Department of Recreation & Sport Pedagogy

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Department of Recreation & Sport Pedagogy

Ohio University Department of Recreation & Sport Pedagogy Physical Activity & Wellness Program (PAW)

Semester: Fall Course Name: PED 1000 Exercise & Cond. Year: 2014 Course ID: 5197 Section: 100 Instructor: Marc-Andre Maillet Day: M, W, F Office: Grover E192 Office Hours: M, W, F: 9:00 to 10:30 or by Time: 10:45am to 11:40am appointment Office Phone: (740) 593-4645 Location: Ping Center Email: mailto:[email protected]

Course Description: This course will teach how to build muscle, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness by using body weight baring exercises, aerobic exercises and circuits, and Nautilus equipment. Exercise and weight-room safety and etiquette will also be addressed. Physical participation in these workouts will be expected. Additionally, basic concepts of health and wellness will be covered in the online portion of this class.

Course Format: The course is a combination of online delivery and in class sport or activity participation. You will be asked to complete online readings and assignments as well as participate in the sport or activity. The course focuses on two areas: 1) sport or activity participation; 2) health and wellness. The health and wellness curriculum will be broken down into three separate content areas. The first being if you have never taken a PAW course. If you fall into the never category you will need to complete the Heath & Wellness I content. If this is the second time you have taken a PAW course you will need to complete the Heath & Wellness II content. If this is the third time you have taken a PAW course you will need to complete the Heath & Wellness III content.

Learning Outcomes:  Students will be able to identify the physiological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors that influence human well-being and affect the major health problems of our society  Students will be able to identify the components of health-related physical fitness and the relationship to personal health and wellness  Students will develop and enhance physical fitness through lifetime physical activity or sport participation.  Students will be able to identify how adopting healthy lifestyle practices will lead to lifelong fitness & wellness.

Required Materials: 1. Reliable internet connection 2. Computer Access 3. McGraw Hill Connect Materials a. FitWell b.

4. Appropriate attire **If you have questions or technical issues involving McGraw Hill Connect please customer care at 1-800-331-5094.

Equipment & Attire: Appropriate dress must be worn at all classes. Acceptable dress includes: supportive workout or tennis shoes, socks, athletic shorts, pants or spandex, t-shirts, long-sleeve shirts. Unacceptable dress includes: inappropriate footwear (hiking boots, sandals, worn out shoes, etc.) street clothes such as: jeans, overalls, dress clothes, clothing in disrepair, dirty clothing, clothing with immodest exposure, and clothing advertising alcohol and/or illicit drugs. Students who are inappropriately dressed for lab activity will not be allowed to participate and will not be eligible for any points associated with the class.

Course Evaluation:

Assignment Point Value Approx. % Attendance & Participation 55 39 Quizzes & Assignments 50 36 Final Exam 35 25 Total 140 100%

The following scale will determine final grades: A 93-100 C 73-76 A- 90-92 C- 70-72 B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69 B 83-86 D 63-66 B- 80-82 D- 60-62 C+ 77-79 F Below 60

Assignments:  Attendance & Participation- Attendance is necessary in order to get the most out the learning experience. In addition, just showing up is not enough. You are expected to actively engage, in a positive manner, in the activity, while demonstrating good sportsmanship and fair play. If you are not fully participating according to the expectations of the instructor, they reserve the right to count you as absent for the day. There will be points associated with each day class is held. If you miss class with an unexcused absence, you will not receive the points for the day. Attendance will not be counted during the first week due to the drop/add period. Therefore, if the class meets 12 times each day of class is worth 3.75 points towards your final grade.

 Quizzes & Assignments- The quizzes will be based on content from the eBook and completed on a weekly basis. The quizzes will be administered online and need to be completed by Friday at 5pm, no exceptions. In addition, to weekly quizzes other assignments will be given to assess student learning. No late quizzes or assignments will be accepted.

 Final Exam- The exam will be comprehensive in nature covering information from both the ebook and in class information. The exam will be administered during the final week the class meets.

Academic Dishonesty & Plagiarism: Submitting the work of other students as your own, engaging in academic dishonesty or plagiarism in any form will result in penalties ranging from an F on the assignment and in the course to reporting the matter to University Judiciaries, depending on the seriousness of the offense. Plagiarism includes copying the work of another student (previous student, or another student in the class), and it also includes copying material from a book, journal, or web page or obtaining a paper from an Internet or World Wide Web source. See the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct for more information on this expectation:

Medical Issues: If you have any questions regarding your ability to participate in the activity due to medical reasons please contact a physician. If you need special, accommodations for medical reasons please notify staff.

Special Needs: Every effort will be made to accommodate unique learning needs of individual students. Please inform the instructor of any special needs you may have.

Safety: Standard safety guidelines should be followed at all times during the activity portion of this course. Any violation of safety guidelines set forth by the instructor and/or facility may result in you being dropped from the course and/or in receiving a failing grade.

 The instructor reserves the right to change or modify any and all aspects of this syllabus Tentative Course Outline:

Date H &W I H & W II H & W III Week 1 -None -None -None

Week 2 -Chapter 1: Intro -Chapter 1: Intro -Chapter 1:Intro -Quiz 1 -Quiz 1 -Quiz 1

Week 3 -Chapter 2: Positive - Chapter 7: Body - Chapter 4: Cardio Choices Composition Fitness -Quiz 2 - Quiz 7 - Quiz 4

Week 4 -Chapter 3: - Chapter 8: Nutrition - Chapter 5: Muscle Fundamentals of Basics Fitness Physical Fitness - Quiz 8 - Quiz 5 -Quiz 3

Week 5 - Chapter 10: Stress - Chapter 9: Your total - Chapter 6: - Quiz 10 diet Flexibility - Quiz: 9 - Quiz 6

Week 6 - Chapter 13: Substance - Chapter 11: Chronic - Chapter 12: Use and Abuse Diseases Infectious Diseases -Quiz 13 -Quiz 11 - Quiz 12

Week 7 Cumulative Final Cumulative Final Cumulative Final

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