Ruddington Parish Council

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Ruddington Parish Council




Membership Councillors D.J. Hall Chairman A K.S. Piggott Vice-Chairman Mrs. K.R. Bassett Miss S.A. Chambers A P. Lyons-Lewis P.F. McGowan A J.V. Norton Mrs. B. Venes

Persons absent are marked ‘A’ Persons representing the Parish Council on other business are marked ‘O’


Councillors Mrs. B. Breakwell W.A. Wood Mrs. J.A. Goodbody Clerk to the Council Mrs. L.M. Cooke Deputy Clerk R.S. Shelbourn Senior Groundsman C. Churches Groundsman 2 representatives from Proludic (Children’s Play Equipment Suppliers)


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors P. Lyons- Lewis, K.S. Piggott and J.V. Norton.


Councillor Mrs. B.M. Venes declared an interest in any item appertaining to the Allotments.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th November 2008, having been previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.


Village Hall Roof (Vide Minute A. 08/688)

The Clerk advised that the alterations and repairs to the roof had recently

been carried out satisfactorily. During the progression of the work the contractor discovered several joists which had rotted, particularly in the 1 ACTION area above the main boiler which he replaced at no extra cost. He had also installed some insulation in the roof above the boiler in an endeavour to stop this recurring in the future. Members noted this information.

Bowling Green (Vide Minute A. 08/700)

The Clerk reported that very soon after the last meeting of the Committee there was considerable further damage caused to the bowling green by foxes. The Chairman therefore consulted with Members of the Committee and it was agreed to go ahead with the installation of an electric fence around the bowling green at a cost of approximately £615.00 plus VAT. The work was carried out in January 2009. Members noted this information.

The Clerk reported that following a written request, County Councillor Reg Adair had presented the Parish Council with a cheque in the sum of £250 towards the cost of the electric fencing. She advised that a letter had been sent to Councillor Adair thanking him for his generous donation.


There were no members of the public present and therefore no motion for adjournment was made.


New Applications


That the observations contained in Planning Schedule 594 be adopted.

A. 09/704 PLAY AREAS

Rushcliffe Play Builders Project

Copies of correspondence, together with details of all the bids submitted for consideration in the Play Builders Project for funding during the year 2009/2010, had previously been circulated to Members.

The Chairman expressed his disappointment that Ruddington had been unsuccessful in the current round of funding, particularly as the bid had been put together at such short notice and appeared to meet all the criteria. Ruddington’s bid will go forward to the next round for funding in 2010-2011, and during the interim period additional consultation will take place. It was pointed out that the consultation information used in the original bid had been taken from the Deighton Report which was produced approximately 5 years ago.

The Senior Groundsman expressed his disappointment at the result of the bid, but thanked everyone concerned in putting the document 2 ACTION together, especially those Parish Councillors who had been involved and Proludic who had come up with an acceptable scheme at very short notice.


That the above information be noted.

Future Development of Play Areas within the Parish

Members discussed other play areas within the parish and agreed that Vicarage Lane Play Area should be the first area to be considered for development. The Clerk advised that the majority of the current equipment had been installed in 2001. The Chairman reported that he had discussed with an Officer at the Borough Council the possibility of the Parish Council using the Section 106 money from the Camelot Street Development for development of Vicarage Lane Play Area. The Officer had advised that provided a viable plan is put forward to the Borough Council for consideration he saw no problem in the Section 106 funding being made available for such a project.

The Chairman explained that although it had been hoped to use the Section 106 money towards the Elms Park Play Area Scheme, because of the unsuccessful bid to the Play Builder Project, this money could be used to refurbish Vicarage Lane Play Area, and by the time the Elms Park Scheme is re-submitted there should be sufficient money in the Renewals & Repairs Equipment Fund to provide additional funding for that project.

With this in mind, the Chairman had requested Proludic, a local manufacturer/ installer of children’s play equipment, to come up with a scheme which could be installed at Vicarage Lane at a cost of approximately £26,500.

Two representatives from Proludic were in attendance at the meeting and were invited to present their proposals to Members. The proposed scheme divides the fenced area into two separate sections with a tarmac path running through the centre to enable easy access for prams and wheelchair users and includes the following:-

Fenced Area for Younger Children

. The two existing swing frames (2 x cradle swings & 2 x seat swings) to remain in situ but new seats/chains may be required (cost not included in scheme) . The existing climbing frame to be removed by the Parish Council . The existing bark surface to be removed by the Parish Council . The existing fencing to remain in situ, but low level boards to be installed by the Parish Council inside the fence as a retainer for the new loose fill safety surface

. Supply & Install all works associated with the tarmac paths 3 ACTION . Supply & install a new climbing unit (Diabolo Multiplay Unit) which incorporates a climbing wall, net, deck, bridge etc . Supply & install new 2-person springer (Chicken Springer) . Supply & install flat deck roundabout (Speed Gyro)

Area outside fencing for Older Children (8-12 yrs)

. Supply & install a skateboard simulator (Aeroskate) . Supply & install giant spiral (Gyrospiral) . The existing trim-trail to remain in situ . The existing embankment slide to remain in situ Members agreed that it would be beneficial to appoint a working group to discuss the proposals in detail and report back to the next meeting of the Committee. The Chairman advised that both himself and Councillor J.V. Norton would very much like to serve on the working group, together with the Senior Groundsman Richard Shelbourn. He also suggested that Councillor Mrs. B. Breakwell would be an asset to the working group particularly in view of her having been closely associated with young children and schools. Members agreed that the four people suggested form the working group.


That the following Councillors and Staff form a working group to discuss the proposals put forward in respect of Vicarage Lane Play Area, together with the future of play areas in the parish:-

Councillors J.V. Norton D.J. Hall Mrs. B. Breakwell Senior GroundsmanR. Shelbourn

The Chairman thanked the two representatives from Proludic for producing the original scheme for Elms Park Play Area in such a short space of time and for attending the meeting and they subsequently left.

A. 09/705 JUBILEE CLUBHOUSE PROJECT (Vide Minute C. 09/1163)

Councillor W.A. Wood reported that a meeting had recently been held with the JCP Committee in order to discuss the arrangements for passing on to the Parish Council the funding which they currently hold. A further meeting is planned for mid-march.

The Clerk advised that a meeting is being held on Friday 13th February 2009 at Jubilee Clubhouse to go through the outstanding snagging issues with the Architect and contractor.

Councillor W.A. Wood reported on his attendance at the Licensing Committee Hearing at Rushcliffe Borough Council in respect of the application for a premises licence for the new Jubilee Clubhouse. He 4 ACTION explained that the objector who was in attendance at the hearing was very vociferous and following a lengthy adjournment, the Committee finally agreed to grant the licence, but with conditions which must be adhered to. The conditions state:

1. All external doors/windows must be kept closed other than for access and egress in all rooms when events involving amplified speech or music are taking place. 2. In respect of every function to be held on the premises, the parish council shall ensure that a representative of the parish council is appointed to oversee compliance with the conditions of the licence

and in particular those relating to the closure of windows and doors, and the licensing hours.

The Clerk reported that she had received a letter from the Architect advising that planning approval had received from Rushcliffe Borough Council for the new lighting in the car park at the Jubilee Clubhouse. However the letter advised that they are going to have to supply three no. different light fittings, or shield the lamps accordingly, along the boundary to minimise light spillage.


1. That the above information be noted.

2. That the Council’s thanks be expressed to Councillor W.A. Wood who so ably represented the Parish Council at the Licensing Committee Hearing.

A. 09/706 CRICKET (Vide Minute A. 08/696)

The Clerk reported that no further information had been received from Ruddington Cricket Club in respect of their ‘vision’ for the future.


That the above information be noted.

A. 09/707 SHAW STREET CEMETERY (Vide Minutes A. 08/697 & F.09/857))

Copies of correspondence from Rushcliffe Borough Council in respect of the current situation regarding charges levied on local residents for the upkeep of Shaw Street Cemetery had previously been circulated to Members.

Members noted that a charge of £3290 is levied to cover the 18 cuts per year, plus a charge of £3215.43 per year to cover the repayment of the debt owing for work undertaken to the walls, gravestones, trees and paths.

The Clerk advised that discussions had taken place with the Parish Council’s D.L.O to ascertain the cost involved if the Parish Council took 5 ACTION over maintenance of Shaw Street Cemetery. It would appear that the costs involved would be far in excess of the current charge levied by the Borough Council and Members therefore agreed not to proceed with this further at the moment.

It was agreed, however, that the Parish Council should monitor the number of cuts carried out by the Borough Council at Shaw Street Cemetery over the coming season. The Clerk was also requested to seek clarification from the Borough Council as to exactly what the grounds maintenance specification for Shaw Street covers.


1. That the above information be noted.

2. That clarification be sought from Rushcliffe Borough Council on the specification for grounds maintenance at Shaw Street Cemetery. JG


Copies of notes prepared by the Clerk/Deputy Clerk had previously been circulated to Members. The Clerk explained that over recent months there has been a considerable increase in the number of requests to hold 12th/13th Birthday Parties. The parties mainly take place on a Friday or Saturday evening and one or two have resulted in considerable mess being left by the hirers which subsequent hirers have had to attend to before their own activity can commence. It is unreasonable, and not cost effective, to employ the Cleaner to attend at weekends and although a charge has been made to the hirer to cover the expenses incurred it is felt that the inconvenience to other hirers will have a negative effect. For these reasons, it is recommended that children’s parties be limited up to and including maximum age 11. This will bring it in line with children leaving junior school and going up to senior school.

Members considered the implications in allowing 12th/13th Birthday Parties and agreed that the maximum age permitted be 11.


That the maximum age limit for Children’s Birthday Parties be 11 years old with immediate effect. JG


Copies of correspondence from P.R. Hartley Ltd. giving details of the periodic electrical testing results at Parish Council facilities, together with a summary sheet showing the costs involved with remedial work required, had previously been circulated to Members.

6 ACTION The Clerk advised that the cost of the remedial work required at the Maintenance Unit could be met from the current budget for electrical testing but the remedial work required at St. Peter’s Rooms would have to be met from the Renewals & Repairs Premises Fund.


1. That the remedial work required to enable certification to be increased from 1 year to 5 years be authorised. JG

2. That the cost of the remedial work at St. Peter’s Rooms be met JG from the Renewals & Repairs Premises Fund.

A. 09/710 REPORTS

Fence on northern boundary to Allotments

Councillor Mrs. B.M. Venes reported that despite the Parish Council having agreed to the request from a local resident it would appear that the fencing has been erected incorrectly. The resident had been advised in writing in August 2008 that the Parish Council had discussed his request to erect a fence and agreed the following resolution “that permission be granted to install a sympathetic fence at the end of Brookside Road, on the highway side of the current allotment boundary hedge, provided sufficient space is left at the base of the fencing to allow wildlife to gain access to the allotments area”. It would appear that the original chestnut fencing has been rolled back and three 6 foot panels of fencing have been erected on the south side of the boundary, with the hawthorn hedge either being on the north side of the fencing or removed altogether. Members agreed that the Clerk should write to the resident concerned pointing out that it would appear that he has not complied with the Parish Council’s agreed resolution and asking for his comments. JG

Landmere Lane

Councillor P.F. McGowan advised that he was endeavouring to ascertain from Rushcliffe Borough Council why the ‘underpass’ from Landmere Lane which runs under the A52 Ring Road had been blocked up. It is understood that the underpass was used by walkers who wished to cross to the other side of the A52 in a safe manner. To date he has not received a response from the Borough Council.

The Clerk suggested that this matter should be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting of the Parish Council’s Environment & Community Committee, and this was agreed. JG



1. Jubilee Clubhouse Project 2. Cricket Nets 3. Play Areas

The meeting closed at 9.02 pm


Committee Chairman


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