Certificate

2. Child’s Updated Immunization Record

3. Child’s Social Security Card

4. Two forms documenting proof of address (i.e., Lease, mortgage receipts, B G & E statement, or water bill from the Director of Finance Dept.).

5. No student will be registered without all the appropriate documentation.

6. No out of zone students will be registered without approval from the building principal.

Medication The health aide or nurse with the signed physician’s authorization form can only give children regularly receiving prescription medication (cough syrup, inhalers, aspirin, etc.) the prescribed medication. Parent or responsible adult must bring the medication to the Health Suite. Students are not allowed to bring, take or have medicine in their possession in school.

Head Lice Policy Once children are enrolled in school, parents and school staff may have concerns about head lice exposure. Head lice continue to be one of the most common conditions among school age children, and outbreaks are possible whenever and wherever children gather. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “an estimated 6 million to 12 million infestations occur each year in the United States among children 3 to 11 years of age.”

The Health Department has changed its head lice policy from “No Nit” to “No Live Lice”, based on recommendations from the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Association of School Nurses. As a result, if a child is found to have live lice, that child will be excluded at the end of the school day (or earlier if needed). A consideration for the child to be re-admitted will be made once treatment has started, if there are no live lice found upon re-screening by a school health nurse or school health aide. Children should be taught to avoid activities that may spread head lice:  Avoid head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact during play and other activities at home, school, and elsewhere (sports activities, playground, slumber parties, or camp).  Do not share clothing such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, hair ribbons, or barrettes.

22  Do not share combs, brushes, or towels.  Do not lie on beds, couches, pillows, carpets, or stuffed animals that have recently been in contact with an infected person. Families are encouraged to screen their school-aged children regularly (weekly if possible) and notify the school health staff immediately if head lice or their nits (eggs) are found. We welcome the opportunity to teach caretakers how to check a child’s head for lice. Please contact the School Health Suite Staff if you have any questions regarding this policy.


The Maryland School Immunization Requirements are mandatory for children enrolled in all Baltimore City Public Schools grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade. State law requires that all students be in compliant with all of their required immunizations for the 2013-2014 school year. Failure to produce age appropriate, updated immunization records on or before September 20, 2014. may result in your child’s inability to attend school.

If your child is in need of vaccinations, you may:  Call the Baltimore City Health Department at 410-396-4454 for locations of City clinics that offer free vaccinations  Call your child’s health care provider for an appointment to get the shots. Please make sure that you bring the school the completed form from the health care provider.  Plan to visit the TIKE van—a mobile service that brings free vaccinations to your neighborhood (Please visit the website for more information)  Participate in the Moravia Park Elementary School Immunization Clinic (The date for this event is still being determined)  Call the district's Student Support and Safety Department at 410-396-8904 for additional information or assistance Immunization Requirements

Yellow School Bus Information In an effort to ensure that all of our students living in various sub-communities within the neighborhood receive safe and timely transportation to school, the Baltimore City Public School Office of

23 Transportation has created various “Corner to Corner” yellow bus stops for student pick-up and drop- off.

If you live near any of the bus stops listed (pg 22-23), your child is eligible to receive free yellow bus transportation to and from school.

If you are interested in having your child ride the yellow bus, please locate the Yellow School Bus letter in the Appendix of this Handbook. Complete the perforated section at the bottom of the page, and return it to the School Transportation Coordinator immediately.

After completing this form, your child will be placed on the Moravia Park Elementary School Yellow Bus roster for his/her bus.

Yellow Bus Policies and Procedures

It is a privilege to ride the bus. Misbehaviors on the bus can result in suspension from the bus. Children are not permitted to be discharged or picked up from a bus stop other than his/her regular bus stop.

Bus Stop Behavior Behavior before the bus arrives in the morning, or after the bus discharges its passengers at the end of the day, is a community responsibility that should be shared by parents at a particular stop. To ensure proper behavior and safety, we suggest the following:

1. Do not send children to the bus stop too early in order to reduce incidents of inappropriate behavior. 2. It helps to have parents standing with children at the bus stop. You may wish to get together with other parents and arrange a rotating schedule of responsibility.

Yellow School Bus Rules Please review the following Yellow School Bus Rules with your children regularly:

1. The driver of the bus is in full control of the bus of the students. Students shall promptly obey the driver.

2. Students are directed to stand at least 10 feet away from the curb while waiting for the bus. 3. Students must be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. Buses will not wait for those who are late. 4. A seating chart will be used to assign students to seats. Students will be required to sit according to the seating chart each day. If necessary to promote order on the bus, the driver has the authority to reassign seats. 5. Students must remain seated when the bus is in motion. 6. Students must keep arms and heads inside of the windows. 7. Classroom conduct is to be observed at all times. There will be no loud talking, noises, or other means of disruption. 8. No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed.

24 9. Students who must cross the street, must cross then (10) feet in front of the bus. WALKING BEHIND THE BUS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 10. Students will ride only their assigned buses to and from school. The driver will not permit students to get off at another stop without written permission from his/her parent or the principal. 11. Parents assume responsibility for the students when such a request of misconduct, willful acts, pranks, etc., shall be paid for by student or his/her parent/guardian. 12. Large objects that cannot fit under a bus seat or be held in the student’s lap are not allowed. Other prohibited items include: glass bottles, toys, electronic devices, etc. 13. Weapons are strictly prohibited and would result in the immediate suspension from bus service.

Flagrant misbehavior will not be tolerated. Drivers are instructed to report such behavior to the school principal where appropriate action by the principal will be taken. Repeated misbehavior may result in temporary or permanent suspension of bus riding privileges.

Bus Stops (See Appendix for Yellow Bus Letter)

“ Cedonia” Bus #:

Stop # Corner Pick-Up Time 1 St Regis Road & Darien Road 8:21 AM 2 Darien Road & Scheering Road 8:25 AM 3 Darien Road & Laclede Road 8:30 AM

“ Bowleys Lane” Bus #:

Stop # Corner Pick-Up Time 1 Bowleys Lane & Truesdale 8:25 AM 2 Bowleys Lane & Bowland 8:30 AM 3 Parkside Drive & Conant Way 8:35 AM

“ Todd Ave.” Bus #:

Stop # Corner Pick-Up Time 1 Brehms Lane & Chesterfield Ave 8:10 AM 2 Sinclair Lane & Denview 8:15 AM 3 Todd Avenue & Seward Avenue 8:30 AM

25 “ Goodnow” Bus: #

Stop # Corner Pick-Up Time 1 4910 Gunther Avenue 8:11 AM 2 4903 Goodnow Road 8:12 AM 3 4910 Goodnow Road 8:15 AM 4 4927 Goodnow Road 8:21 AM 5 5015 Goodnow Road 8:28 AM 6 5018 Goodnow Road 8:32 AM 7 5006 Goodnow Road 8:38 AM 8 5106 Goodnow Road 8:44 AM 9 5314 Goodnow Road 8:46 AM

Crossing Guard Locations Students who walk to and from school should cross only at the crosswalk with the crossing guard or adhere to the traffic light signals at other intersections. The crossing guard schedule is as follows:

Location AM Schedule PM Schedule 6000 Moravia Rd. @ 6000 Moravia 8:20-9:45 AM 3:45-4:20 PM Park 6100 Frankford Ave. @ 5400 8:20-9:05 AM 3:35-4:05 PM Relcrest 5400 Force @ 5900 Frankford 8:20-9:05 AM 3:45-4:20 PM

26 Appendix I

Moravia Park Elementary School #105 6001 - 6201 Frankford Avenue Baltimore, MD 21206 Upper Bldg: TEL: (410) 396-9096 - FAX: (410) 396-8075 Lower Bldg: TEL: (410) 396-9294 - FAX: (410) 545-7872

“The Heart of the Community, the Home of Excellence!” Mrs. Tadem Daniels, Principal

July 29, 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians:

In an effort to ensure that all of our students living in various sub-communities within the neighborhood receive safe and timely transportation to school, the Baltimore City Public School Office of Transportation has created various “Corner to Corner” yellow bus stops for student pick-up and drop-off.

If you live near any of the communities listed on the back of this page, your child is eligible to receive free yellow bus transportation to and from school. If you are interested in having your child ride the yellow bus, please complete the perforated section at the bottom of the page, and return to the School Transportation Coordinator immediately. After completing this form, your child will be placed on the Moravia Park Elementary School Yellow Bus roster for his/her bus. This roster will enable:  the yellow bus drivers to know what students’ they are transporting daily,  school staff members to know what students ride each bus,  students to know what bus they ride each day. If there are any questions and/or concerns regarding this process feel free to contact Ms. Nakia Jones or Ms. DeShawn Williams, Moravia Park Elementary School Transportation Coordinators.


Tadem L. Daniels Principal

Please allow my child, ______, to be added to the roster for the

27 ______bus. He/she will board at bus stop ______. (list name: Bowley’s Lane, etc.)

Address: ______Phone #: ______

______Parent Signature Moravia Park Elementary School Supply List 2014-2015 School Year

Please note: All supplies will need to be replenished throughout the school year.

Prekindergarten Prekindergarten (Ms. Douglass only)

3 Boxes of tissue 3 Boxes of tissue 4 Bottles of hand sanitizer 4 Bottles of hand sanitizer 4 Bottles of liquid soap 4 Bottles of liquid soap 1 Box of gallon Ziploc bags (Girls) 1 Box of gallon Ziploc bags 1 Box of sandwich Ziploc bags (Boys) 1 Box of sandwich Ziploc bags 2 Spiral Notebooks 2 Spiral Notebooks 2 Boxes of Large Primary Crayola Crayons 2 Boxes of Large Primary Crayola Crayons 1 Pair of Primary scissors 1 Pair of Primary scissors 4 Packs of 3 Glue sticks 2 Bottles of Liquid Glue 2 Bottles of Liquid Glue 4 Containers of Clorox wipes 4 Containers of Clorox wipes 2 Rolls of Paper Towels 2 Rolls of Paper Towels 2 Packs of Paper Plates 2 Packs of Paper Plates 1 Plastic Pencil Box 2 Packs of large/fat Primary #2 Pencils 2 Packs of Black Dry Erase Markers 1 Plastic Pencil Box 1 Art Smock or Old Shirt 2 Packs of Black Dry Erase Markers 1 Pack of Playdoh (Playdoh Brand Only) 1 Art Smock or Old Shirt 1 Book Bag (No Wheels) 1 Pack of Playdoh (Playdoh Brand Only) 1 Complete Change of Clothes (Labeled) 1 (Ream) pack of white copy paper Pull-ups (If needed) 1 Book Bag (No Wheels) 2 Cans of Air Freshener 1 Change of Clothes (Labeled) List of Allergies (if applicable)

Kindergarten 1st Grade

2 Containers of Clorox Wipes 1 Homework Folder 1 Orange Folder – Classwork 8 Dry erase markers 1 Blue Folder – Writing 3 Packages of post it notes 1 Green Folder – Math

28 12 Wooden pencils 1 Pack Colored Dividers 1 Pack of Sheet Protectors 1 Box of crayons 2 Spiral Notebooks/Composition Books 1 Package of index cards 2 Packs of Wide Ruled Lined Paper 1 Pack of Copy Paper 8 Glue sticks 1 Pack of 3X5 Index Cards 1 Package of paper plates 1 Box of Binder Clips 1 Pencil Box 1 Package of napkins 1 Pack of Pencils 1 Pack of Erasers 3 Bottles of hand sanitizer 2 Boxes of Crayons 1 Child sized scissors 1 Box of Markers (optional) 1 Box of Colored Pencils (optional) 1 Package of Playdoh 2 Glue Sticks 1 Extra change of clothes 1 Pair of Scissors 1 Red Pen 2 Boxes of tissues 2 Dry Erase Markers and 1 Eraser 1 Box of sandwich zip lock bags 1 Highlighter 2 Packs of Sticky Notes 1 Quart size Ziploc bags 1 Container Lysol/Clorox Wipes Bottle of Hand Sanitizer 1 Box of large gallon size Ziploc bags. 1 3 Bottles of hand Soap 2 Marble composition notebooks (Please no 3 Boxes of Tissues spiral bound books) 1 Box of Gallon Size Baggies 1 Box of Sandwich/Quart Size Baggies 4 Take home folders 1 (Ream) pack of white copy paper 1 Container of baby wipes 1 (Ream) pack of white copy paper

*Please note: Kdg classrooms have Community Supplies, meaning we share our classroom supplies. Therefore NO pencil boxes are needed.

2nd Grade 3rd Grade

4 Two pocket folders 1 Box of #2 pencils 1 Package paper (wide lined ruled) 1 Pack of wide-ruled lined paper 4 Marble composition notebooks 5 Marble composition books 1 Box of pencils 3 Spiral notebooks 1 Box of crayons 4 Two-pocket folders 1 Highlighter 1 Ruler 1 Package dry erase markers 2 Highlighters 3 Glue sticks 1 Box of crayons

29 1 Bottle of liquid glue 1 Glue stick 1 Bottle of hand sanitizer 1 Pair of scissors 1 Bottle hand soap 1 Bottle of liquid glue 3 Boxes of tissue 3 Pack of post-it notes 1 (Ream) pack of white copy paper 1 Pack of colored pencils 1 Pencil pouch 1 Pencil sharpener with a cover 1 Backpack (NO WHEELS) 1 Container Clorox wipes 1 Container Clorox wipes 1 Pack of dry erase markers 2 Packs of 3X5 index cards 1 (Ream) pack of white copy paper 2 Packs of regular size post it notes 1 Pencil pouch 1 Box Ziplock bags (gallon size) 1 Backpack (NO WHEELS) 1 Box Ziplock bags (snack/sandwich size) 3 Boxes of tissue

4th Grade 5th Grade

2 Packs of 8 dividers 3 Boxes of tissue 1 Three inch binder 3 Glue Sticks 2 One inch binders 6 Folders with pockets 2 Packages of Dividers – 8 tabs No. 2 Pencils(1dz), 4 packages of wide ruled paper Erasers 2 packages of 3x3 post-it notes Colored pencils 1 Box of Crayola Crayons Ink Pens (Blue/Black) 3 Marble Composition Books Red and Green Ink Pen 1 Package of 36 ring reinforcements Report Covers (6) 1 Ruler (in. & cm.) Protractor 3 Glue Sticks Highlighter-yellow 1 Small glue Thesaurus & Dictionary for home use 1 Pair of scissors Loose-leaf binder (3 ring) w/dividers 1 Ink pens (blue or black) 3 Hole Punch that fits in binder 1 Erasable/green ink pen One 1inch notebook-blue 1 Highlighter-yellow Wide ruled notebook paper 1 Package of colored pencils 3 Marble Composition Books 1Package of #2 pencils (1 dz.) Crayola Crayons and Colored Pencils Extra erasers 12” Ruler (cm. and in.) Thesaurus & Dictionary (home use) Small Calculator Small Calculator 3 packs of index cards 1 Zipper pencil pouch 1 (Ream) pack of white copy paper 3 Hole Punch that fits in binder 1 Hand Sanitizer 3Boxes of tissues 4 Packages of 3X5 index cards/file box 1 Protractor 1 8 ½ x 11 clipboard 6 folders with pockets

30 1 (Ream) pack of white copy paper 3 Boxes of tissue

Students at Moravia Park Elementary School #105 are encouraged to come to school dressed neatly and cleanly. Moravia Park is a uniform school and all students are required to wear School Uniforms. Special clothing and fancy fashions are not needed in school.

Student Uniform colors: Khaki pants and navy shirts for boys and khaki skirts/jumpers/pants and navy blouses or shirts for girls.


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